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Bitter Thai Red Shirts Promise Further Rallies In North

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What would be nice would be for some reporters to randomly go to any village and ask any randon person they met for their opinion rather than looking only for those just having returned from a protest or those at some Khawancahi organised chinese table fund raiser.

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Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

Why do you repeat what your misused brain dictates? You don't want to see the facts. Study the Kalama-Sutta of Lord Buddha.

lungmi Agreed, took me a while to get off the floors in tears of laughter to be able to write this. When faced with comments like Abhisit's objective is to simply hold onto power and doesn't care the cost to his people and country, one can only think its time for someone get off the Pot, nudge nudge FlowerPot.

Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

So, I'm not alone in that belief....

She wants cheap rice does she? Maybe she'd like the farmers to get even less for their produce?

"she sold her bike, tv set, sewing machine" to buy a hard-seat train ticket?? give me a break.

Just one of many reasons why this story is obviously fake. Unlike most here I don't think the woman being interviewed was uneducated. On the contrary, she is engaging in deliberate misinformation by spouting the exact kind of lies needed as part of Thaksin's post riot propaganda war. Anyone in Thailand would know the idea of someone being forced to sell all their possessions for a ticket to Bangkok to attend the protest is ridiculous, but people overseas do not know this. That is who she is addressing in her interview, not Thais or expats in Thailand.

:) A farang and his thai bf run a restaurant in Satorn, even frequented by Swedish Royalty...my partner worked there for one month, 7 days a week, from 1 pm till 5 pm, one hour break, then from 6pm till 11 pm....average daily tip, split among staff, 60 baht, salary 5000 baht....I know it is not unusual and the majority of the staff were Burmese....you can work out how much an hour he was getting, I said NO NO NO....enough is enough....he was a waiter with little english but worked hard...
"she sold her bike, tv set, sewing machine" to buy a hard-seat train ticket?? give me a break.

Just one of many reasons why this story is obviously fake. Unlike most here I don't think the woman being interviewed was uneducated. On the contrary, she is engaging in deliberate misinformation by spouting the exact kind of lies needed as part of Thaksin's post riot propaganda war. Anyone in Thailand would know the idea of someone being forced to sell all their possessions for a ticket to Bangkok to attend the protest is ridiculous, but people overseas do not know this. That is who she is addressing in her interview, not Thais or expats in Thailand.

poster girl for Thaksin. If you're retarded enough to give up what you have for a silly bus ticket, then you deserve what you get. her demagogue never gave her anything he promised.

"she sold her bike, tv set, sewing machine" to buy a hard-seat train ticket?? give me a break.

Just one of many reasons why this story is obviously fake. Unlike most here I don't think the woman being interviewed was uneducated. On the contrary, she is engaging in deliberate misinformation by spouting the exact kind of lies needed as part of Thaksin's post riot propaganda war. Anyone in Thailand would know the idea of someone being forced to sell all their possessions for a ticket to Bangkok to attend the protest is ridiculous, but people overseas do not know this. That is who she is addressing in her interview, not Thais or expats in Thailand.

yes, more than likely.

Even the views expressed by most here are divided. Can't we have some compassion and try listening rather than trying to to be defensive?

I did have some compassion for these poor Red Shirts, misguided as they are. The poverty up North is real and it's easy for bastards like Thaksin and his dogs to exploit the stupidity and anger of these poor people.

Then they burned down my city and worst of all, we have bitches like these who are 'happy Bangkok is in flames.' If they hate us that much then to hel_l with them. They can sleep in the fields and starve to death up there for all I care.

"she sold her bike, tv set, sewing machine" to buy a hard-seat train ticket?? give me a break.

Just one of many reasons why this story is obviously fake. Unlike most here I don't think the woman being interviewed was uneducated. On the contrary, she is engaging in deliberate misinformation by spouting the exact kind of lies needed as part of Thaksin's post riot propaganda war. Anyone in Thailand would know the idea of someone being forced to sell all their possessions for a ticket to Bangkok to attend the protest is ridiculous, but people overseas do not know this. That is who she is addressing in her interview, not Thais or expats in Thailand.

Cant see how the proceeeds of the sale of a bike, TV set and sewing machine would only give you enough for a third class seat form CM to BKK.

Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bangkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

Ditto that!

It is sad to see poor and exposed people like her, being indoctrinated and filled with hate by a false movement that wasn't about her and the other poor. They've been thought to hate the government and "the rich" in Bangkok. So what is their own solution then?

Get rid of the government...? Confiscate the money and assets from "the rich elite" and... Give it to the poor? Then what? Money for free have never thought anyone to be innovative and self sufficient. When the money from the rich elite is used up on liquor and karaoke, who will employ the poor then? If they expect the government to hire every poor into the public sector... That won't work. Those experiments have been tested already in eastern Europe and elsewhere in world. China and even Vietnam are doing away with that kind of economy.

A country need investors in order to grow, expand businesses and employment. Either the investors are people and organizations from the homeland or from foreigners abroad. Personally, I prefer investors to be fellow countrymen. They will spend their their private money and wealth mostly at home, which is good for those who are involved in providing goods and services for that. Yes, it can hurt to see that some may have a bigger house and and a faster car than you. I don't see any problems with that, as long as they've been successful in a honest way.

So what can be done then? Well first the poor have to realize that the only way to success is by education and work. Unfortunately there are still way to many poor that don't want their kids to continue with the education after 9th grade. Many raise their daughters to became indirect prostitutes, hoping a rich guy or farang one day will marry them and then securing the family pension. The government must guarantee that every child can continue their studies through college and even university. There should be a student loan programme + some government premiums that would help the most absolute poor to have their kids at school. But that's not a guarantee for success. The student must be able to take good care of the studies. Not everyone got high IQ or clever brain. Some will drop from studies just because they are not suited for it. It's nothing money can do about that. Further more... There should be some kind of level of lowest wages that anyone can pay a worker. There should also be a pension programme as well. It do actually exist already, but it requires that the either the worker or the employer pay a percentage to the government pension fund. Most poor are simply not interested in that, sine it will be a premium taken of from the salary.

So... My question remains...

What was their plan and concept on helping the poor?

What do the poor homeless lady hope to be the outcome of toping the existent government?


Indeed so!

I have in fact been asking this question for weeks now - What do the reds actually want. You know, policies and initiatives.

Of course education is number one and that has now been provided free up to age 16. It's a start. Just imagine some vocational training so that some kid can get trained and licensed for some particular trade and then get paid a useful wage......We don't all have to be PhDs

There is already a minimum wage (derisory by the way)

And an old age pension. Again not much but it is a start.

I did suggest to MODERATORS that a constructive thread of possible initiatives would be interesting. There are some smart people on here and I for one would be interested in their views! No response so far. Anybody out there? Hello? Hello?

I don't know about you guys, but...

Reading about this poor lady, I do get strong parallels to the victims (supporters) of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.

Wikipedia on "Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple"

The members were totally reprogrammed and believed every word the he and his sub leaders told the followers. Don't worry. Just do what he says, and he will show you the way into heaven. The only difference is that the followers out there in this country, didn't commit suicide. They are still out there, even poorer than before, bitter, without someone to lead the way and really really confused.



Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

You are 100% wrong. This is a blinkered attitude. The opposite is true.

in last 8 weeks, lot of ideas turned into opinions then turned into violence, and now all the truth and the un'truth' are visible in front of us.

surprised ! some people have a deep sleep over last 8 weeks, or they went somewhere beyond the human civilisation :)

No but if you pull your head out of Taksins ass you probably won't like what you see. Out of 8 weeks on the computer are you getting paid. Cause I sure can't believe a word you post. You know what rosies are rose tinted sunglasses. Time to take off the rosies & get real. You can't possible believe this horse shit your spewing.
Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

ENOUGH! Haven't you "redshirts" done enough damage to the country? Where was the peaceful protests? Why could you all not go home and prepare for an election. Was it not political parties that seperated from Puea Thai that installed this government? Where is your hero Thaksin, shopping, looking for more investments / Is there no end to his greed?

No this government was installed by the Elite and the Military who bought forty Phuea Thai MPs known as the Friends of Newin (Newin Chidbob). Still the Democrats are back in Court on Thursday so he might be uninstalled though with the double standards he might get off - if that happens be prepared for even bigger trouble.

I have asked staff that worked in ZEN ground floor how much the staff was getting paid there on average, as I've read so many posts about how cruel employer Central was.

The basic salary depended on their work.

The shop manager got 18-22,000 baht plus commission, the cashier ~ 15,000 baht, the clerk 7-8,000 baht plus commission. The staff (clerk) said that on average her monthly income was 16-18,000 baht including commission.

About 2/3 of the staff were from northeastern part of the country. While they were getting the basic salary (obviously not commission) during the time Central World was closed, at least this staff has received a call that she has now been laid off.

I would guess many others were as well, as optimistic estimates to rebuild the place are 6 months, pessimistic ones 1-2 years, and that's not counting in return of the redshirts or further trouble in the area.

So I can summarize that about 6500 northeastern families just lost income from their sons and daughters from Central World alone.

There are 1000 more at Centre One.

Another 1500 more at Big C Rajadamri.

And another 15000 staff laid off by hotels in the area.

That's a big beating to many families upcountry, which is definitely going to make their lives even more miserable.

Reason for edit: Added that the person was a clerk

The problem is going to be though, that a lot of people will blame the present government for the lay offs and miserable lifes.
World, outside?

the rural thai have no idea about life outside. Show them a map of the far east and they cant even identify thailand properly let alone the major cities. They dont even understand what a map is - cant visualise.

When I taught in a primary school I realised that they had never seen a world globe before, didn't know what it was, couldn't grasp the idea of a round earth and my thai supervisor advised against this path to knowledge as its never in the curriculum even in high school. This was quite a progressive school as they go btw

"this can't be England because it is an island" (my ex Thaï secretary of an ex wife upon my showing how close we'd be from GB soon)

:) A farang and his thai bf run a restaurant in Satorn, even frequented by Swedish Royalty...my partner worked there for one month, 7 days a week, from 1 pm till 5 pm, one hour break, then from 6pm till 11 pm....average daily tip, split among staff, 60 baht, salary 5000 baht....I know it is not unusual and the majority of the staff were Burmese....you can work out how much an hour he was getting, I said NO NO NO....enough is enough....he was a waiter with little english but worked hard...

I definitely agree that there are many exploitative businesses around Bangkok. But on those I don't have any figures.

On Central World I did. So I posted it.

But I know that what some people get in restaurants (25-30 baht an hour in Swensens, for example) is awful, but that's why they only have part time staff, mainly students.

If you want to see the really explotative busnesses look outside Bangkok and to the poorer parts of the country where business owners paty pitances. Oh and we could then get into rice milling.... What happens in Bangkok pales in comparison But dont expect PTP or their red mates to look at this as they run those businesses

No this government was installed by the Elite and the Military who bought forty Phuea Thai MPs known as the Friends of Newin (Newin Chidbob). Still the Democrats are back in Court on Thursday so he might be uninstalled though with the double standards he might get off - if that happens be prepared for even bigger trouble.

How much were Newin's group paid to support Thaksin's puppet parties in the first place?

:) A farang and his thai bf run a restaurant in Satorn, even frequented by Swedish Royalty...my partner worked there for one month, 7 days a week, from 1 pm till 5 pm, one hour break, then from 6pm till 11 pm....average daily tip, split among staff, 60 baht, salary 5000 baht....I know it is not unusual and the majority of the staff were Burmese....you can work out how much an hour he was getting, I said NO NO NO....enough is enough....he was a waiter with little english but worked hard...

I definitely agree that there are many exploitative businesses around Bangkok. But on those I don't have any figures.

On Central World I did. So I posted it.

But I know that what some people get in restaurants (25-30 baht an hour in Swensens, for example) is awful, but that's why they only have part time staff, mainly students.

Not to mention McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc etc.

I've been there - done that, during my school time. The wages on those are equally bad, compared to the average wages. Even in my very well developed home country. I'll guess it's the same in US and all over the world. Fast food chains are only for students who needs extra money. Good way to learn how to work in team, by the rules and how important a structure really is. For income, it's a disaster. But for the first job, it's a great experience. Afterwards, you really know that you wanna take care of your studies and one day aim for a job that you do like.


No this government was installed by the Elite and the Military who bought forty Phuea Thai MPs known as the Friends of Newin (Newin Chidbob). Still the Democrats are back in Court on Thursday so he might be uninstalled though with the double standards he might get off - if that happens be prepared for even bigger trouble.

How much were Newin's group paid to support Thaksin's puppet parties in the first place?

How much were Chavalits group opaid? How much wer Pinij's group paid? Hiw much were Yuth's group paid? How much were Laddawan's group paid? How much were Chalerm's group paid? How much were Mohammed Wan Nor's group paid? How much were Kamnan Poh's group paid? How much wwere Snogh's group paid? etc etc All to join TRT in the first place and without which Thaksin would never have been PM.

Parichart said she was prepared to die to remove the current political elite, adding defiantly that she was "not afraid of the guns" and planning to resume work as a masseuse to save up for future rallies.

one now needs to ascertain the political views of masseuses before hiring... :-)

"I am happy Bangkok was in flames. Let the rich feel what suffering means. Abhisit must tumble,"

But they wouldn't have been affected, ducky. The only people you have screwed up are those in the same shoes as you who now have no job and possibly no home. Grow up!

Can anyone here say, "mindless brain-washed red sock-puppet" in thai?? :D

Kwai daeng would fit nicely. :)

:) A farang and his thai bf run a restaurant in Satorn, even frequented by Swedish Royalty...my partner worked there for one month, 7 days a week, from 1 pm till 5 pm, one hour break, then from 6pm till 11 pm....average daily tip, split among staff, 60 baht, salary 5000 baht....I know it is not unusual and the majority of the staff were Burmese....you can work out how much an hour he was getting, I said NO NO NO....enough is enough....he was a waiter with little english but worked hard...

I definitely agree that there are many exploitative businesses around Bangkok. But on those I don't have any figures.

On Central World I did. So I posted it.

But I know that what some people get in restaurants (25-30 baht an hour in Swensens, for example) is awful, but that's why they only have part time staff, mainly students.

Not to mention McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc etc.

I've been there - done that, during my school time. The wages on those are equally bad, compared to the average wages. Even in my very well developed home country. I'll guess it's the same in US and all over the world. Fast food chains are only for students who needs extra money. Good way to learn how to work in team, by the rules and how important a structure really is. For income, it's a disaster. But for the first job, it's a great experience. Afterwards, you really know that you wanna take care of your studies and one day aim for a job that you do like.


Let's not compare with the West and make Western judgements like "25 baht an hour is terrible...".

I pay 120 Baht a day + tips.

For someone who is uneducated, does not want to go to Pattaya or the local karaoke bar it is better than nothing and certainly better than sitting on your arse in the village.

It is called market rate, as is the meagre 60 Baht I can charge for a delicious khao pad goong.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

What means Legitimate? In a lot of democracies people are voting based on thinks like the candidate appearance, speeches, wealth, most most of them are not educated enough to make a real informed choice.

Democracy is a failed system in most country just because the majority of the people are not educated enough to take a decision based on real fact. It is all based on TV, and bullshit.

A good leader is a good leader, even if he was not elected. Most kings were not elected but were not all bad. Bush, and Hitler were elected by the people. Guess what? Election means nothing.

If Abhisit is a good leader (and when I see the bath going up, and the economy resisting to the crisis much better than most Asian countries), then why changing him based on a vote that will be made by uneducated people???

No this government was installed by the Elite and the Military who bought forty Phuea Thai MPs known as the Friends of Newin (Newin Chidbob). Still the Democrats are back in Court on Thursday so he might be uninstalled though with the double standards he might get off - if that happens be prepared for even bigger trouble.

How much were Newin's group paid to support Thaksin's puppet parties in the first place?

I believe that something like 10 million baht per defection was paid by Thaksin to MPs from other parties when he set up Thai rak Thai.


I would say to this brainwashed and apparently stupid (as she cannot think clear by herself) Red Shirt “Paris-art”, the following:

Buy yourself a lottery ticket.

If you don't win the first prize, blame it on every one and in particular the lottery company and managers as they did not support you for winning the prize.

Next, go on a rampage and burn down the Lottery head office and all related buildings.

Next, call all journalists to get an interview and tell them it is not right and very bad you did not win.

Next, give a statement that, in the event they will not let you win the firts prize next drawning, you will burn all of Thailand including you own and family-home and put all responsibility on the lottery.


"We took to the streets to demonstrate our frustration with rising costs of rice, oil and medical charges," said Saisunee.

"The elites are enjoying while the poor are suffering," she added.

There is the real problem that Abhisit needs to address. Instead of buying a Zeppelin Airship for the Army, or bomb detectors that don't work, or talk about purchasing a useless Submarine, make life for the poor and less fortunate a little bit easier. Thaksin obviously noticed the problem and took advantage of it. Why can't Abhisit?

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

What means Legitimate? In a lot of democracies people are voting based on thinks like the candidate appearance, speeches, wealth, most most of them are not educated enough to make a real informed choice.

Democracy is a failed system in most country just because the majority of the people are not educated enough to take a decision based on real fact. It is all based on TV, and bullshit.

A good leader is a good leader, even if he was not elected. Most kings were not elected but were not all bad. Bush, and Hitler were elected by the people. Guess what? Election means nothing.

If Abhisit is a good leader (and when I see the bath going up, and the economy resisting to the crisis much better than most Asian countries), then why changing him based on a vote that will be made by uneducated people???

Well said.


I have to chuckle when I read the comments of the protesters who say "its not finished", "we are making plans for the next protest", "we will never forget", etc, etc. I wish we could hire help up here in the north with a work ethic, which mirrors these statements. Sadly, the work required is seldom finished in a proper manner, if at all, without constant/direct supervision. Making plans for tomorrow does not seem a part of the way of life. hel_l, they forget the mixing instructions for fuel after taking a nap over lunch.

This has been another diversion in a otherwise boring existence, just longer in duration and more people than a local funeral, wedding, or holiday. If they were paid in Bangkok, they probably made more than they would in their home city. I say this as the farmers are still on the farms and local labor is still working. I would venture that many participants were self employed vendors, day labors, unemployed, etc who were not interested or capable in working on a regular basis. Some even said they brought the children who were entrusted to their care to the protests. These people do not want to be bothered with political solutions, other than, what do I get in hand now? Thaksin understood this and it seemed to work until he got caught out.


I wonder how it feels for the Red Shirt supporters who still have jobs in Bangkok to resume work this week. Employers and colleagues may make work difficult for them; Some businesses would lay them off out of disgust. Political view may become a standard interview question.

The lack of any remorse from the Red Shirt leaders and supporters is quite worrying.

As I've said elsewhere, some serious reprogramming needs to be done on their minds to undo all the programming of hatred and violence. A few television advertisements may not be strong enough. Ideally, sending them to a psychiatric clinic could do the job, but obviously they are too deranged to realize that they need treatment.

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