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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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This needs to be investigated by police immediately.

Well I wouldn't hold my breath.

We haven't seen a single policeman for more than a week,

until yesterday, when those in black turned up to look at the Stock Exchange.

I believe the BiB took the PM at his word when he gave the country the week off work.

This erstwhile Millwall supporter will be a totem to show that the Central World arson

was all foreign instigated and not home grown.

As for the British Embassy getting involved & doing something pro-active,

better wait until they traipse back from the beaches sometime next week.

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I've been patiently waiting for the moron who opined that this undereducated, abusive and foul mouthed simian was a Cockney make a retraction. I doubt that said moron even knows where Bow Bells are.

I note that those from the UK who have or had the misfortune to live north of Luton have to chip in derogatory remarks about 'soft Southerners" probably out of the inferior complexes that are so common in the natives of their areas. Hitler's Luftwaffe didn't find the Londoners very soft targets, neither did those so very brave Yorkshire miners who pushed their women to the fore when confronted by a London copper during their violent protests against a sensible business decision by the Govenment.

It has been reported that the would be looter abnd arsonist hails from Tonbridge. For the geographically challenged allow me to tell you that Tonbridge is in Kent, some might consider it 'stockbroker country', and it is about an hours train ride into London.

Then can be no doubt that Pattaya attracts the dregs of humanity and my guess, based on a long term residency (in Jomtien), is that the largest contingent of those are fellow Brits but it is debatable whether they form the majority or not. I would not be at all surprised if a large proportion of the the UK lowlives are on the run from the H.M. Customs and Revenue, credit card companies and banks, and other creditors. However it is worth pointing out that Pattaya consists of much more that the hel_l holes bounded by Soi 2, Beach Road, Walking Street and 2nd Road. Remove yourself from such and you will meet sensible, polite people, many from the UK, quietly enjoying their lives without disrupting the peace of others.

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

Wasn't he committing a criminal act subject to 2-years in jail just for being there and refusing the lawful orders of authorities to vacate the area????

I don't expect he will be in the country for long. Hopefully, he'll spend a few days in jail before he goes.

I hope he spent a few years in a Thai jail before he goes! :)

Well, I think leave him alone is better. Thailand is still in hel_l. If Thailand cannot deal with its own people, why have to waste time to deal with someone so unimportant? Be focus to deal with the real issues. Thai economy, Thai jobs, .... more to go. If Thai authorities are trying to treat him badly, then I can see how stupid Thai government is. Please take care of Thai first, make sure no more burning the important building. I am worry the International airports. Can you imagine no international airports in Thailand? Horrible! Now you can see, no international standard shopping malls in Bkk now. Well, it takes years to build a new one but it takes few hours to burn it down. Take care and good luck Thailand.

Leave the stupid farang alone and spend your energy to deal with red shirts. God bless

Why are you so quick to let this guy go

are you involved to

1) this guy knows a lot about plans and should be made to tell all he knows

2) Thai police have not come out of this looking rosy, so they will be looking for a scape goat to take the heat of them

A nice Farlang who has already admitted he is guilty

There is just what the Thai police need and want


This guy was actually shown in a clip on BBC World News early during the week, shown running across a road. He was talking to the BBC reporter then - something about helping the red's.


This is unfortunately the result of American hoodlum HollyWood movies, violent video games made in America, gangster rap music made in the good ol U.S of A....it is brainwashing the world, the usually peaceful, fun loving europenas are paying the toll heavily due to this imported mind altering thuggery.

We must end this now!

“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

Throw him in jail for being extremely stupid, then put him on a plane with a "do not return stamp" on his passport. Ignorance is no excuse for a Brit to become involved in Thai Politics.

My wife (Who is Thai) commented on various websites on the recent General election in the UK. By your (mad) reasoning I should call for her to be thrown in jail for being extremely stupid. After all ignorance is no excuse for a Thai to become involved in British politics.

Are you saying your wife wanted criminal actions to happen again the English people

As I am married also to a Thai I do not think so

If she did, then you had better watch out, you may be next in her sights

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

Would you have a problem with a minority expat from, let' say, India or China, verbally inciting anarchy and property destruction in your home country?

Yoshiwara has been a calm and rational voice against the reds and he is NOT supporting this idiot or defending what he said. He IS saying that if in fact it was against the law in Thailand then he should face the consequences.


“I hold my hands up — it was me, and I’m ashamed that I lost my temper,” he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. “I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we’re going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic.”

Many ways to describe his outburst in the video, but one thing he was certainly not is "being sarcastic". I imagine he doesn't really know what sarcastic means. Total moron.

Steroids?? Hmmm... quite possibly something a little bit stronger...

For those who haven't seen the video: It was very clear that he said that they planned to loot Central World and then set it on fire (covers all tracks, good idea!!). He said "we" meaning the red shirts. He was pretty enraged, maybe on Yaba, or maybe just steroids, who knows. Very clear that he was in on those plans.... I am not saying he did then actually go and participate, just saying he clearly knew they were planning this and _wanted_ to be part of it.

This is unfortunately the result of American hoodlum HollyWood movies, violent video games made in America, gangster rap music made in the good ol U.S of A....it is brainwashing the world, the usually peaceful, fun loving europenas are paying the toll heavily due to this imported mind altering thuggery.

We must end this now!

Who do we blame for thugery and war in the early 20th century? Vera Lynn?

This guy obviously wins the gold, but in fact there have been a steady stream of euro and commonwealth nutters taking the red side, wearing red paraphanalia, cheering at RatchaP, even talking on stage.

Shining examples all of the demented mentality of the left wing european, completely ignorant that his sordid theft centric ideology is unwelcome outside the moral hel_l hole of Europe.

Commonwealthers like Ozzies are not European! Even Americans cannot claim they are European or even commonwealthers - they can only claim that almost all their culture and origins are European - so get over it!

Do you understand english?

I wrote "euro AND commonwealth", OBVIOUSLY implying they are not the same thing.

if only the left were educated...then they wouldnt be leftists.

Here are some corrections to your English:

1. Start sentences with a capital letter.

2. Wouldn't has an apostrophe.

3. English has a capital letter.

And I'm only an uneducated leftist :)


he's defense could be he was just screaming out part of arismans speech from the night before...

and he wanted ithe message to get out to english language western media...

and a couple of bottles of good whisky for the bib.....

if it had been released at the time and played on cnn or bbc, all the yellows on here would of lapped it up coz it would of backed up their cause with the info/propaganda war and on western media which would of been an extra bonus coz you were and are losing that one big time...

but now theres to much other stuff going on with the aftermath...

Well todays Sun newspaper in the UK is saying old jeffy boy is being looked for,......http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2981264/Find-Brit-thug-of-bloody-Bangkok.html
OFF TOPIC! That looks to be quite a creditable rag! :)
This is a blow to all westerners regardless of their opinions. There will be a long memory of what he has said and done. Imagine if a Thai had been observed in these same circumstances saying the same things in a western country. it would forever color the way the citizens would view Thais in their country.

But then again it really is true that there are foreigners here who have these opinions and behave this way. Thailand is a great magnet for the worlds outcasts and malcontents. It gives us all more reason to work against the image by being productive and helpful to the nation and it's people.

yes, where were the snipers when they were really needed!

This is unfortunately the result of American hoodlum HollyWood movies, violent video games made in America, gangster rap music made in the good ol U.S of A....it is brainwashing the world, the usually peaceful, fun loving europenas are paying the toll heavily due to this imported mind altering thuggery.

We must end this now!

Euro hooliganism in the world at large predates the founding of America by a couple of centuries.

Having said that, I am in complete agreement that shutting down left wing hollywood and its spin offs

would make the world better off. Its entirely possible that nutcases like the British Rambo described here were unduly influenced by the sources you suggest.

I don't expect he will be in the country for long. Hopefully, he'll spend a few days in jail before he goes.

He and all of the other Falangs that participated in the mayhem should be charged with TERROISM and left to ROT in a THAI jail forever!!!!

the only difference between his red shirt type hate threatening violence, we hate them rant

and some of the kill them all, send back to the rice fields, they got no rights etc etc we hate them, strong violent force is the only answer, type hate violence rants on this forum by posters,

is he did it at the former red shirt site in front of a video camera, knowing probaly it will end up on you tube for the whole world to see him and could come back on him like it has,,

but ppl on here do from the comfort of their armchair, behind their pc screen,,,where their invisable to everyone, so can shout their mouth off and scream and insult without no fear that it will come back on them apart from getting suspended or banned from the forum but can always come back under a different alias and carrty on where they left off,,their probaly the ones who wouldnt say boo to a goose in the real world

so i know which one has more bulls!

You're right, I sold my herd! If you were actually referring to testicles, it is a shame that people with the mentality of this person of the cretin are allowed to breed - it only perpetuates the problem. But he was a red, so the apologists must stick up for him.

He said that he would be disappointed if sent to prison. I hope that he is severely disappointed. I also hope that a civil suit is successful and they take every brass razoo that he possesses - unless of course he has more than $31 million, which I very much doubt.

I think living under military rule is going to some people's heads. The idiot threw a stick on the ground and shouted some nonsense to a bemused American. There's no evidence he committed any crime or incited anyone to do likewise.

I believe the fact that he was taking part in the protest was in and of itself a violation of the SOE. I also seem to remember the government saying that any farang caught taking part in the protest would be deported and blacklisted.

Seems the right thing to do is throw him in jail for 1 year for the violation of the SOE then deport him. Unless it can be shown he actually took place in the arson.


You can see this guy is passionate about the red cause, he is just emotional maybe because he has witnessed so many people being shot???

Us Red Shirts feel strongly about this country and the way it should go. if you don't like it then go home and don't come back.

In my USA it was years before we had democracy and now every country in the world want the USA democracy.


After having the opportunity to sleep on this and having a cool head again, I do pity this man a little. Watching this video initially made me feel extreme anger towards him, and while his involvement is with the red shirts is obvious, there is zero evidence to point him to any kind of arson. I just wonder why he felt so compelled about joining their ranks and being so excited about the destruction of this beautiful city.

The man is only 48 years old, he still have several years to grown up. It is good that mothers overlook many faults of their children, but this one would likely be pushing his father's understanding. Experiment gone bad, springs to mind.

but now Mum thinks "i should have given his Daddy a blowjob!" :)


Any foreigners who get caught up in Thai politics should be sent back to their home country, whether they support reds or yellows. Foreigners have no power to vote in their adopted country and should keep their noses out of Thai affairs on all levels. To watch this idiot on BBC made me cringe, a grown man looking like a complete Tw@t.

To label all farangs in Pattaya as shaven headed, steroid using morons is totally uncalled for and derogatory. I for one do not fit this stereotype and neither do any of my friends and associates. There is an element of truth in as much as you do see people described as above, but you also see these muscle heads in Bangkok too.

People give so much bad press to Pattaya, when they should be looking a bit closer to their own front doors. Like many things in Pattaya, you can avoid it if you want to. Not everyone living here is a sex mad, mongering alcholic, sure there are some but you're likely to find the same type of people in Bangkok or anywhere else for that matter.

Kwan ork hoo!!! :)

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