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Do You Plan To Reduce Your Use Of Malls In Thailand?


Do you plan to reduce your use of MALLS in Thailand?  

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No, and to be honest why?

Life goes on, things happen - but if people reacted to every threat then they would never go anywhere. I am sure a number of Brits will remember the IRA activity in the 80's which always carried a threat, but people just got on with their life. It's really as someone already said "Drama Queen" stuff.

I concur Sir!!

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I guess it depends on the frequency and extent of attacks. I know that in Israel when there used to be frequent attacks on markets that people did indeed make changes to their behavior to try to reduce their chances of being a victim of terrorism. I agree that if you stop living your life due to threats or actual terrorism, then the terrorists have won.

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I have no real opinion on the matter, but I am curious as to why the targeting of malls. It would seem that markets would be a much easier target. Malls are big and it would take a very big explosion to do extensive damage. It would be hard to get those kind of explosives into a mall undetected.

A market on the other hand is a haven of chaos and the explosives could be brought in more easily.


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It's not a rumor. It was a credible report on Al Jazeera reporting from Chiang Mai. The comparison was made to south Thailand Muslim terrorists, that that's what at least some factions of reds will start doing and this was from a red leader himself. Certainly Thai Muslims are Thais and they have bombed populated public places killing many Thais many times, so how absurd can you get that Thais would never murder other innocent Thais? Hopefully, it will never happen from the reds, but the threat HAS been made. Accept reality or not, up to you.

Of course, I don't think many people will change their behavior UNLESS this actually happens. You can be sure IF it happens, people will change their behavior, that's what terrorism is all about. On the other hand, those saying they will use malls more, I don't understand that except if you actually believe there is no threat. Sorry, there is a threat, that is a fact.

the majority of Thailand's Muslims are ethnically NOT Thai. brush up your history knowledge of Thailand's south.

That's true but if you wanted to extend the point even further you could say the majority of Thailands inhabitants are not ethnically Thai. It makes statehood a near impossibility if we only define ourselves by our ethnicity. Might as well call it a tribe.

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I have no real opinion on the matter, but I am curious as to why the targeting of malls. It would seem that markets would be a much easier target. Malls are big and it would take a very big explosion to do extensive damage. It would be hard to get those kind of explosives into a mall undetected.

A market on the other hand is a haven of chaos and the explosives could be brought in more easily.


Markets, in the north at least tend to be red shirt sympathetic. Stores in malls selling hygenic food and with consumer protection policies are perceived as their arch rivals and they have been trying to halt their expansion for years now. Red Shirt sponsorship tends to come from these places that are most affected by modernization, taxation, oversight and the doing away with patron / client relationships.

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I heard this rumor, too. F the red shirt scum. The only way terrorists like these win is if you let them terrorize you... Yall can catch me at Le'Espace (the Oriental cafe') in Siam Paragorn as soon as I get back.

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I reckon they feel more "elites" hang out in malls as opposed to traditional Thai style markets. Killing people in Thai style markets would likely result in a bigger backlash. Remember, some of the red propagandists are trying to portray their struggle as a class war, rich against poor. Also, hitting modern malls would have a much bigger negative impact on tourism as tourists don't tend to hang out much in local Thai style markets.

I enjoy malls very much, especially when the weather is bad. I know all kinds of people use the malls too, rich and poor, if nothing else than for the free aircon.

Edited by Jingthing
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that's the first time I hear about terrorist acts against shopping malls, so I will put it simply as a rumour and a smearing political campaign against opposition.


Hello!!! Have you heard of Central World? Have you seen what the reds did to it?

Smear campaign? Are you joking? The government doesn't need to smear the reds, they are perfectly capable of smearing themselves.

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Here is a link from Al Jazeera --


No where at all does anyone say that there will be more attacks on shopping malls in particular, just that there will be more violence.

Edited by Chunky1
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Red shirt leader in CM : ... they'll do anything they want to and they've already planned to, similar to the attacks on the shopping malls and other buildings in Bangkok ... I do know they will do it more often ... this will be an example for the red shirts who have lost their leaders ...

AL Jazeera commentary: the armed opposition in the south of Thailand could now become an example for the red shirt movement ... bomb attacks and shootings have killed over 4000 people since 2004

Nowhere at all, yeah, that's the ticket. Edited by Jingthing
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Here is a link from Al Jazeera --


No where at all does anyone say that there will be more attacks on shopping malls in particular, just that there will be more violence.

One of the Red Shirts interviewed in the video said he thought what happened to Central World could happen in other places. So, he's suggesting the possibility of destroying shopping malls by arson. It sounds pretty far fetched.

I recommend watching the video. It shows the government shutting down a radio station that supported the Red Shirts. In interviews Red Shirt leaders explain that the movement is evolving independently of Thaksin. Because of the army's violent clampdown on Red Shirt public protests and media outlets, the movement is being forced underground. It will now focus on using violent revolutionary methods to achieve its goal of establishing a popular democracy.

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The government should seriously consider the ramifications of its policies. Squelching dissent with violence and censorship could encourage a violent response.

If the government is smart, it will permit peaceful demonstrations. It will issue a parade permit and strictly regulate every aspect of when, where and for how long the protesters can assemble. It will have well-trained riot police on hand, etc. The government will also allow the Red Shirts to broadcast and limit censorship to hate speech or speech that specifically incites the violent overthrow of the government.

If the government is smart, it will also set a provisional date for an election.

Don't encourage these people to go underground and plot bomb attacks. I don't want them to turn Bankok into Baghdad.

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NO !

Only when they are located next to a red shirt protest site.

I still believe that even the foulest of Thais would not seek to knowingly harm another innocent Thai.

These are not terrorists, they are protesters. Are the protesters in Greece terrorists now ?

Is the new name for protesters terrorists ?

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NO !

Only when they are located next to a red shirt protest site.

I still believe that even the foulest of Thais would not seek to knowingly harm another innocent Thai.

These are not terrorists, they are protesters. Are the protesters in Greece terrorists now ?

Is the new name for protesters terrorists ?

No no, Terrorists is the old name for people who fire RPG's into crowds of people at a train stop and burn down malls killing people.

Protesters are what the folks that followed Ghandi and Martin Luther King were.

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NO !

Only when they are located next to a red shirt protest site.

I still believe that even the foulest of Thais would not seek to knowingly harm another innocent Thai.

These are not terrorists, they are protesters. Are the protesters in Greece terrorists now ?

Is the new name for protesters terrorists ?

No no, Terrorists is the old name for people who fire RPG's into crowds of people at a train stop and burn down malls killing people.

Protesters are what the folks that followed Ghandi and Martin Luther King were.

Deaths that arise from a political protest do not change the definition of the protesters. The red shirts are still just protesters.

That is like saying Osama Binladen and Al quida where protesters before they killed anyone when they have always been terrorists.

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Deaths that arise from a political protest do not change the definition of the protesters.

If deaths are being caused by protesters, of course it changes how we define them. How could it not?

Ah. Now I'm waiting to hear what we will call the military. :)

(Reminder: dozens of protesters and a few journalists got slaughtered, most of them unarmed, or carrying only stuff you'd find in any garden shed.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Deaths that arise from a political protest do not change the definition of the protesters.

If deaths are being caused by protesters, of course it changes how we define them. How could it not?

Ah. Now I'm waiting to hear what we will call the military. :)

(Reminder: dozens of protesters and a few journalists got slaughtered, most of them unarmed, or carrying only stuff you'd find in any garden shed.)

We call the military soldiers Winnie and people who attack them (no matter what the implement of attack) as the reds certainly did, should expect to be attacked in return and with interest. This isn't some sort of a Victorian gentleman's duel in which soldiers have a moral duty to only be armed to the same level as their attackers.

Glass marbles fired from slingshots can be lethal and whilst you might have been the type of soldier to say "well if the blighter gets me with a lucky shot then so be it", i would not.

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Sure fire way to induce terrorism is to give people convicted of lighting tryes 7 year jail sentences.

“Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man's lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self.”

“The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime.”

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This is Thailand everyone including government always claim to do something or threaten about something, but is all hot air. People have short memory and trying to continue to scare people is like crying wolf

I suppose all of the videos of Arisman, and other redshirt leaders predicting that Thailand would burn if the red shirts were moved against were all hot air.  Perhaps the video of Jeff Savage was hot air as well.

Do I think anything will come of it? Nope.  I have seen the reports, and the only thing that makes me not dismiss it out of hand is the person who made the claims, also made claims that government building and retail malls would burn if the government moved against the red shirt protesters.

While I do not think anything will come of it, nothing surprises me.  

My wife, who thought highly of Thaksin while he was in office, has made it abundantly clear to me since some time after Song Kran that she in no way shape or form identifies with the 'red shirts' who were involved in the protests.  She hasn't abandoned the ideology, but she has abandoned the leadership- to the point of showing great displeasure with the current PTP MPs for not distancing themselves from what has gone on.

Whoever posted about Thais would never intentionally kill another Thai, or something along those lines... Are you suggesting that Seh Daeng was gunned down by a farang?  Or that the M79 that killed a commuter at a BTS station was intended to harm foreigners?  Or that the guys dressed up in army gear that took the lives of 80 or more Thais weren't actually Thai?  The current civil unrest is strictly Thai-on-Thai (save for the odd crack pot).

To the poster who said that the majority of Thai muslims are not ethnic Thai... First, I think you were only referring to the southern Thai muslims - as muslims in other parts of the country are by and large converts (as are Christians, and so on).  Even then, if your argument is that the southern muslims are descendants of people who have had their country annexed by Thailand, you are still making a false argument. 

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Wrong sokal, when you organise to bring about change via fear and violence, your a terrorist. Hence Red shirts are terrorists. F them and Alquida.

So the minute a person die's, it brands the whole movement as terrorists ?

3 people died in the Greek protest recently, that does not make the movement terrorism.

Are the yellow shirts terrorists ?

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Deaths that arise from a political protest do not change the definition of the protesters.

If deaths are being caused by protesters, of course it changes how we define them. How could it not?

Ah. Now I'm waiting to hear what we will call the military. :)

(Reminder: dozens of protesters and a few journalists got slaughtered, most of them unarmed, or carrying only stuff you'd find in any garden shed.)

Terrorists strike with surprise, look at all the real terrorist deaths in the US, Spain and the UK in the last 10 years. That is terrorism.

Everyone knew there was trouble in Bangkok when those people died.

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To the poster who said that the majority of Thai muslims are not ethnic Thai... First, I think you were only referring to the southern Thai muslims - as muslims in other parts of the country are by and large converts (as are Christians, and so on). Even then, if your argument is that the southern muslims are descendants of people who have had their country annexed by Thailand, you are still making a false argument.

Where have we heard this before ? :)

muslims in Chechnya,in Gaza,in the Philippines, India and Thailand.

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