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Please Get A Grip On These Forums


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Guys, you really need to get a better grip on moderating the News and General forums.

I've been a ThaiVisa member since 2002, but I have never seen such a level of openly abusive and childish posts as is occurring now.

Whilst Thailand is trying to move on after the terrible events of the past few days, ThaiVisa threads/posts seems to have got permanently stuck in a groove of abuse and threats against Thaksin, his supporters, Red Shirts, Issan people - in fact anyone who does not agree with the views of the person who posts his/her comments.

Posters are personally insulted and threatened. It is impossible to carry on any decent level of discussion.

Why are such posters not banned? It cannot benefit ThaiVisa in any way to allow these types of posts to be published. It makes your forum look totally unprofessional.

I know that many posters feel strongly about recent events. But if they are unable to control their feelings, then they should not be allowed to post - end of story.


PS - I very much appreciate the efforts of the mods, but your work load would be greatly reduced if you banned posters who break the rules and require new registrees a 7-day grace period before they can post :)

Edited by simon43
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thank god it's going South Simon. From what I am reading things aren't the best up north right now.

She'll be right mate. i don't think it is that bad. or am I missing something?

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I agree, the usual lightly barbed banter has given way to hostile and often personal attacks just because someone has a different point of view. It's got to the point that, as someone on another thread commented, the days of ThaiVisa social gathering are all but over. With the level of animosity that exists all you need is to add alcohol to a face to face meet and you'll have a brawl.

Or maybe not when those keyboard warriors find themselves unable to swing a punch because they daren't let go of the Zimmer frame. :)

Funniest thing is that all the arguements rage and it doesn't matter a jot.

I have to admit I got worked up a bit myself by some of the comments but I just retired to Bedlam and popped up once in a while to read some of the other, non-political, stuff.

btw I've not seen any threats directed by members at Thaksin. Now that is a laugh, obviously the beer bar special forces have signed up just to keep tabs on their target. Not so much The Day of the Jackal but the WeakEnd of the Soi Dog.

PS I think the mods haven't done bad, if they'd really applied their zero tolerance policy there'd be only the two of you left posting.

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Fortunately you didn't marry the forum Simon, nor did you buy it a botique hotel, so its easy just to use the door.

HOWEVER Personally, I think its partly you're responsiblity to remain on the forum and lead by example on how it should be done. You are afterall someone that has been around the traps for a while now. :D

It does appear though, there has certainly been an influx of fairly strange posters here, it would be interesting to see the 'suspended poster' list and from that one could probably work out who a few of these newbies really are.

If only everyone could be a bit more like me :):D

PS: Your member details actually indicate you're joining date as 2-1-2003 (please don't cook the books)

Edited by neverdie
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Fortunately you didn't marry the forum Simon, nor did you buy it a botique hotel, so its easy just to use the door.

HOWEVER Personally, I think its partly you're responsiblity to remain on the forum and lead by example on how it should be done. You are afterall someone that has been around the traps for a while now. :D

It does appear though, there has certainly been an influx of fairly strange posters here, it would be interesting to see the 'suspended poster' list and from that one could probably work out who a few of these newbies really are.

If only everyone could be a bit more like me :):D

PS: Your member details actually indicate you're joining date as 2-1-2003 (please don't cook the books)

ahhhh only if it was Mangosauce........ the good ole days of letting er rip, huh Never? :D

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Actually, by letting people get away with a little more than usual and allowing them to blow of steam at this stressful time, TV is probably doing a lot of good from a mental health perspective. :) Anyway, many of the very new members and long time members who haven't posted in years but are once again very active will very soon disappear back into the woodwork not to be heard from again until the next incident rattles their collective cage.

I must admit that despite not being a very active poster, I have posted things this week (mild compared to many others) that I wouldn't have posted in untroubled times.

I also would like to see a list of those who have been issued temporary bans. It is disconcerting to say the least when some poster says that he has repeatedly said something on TV for the past few years but but his member details indicate he is a newbie who has posted only three times before. Also the writing style of some of these new posters seems to be very familiar. How can that possibly be? :D

Despite all the rancour, hate, racism, etc. etc, I have been on TV nearly all week keeping abreast of developments while unable to get to the office. Can't thank TV enough for the service it has provided. Just been informed that the office will be open on Monday, hurray.

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One way....

It appears to me, and without scientific study, just simple appearances, that a lot of the posts which I believe you feel should not be allowed, are from supposed Newbies.

If the board can disallow posts on certain forums until someone has been a member for a specific length of time, it may get rid of a lot of these fake-newbie posts.....

Just an idea... no idea if is is either feasible or fair.

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Perhaps someone can tell me how to use the Report feature, since this seems a good way to report those who are making personal attacks on others. Although I'm logged in, clicking on 'Report' simply returns an error message. Is this function working?


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Hi, we've had a bit of a discussion on this among the mods and Simon, while it is a discussion of moderation it raises some points that I think you as members of this forum need to consider.

its easy enough to say "guys, you need to get a grip on the news and general" but you have to consider the volume of posts that have been hitting the mods. And so I turn this back and say, "guys, you need to pitch in and do something to help make this forum the place you want it to be".

The report button is on the lower left hand side of each post. If you see something objectionable, click it. Give a reason in the box.

Start threads about things that are not trollish, that are interesting. Instead of telling us we have to get a grip when we have been overwhelmed, do something proactive.


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Start threads about things that are not trollish, that are interesting. Instead of telling us we have to get a grip when we have been overwhelmed, do something proactive.

I've tried that approach, as well as trying to 'distract' with some humour, both of which failed.

From simon43:

I've been a ThaiVisa member since 2002, but I have never seen such a level of openly abusive and childish posts as is occurring now.

I agree but I think it is as a result of the massive influx of newbies, who only seem interested in constantly waffling & venting about anything & everything political.

I hope 'normal' conversation returns soon.

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I'm all for allowing it to run free from mods.

Yes, there are some childish posts. But you soon learn who these people are and I don't even read their silly-ness except to glance over it quickly (in case they changed?)

But, the other extreme (censorship) is worse. I've been involved in a forum where they went through a period of extreme censorship and lost most of their followers.

When a poster continues to berate another as if it's a grudge match, they are simply showing their true colors and lose a lot of respect in my eyes anyway.

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Without doubt the smartest idea was running the daily information closed thread........interesting and informative

Any other threads only required an occasional visit to verify they were still running the repetitive treadmill

I've read a couple of books while still fully appraised of the situation at all times

Thanks guys

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simon , people should be allowed to express their views on t.v ( within the boundaries obviously ) why shouldnt they be , really, whats your problem with it ?

Edited by dmax
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There are more and more Silly post, Maybe I post a few, But at least I am active on the forum. I suspect that there are a lot of people that do not post, just lerk in the back ground because they have had there fingers burnt from harsh replys to there posts. Some times a bit of humour would not go a miss.

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I'm all for allowing it to run free from mods.

I disagree. I have been, and still am, a contributor to other forums (one mentioned above) that have lax or no moderation and they descend into a decaying haystack amongst which there might, just might, be a piece of useful information. Alternatively, as happened to the one above, they get hijacked by a couple of verbose people who post extrememly long replies rambling on and on getting nowhere but boosting their own ego (ego on an anonymous forum).

ThaiVisa may not be the anarchic playground you would like it to be but it is a good source of information and long may it remain so.

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There are more and more Silly post, Maybe I post a few, But at least I am active on the forum. I suspect that there are a lot of people that do not post, just lerk in the back ground because they have had there fingers burnt from harsh replys to there posts. Some times a bit of humour would not go a miss.

What..... you are saying a harsh reply causes your keyboard to burst into flames..... :) ...... :D

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Whilst Thailand is trying to move on after the terrible events of the past few days, ThaiVisa threads/posts seems to have got permanently stuck in a groove of abuse and threats against Thaksin, his supporters, Red Shirts, Issan people - in fact anyone who does not agree with the views of the person who posts his/her comments.

Bearing in mind what has happened in the last few weeks, i think a backlash against those who continue to defend the actions of a terrorist group and its criminal leader was to be expected. That said, there's no place for abusive posts.

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There are more and more Silly post, Maybe I post a few, But at least I am active on the forum. I suspect that there are a lot of people that do not post, just lerk in the back ground because they have had there fingers burnt from harsh replys to there posts. Some times a bit of humour would not go a miss.

What..... you are saying a harsh reply causes your keyboard to burst into flames..... :) ...... :D

Thats exactly what I mean a bit of Fun. There are some tetchy Souls out there,

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my take on it!

tv is much like the country this forum was set up to talk about. the so called ruling classes with there high post counts, short and sharp dismissive remarks about things they dont agree with. with the attitude of well ive been a member for blah lah how many years. against the lower class low post count members that have suddenly found their voice. they wont go away, they will say what they feel and if it puts your nose out of joint and rocks the boat so to speak, TUFF!(not all are new to thailand just because they have started to post on thaivisa). so dont try and take the moral high ground with them.

the admin/mods are a bit like a certain family we are not allowed to discuss, everyone has to respect them and listen to what they say, but in the end, they can only go on whats going on around them and try and steer posters in the wright direction.

this forum needs its life long high post count members, just like thailand needs the ruling classes money, but without a constant influx of new members posting topics and adding to discussion with their opinions, ie the rural working classes that produce the rice that feeds the mouths of this country. this forum would go "tits up"

reason because people dont like to listen to the same old self opinionated crap.

we are all members, just like all the citizens of this country, with an equal voice. no one is more important than anyone else, we all have an important role to play. understand that and we might just get on a little better.

for all of you that dont like what i said, do i care? no! to me your a user name with an avatar. get over it! its a forum for god sake.

Edited by tigerfish
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sbk - as I stated in my previous post, when I click on the 'Report' dropdown option, all I get is a error webpage 'Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

I get this error even though I am logged in. The report function is not working for me, (nor can I access Bedlam either - never could!)

I've never needed to use the Report function. Also what bout the Ignore function? How does that work? I have a LONG list of posters that I would love to ignore :)

Dmax - What I object to is the personal abuse. Calling someone a 'sh*t' or a '<deleted> <deleted>' is simply unacceptable. Anyone using this type of personal abuse should be banned from TV and their IP address logged

Rixalex - your comments are a typical example of those who seek to stifle the views of posters who do not agree with you. I am not a redshirt and nor do I support Thaksin. But I vigourously support the right of people to air their views if they so wish, even if their views are the opposite of mine. Trying to stifle discussion is a sign that your own position is weak. Are you trying to suggest that ALL supporters of Thaksin/Red Shirts are terrorists? (Rhetorical question - don't bother to reply)

I appreciate that the mods have a very difficult task, especially when there is a lively discussion. That;s why a grace period for new registrees seems like a good idea. Many other forums adopt this policy.


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PS: Your member details actually indicate you're joining date as 2-1-2003

Drat! I've been rumbled...


You have to wake up early to get one past an old retired detective :) .

I cant believe after all you're years on the forum, you have never been to bedlam.........when you finally make it in, make sure you introduce yourself Newbie :D:D

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ahhhh only if it was Mangosauce........ the good ole days of letting er rip, huh Never? :D

ahhhh yes, they were the days, old mangosauce. I never did get around to posting there :):D

I wonder what happened to some of the wackos over there???? (besides you dingdongrb) :D

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sbk - sorry, still get the same error message

And as for Bedlam - the reason why I have never visited it is because it doesn't even appear in my drop-down list of forums.

Apparently, I am still a newbie on ThaiVisa.....


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sbk - sorry, still get the same error message

And as for Bedlam - the reason why I have never visited it is because it doesn't even appear in my drop-down list of forums.

Apparently, I am still a newbie on ThaiVisa.....


logout and log back in...

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I didn't join for a few years but spent many hours visiting and reading. The forum basically came in two parts for me - the part where you can find out a huge amount of first-hand information and get some really great advice if you need it along with the warm feeling that people actually can and do care to help, and the second more of a free-for-all opinion-based discussion which does seem to be the 'steam letting-off' element with everything negative that can come with that. I couldn't really add to the informative areas and didn't want to join in the others.

More recently I felt that I should contribute a little more, even if it was just words of encouragement, so I joined. This wasn't so long ago and just prior to the more recent troubles in Bangkok. I've been quite shocked at the pack mentality I've seen in some of the current affairs threads and while tempted to join in with my thoughts, it's just not worth it. As far as I can see, Thaivisa and the mods have achieved a good balance and my feeling is that they have and continue to work very hard (moreso recently) to keep an even keel whilst allowing free-flow and opinions to be aired; yes letting off steam is good and we're not all the same with our thought processes. There are all kinds here, we know that; perhaps thats also what makes it the forum it is.

The real point Im making is that I feel that there IS a grip on the forums, a good one. Exemplary times have stretched the work of the moderators and I can only imagine all the teeth-gritting they have had to do in front of their screens before writing their posts.

I've very much enjoyed my visits here, no small thanks to their efforts. I'll never get to 1000 posts, but that doesn't mean I'm not here and appreciating.

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It seems to me that whenever someone criticizes the government, The Nation, or the Yellow Shirts on here, pro-government supporters can retort and insult willy nilly with impunity. But when the Reds try to argue back, they get the shove.

It's not fair - not fair at all and in the end, Thaivisa will be the loser. They won't have a diverse mix of intelligent posters - just brainwashed Yellows wanting more and more of the same, feel good magazine news.

Is it because of Thaivisa’s recent teaming up with The Nation that they have to be so biased? The Yellows are lapping it up in their comfort zone.

Not really a forum anymore. Just another portal for government propaganda. Will I get banned for saying this? Probably.

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