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Retirement Visa

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Anyone who is 50 years or older and meets the financial requirements can get a retirement visa or annual retirement extensions. You are not allowed to work on this visa class. I'll let someone else answer the volunteer work question as that is sometimes a gray area.

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Anyone who is 50 years or older and meets the financial requirements can get a retirement visa or annual retirement extensions. You are not allowed to work on this visa class. I'll let someone else answer the volunteer work question as that is sometimes a gray area.

Thanks for the info. Any links or sites to check for full details or application process?

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The strict Immigration definition does not permit volunteer work if you have a retirement visa.

Many people on retirement visa do volunteer work but Immigration in Chiang Mai is clear that you can not do any volunteer work if on a retirement visa.

I have never heard of anyone doing legitimate volunteer being retained by Immigration

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This will tell you how to get a "Retirement Visa" in you own country. Thai Embassy Washington

These are the requirements if you wish to do it in Thailand.

2.22 In the case of a retiree: Permission will be granted for a period of not more

than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) The applicant is 50 years of age or over;

(3) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month; or

(4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than

800,000 Baht as shown in the bank account for the past 3 months at the filing date of the application. For the first year, the applicant should have that amount in his bank account for not less than 60 days or

(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application

To work you need a Work Permit.

You cannot get a Work Permit if you have Retirement status.

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Thanks for the info. Seems a bit complicated, any rumors they will change the process?

Hmmm the requirement is as simple or simpler that most other countries. The two main things are that you're 50 or older and have 800k baht in the bank (or proof of 65K baht monthly income). Other than that you'll need to fill out some forms. :) How much simpler can you expect it to be - it may be a while before they laws change and they will deliver it to you on a silver platter.

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Thanks for the info. Seems a bit complicated, any rumors they will change the process?

Hmmm the requirement is as simple or simpler that most other countries. The two main things are that you're 50 or older and have 800k baht in the bank (or proof of 65K baht monthly income). Other than that you'll need to fill out some forms. :) How much simpler can you expect it to be - it may be a while before they laws change and they will deliver it to you on a silver platter.

Well, maybe the op should have read it this way: if you are 50 you apply for a non-im at the nearest Thai Embassy, then you choose between points 3,4 or 5 as Lite Beer put it. It means that there is only thing to do really: get the money

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The retirement visa (non-immigrant O-A) is designed for those who truly wish to retire. Employment is strictly forbidden and work permits cannot be obtained. Note that while work permits are technically required for those doing volunteer work, participation in community service organizations (such as Rotary, Lions Club, etc.) is acceptable.

The process is not complicated, although here at Sunbelt Legal Advisors we can complete all the required paperwork and accompany you on your trip to Thai Immigration to insure the process is completed properly, and without additional costs or confusion.

You must be age 50 or older and have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account for 90 days)OR 65,000 baht pension/other income OR a combination of both.

Other qualifications include:

* Applicant not prohibited from entering the Kingdom as provided by the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).

* Having no criminal record in Thailand and the country of the applicant’s nationality or residence.

* Having the nationality of or residence in the country where applicant’s application is submitted.

* Not having prohibitive diseases ( Leprosy, Tuberculosis, drug addiction, Elephantiasis, third phase of Syphilis) as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 B.E. 2535.

The retirement visa process can be started with a simple single-entry Non-Immigrant O visa. You need not get the 1-year visa in your home country. You will then apply for an extension of stay based on retirement once in Thailand.

Again, you must be 50 years of age, show pension/income or savings that equate to 800,000 baht (Note: any pension claims MUST be certified by your embassy to be applicable), and a provide a valid health certificate which can be obtained from any Thailand hospital or clinic.

You also will need:

* Passport with validity of not less than 18 months.

* 3 copies of completed visa application forms.

* 3 passport-sized photos (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past six months.

* A personal data form.

* A copy of bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht.

* In the case of submitting a bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank (an original copy) is required.

* A letter of verification issued from the country of his or her nationality or residence stating that the applicant has no criminal record (verification shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notarised by notary organs or the applicant’s diplomatic or consular mission).

* A medical certificate issued from the country where the application is submitted, showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535) (certificate shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notarised by notary organs or the applicant’s diplomatic or consular mission).

* In the case where the accompanying spouse is not eligible to apply for the Category ‘O-A’ (Long Stay) visa, he or she will be considered for temporary stay under Category ‘O’ visa. A marriage certificate must be provided as evidence and should be notarised by notary organs or by the applicant’s diplomatic or consular mission.

Once you have your 1-year retirement visa, if you wish to leave and re-enter the country, you are required to apply at the Immigration office for re-entry permit (single or multiple) before departure. In the case of leaving the country without a re-entry permit, the permit to stay for 1 year shall be considered void.

5.2 At the end of each 90-day period, the foreigner must report to the immigration officer in his or her residence area and report again every 90 days during his or her stay in Thailand. The foreigner may report to the police station if there is no immigration office in his or her residence area.

Hope that gives you most if not all the information you need. Our expert Legal Advisors can provide you a more detailed information about visa requirements, work permit and company legal issues.



26th Floor Fortune Town BR, 1 Ratchadapisek Rd, 10400 Bangkok

Tel: 02-642-0213 Fax: 02-641-1995

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Change what process, the retirement part or the work permit part.

If you call immagration a few days in advance they will bring all of the paperwork down to your favorite bar.

That is a joke, right? If not, then that is some dam_n customer service (even if a TIP is required) :)

Sorry to come off as a lazy slug, just confused by the array of availible visas and possible "options".

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The retirement visa (non-immigrant O-A) is designed for those who truly wish to retire. Employment is strictly forbidden and work permits cannot be obtained. Note that while work permits are technically required for those doing volunteer work, participation in community service organizations (such as Rotary, Lions Club, etc.) is acceptable.

The process is not complicated, although here at Sunbelt Legal Advisors we can complete all the required paperwork and accompany you on your trip to Thai Immigration to insure the process is completed properly, and without additional costs or confusion.

You must be age 50 or older and have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account for 90 days)OR 65,000 baht pension/other income OR a combination of both.

Other qualifications include:

* Applicant not prohibited from entering the Kingdom as provided by the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).

* Having no criminal record in Thailand and the country of the applicant's nationality or residence.

* Having the nationality of or residence in the country where applicant's application is submitted.

* Not having prohibitive diseases ( Leprosy, Tuberculosis, drug addiction, Elephantiasis, third phase of Syphilis) as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 B.E. 2535.

The retirement visa process can be started with a simple single-entry Non-Immigrant O visa. You need not get the 1-year visa in your home country. You will then apply for an extension of stay based on retirement once in Thailand.

Again, you must be 50 years of age, show pension/income or savings that equate to 800,000 baht (Note: any pension claims MUST be certified by your embassy to be applicable), and a provide a valid health certificate which can be obtained from any Thailand hospital or clinic.

You also will need:

* Passport with validity of not less than 18 months.

* 3 copies of completed visa application forms.

* 3 passport-sized photos (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past six months.

* A personal data form.

* A copy of bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht.

* In the case of submitting a bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank (an original copy) is required.

* A letter of verification issued from the country of his or her nationality or residence stating that the applicant has no criminal record (verification shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notarised by notary organs or the applicant's diplomatic or consular mission).

* A medical certificate issued from the country where the application is submitted, showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535) (certificate shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notarised by notary organs or the applicant's diplomatic or consular mission).

* In the case where the accompanying spouse is not eligible to apply for the Category 'O-A' (Long Stay) visa, he or she will be considered for temporary stay under Category 'O' visa. A marriage certificate must be provided as evidence and should be notarised by notary organs or by the applicant's diplomatic or consular mission.

Once you have your 1-year retirement visa, if you wish to leave and re-enter the country, you are required to apply at the Immigration office for re-entry permit (single or multiple) before departure. In the case of leaving the country without a re-entry permit, the permit to stay for 1 year shall be considered void.

5.2 At the end of each 90-day period, the foreigner must report to the immigration officer in his or her residence area and report again every 90 days during his or her stay in Thailand. The foreigner may report to the police station if there is no immigration office in his or her residence area.

Hope that gives you most if not all the information you need. Our expert Legal Advisors can provide you a more detailed information about visa requirements, work permit and company legal issues.



26th Floor Fortune Town BR, 1 Ratchadapisek Rd, 10400 Bangkok

Tel: 02-642-0213 Fax: 02-641-1995

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Now that has been especially useful- many thanks.

I assume no matter how hard we try, fifty is the minimum age and there are no exceptions?

Once retired, are we still able to travel to and from the Kingdom at will? Ie, to take holidays outside of the country or to visit family and friends as and when we choose?

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No exceptions to age 50.

You can not travel and return on an extension of stay without obtaining a re-entry permit first. Cost is 1,000 baht or 3,800 baht for multi entry.

Thought as much for the age limit, but thanks for the additional info. Good to know.

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