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What's Going On With The Absolute Group?

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I was walking along Rat-U-Thit Road recently and was approached by the Absolute Group motor bike people 4 times in the space of

300 metres. A 5th bike spotted me and was going to approach me as well, but, I went into a shop and they continued on.

I used to get this harrassment whilst on a morning walk. They would lure their victims in the morning and give them the hard sell, and paperwork, in the afternoon. However, this was around 3:30pm. Are they desperate, or is business so good they have put on 2 shifts, morning and afternoon? One of the bikes had 2 people on it that were not wearing an Absolute T-Shirt. I kept walking, so, I didn't read what was on this guy's shirt, but, I have heard a second company is also operating in Phuket. Does anyone know if this is true?

They really give me the sh*ts. If you simply say, "No thanks" I have occassionally been given some mildly abusive comment. Last year, I nearly got in to a punch on with one young English guy who just couldn't accept I wasn't interested when he rode along side me as I walked and I continually said, "No thanks." He than abused me, and I gave him a mouth full of abuse back, as my walk on a beautiful morning in Phuket was wrecked by people from this company. It looked like going further but a girl on the back told him to ride away.

My appearance probably fits their target market, but, it's got to be boardering on harrassing tourist, getting approached at that rate. Obviously, they have some sort of protection here in order to be able to operate, but, to me, they are up there with the tuk-tuk drivers and to be avoided.

It's that bad, that sometimes, you get approached by the same bike, 10 minutes later, because they forget what you look like and that they have already spoken to you.

We all know those T-Shirts that say, "NO - I don't want a tuk-tuk, suit, massage etc." Maybe I should get a shirt made up, "ABSOLUTE - I'm not interested." :)

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Phuket is very quiet right now and I would expect that pickings are hard to find. We locals can expect to be targeted. I just say no thanks and walk on, if they persist I just say I live here, have my own house. I've never been harassed.


Just ignore them and keep walking, they are all working illegally and make a very good

commission if they can get you to go to a sales presentation where you sign up or not.

Pity the police wont do something about them, they can spoil a good day.

Phuket is very quiet right now and I would expect that pickings are hard to find. We locals can expect to be targeted. I just say no thanks and walk on, if they persist I just say I live here, have my own house. I've never been harassed.

seconded, on the very few occasions they approach me, I simply ask if they want to buy one of my properties starting at 5 mill baht :)

off they go


And to answer the question about whether there are more than one company... I know a guy that has been offered a street tout job from a company other than Absolute. He was told he will have a work permit as well. I think he is still waiting on that one to come true.

Their are probably several more.

And to answer the question about whether there are more than one company... I know a guy that has been offered a street tout job from a company other than Absolute. He was told he will have a work permit as well. I think he is still waiting on that one to come true.

Their are probably several more.

You are right, a neighbor is working for a company in Kata/Karon, i asked him if he had a work

permit and he told me they kept in the office, i told him to ask to see it if he did not want to end

up in the shit, it seems they have another way of keeping there employs out of trouble.

And to answer the question about whether there are more than one company... I know a guy that has been offered a street tout job from a company other than Absolute. He was told he will have a work permit as well. I think he is still waiting on that one to come true.

Their are probably several more.

You are right, a neighbor is working for a company in Kata/Karon, i asked him if he had a work

permit and he told me they kept in the office, i told him to ask to see it if he did not want to end

up in the shit, it seems they have another way of keeping there employs out of trouble.

Yes, it is fairly common knowledge they pay a "fee" to operate like they do. TIT.


One of my mates would get the scratch card.. Which are obviously all winners.. Scratch it (where the tout clearly cant see it) and then say 'nah.. shame.. didnt get anything.. I never win'.. Etc..

Of course the tout is itching to tell him its a winner.. But cant, without exposing the whole rigged game aspect..

Little things.. But amusing none the less.


Desperate times for these types of companies, so they just increase the number of OPC's (outside people chasers). It's the old cold-calling prospecting game, just get more numbers whether the people are interested or not, or another way of looking at it, "the more sh*t you throw at the wall the more will stick".

IMO, smarter thinking, better marketing and a break away from this numbers at any cost mentality would pay more dividends for them. For the record I approached their sales management team when I first arrived here to see if they would be interested in a new sales process/approach (having had a successful sales management and sales training background), but they were so "up themselves" AND convinced in this numbers game that I soon realised nothing would change so I didn't pursue it.


Some years back I stayed in the Absolute Sea Pearl Resort on a bartercard transaction and surprisingly one day I had a call asking me to go downstairs to the reception where they wanted to talk, I sat there for about 20 mins through some real hard pressure sales where they wanted me to buy in to a package where I could stay in any of their resorts for a certain amount of time per year, how much do I have, how much do I earn, what credit cards do I have in my pocket at this precise time etc, In the end I got up and basically walked off in amazement, really annoyed me, another Guy joined in during the meeting and this was when they got my back up..

About 2 weeks later I was back in Pattaya and the english guy from the resort who I had the meeting with initially called me explaining that he was out of work with no passport or cash and he asked if I could put some cash in his bank for him so he could do a visa run??, THEN he would travel to Pattaya to see me and pay me back!!!! :D of course the answer was no, he even asked for my address.



Just tell them you are living here in your own house. You are automatically NQ'd (not qualified for a presentation).


I appreciate everyone's suggestions, and, in the past, I have actually used a couple of them myself. There are a few funny ones in the above posts.

Under "hard times" I'm just wondering how far this/these companies will go. Do we start seeing them coming into bars. (Thai owned bars where the owner is paid to allow them in) Standing outside the big hotels and approaching you everytime you enter/leave. Walking along beach and harrassing you while you relax etc etc.

The motor bikes are bad enough now, it could get worse as these peopleseem to work here with impunity.

Ummm, I'm thinking a T-Shirt - "ABSOLUTEly - not interested" :):D


Does Absolute sell a "fractional ownership" meaning you pay hard cash 100,000+ pounds for the privelege of staying in somebody's appartment 30 days per year (most of it would be low season) and guaranteed 6% rental income (which will be successfully offset by guaranteed over-priced maintanance costs, management fees etc)?

I assume anyone having such amount in the bank can afford to stay in a nice hotel of OWN choice/dates and still keep the cash for better return.

Quite many people wearing Absolute branded t-shirts. Are they been given it as free enhancement of the package (i.e. signing up before presentation)? :)

accept their scratch card, scratch it, sniff it , say " it smells like bull shit" and hand it back

Just do what I do, speak back in Thai and occassionally mutter the english words, "No spika da engrish".

Althought I love that idea of above :)


business must be Ok as they are at the Seapearl for at least 6 years and still operating. Prices used to start at only a few thousand $U.S. and as others say, just tell the OPC you stay here or worked in the industry befor, wont be bothered again. And for the record Absolute do profide work permits for all their staff.


2 weeks ago I went to Penang for getting a new visa. In the van I've used habe been a couple of these Absolute people.

One asked me if he could borrow some money from me and I gave it to him("Will call ya mate tomorrow and give it back to you")

Still waiting for his call :)

Seriously loaning money to Absolute people? Huh.

Some time ago there was a link which showed Absolute is blacklisted company even among the time share companies.

This kind of company attracts certain type of people to work. People who want quick and easy money, no matter how and who would get hurt.

I will see him again may be............than it will be my turn to "scratch" but not his cards :)


Gerd, fair play to you for agreeing to help him. Many wouldn't. A bit less cynicism and a bit more willingness to help others can only be a good thing.

The fact that he may have knocked you says more about him than about you.


You mutts are all too nice. :)

When I was last there, I was strolling along the 200 Year Road when I was approached by one of the numpty’s on a moto sai. “Speak English” says he, “Yes, <deleted> off” says I. Seemed to work a treat..

You mutts are all too nice. :)

When I was last there, I was strolling along the 200 Year Road when I was approached by one of the numpty’s on a moto sai. “Speak English” says he, “Yes, <deleted> off” says I. Seemed to work a treat..

Why the need to be so miserable?

'sabai sabai'

It's not big money working for absolute, no basic salary small commisions even smaller if a prospect does not purchase.

There is no gun pointed to a prospects head to sign, they do so through choice and good old salesmanship.

The 'tell em to f*** off' approach only leads to conflict, they are only trying to earn a modest income allowing them to remain in LOS.

Rather than this moron suggestion, as posted 3 words will suffice if you dont wanna look 'I LIVE HERE' and they will be on their way.

thought. If you dont have anything nice to say - Don't say anything whatsoever.


You mutts are all too nice. :)

When I was last there, I was strolling along the 200 Year Road when I was approached by one of the numpty’s on a moto sai. “Speak English” says he, “Yes, <deleted> off” says I. Seemed to work a treat..

Why the need to be so miserable?

'sabai sabai'

It's not big money working for absolute, no basic salary small commisions even smaller if a prospect does not purchase.

There is no gun pointed to a prospects head to sign, they do so through choice and good old salesmanship.

The 'tell em to f*** off' approach only leads to conflict, they are only trying to earn a modest income allowing them to remain in LOS.

Rather than this moron suggestion, as posted 3 words will suffice if you dont wanna look 'I LIVE HERE' and they will be on their way.

thought. If you dont have anything nice to say - Don't say anything whatsoever.


Goodness, what rubbish. They never bothered me that much but as a collective with other touts, they can SERIOUSLY play with your head. I hated it so much I left phuket. Irritating people is endemic in patong.

Why the need to be so miserable?

'sabai sabai'

It's not big money working for absolute, no basic salary small commisions even smaller if a prospect does not purchase.

There is no gun pointed to a prospects head to sign, they do so through choice and good old salesmanship.

The 'tell em to f*** off' approach only leads to conflict, they are only trying to earn a modest income allowing them to remain in LOS.

Rather than this moron suggestion, as posted 3 words will suffice if you dont wanna look 'I LIVE HERE' and they will be on their way.

thought. If you dont have anything nice to say - Don't say anything whatsoever.


Only trying to make a modest income.. PLEASE..

For a start its illegal.. Almost none of the street level guys have work permits.. For a second its plain pestering people.. And for a 3rd, we all know the kind of high pressure sales tactics (I have been with timeshare sales people boasting about keeping couples there until they broke down and cried etc) that are used.

Its a blight.


Some interesting posts on how to get rid of them. Problem is, they just keep coming and coming and coming, everyday. This is something I'm sure the company is proud of. You really feel like your personal freedom has been breached. I am fairly thick skinned, but, why do I even have to reply with "No thanks" or "I live here." How many times do I have to say it everyday, and then weekly etc???? Even the suit taylors and massage people remember you face, after a while, and don't bother you.

It really is harrassment. As I mentioned in an earlier post, will the day come when they troll the beach, and the bars, restauants and cafes? I'm sure there will be some punch-on if that happens.

Just tell them you are living here in your own house. You are automatically NQ'd (not qualified for a presentation).

The quick and easy solution to this problem.

Best way to get rid of them I have found is to ask them their name and to whip out your phone or a camera and make like you are going to take their photo and tell them you will be sending it to the Immigration Office...they soon disappear!

A quicker and easier solution--albeit somewhat mean.



These tosser's have been plying their trade up and down the streets of Samui (Chaweng) for a few years now. Once they get to know your face than they will leave you alone. However, it takes them a dozen or so knockbacks from that same face before they give up.

Frustrating, absolutely!!!! Even after you think you've got along the road and not been hassled, a newbie will ride up to you and give you the usual b_ullshit. I've had many a time when i've shouted out "Everyone's a winner". That does'nt go down to well with them...I have also told them to go forth and multiply...they think that's harsh as well :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steer clear. Tosser's the lot of em'.

You mutts are all too nice. :)

When I was last there, I was strolling along the 200 Year Road when I was approached by one of the numpty's on a moto sai. "Speak English" says he, "Yes, <deleted> off" says I. Seemed to work a treat..

Why the need to be so miserable?

'sabai sabai'

It's not big money working for absolute, no basic salary small commisions even smaller if a prospect does not purchase.

There is no gun pointed to a prospects head to sign, they do so through choice and good old salesmanship.

The 'tell em to f*** off' approach only leads to conflict, they are only trying to earn a modest income allowing them to remain in LOS.

Rather than this moron suggestion, as posted 3 words will suffice if you dont wanna look 'I LIVE HERE' and they will be on their way.

thought. If you dont have anything nice to say - Don't say anything whatsoever.


Sir, if I can draw your kind attention to the previous posts, #27 & #31 (its illegal & Tosser's the lot of em')...nuff said...


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