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Thai Government Accuses Foreigners In Bangkok Arson


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You go with your mates , sit in the vehicle and they rob a bank. Guess what you robbed it to. You get to go to jail with them.

Better, you make a video and post it on YouTube saying how proud you are that you and your mates are going to rob a bank. (Notice the plural "we" in his video.)

Then, after the crime is done, you try and claim all you did was sit in the car and that you were only kidding and didn't participate. (Assuming this is even true, probably for no other reason than circumstances prevented you from having a chance at the spoils.)

Ain't gonna fly anywhere in the world. No sane person will accept you are innocent. This man is guilty as sin. Not the brains behind the operation by any means, but so far into the guilty zone that he needs to spend several years learning to be careful when he bends over to pick up the soap.

Thais were arrested too when they tried to get on the bus to go back to Issan and a search turned up looted goods in their bags. This guy is toast, and rightfully so.

Edited by gregb
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What is the matter with all of you there has been 2 months of demonstration 4 to 5 days of outright and wilful damage shooting thuggery etc etc by the Thais (so called Red shirts) and you are talking about some minor incident by some Brit.

The next thing it was all an international conspiracy and nothing to do with with Thai people and their feelings about how their country is being run.

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This is the kind of "proof" that will never stand up in any court, not even in Burma, but in Thailand it does, because the judges are sitting on any given chair. A youtube video? What a joke, it could have been cut fifteen times and taken out of context.

I could make a Youtube video in which it appears that Suthep or Abhisit told the people to set fire to it. It is just a matter of cutting and pasting.

Besides if I tell the yellow shirts to occupy the airports and they do it, am I to blame?

If I am not mistaken, some government guys (or state media) claimed the Youtube video of Thaksin in Montenegro was also fake, because he was actually dying in cancer or something. Suddenly he is more alive than ever. :)

You can't eat the doughnut and keep the hole.

The point is "it is very easy to make a fake video" Especially as low quality as this one. While I'm not saying this one is fake. Its not difficult.

In this case though I think this person has already apologized so must have admitted it.

My comment was not directed at you, but the how "evidence" is valued by the government. I have no doubt what so ever that the video is real, and the dude should get what he deserves. Complete moron, but sadly, too many of them around here.

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What is the matter with all of you there has been 2 months of demonstration 4 to 5 days of outright and wilful damage shooting thuggery etc etc by the Thais (so called Red shirts) and you are talking about some minor incident by some Brit.

The next thing it was all an international conspiracy and nothing to do with with Thai people and their feelings about how their country is being run.

Sorry is already an international conspiracy, some days ago the CRES said that all video in internet was a fake and international media only thake video and pic against the soldier that shoot at civilian....cnn and bbc only put all article agaist thai governament....someone remember that?

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Out of the tens of thousands of Brits who, in one way or another live here, just how many do you actually know? :D If I were sure were you were an Aussie then I would feel comfortable referring to you as someone originating from a penal colony. :)

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Crikey, someones got a chip on their shoulder about the British :)

Edit - Does anyone know if he can speak Thai? As i'd imagine in order to be successful in inciting the masses to rise up, you'd have to be able to communicate with most of them fairly well. I just can't see many of the children, elderly and women being educated in English.

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Hi excuse was that he was on steroids !

Why does this country attract so many "low-life" westerns, I have never meet so many idiot western people as I have in this country.

The only people that have tried to cheat me in this country - is people from my own hemisphere.

No wonder that some Thais think like they do of us "Farangs"

Yeah, and a good many are posting here tonight.

1. A YouTube OR ANY OTHER video that can be substantiated by an expert to be real can be used as evidence. hel_l, they will probably just ask the kid that shot it for the original copy. I'm sure he will hand it over, because he thought the guy was an idiot, too. You can see the video here:


And since the video, he said: “The war is over for the time being. But in two months time things will start up again. The attacks will begin.”

2. Threatening terrorism (regardless of whether it is carried out) is a crime.


Shouldn't make much difference to Savage. Even if he doesn't get convicted, he's going to get deported and PNG'd. Then the poor bugger will be back in Britain--celibate again--because lets face it, that's almost certainly why he left. He couldn't find a woman in Soho with 1000 quid in his pocket. Might as well be in jail. LOL...

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This is the beginning : "The Thais are peaceful, the unrests was just a mirage and anyway all the troubles had been made by foreigners."

Do we bet?

The Asian man (who does not exist any way) will be supposed to be Cambodian.

No if you watch the press conferecne you will see it is going to be very hard for any goverenment to not prosecute Jatuporn, Nattawut and Arisman for at least incitement to arson or terrorism after what has been shown. You cant just forgive them after what has happened and they are bang to rights on incitement just from what has been shown to representatives of 60 countries. Thaksin is in trouble too with his encouraging people to attack town halls. The foreigner stuff is small stuff

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

agree, ive seen the video and the guy was off his head on drugs! He didn't look capable of fighting his way out of a paper bag, never mind orchestrating a mass arson! This govt is braindead and just want to make a scapegoat! BTW i bet the bloke is absolutely cacking himself!! no more yaa baa for him!

He doesn't look out of his head on drugs, you are just talking rubbish he looks totally aware of what he's doing! Whether he would have gone ahead with his words is another thing. My god there are as many idiots on this forum as there in Thailand, it's the freedom that draws them there.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

Video not enough for you?

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I think the British guy heard someone else talk about setting fire and then repeated the words, as heard in the video. Now he's going to be used as a scapegoat. I've seen some video footage on Thai channels showing a Thai guy setting fire to CentralWorld, but haven't been able to find the video anywhere online. I'm sure others saw it as well. Not sure though if that's one of the fires they extinguished or if it's the one that then made the entire building go up in flames.

But yeah, good job. Blame the farangs for the problems. That will bring the tourists back.

Clown by name, clown by nature. Did you see the video? It certainly did not sound as if he was joking, in fact he sounded deadly serious. The guy was obviously wound up. Witness the way he threw his stick to the ground. He was also interviewed several days earlier by the BBC at the red shirts rally so it was very clear that he was involved with the red shirts.

It beggars belief that any farang would get directly involved, except through forums like this, in what essentially is a Thai domestic problem. We are guests in this country so we should behave as such. I hope that Jeff who-ever-he-is gets a few years in a Thai gaol before being unceremoniously deported to the UK. The guy is obviously of low intelligence but this is no mitigating circumstance for his behavour.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

agree, ive seen the video and the guy was off his head on drugs! He didn't look capable of fighting his way out of a paper bag, never mind orchestrating a mass arson! This govt is braindead and just want to make a scapegoat! BTW i bet the bloke is absolutely cacking himself!! no more yaa baa for him!

He doesn't look out of his head on drugs, you are just talking rubbish he looks totally aware of what he's doing! Whether he would have gone ahead with his words is another thing. My god there are as many idiots on this forum as there in Thailand, it's the freedom that draws them there.

We are the 90%...take care if we win the next election in TV we remember you!!! :)

Idiot is someone can judge the other witout know the other....you are a good and smart judge, you lucky.

PS: we only talk, we said what we think, problably in the real life you are more loser than us, so live us free to say what we think or why this forum exixt if the people they are not free to say theyr feeling?

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I understand he already admitted that he said it, which is not the same as doing it, but involved - Yes it counts as Involved. Try walking into an Airport and yelling I have a bomb. What a dumb ass. No sorry here. :)

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This is the kind of "proof" that will never stand up in any court, not even in Burma, but in Thailand it does, because the judges are sitting on any given chair. A youtube video? What a joke, it could have been cut fifteen times and taken out of context.

I could make a Youtube video in which it appears that Suthep or Abhisit told the people to set fire to it. It is just a matter of cutting and pasting.

Besides if I tell the yellow shirts to occupy the airports and they do it, am I to blame?

1. :) Propoganda. The proof of the matter is that a crime has been committed. The crime is not necessarily burning something down, but incitement is a crime in most civilised countries.

2. Really? I don't imagine it would be very compelling evidence.

3. I think that comes under 'incitement'.

EDIT: Sorry 1/2 post.

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This is the beginning : "The Thais are peaceful, the unrests was just a mirage and anyway all the troubles had been made by foreigners."

Do we bet?

The Asian man (who does not exist any way) will be supposed to be Cambodian.

What a naive statement. He will be Burmese of course.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

I watched this video, and yes he should be arrested the video does not lie

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This is the kind of "proof" that will never stand up in any court, not even in Burma, but in Thailand it does, because the judges are sitting on any given chair. A youtube video? What a joke, it could have been cut fifteen times and taken out of context.

I could make a Youtube video in which it appears that Suthep or Abhisit told the people to set fire to it. It is just a matter of cutting and pasting.

Besides if I tell the yellow shirts to occupy the airports and they do it, am I to blame?

1 :) Propoganda. The proof of the matter is that a crime has been committed. The crime is not necessarily burning something down, but incitement is a crime in most civilised countries.


if you go in german and you say somenthings in thai on the road against the governament is the same? than incitement is also if you are not one leader? i mean, if is a crime the leaders of red must to be killed in the public road now and burn their body in front of all people! they do for 2 month every single minute.

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Crikey, someones got a chip on their shoulder about the British :)

Yea! seems to be a Farang sport these days.

To be fair, we do it very well. I take immense pleasure in being cocky and full of myself as a Brit. We can do it like no other nation on earth. Well, the French can do it, but no-one takes them seriously.

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Crikey, someones got a chip on their shoulder about the British :)

Yeah, seems that way. I have a lot of fine, upstanding Brit friends, and have run into 'football hooligans' a few times in Pattaya, but it is unfair to label all Britons in such a rude way. For every belligerent, cocky chap from the Isles, I have met an equal number from other lands. Shame on the contributing poster for his apparent xenophobia.

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Seems like most of the post here are about his Central World comments.

But he also admitted to being present for the Channel 3 arson and knowing the perpetrators. wouldn't that at least make him an accessory?

"“I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. They are brave. I am not worthy of them."

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The govt wants him 'cos he incriminates someone everytime he opens his mouth.

He has already implicated the leadership saying how they have planned the attacks.

He has incriminated the black shirts.

he has even mentioned plans to restart the violence.

This guys is a gold mine!!! True or not excellent fodder for the govt to use against the reds.

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I am hearing via my Thai connections that there are a lot more than this and the Thai Govt knows it very well. We are not being told the whole story.

Shocking. Next someone will allege that there's gambling in Thailand.

On a different note, more than one friend has commented that it had to be the work of "outside" people because Thai wouldn't do that to Thai. It's instructive to me to hear a sampling of educated (but not wealthy) Northern people (all with village roots) trying to cope with the magnitude of last week's events.

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