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Glitterman Speaks About Part 7.'the Show'.


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Here is the final episode of Pattaya's Golden Wonder; The Golden Man.

I Wait, i wait for the sun to die, My show is a 'sundown' show and i am the Golden sundown kid.

After judging if weather conditions are suitable, at around 4pm i change into my costume [20 mins] Then i carry the main mast [flag pole] down the stairs and uncover the plastic covering on my bicycle, clip on the mast and leave my home at around 4:35 pm

Even though it is still very hot, i get used to the heat, i try to go as slowly as i can, without losing my balance and pacing myself. Trying not to sweat to much.

Waving Act.

There are people waving at me all the time, and i try to wave back to EVERYONE who waves to me. There is a method to my waving; If the person waving to me is on my LEFT side, then i will only wave back with my RIGHT hand. This way my waving hand does not cover and hide my smiling face for them. Likewise if the person waving is on my RIGHT side then i will only wave back with my LEFT hand. Sounds silly but it works.

King Of The Road.

On Beach road i HAVE to take up half the road. I do know that if i let drivers push me aside then this could be very dangerous for me. I do need a fair bit of space either side of me for steering adjustments. 'drivers are legally supposed to give cyclists plenty of room when passing' anyway.[remember your driving test book]

Balancing Act.

It is a balancing act, i am constantly looking at the concrete road, watching out for Pattaya's many concrete 'potholes' and bad drain covers which could damage the back wheel bearings on my heavy bike. Glass is not a problem as usually the roads are quite clean.

I am also constantly watching the winds behavior. This is done by watching the tree tops on Beach road or flags on second road, and slowing my bike down or speeding up to safely pass the gust of wind without it damaging the main mast flag pole.

Road Jammers.

All too often baht taxis are the biggest cause of general accidents in Pattaya, and although i have NEVER had an accident in Pattaya yet, i am sure that when i do it will be caused by a baht taxi. I can understand a taxi stopping to let someone off, But i have absolutly no patience for a taxi sitting in the middle of the road looking for customers. They stop at road joining junctions, selfishly stopping traffic behind them. I know that this is illegal as i have seen the police issuing tickets to taxis for this minor offence. On saturdays a large busy portion of Beach road is at a standstill, again because those baht taxis are customer looking outside Central Shopping. I have had to put a total of 8 electric horns on my bike to shift these road hogs and clear the way. Having said all that, there are alot of nice taxi drivers who look out for me on my round to give me a wave.

Dogs Of War.

Another road pest are the many wild dogs, some do get used to me and turn a blind eye. While others see me as a packet of 'Golden Wonder crisps' to try and eat, and dangerously charge towards me, barking with teeth gnashing. I have to carry a toy plastic B.B. pistol, and if i think that the dog is going to attack me, then, without stopping i will quickly fire at it. This toy gun has NO power, so it does NOT hurt the dog, but the sound of the 'BANG' and the plastic ball touching their fur is enough to stop their charge. I have been bitten already and i ended up having to have rabies shots, i have absolutely no intention of letting that happen again!!!! My ant-dog bite boots that i wear, although never proven to work do give me piece of mind.

Music Motivation.

I never eat or drink while on my round, but i do like to sing along to my favourite music tapes. It gives extra variation for me. Removing and flipping over the cassette behind me while still moving is a talent in itself.

The Royal Glitterman hath Spoken.

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I thought I detect a little humour in there Glitterman.......does riding along holding up the traffic make you smile a little.......and knowing how comical you might look if caught by a sudden gust of wind.......

Enjoy....... I'm sure you bring more smiles and cheerfulness than most

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Enjoy....... I'm sure you bring more smiles and cheerfulness than most

Not as much as the woman with the tippex-white painted face and the red lipstick lips who walks in the middle of the road holding up all the traffic smoking falling rain cigs.


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Enjoy....... I'm sure you bring more smiles and cheerfulness than most

Not as much as the woman with the tippex-white painted face and the red lipstick lips who walks in the middle of the road holding up all the traffic smoking falling rain cigs.


They should get married....making a wonderful couple lol

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Mildly interesting stuff.

It appears that the OP does not reply or respond to other's posts. So any reasonable questions are left unanswered.

If anyone knows the Glitter Man: Suggest a question and answer session thread.

why bother, don't give the guy a second thought, he is boring! i wish he would stop posting! he also is annoying on other forums and people are equally bored of the posts on there.

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Enjoy....... I'm sure you bring more smiles and cheerfulness than most

Not as much as the woman with the tippex-white painted face and the red lipstick lips who walks in the middle of the road holding up all the traffic smoking falling rain cigs.


They should get married....making a wonderful couple lol

Golden man and silver lady :D

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Enjoy....... I'm sure you bring more smiles and cheerfulness than most

Not as much as the woman with the tippex-white painted face and the red lipstick lips who walks in the middle of the road holding up all the traffic smoking falling rain cigs.


They should get married....making a wonderful couple lol

Golden man and silver lady :D

:) It would be the wedding of the year. People from all over the world attend.

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Encountering Glitterman the other day, I discovered that he makes some kind of noise when he rides by, a bicycle bell or something, to make SURE he's noticed.

That's going TOO FAR. :)

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I can't speak for some silly grumpy moaners...

But for my wife, friends and I escaping the hassles of Bangkok last week we drove past Glitterman. I'd read about him in this thread but never really knew what or who he is.

Needless to say, we were stressed after having to get out of Bkk because anti-g'ment protestors had blocked our road and started shooting nearby, passing glitterman seemed to take the edge of all this, we had a laugh and a chuckle.

Glitterman cheered us up - Thanks GM. The occasional extrovert is a pleasant thing, far more pleasant than the grumpy buggers complaining about them.

Oh, and I don't think he'll ever have an accident while on his bike - He's impossible to miss - Safest bike out there.

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Glitterman finally wrote a sensible post (about watching sports on TV being boring) and it was deleted almost immediately. It was the first post that he has written that I agreed with. sad.gif


Edited by Ulysses G.
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I finally saw the Glitterman on Beach Rd.

Cheered me up no end to see a real eccentric.

The world needs more eccentrics to balance out the dreadfully boring people that mainly inhabit the planet ( unfortunately that now includes me- boring , that is ).

Keep it up GM.

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Glitterman finally wrote a sensible post (about watching sports on TV being boring) and it was deleted almost immediately. It was the first post that he has written that I agreed with. sad.gif

Doesn't that statement bother you at all ?

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