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Interpol to track Thaksin: Thai Foreign Ministry

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Even if his actual support drops to about 1% of Thais (my estimate is he currently has around 5%), that 1% can cause a lot of damage.

Any evidence for the 5% figure you mention?

If it's anywhere near accurate then Abhisit should call for elections rapidly and capitalise on Thaksin's unpopularity.

But I'm guessing Abhisit has a somewhat stronger grip on political realities than you do.

My assumption is that Thaksin still has 50% support or more, and that's what his opponents also believe.

Election results in 2007 sure don't support those numbers. When you remove Newin and the other regional political machines from the mix it drops further. When you take into account people from urban centers in Isaan and the North that were hurt by the red mob's actions in BKK that would suggest a further drop in numbers. Thaksin himself probably only has about 15% of the people buying into his line at this point. The reds that are NOT pro-Thaksin may account for another 15%.

30% certainly makes the reds a formidable force in Thailand but when you think of them being split between those that want Thaksin and those that actually want a change in the direction of their lives it is a smaller and more manageable issue for the governent. The government can reach the 15% that are RED and are red because they want to see more help for the rural poor. The percentage that are THAKSIN or NOTHING are unreachable but can be politically isolated to a certain extent.

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Would be good to see justice served, and not the rich buying their way out, or playing cat and mouse.

InterPol: Set your cameras at Louis V. shops

Best tried in the Hague if that were possible as there would be a backlash if he were tried and convicted in Thailand, nevertheless megalomaniacs use all their power to destroy their enemies and failing that they destroy themselves trying so it is important Thaksin is neutralized once and for all.
once he sets foot on Thai soil all the red shirts will be around him.

just imagine the drama they just had in the centre of Bangkok. then imagine that as an encampment around wherever he is being held.

they will either have to have him in a 'secret' location which i'm sure would not remain secret for long or suffer total chaos around his location.

either way it would be a martyr in the making

As Steely Dan says, try him outside the country using the tribunal process at the Hague, as then there will be no real possiblity of internal intervention if he was brought to Thailand. If the government is smart, they request that he be investigated & trialed outside the country.



OMG try Dr Evil in the Hague????????????

who is going to pay for that?, 100,000,000 EU and 10 years later

Put him on an Island yeah a resort in Phuket, what island, can you see a flottilla of floating reds paddling out.

Indeed it would be a nightmare to bring him back just now

how short sighted you all are

just wait till ykw pops his clogs, then we will see some fireworks for sure :)

Some of you are missing the point here; It's not a question of if the Thai government can get him back or not, if they want to they can. It's quite obvious that they don't want him back though.

Also read the title; Interpol will TRACK Thaksin, doesn't say anything more than that :)

Interpol tracking him will do a lot better than Kasit did.

When the government know where he is, they can immediately pressure that government to do something about it.

At the moment, they currently find out where he is through facebook or twitter.

I bet that extradition to TH will cause much more troubles than keeping him away of this country.

If he is jailed WITHIN Thailand - we'll see the "Red riots part 2", as he will become a mortyr to'em. And it will be MUCH huger than Ratprasong.

Better keep him away of TH borders. Or..emmm...it is a long story and long way to go to TH, may some very private road accidents occurs somewhere far in Montenegro, or something.... You know, there are LOTS of accidents... :)

But bringing him back to TH will be a total mistake IMO.

Many people think so. Many Reds take him as a cult leader already. So much that they can die for him and his whole family.

I bet that extradition to TH will cause much more troubles than keeping him away of this country.

If he is jailed WITHIN Thailand - we'll see the "Red riots part 2", as he will become a mortyr to'em. And it will be MUCH huger than Ratprasong.

Better keep him away of TH borders. Or..emmm...it is a long story and long way to go to TH, may some very private road accidents occurs somewhere far in Montenegro, or something.... You know, there are LOTS of accidents... :)

But bringing him back to TH will be a total mistake IMO.

Many people think so. Many Reds take him as a cult leader already. So much that they can die for him and his whole family.

yeah, he could still "call the shots" behind bars if here. You know they'll give him special treatment out of fear.

That "sudden road accident" sounds pretty.....likely as a possible way to go! maybe some food there is often poison or harmful too!

I'm sure they can be inventive if they wanna be. Like they say a despised man with twenty holes was "the worst case of suicide the local police ever saw"


Election results in 2007 sure don't support Thakson at 50%.

And: I drove extensively around Thailand in February and March and I must say that I was surprised by the lack of support for the reds in Central and Eastern Seaboard, South has never been his strong side. For the north, support started further north than I had expected. He's big in Isaan and the North but certainly not with everyone

I thought he was at less than 50% but more than 40% something 2 months ago, now I give him between 30 and 40 percent now. That is still a lot.

Why isn't it less? My bet is that all the reds who liked to listen to him and red information changed channel when shameful unfavourable information about the red movement began to surface. That's exactly what the few red neighbours I have did...

Even if his actual support drops to about 1% of Thais (my estimate is he currently has around 5%), that 1% can cause a lot of damage.

Any evidence for the 5% figure you mention?

If it's anywhere near accurate then Abhisit should call for elections rapidly and capitalise on Thaksin's unpopularity.

But I'm guessing Abhisit has a somewhat stronger grip on political realities than you do.

My assumption is that Thaksin still has 50% support or more, and that's what his opponents also believe.

Yes 5 % is way too low. I would say anything between 30 and 50 %.

Most of the supporters do not see the big picture behind Mr. Thaksin, that's why he still gets support.

If he comes back to Thailand new trouble will start. If he would accept to lead a quiet life, they should give him back some of his money, get his official acceptance to stay out of politics and ask for a public excuse for the things happened. Sure, this will not comply with the law, but the law enforcement will not end this, I am afraid.

Most of the supporters do not see the big picture behind Mr. Thaksin, that's why he still gets support

Most of the supporters do not WANT TO see the big picture behind Mr. Thaksin, that's why he still gets support

Even if his actual support drops to about 1% of Thais (my estimate is he currently has around 5%), that 1% can cause a lot of damage.

Any evidence for the 5% figure you mention?

If it's anywhere near accurate then Abhisit should call for elections rapidly and capitalise on Thaksin's unpopularity.

But I'm guessing Abhisit has a somewhat stronger grip on political realities than you do.

My assumption is that Thaksin still has 50% support or more, and that's what his opponents also believe.

Which explains why the PPP got 36% of the vote in 2007 - I know its simple math, but you should still be able to take a crack at it...lol

Government to Initiate Extraditing Process for Thaksin on Terrorism Charges

Kasit said that whether the extradition process will be successful depends on the international cooperation.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-26


Which I think would be unlikely from the majority of countries, more lip service than action is likely.

I am also in the camp that advocates not bringing Thaksin back to Thailand should the opportunity arise. Would be one big red rag, pun intended. :)

Best tried in the Hague if that were possible as there would be a backlash if he were tried and convicted in Thailand, nevertheless megalomaniacs use all their power to destroy their enemies and failing that they destroy themselves trying so it is important Thaksin is neutralized once and for all.

And hopefully all his family for helping to fund the Red Shirt terrorists ... They all think they can walk away and leave this scar on Thai society ... which runs very deep... prison is too good for all of them..!!!

Government to Initiate Extraditing Process for Thaksin on Terrorism Charges

Kasit said that whether the extradition process will be successful depends on the international cooperation.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-26


Which I think would be unlikely from the majority of countries, more lip service than action is likely.

I am also in the camp that advocates not bringing Thaksin back to Thailand should the opportunity arise. Would be one big red rag, pun intended. :)

Could be that the charges are a STATEMENT and an expression towards Thaksin. It may not materialize that they catch him, but want to send a message to the public, and to other countries, what a bad impact this man had on his native country.

I bet that extradition to TH will cause much more troubles than keeping him away of this country.

If he is jailed WITHIN Thailand - we'll see the "Red riots part 2", as he will become a mortyr to'em. And it will be MUCH huger than Ratprasong.

Better keep him away of TH borders. Or..emmm...it is a long story and long way to go to TH, may some very private road accidents occurs somewhere far in Montenegro, or something.... You know, there are LOTS of accidents... :)

But bringing him back to TH will be a total mistake IMO.

No ...not a mistake... bring him back and hang Im high... teach all those terrorists that there is nowhere to hide..


It doesn't matter if Thaksin gets apprehended and extradited to Thailand because the Asian '97 financial crisis was his very own idea along with other billionaire investors from around the globe. Saxena was just a dummy and a perfect escape goat that proved to be very useful as what happened when Canada bowed to pressure and extradited Saxena back to Thailand. Just like the late Major General who was assasinated for being incompetent or Thaksin saw him as a potential rival and an enemy in the not so near future, there are many more to disappear within Thailand just so to protect Thaksin and his inner mad circle of power hungry corrupt mad billionare friends. The New World Order they planned to establish seems to have stalled at the moment. Let us watch what happens next within the Korean Peninsula...... I am sure it is connected somewhat to what happened in Thailand. Stir up a chaos and come in for the rescue!


The real nut here is the charge of terrorism.

Basically that opens the doors for all OECD and FATF compliant banks and institutions to freeze Thaksins assets. (Even Swiss banks are fully compliant with the UN security council resolutions on supression and prevention of financing of terror acts)

The Thai govenment will need to request all countries to comply so it really depend how far they are prepared to take things.

Interested parties can google FATF + financing terrorism - its all out there.


I would not come back to France : Thaksin

France said on Tuesday it had urged ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to cancel a speech in Paris on the Thai political crisis, but the event's organisers insisted it would go ahead.

'Thaksin Shinawatra assured us he would do what was asked,' foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero told reporters, referring to French officials' demands last week that he should not speak in Paris on May 31 as planned.

Straits Times newspaper quoted Valero as telling journalists that the event, organised by a little-known think tank called the Centre of Political and Foreign Affairs, 'was no longer planned' and Thaksin 'told us he would not come back' to France.

France had earlier asked Thaksin to refrain from speaking in public during his private visit to France because of the tense situation in Thailand, where political instability has boiled over into deadly street violence.

A Thai court on Tuesday issued a warrant for Thaksin's arrest on terrorism charges, which carry a maximum penalty of death, over accusations that he has been bankrolling the protests and inciting unrest from overseas.


-- The Nation 2010-05-26


spot on this from now, then we can see if it is effective on Mr T's terrorist warrant !

Seems that everyone forgot one benefit Thaksin can enjoy from this new charge of being a wanted terrorist: he can now really apply for political asylum as victim of political persecution.

In fact, with this move, the Thai Govt made it easier for Thaksin to get this status and be heard at the concerned agency under the UN!

High risk strategy! What happens if the UN states that the charges are backed by evidence and not politically motivated?

If Thaksin actually stands trial, it seems to me that it should be in the Hague.

Let's be reasonable and stop putting Thaksin at the same level of Milosevic or a Nazi, but if the Thaksin would face trial at the Hague, the Thai Govt would have a hard time to prove its case.

When Thaksin or his mates were in power, they did not use the army to disperse the PAD, even when they took over the airports [act which falls into the terrorism].

This Govt/PAD DID use the lethal force and the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence.

Thaksin did not call the PAD terrorists, while this Govt is cracking down everyone with some links to the reds, calling them terrorist

The list goes a long way....and we are talking of facts!

"............the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence."

Now would that be spontaneous combustion or lightning strikes, or just red apology? There is nothing natural about 36 buildings burning in a short time period, it is simply terrorism. When it is proved that it was pre-planned and that Mr T was party to that planning, he becomes a terrorist. And it will be proved quite easily. Either his mates will sing to save themselves from a needle, or a money trail will link him to payments, or maybe a little NSA signals interception, or all three, but the truth will out.

There's only one way to keep a secret, kill everyone that knows, ask Seh Daeng.

Seems that everyone forgot one benefit Thaksin can enjoy from this new charge of being a wanted terrorist: he can now really apply for political asylum as victim of political persecution.

In fact, with this move, the Thai Govt made it easier for Thaksin to get this status and be heard at the concerned agency under the UN!

High risk strategy! What happens if the UN states that the charges are backed by evidence and not politically motivated?

If the UN is not really his father in this case! :)

If Thaksin actually stands trial, it seems to me that it should be in the Hague.

Let's be reasonable and stop putting Thaksin at the same level of Milosevic or a Nazi, but if the Thaksin would face trial at the Hague, the Thai Govt would have a hard time to prove its case.

When Thaksin or his mates were in power, they did not use the army to disperse the PAD, even when they took over the airports [act which falls into the terrorism].

This Govt/PAD DID use the lethal force and the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence.

Thaksin did not call the PAD terrorists, while this Govt is cracking down everyone with some links to the reds, calling them terrorist

The list goes a long way....and we are talking of facts!

Did the PAD have M-79's, RPG and a rogue army general willing to use them?
Seems that everyone forgot one benefit Thaksin can enjoy from this new charge of being a wanted terrorist: he can now really apply for political asylum as victim of political persecution.

In fact, with this move, the Thai Govt made it easier for Thaksin to get this status and be heard at the concerned agency under the UN!

High risk strategy! What happens if the UN states that the charges are backed by evidence and not politically motivated?

I don't think that we should underestimate the army. My opinion of officers in high positions are that they are surprisingly competent, I wouldn't have been surprised seeing them in top jobs in the private sector and there they are in the army... I expect they have plenty of evidence of Thaksins big mouth to back up the terrorism charges.

Thaksin may still have a surprise to pull out, I don't know, but I think the government knows what they are doing in this case

Edit: Added last paragraph

. . . extradite? . . . to Thailand? . . . unlikely any country will extradite to a country of thorough systemic judicial corruption . . . certainly not their own nationals, and unlikely a Thai politician, obviously corrupt and with blood running down his forearms, or not.

. . . Canada took over a decade to extradite Saxena, the Thai national accused of fraud and central to causing the '97 Thai Currency Crisis . . . the guy is nearly dead now, from old age (probably then, subject to some sort of diplomatic deal) . . . does anyone really think ANY country wants the notoriety of extraditing a political hot potato like Toxin for summary trial and execution in a 3rd world country like Thailand?

. . . I somehow doubt this will happen.

Thailand is sure not a third world country..... where are you from..?

If Thaksin actually stands trial, it seems to me that it should be in the Hague.

Let's be reasonable and stop putting Thaksin at the same level of Milosevic or a Nazi, but if the Thaksin would face trial at the Hague, the Thai Govt would have a hard time to prove its case.

When Thaksin or his mates were in power, they did not use the army to disperse the PAD, even when they took over the airports [act which falls into the terrorism].

This Govt/PAD DID use the lethal force and the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence.

Thaksin did not call the PAD terrorists, while this Govt is cracking down everyone with some links to the reds, calling them terrorist

The list goes a long way....and we are talking of facts!

Did the PAD loot and burn the airport? Did anyone die there?
Back to the well documented rumor of the two passenger aircraft packed with 114 large suitcases and trunks that Thaksin took with him for his 2 week visit to Europe 2 days before the coup.

you can google "thaksin 2006 coup 58 56 suitcases aircraft",


You can google "Santa Claus", "Moon hoax", "Pranic Living" , "Nazi-ufo's over Iraq" - all well documented. in case you need money you can meet online that Nigerian dude who will promise you billions of dollars.

Enjoy the internet.


Let's be reasonable and stop putting Thaksin at the same level of Milosevic or a Nazi, but if the Thaksin would face trial at the Hague, the Thai Govt would have a hard time to prove its case.

When Thaksin or his mates were in power, they did not use the army to disperse the PAD, even when they took over the airports [act which falls into the terrorism].

This Govt/PAD DID use the lethal force and the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence.

Thaksin did not call the PAD terrorists, while this Govt is cracking down everyone with some links to the reds, calling them terrorist

The list goes a long way....and we are talking of facts!

Did the PAD loot and burn the airport? Did anyone die there?

hmmnnn.....all the debates and arguments about Thaksin and his red minions only makes them popular and a hot topic on the Thai web portals. Asking money to eradicate a pest is not going to look well in the eyes of peace loving Thais. Can I have a bowl of somtam and tom yum kung instead?


@arjay: No, and yes. A body was discovered after the protesters had left, but AFAIK there was no suggestion of foul play. At Don Meaung [being used as temporary 'government house' there were a death and injuries caused by grenades being fired into the protesters.


Seems that everyone forgot one benefit Thaksin can enjoy from this new charge of being a wanted terrorist: he can now really apply for political asylum as victim of political persecution.

In fact, with this move, the Thai Govt made it easier for Thaksin to get this status and be heard at the concerned agency under the UN!

High risk strategy! What happens if the UN states that the charges are backed by evidence and not politically motivated?

If the UN is not really his father in this case! :)

Haha I remember after he had thousands of innocents killed, the UN was not his father. Then when he can play victim, they're his best friend. What a weasel.

If Thaksin actually stands trial, it seems to me that it should be in the Hague.

Let's be reasonable and stop putting Thaksin at the same level of Milosevic or a Nazi, but if the Thaksin would face trial at the Hague, the Thai Govt would have a hard time to prove its case.

When Thaksin or his mates were in power, they did not use the army to disperse the PAD, even when they took over the airports [act which falls into the terrorism].

This Govt/PAD DID use the lethal force and the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence.

Thaksin did not call the PAD terrorists, while this Govt is cracking down everyone with some links to the reds, calling them terrorist

The list goes a long way....and we are talking of facts!

"............the burning of some buildings is was a "natural" consequence."

Now would that be spontaneous combustion or lightning strikes, or just red apology? There is nothing natural about 36 buildings burning in a short time period, it is simply terrorism. When it is proved that it was pre-planned and that Mr T was party to that planning, he becomes a terrorist. And it will be proved quite easily. Either his mates will sing to save themselves from a needle, or a money trail will link him to payments, or maybe a little NSA signals interception, or all three, but the truth will out.

There's only one way to keep a secret, kill everyone that knows, ask Seh Daeng.

It would be easy for Thailand to prove its case against this man, tons of d_mning evidence.

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