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Hangover Thailand / Hangover My Land

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Didn't have a lot to drink last night by Thailand expat standards but I felt dizzy, dehydrated and had a nasty headache when I woke up this morning.

I have always forund this in the U.K. whereas back in Thailand.. (Which, i'll admit I am starting to miss so don't feel that my ThaiVisa membership shouldn't be renewed) ...Back in Thailand I can drink like a fish and mix like a ponk and at worst I'll wake up feeling tired and thirsty.

What's the deal?

My theory is that in Asia we drink lots more water but this bloke I met in a pub in Aberdeen says that's nonsense and the reason is because it's colder in the U.K. than it is in Thailand????


Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Oh the possibilities:

A) You drink mixed drinks – (Jack/coke – Gin/Tonic – etc) and in Thailand they are so watered down that it take three Thai drinks to equal one UK drink.

:o While in Thailand you drink perpetually so you only suffer one hang-over starting on the plan ride back home.

C) While in Thailand you are shuffled out of the bar at 1 AM, you sleep until 3 PM and therefore give your body more down time to recuperate – as opposed to all-nighters in the UK with two hours of sleep before having get you a** out of bed for work the next day.

D) After your night on the town in Thailand you have the company of a beautiful lass. Said beautiful lass keeps you up for hours upon your return to the hotel with the old bedroom Olympics. All of this physical activity cause two things to occur:

1) Increases the rate in which your body process the alcohol

2) Makes you drink liters of water enable to keep up with said beautiful lass. While on the other hand in the UK – well lets just say we’re lucky to see a beautiful lass let alone take one home. Add to that the chances that said beautiful lass from the UK is will/able to perform previously mentioned bedroom Olympics and I think we can all see the issue.

Now I have always heard that a hangover is the result of insufficient water in the cerebellum area. So then again it might just be as simple as what you have mentioned – you drink more water when you are here.

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A hangover has such a broad range of causes:

A. Dehydration: by the way, feeling thirsty is not a good guide to whether or not you are dehydrated.

B. Congeners: These are the nasties in all alcoholic beverages, higher in red wine and brandy, less in vodka and weak beers. Congeners are the extra chemicals aside from ethanol that are found in beer, wines and spirits.

There will be tiny amounts of methanol in spirits, methanol accumulates in the body, so a session followed by a session will yield a worse hangover eventually.

Fusel oils are the higher alcohols found in tiny quantities in all spirits.

There are scores of other chemicals which are present in beer and wines, ever noticed how Stella Artois causes the drinker to become 'Stella'd' :that is doing crazy things, then forgetting everything the next day?

C. Electrolyte imbalance, Potassium and other minerals are lost after a drinking session, unfortunately they get urinated away quite quickly. A couple of bananas will help replace the potassium balance.

I think hangovers are lesser in Thailand, because we drink more water, drink Stronk-K, eat rice before a drinking session, finish off with a takeaway meal, and can sleep in. Plus a lot of toxins are actually sweated out the body by excessive perspiration. Then the adrenenal glands are usually helping speed up the alcohol removal system of the body if we are aroused!?

There must also be some psychology involved, because if you are happy, ie.the sunshine, the friendly ladies etc. the brain chemicals will actually block out your hangover. It is rather like telling an addict, the 'fix' is on the way, the unpleasant craving stops temporarily (for them).

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Yeah...I was hungover on Monday at work. Went to my co-worker's wedding on Sunday. Actually, I think I (we) was still drunk at work. LOL Mixed vodka, bacardi, captain morgan rum, Long Islands, and some Baileys. weeeeeew Was the world spinning. :o

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....... Then the adrenenal glands are usually helping speed up the alcohol removal system of the body if we are aroused!?

There must also be some psychology involved, because if you are happy, ie.the sunshine, the friendly ladies etc. the brain chemicals will actually block out your hangover. It is rather like telling an addict, the 'fix' is on the way, the unpleasant craving stops temporarily (for them).

Thanks Syd. Always wondered why after a couple of hours of boozing a trip through Cowboy seemed to sober me up.

Finally Cowboy visits can be justified medically to the missus.

Any chance you happen to know to thai word(s) for adrenal glands?

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Didn't have a lot to drink last night by Thailand expat standards but I felt dizzy, dehydrated and had a nasty headache when I woke up this morning.

I have always forund this in the U.K. whereas back in Thailand.. (Which, i'll admit I am starting to miss so don't feel that my ThaiVisa membership shouldn't be renewed) ...Back in Thailand I can drink like a fish and mix like a ponk and at worst I'll wake up feeling tired and thirsty.

What's the deal?

My theory is that in Asia we drink lots more water but this bloke I met in a pub in Aberdeen says that's nonsense and the reason is because it's colder in the U.K. than it is in Thailand????

:D  :o

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

You are dead right about the water consumption (ice is water too), dehydration and consequent loss of salt causing your blood vessels to swell and push against the cranium is probably the number one reason for hangover.

I think some of it also has to do with mostly drinking indoors in very effectively isolated buildings, (well, at least in Sweden they are, otherwise we would not survive the winter) and adding cigarette smoke to that environment.

People smoke more in Sweden, and I would imagine also in the UK, than in Thailand. The amount of passive smoke you get into you from being in a pub environment surely does not help you keep your liquid balance... Cigarette smoke, like alcohol and caffeine, interfere with ADH hormone levels which means you have to empty your bladder more often than what is actually good for your body.

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Any chance you happen to know to thai word(s) for adrenal glands?

ต่อม หมวก ไต

dtom muag dtai (low tone, low tone, mid tone)

Thanks; ILooking forward to an interesting discussion with the other half in the near future. Probably end up getting slapped to the head again :o

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I've noticed the same thing when comparing my morning after reaction to alcohol in Thailand and the UK. I've always attributed it to the fact that my alcohol consumption and the regularity with which i imbibe increases whilst in Thailand, i think my body therefore adjusts and grows accustomed to the effects of alcohol. When i'm in the UK i drink less frequently and therefore each occasion is a greater shock to my system, and my body lets me know about it. I've noticed that many alcoholics seem to have the ability to get up each morning and hold a job down, despite raucous drinking sessions night after night. I know if i were to drink as much i would be ill each day until i adapted.

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I too notice the difference in hangover strength between UK and LOS....

I have given up trying to explain it to myself and have just added this fact to my "Advantages of living in Thailand" list... :D

totster :o

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Water...drink a glass of water after every bottle or pint of beer.

Also, do like the Thais and constantly eat some kind of food while drinking.

Easier said than done unless you want to run the risk of getting lynched by ordering a glass of water in the pub.

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Water...drink a glass of water after every bottle or pint of beer.

Also, do like the Thais and constantly eat some kind of food while drinking.

Easier said than done unless you want to run the risk of getting lynched by ordering a glass of water in the pub.

The way folks go around carrying these plastic water bottles everywhere it can't be that hard. But, I suppose depends on what kind of Pub you frequent too. Perhaps in central Glasgow where you're lible to get head-butted for no good reason would not be the venue to ask for a glass of bottle of mineral water with your beer. :o

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Water...drink a glass of water after every bottle or pint of beer.

Also, do like the Thais and constantly eat some kind of food while drinking.

Easier said than done unless you want to run the risk of getting lynched by ordering a glass of water in the pub.

The way folks go around carrying these plastic water bottles everywhere it can't be that hard. But, I suppose depends on what kind of Pub you frequent too. Perhaps in central Glasgow where you're lible to get head-butted for no good reason would not be the venue to ask for a glass of bottle of mineral water with your beer. :o

I dunno.... Glasgow's getting quite sophisticated these days.... :D

totster :D

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to the best of my knowledge (i have observed similar body reactions myself, scampy) it mostly has to do with the fact that in thailand we sweat it out more quickly. That´s why we can eternally keep drinking in Thailand and rarely have a hangover.

Personally I did drink my beer with ice, when drinking from Liter bottles.

Small ones just as they are.

I rather did like TM´s post though, about the UK offering no excitement each and every day.



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Didn't have a lot to drink last night by Thailand expat standards but I felt dizzy, dehydrated and had a nasty headache when I woke up this morning.

I have always forund this in the U.K. whereas back in Thailand.. (Which, i'll admit I am starting to miss so don't feel that my ThaiVisa membership shouldn't be renewed) ...Back in Thailand I can drink like a fish and mix like a ponk and at worst I'll wake up feeling tired and thirsty.

What's the deal?

My theory is that in Asia we drink lots more water but this bloke I met in a pub in Aberdeen says that's nonsense and the reason is because it's colder in the U.K. than it is in Thailand????

:D  :o

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

I can tell you, to much Singha will make you poompooie. :D

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I'd go along with the water theory.

Will never forget one time, just after getting over here to live, and I was in a bar, shaking like a leaf and trying not to spill my beer. The owner asked if I had been drinking more here than in the UK. I reckoned a bit more, but not hughly so. He advised me to drink more water and have the occasional electrolyte mixed with it. Does the trick for me.

Also a glass of H2O before sleeping is good. Unfortunately, if I need it, I'm too drunk to remember to take it.

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Water...drink a glass of water after every bottle or pint of beer.

Also, do like the Thais and constantly eat some kind of food while drinking.

Easier said than done unless you want to run the risk of getting lynched by ordering a glass of water in the pub.

The way folks go around carrying these plastic water bottles everywhere it can't be that hard. But, I suppose depends on what kind of Pub you frequent too. Perhaps in central Glasgow where you're lible to get head-butted for no good reason would not be the venue to ask for a glass of bottle of mineral water with your beer. :o

I dunno.... Glasgow's getting quite sophisticated these days.... :D

totster :D

See you Jimmy! :D

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Also, do like the Thais and constantly eat some kind of food while drinking.

Also on the subject of drinking like the Thais... whisky and soda and ice... lots of water to dilute the alcohol and re-hydrate.


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to the best of my knowledge (i have observed similar body reactions myself, scampy) it mostly has to do with the fact that in thailand we sweat it out more quickly. That´s why we can eternally keep drinking in Thailand and rarely have a hangover.

Personally I did drink my beer with ice, when drinking from Liter bottles.

Small ones just as they are.

I rather did like TM´s post though, about the UK offering no excitement each and every day.



Your argument contradicts the medical literature I have read about this.

Alcohol does not exit the body through the sweat glands. Sweating will not help your hangover, nor will it help you sober up. The elimination rate of alcohol can not be speeded up to any significant degree. It is fairly constant - on average about 2 cl of 40% (80 proof) alcohol is eliminated per hour, but individual factors are important as well.

Instead, you will sweat out minerals and salt, which will cause dehydration and worsen your hangover.

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If your a beer drinker, then your going to get a whole lot of sugar enriched carbohydrates.....hence the farang gut, probably not really going to help your hangover either...

As for spirits drinkers, heres an option, replace your coke or bitters with soda water or ice, or both. This way you can stay hydrated while you drink, all night. I find a scotch whiskey and soda goes down pretty well and i dont wake with a hangover in the morning! :o

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I'm normally a whiskey drinker (or rum if no whiskey available). I too have found that I rarely get a hang-over in Thailand, even during the good old days when I'd be staggering home at 6 or 7 in the morning.

I'll go long periods (i.e. months) without touching a drop (it's a wee bit hard to get here). Then, like my last trip home, I have a couple of wild nights before settling down.

In Canada, where I could drink more frequently, I'd find myself getting buzzed after 5-6 drinks. On my last trip, I noticed I wasn't getting buzzed until 10-12 drinks, and p*ssed by 15. No hang-over though.

I'll force myself to drink at least half a liter of water (and pop a couple of asprin) just before going to bed, even when I'm absolutely blotto !

(sometimes it helps to do the finger-down-the-throat routine first. Gets rid of excess booze, and saves you from having to dash from the bed to the hong nam in the dark any ways).

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Water...drink a glass of water after every bottle or pint of beer.

Also, do like the Thais and constantly eat some kind of food while drinking.

Plus I dont think you sweat your a$$ off wjile drinking in the U.K. either like here in the LOS. I drink 1 big bottle of sangsom sometimes and not hungover the next day . Crazy ! :o

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Hi Scampy,

good to see you are still posting :D

My answer is the Watered Down Drinks. When I first arrived here 3 years ago I was amazed at how much liquor I could down without getting a hangover on the BKK nightlife curcuit. I thought I had become tolerant to alcohol, that of course is not true, if I am at home with a bottle of spiirits I will feel rough as a dog the next day. :o

Anyway, keep on posting, am sure it won't be too long till you are back again

Cheers, (have a watered down whisky)


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C. Electrolyte imbalance, Potassium and other minerals are lost after a drinking session, unfortunately they get urinated away quite quickly. A couple of bananas will help replace the potassium balance.

When in Thailand, I use this to make 'Nam Krua' (similar to sports drink like 'Gatorade'), just mix one or two bags of these with a glass of water and drink it before going to bed, and you won't have a hang over next morning. They sell this at every pharmacies in Thailand.


'Over Drive' tablet from NuSkin before going to bed and hot miso soup in the morning you have hang over also works good for me. :o

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C. Electrolyte imbalance, Potassium and other minerals are lost after a drinking session, unfortunately they get urinated away quite quickly. A couple of bananas will help replace the potassium balance.

When in Thailand, I use this to make 'Nam Krua' (similar to sports drink like 'Gatorade'), just mix one or two bags of these with a glass of water and drink it before going to bed, and you won't have a hang over next morning. They sell this at every pharmacies in Thailand.


'Over Drive' tablet from NuSkin before going to bed and hot miso soup in the morning you have hang over also works good for me. :o

Yep, rehydration salts usually help a lot - not all brands are as good though, some of them contain too much sodium and too little of other minerals - and you usually get too much sodium into you anyway, just from the food.

I use the Thai brands as well as the Swedish "Resorb" which comes as tablets you dissolve into water.

A few tips to avoid hangover - always eat well before you start drinking, and it doesn't hurt to eat a little at the end of the night either. Then, the magic rehydration salt and a little extra water before going to bed. In most cases this is enough to avoid the worst of the hangover.

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drinking lots of water: disagree

i am drinking faaar more (top quality mountain spring) water aside my alcoholic beverages whilst residing in europe. Nevertheless european hangover is catastrophic compared to my (almost non-existing) los drinking desaster times....

dehydration: agree

obviously one sweats more in los than anywhere else europe (even southern spain) BUT - as mentioned in previous posts - scientific reports say sweating is not the reason for hangover level

passive cigarette influence: totally agree

IF there was absolute no chance for fresh air (well, whatever you call "fresh" air in thailand) having a hangover was likely to happen

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to the best of my knowledge (i have observed similar body reactions myself, scampy) it mostly has to do with the fact that in thailand we sweat it out more quickly. That´s why we can eternally keep drinking in Thailand and rarely have a hangover.

Personally I did drink my beer with ice, when drinking from Liter bottles.

Small ones just as they are.

I rather did like TM´s post though, about the UK offering no excitement each and every day.



Your argument contradicts the medical literature I have read about this.

Alcohol does not exit the body through the sweat glands. Sweating will not help your hangover, nor will it help you sober up. The elimination rate of alcohol can not be speeded up to any significant degree. It is fairly constant - on average about 2 cl of 40% (80 proof) alcohol is eliminated per hour, but individual factors are important as well.

Instead, you will sweat out minerals and salt, which will cause dehydration and worsen your hangover.

Oh. :o

Okay, I didn`t know that.

No I do. :D:D

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