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Why No Arrest For Chiang Mai Farang Thug?


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Why have they only arrested the Australian/Irish and the Brit so far when we have footage of this young thug in Chiang Mai Destroying Public property with the red shirt protesters?

And my comments about the arrest of farangs for this sort of thing is please government do not be shy in the eye of the world. These muppets knew the law and blatently abused it. Punish them as a Thai would be. Maybe in the future if Thailand has more protests etc (Which we all hope not) there will be a lesson to us farangs to STAY OUT OF IT.

Once again, here are the links to the video footage of him with the reds;



Edited by thailandbluegrass
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I bet Conor David Purcell and That other British muppet whish they were in a Recovery centre when they commisted acts of incenting a riot in Thailand. They are looking at 2 years while those Chiang Mai muppets get off with a slap on the wrist?

Maybe CM is the place for getting away with this kind of thing/ Just pzzzzz's me off.

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"Punish them as a Thai would be. "

How many Thais have been arrested for destruction of property? It seems like they all got a free train ticket home and that's it.

Why are you getting all hot and bothered trying to get a foreigner held to a higher standard and prosecuted more harshly? Relax and let it go.

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There were two farang in the video --one older guy in a white shirt who came on at the last, I thought someone here posted a link to the thairath article that shows he was arrested?

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There were two farang in the video --one older guy in a white shirt who came on at the last, I thought someone here posted a link to the thairath article that shows he was arrested?

Both have been arrested now, and subsequently have been released. There was a link on another thread in the CM-forum to an article stating that and the Dutch consul commenting on it, as both were Dutch.

Will see if I can find the article.

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Found it:

Radio Netherlands Worldwide

23 may 2010

The two Dutchmen, aged 44 and 17, who were arrested in Thailand for throwing stones during last week’s riots in the northern city of Chiang Mai, have been released with a warning. Salient detail: they were taking part in a rehabilitation project for people addicted to drugs or other substances.

Continued here:


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maybe theyr TV members and would like to give their side of the story, could bring some balance to the story, like err...

The sign deserved a beating, blantant spamming on our beautiful CM bridge
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Found it:

Radio Netherlands Worldwide

23 may 2010

The two Dutchmen, aged 44 and 17, who were arrested in Thailand for throwing stones during last week’s riots in the northern city of Chiang Mai, have been released with a warning. Salient detail: they were taking part in a rehabilitation project for people addicted to drugs or other substances.

Continued here:


Thank you Mario2008 for the link and info. I was wondering what became of these Dutch guys.

It is possible that these two clowns have bought their way out of being prosecuted and saved themselves from obtaining a criminal record and deportation.

If so, I hope it`s cost them dear. Drug addicted vandals with mental problems, who needs them here? And to think that these pillocks could become teachers and project workers is a pathetic joke.

It`s worrying that boneheads like this are permitted to stay in Thailand, walking among us and could be teaching our kids.

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Chiang Mai is definitely the place where you can get away with lots of stuff, yes. Part of the attraction, though it's both a blessing and a curse.. :D

You mean like Farangs can get away with throwing stones and the odd bit of vandalism (Except reveered pictures of course...). Whilst locals (Thai's and other related ethnic groups) can get away with murdering Farangs :)

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You mean like Farangs can get away with throwing stones and the odd bit of vandalism (Except reveered pictures of course...). Whilst locals (Thai's and other related ethnic groups) can get away with murdering Farangs   :)
The Thai police force has nowhere near the training, funding or resources of most Western states. It almost looks like they have only one forensic expert (has anyone ever seen anyone other than Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand called in?) so, unfortunately, people will continue to literally get away with murder. I wouldn't expect it to change soon.

    With the strong feelings being aired against the Chiang Mai Stone Thrower, and The Indian Blanket Thief (in General Forum) maybe it's time to re-open the debate about Public Hangings.

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*Amazing* In the center of our town snuggled amongst the farang eateries and shops are hundreds of hookers many barely legal.. it's no Pattaya but we dont often hear of farang vigilante missions to expose the chaps that are promoting this scene!? yawn. He smashed a sign, big deal.

Would it be possible to name and shame the school that is going ahead with hiring this thug?

he is a fool for sure, but jeez you guys need a hobby.

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*Amazing* In the center of our town snuggled amongst the farang eateries and shops are hundreds of hookers many barely legal.. it's no Pattaya but we dont often hear of farang vigilante missions to expose the chaps that are promoting this scene!? yawn. He smashed a sign, big deal.
Would it be possible to name and shame the school that is going ahead with hiring this thug?

he is a fool for sure, but jeez you guys need a hobby.

:) Well said!

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*Amazing* In the center of our town snuggled amongst the farang eateries and shops are hundreds of hookers many barely legal.. it's no Pattaya but we dont often hear of farang vigilante missions to expose the chaps that are promoting this scene!? yawn. He smashed a sign, big deal.


Would it be possible to name and shame the school that is going ahead with hiring this thug?

he is a fool for sure, but jeez you guys need a hobby

Brilliantly put!! 100% agree.

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@ the OP.

You stated that the foriegn protestors should stay out

of Thai affairs. Presuming you are also a foreigner should

you also stay out of Thai affairs instead of posting rubbish

like this about how the Thai law should deal with them.

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I think the "thug" should be arrested for vandalism and fined for the cost to repair the sign, court cost, and anything else they can think of.

If he is a teacher, the Thai government should revoke his teaching license. But I imagine anyone who does this probably does not have the qualifications to have a teaching license. But I suppose there are some educated "thugs" out there.

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*Amazing* In the center of our town snuggled amongst the farang eateries and shops are hundreds of hookers many barely legal.. it's no Pattaya but we dont often hear of farang vigilante missions to expose the chaps that are promoting this scene!? yawn. He smashed a sign, big deal.
Would it be possible to name and shame the school that is going ahead with hiring this thug?

he is a fool for sure, but jeez you guys need a hobby.

Hundreds? Barely legal? All I see is a lot of older, sad looking ones knocking at the last chance saloon. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place!

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*Amazing* In the center of our town snuggled amongst the farang eateries and shops are hundreds of hookers many barely legal

That is amazing. Who knew that 28 years old with two kids from a Thai guy and a husband in Europe is "barely legal"? :)

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