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Thaksin - Will Interpol Act?


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No, I start with a correct argument, this government exists only because of the coup.

Surayud government existed because of the coup. Abhisit government exists because of a general election in 2007 that was followed by the dissolving of the PPP and the subsequent shift in power.

Abhisit Government exists because forty Phue Thai elected MPs were bought by the Elite/Military to give Abhisit enough votes to form a coalition government. The forty MPs then formed the Bhunjaithai party. The Bhumjaithai party has never stood for election but are the largest paretner of the coalition parliament.

The original topic of this thread was "Thaksin - Will Interpol act?"

Seems that discusion is less interesting than others, maybe close this thread?

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WE have the netiquet answer to board nuisances


So why does Thaivisa put up stoopid topics like this.

Everything said on this topic is not worth a monkey's toss

Lets drop Dr Evil unless you got some hard facts

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Did anyone see Thaksin running around Bangkok with a gallon of gas and a box of matches?

Have you ever seen Bin Laden actually commiting an act of terrorism with his own hands? No? Guess that means he's not a terrorist either.

Ever seen the videos starring Bin Laden? Hitler didn't kill with his own hands either. But the man behind the plan and sponsering it is the one who needs picked off the most.

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WE have the netiquet answer to board nuisances


So why does Thaivisa put up stoopid topics like this.

Everything said on this topic is not worth a monkey's toss

Lets drop Dr Evil unless you got some hard facts

A bit hypocritical being on here posting messages and being a part of it! :):D

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No, I start with a correct argument, this government exists only because of the coup.

Surayud government existed because of the coup. Abhisit government exists because of a general election in 2007 that was followed by the dissolving of the PPP and the subsequent shift in power.

Abhisit Government exists because forty Phue Thai elected MPs were bought by the Elite/Military to give Abhisit enough votes to form a coalition government. The forty MPs then formed the Bhunjaithai party. The Bhumjaithai party has never stood for election but are the largest paretner of the coalition parliament.

The MPs have stood for an election and were voted in by the people, and that is what matters. That they changed sides is i agree dubious but it is in line with parliamentary process and it was this process that allowed the PPP to form a government, in that they relied on certain parties that had campaigned on the promise of not siding with the PPP going back on that promise.

As for the elite/military buying their favour, i have no doubt that deals were done by certain groups / people, but the specifics i'm not privy too. Are you?

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Get real, just because Thailand calls him a terrorist that does not mean he is one, no charges have even actually been laid against him yet for this. Also in other countries (where they actually have a judiciary that is not controlled by the government) they will consider the evidence, they will then see this as politically motivated and just dismiss it out of hand, just like they do with every request kasit has ever made.

In the grand scheme of things Thailand means sod all to the world at large and any ammount of whinging, crying or threats from Thailand will quite rightly be laughed off. This will go nowhere, he will continue his jaunts, next election is party will win, they will gain control of the judiciary and Thaksin will be back.

Oh and as for the requests to extradite him, it takes more than some somchai sitting in an embassy somewhere to call his counterpart and ask that they extradite him (as happened in Sweden), it takes the correct papers, it takes hearings in that country to see if there is evidence, and most importantly if there is a chance of him getting the death penalty he will stay where he is, and since Thailand has already said this allegation (not charge as he has not been charged) carries the death penalty I doubt any country with extradite him.

Thailand needs to realise that the rest of the world does not operate like a kindergarten wwhere people can be bullied into doing things or saying things.


Edited by bartlaz
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I'm sure that Interpol would be quaking in their boots if Thailand threatened not to aid them anymore!

Get real. Thailand has no clout in the world whatsoever

Quite the contrary, I would guess they have more pull than most because Thailand is a favorite destination for the criminal minded and others on the run. They also have a good record of cooperation.

:) That Interpol is working on cases inside Thailand is public knowledge. That Thailand has cooperated is common knowledge. That Termad is cherrypicking from the post of mine that he replied to is common knowledge. He addresses one point (arguably the weakest) to attempt to score a point.) Sadly, he fails even at that since the facts certainly do not support his arguent. One of the many reasons I only see his posts when someone quotes him!

I have never heard that Interpol is working on cases in Thailand. Could you name a few of these cases?

The charges against Thaksin have been laid by Abhisit perhaps you would like to skip over to General Topics and read the post 'What Abhisit said about Samak's crack down in 2008.'


LYON, France � INTERPOL has confirmed the Thai and Cambodian identification of Christopher Paul Neil, a 32-year-old English teacher from Canada, as the man photographed sexually abusing young children in Southeast Asia in images posted on the Internet.

Neil was last seen at Bangkok�s international airport on 11 October arriving on a flight from South Korea, where he had been working. Security cameras documented his arrival at immigration at 15h26.

A specialised officer from the INTERPOL General Secretariat, working from the INTERPOL Liaison Office in Bangkok, is assisting police in Thailand and neighbouring countries with the collection and analysis of evidence for the issue of an arrest warrant.

Thailand is at the centre of an international manhunt, and authorities in the country, in co-operation with INTERPOL and police around the world, are hunting him down,� said Secretary General Ronald K. Noble.

�The response and contribution we have had from the public has been remarkable, as has the support from the media, which has enabled officers in our specialised unit, our office in Bangkok and police in other member countries to make such remarkable progress in such a short space of time.



The big news was the announcement to have an Interpol Office established in Pattaya, as this is seen as a very practical way to control international crime and the arrival of suspected criminals from overseas. This new Interpol Office will be sited at Soi-5 in Jomtien under the direction of Police Superintendent Police Colonel Athiwit Kamonrat, who is based in Chonburi. The Chonburi Immigration region now has more than 2,000 warrants to arrest foreigners for crimes that they have committed outside of Thailand, and in addition to these they have approximately 1,000 warrants issued by Thai courts against foreigners for crimes committed within Thailand. http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2010/02...nterpol-office/


The cleaned-up images, showing a white man with receding black hair, were posted on Interpol's Web site www.interpol.int a week ago.

On Monday the police organization released an image of the suspect taken by security cameras at Bangkok airport last Thursday after he flew in from Seoul. He looks significantly older and balder. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Interpol+...amp;fr=chr-yie8



5) http://people.howstuffworks.com/interpol2.htm

In addition to the main General Secretariat, there are six regional offices, plus the U.N. liaison office. They are located in Argentina, El Salvador, Thailand, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Zimbabwe and New York. The New York office is a special liaison within the United Nations.





Criminal Provisions

.Thailand has adopted a firm policy in condemning terrorism in all its forms and

manifestations. An amendment to the Penal Code (Section 135/1-3) has been proposed which

would define the scope of terrorism, would treat terrorist acts as serious offences, and

criminalize all steps in the terrorism process: the preparation, the aiding and abetting, and the

actual commission of acts of terrorism. Proposed Penal Code, Section 135/1 defines terrorist acts

as conduct made with the intention to .intimidate a population, to threaten or compel the Royal

Thai Government or any government or international organization to do or abstain from doing

any act. Proposed Penal Code, Section 135/2 provides that .any person providing forces, arms,

properties or any support for the commission of terrorism is considered to be committing an act

of terrorism.. Proposed Penal Code, Section 135/3 criminalizes .stockpiling weapons, providing

or compiling property, or organizing any preparation or conspiracy in order to commit a

terrorist act.. The proposed amendment to the Penal Code also .stipulates severe punishment

on recruitment of members of terrorist groups. . . either in the form of direct support or

facilitation of the commission of terrorist acts..

Under the proposed amendment, penalties for commission of terrorist acts would range

from fines of 200,000 to 1,000,000 Baht and sentences of 3-20 years, life sentences, or even

death sentences for very serious offences. Also, .any person who threatens to commit such an

offence or is an accomplice thereto would receive the same punishment as the perpetrator of the

crime of terrorism.. Attempts to commit terrorist acts are subject to lesser punishment, ranging

from fines of 60,000 to 300,000 Baht to 3-5 years imprisonment.

The Penal Code contains provisions providing Thai Courts with jurisdiction over persons

who commit acts within the Kingdom or target the Kingdom or its citizens. A person may be

punished under Thai law, regardless of their nationality, if they commit an offense within the

Kingdom of Thailand, under Section 4 of the Penal Code. Even if the offense was only partially

committed within the country, Section 5 treats these offenses as having been committed within

the Kingdom. Per Section 8 of the Penal Code, offenses committed outside of Thailand may be

tried in Thai courts if (1) the offender is a Thai person and a request for punishment has been

made by the Government of the country where the act occurred, or (2) the offender is an alien

and the Royal Thai Government or a Thai


Note that is yet again Interpol's website

Scads more examples out there .....

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No, I start with a correct argument, this government exists only because of the coup.

Surayud government existed because of the coup. Abhisit government exists because of a general election in 2007 that was followed by the dissolving of the PPP and the subsequent shift in power.

Abhisit Government exists because forty Phue Thai elected MPs were bought by the Elite/Military to give Abhisit enough votes to form a coalition government. The forty MPs then formed the Bhunjaithai party. The Bhumjaithai party has never stood for election but are the largest paretner of the coalition parliament.

The original topic of this thread was "Thaksin - Will Interpol act?"

Seems that discusion is less interesting than others, maybe close this thread?

The Reds were not very smart, all they did were to follow the Yellow. Why can't they be more creative?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7585418.stm (old news)

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It's a shame that interpol and other foreign governments have ignored requests to extradite Thaksin and have even aided his fugitive lifestyle. Countries like France and Montenegro that knowingly allow Thaksin on their soil are no better than Afghanistan and are harboring a terrorist leader. Thaksin has the right to defend himself in court and respond to the evidence against him and interpol ought to help him do that.

Get real, just because Thailand calls him a terrorist that does not mean he is one, no charges have even actually been laid against him yet for this. Also in other countries (where they actually have a judiciary that is not controlled by the government) they will consider the evidence, they will then see this as politically motivated and just dismiss it out of hand, just like they do with every request kasit has ever made.

In the grand scheme of things Thailand means sod all to the world at large and any ammount of whinging, crying or threats from Thailand will quite rightly be laughed off. This will go nowhere, he will continue his jaunts, next election is party will win, they will gain control of the judiciary and Thaksin will be back.

Oh and as for the requests to extradite him, it takes more than some somchai sitting in an embassy somewhere to call his counterpart and ask that they extradite him (as happened in Sweden), it takes the correct papers, it takes hearings in that country to see if there is evidence, and most importantly if there is a chance of him getting the death penalty he will stay where he is, and since Thailand has already said this allegation (not charge as he has not been charged) carries the death penalty I doubt any country with extradite him.

Thailand needs to realise that the rest of the world does not operate like a kindergarten wwhere people can be bullied into doing things or saying things.

Everyone and their Dogs know Thaksin is guilty of funding that terrorist organisation called UDD... He should be brought home to face his accusers, and if he thinks he is innocent, why does he not come to face them. And serve the 2 years already hanging over him.. His ex-wife and his children should also be on that list as they helped to organise the moneys...

And I don`t know where you get facts that lead you to believe UDD would ever win an election in Thailand, it seems if we are to believe the pollsters, that their popularity has slumped to an all time low of around 18%.. And I`m sure when all the facts come out and the captured Red Shirt Leaders "spill the Beans" that figure will drop even further.. And from what I hear through my limited grapevine, they are spilling "Lots" of beans.....

Well Sherlock, it seems you have the case solved, maybe the government can just send your post to interpol and they are sure to act on it considering it is packed with evidence of wrongdoings.

tonywebster, you are a senior member on this forum, you should know by now that most posters facts and evidence is only their opinion. If anyone has hard evidence of Thaksins guilt I would love to see it as I am sure others would also

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No, I start with a correct argument, this government exists only because of the coup.

Surayud government existed because of the coup. Abhisit government exists because of a general election in 2007 that was followed by the dissolving of the PPP and the subsequent shift in power.

Abhisit Government exists because forty Phue Thai elected MPs were bought by the Elite/Military to give Abhisit enough votes to form a coalition government. The forty MPs then formed the Bhunjaithai party. The Bhumjaithai party has never stood for election but are the largest paretner of the coalition parliament.

The original topic of this thread was "Thaksin - Will Interpol act?"

Seems that discusion is less interesting than others, maybe close this thread?

Being disengenuous again I see ------ EVERY BJT member in parliament stood for election. Newin's faction was good enough for PPP but apparently the reds think that his people are not good enough for the democrats.

ANYONE who knows anything about regional politics knows that Newin's people will be elected from Buriram and surrounding areas no matter what party they run under. (Which is certainly part of the problem with the electoral system in Thailand!)

Claiming they were "BOUGHT" is very likely libelous. Then again there are claims that Newin's allegiance was "bought" by Thaksin in the past. The more likely scenario is that Newin is a bit of an opportunist and will make decisions that serve himself and his constituency best.

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Everyone and their Dogs know Thaksin is guilty of funding that terrorist organisation called UDD... He should be brought home to face his accusers, and if he thinks he is innocent, why does he not come to face them. And serve the 2 years already hanging over him.. His ex-wife and his children should also be on that list as they helped to organise the moneys...

And I don`t know where you get facts that lead you to believe UDD would ever win an election in Thailand, it seems if we are to believe the pollsters, that their popularity has slumped to an all time low of around 18%.. And I`m sure when all the facts come out and the captured Red Shirt Leaders "spill the Beans" that figure will drop even further.. And from what I hear through my limited grapevine, they are spilling "Lots" of beans.....

UDD is not a terrorist organization

and he doesn't come back to face his accusers because they won't be fair. they hate him.

pollster ... who made it?

do u think in thailand the media are ....

where do u live? get realist

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Its still a bit early in the game to be making any claims, no? for starters.. There has been nothing released regarding the financial transactions to the red shirt leadership, but its pretty much gauranteed that several groups have made such transactions, unless you honestly believe that the group was self supporting :) ... As any semi consious person could draw the conclusion that thaksin was the majority supporter, but at this point in time its all speculation. But the financiers will be exposed in the weeks to come....

We all know the score here, and I for one am not saying that Thaksin did not give money to the boys in Bangkok, we know he did but the government has to prove it, the prosecution needs real evidence but hearsay is not evidence, well, certainly not in a court of law in the west.

Interpol in their wisdom will take all this into account before reaching a decision, and will most certainly see that the charge of terrorism is not only politically motivated but a way to get Thaksin. They will see the government here is "using" the "law" simply as a means to capture their political rival.

The government presenting the money trail, which will have twists and turns but be clearly detectable, should be more than enuff for Interpol to act. The starting point of the money is Thaksin, the ultimate destination of the money is the bank accounts of Red Shirts. Onshore or offshore the money is detectable.

All the government really wants to establish is the fact of the money flow to make clear to everyone Thaksin is a torch and that Thaksin is the guy swinging the wrecking ball around Bangkok. After that who cares if Thaksin the terrorist spends the next ten years fighting extradition? The country in the meantime can refocus on getting itself in order.

Well the money trail should be easy to trace... Lets be honest the majority of the red leaderships accounts have alreadey been frozen and most likley been gone over... remember the 109 or so bank accts frozen.... One would imagine all the evidence they need is already in place.

To those claiming politicaly motivated charges, are you actualy claming that the redshirts and taksin are being set up for something they didnt do? takisn IS the red shirt movment, he supported them with his speeches, messed up and admited to paying them. Oops i mean really,

The question remains will interpol do anything? Who knows, do the thais want them to really? Maybe, maybe not.. But they are setting the precedence to lay larger charges against taksin...and giving themselves the option of freezing more of his money. As in the current world climate most banks would be willing to coperate with governments looking for terrorist financiers money. Better to have him unable to return to thailand, and broke....

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A question for those of you who believe Thaksin is not responsible for financing terrorism.

If it was not Thaksins money supporting terrorists who money was it

I for one, would love to see details which where used by CRES to justify blacklisting 100+ companies and people. They may be right, they may be wrong, no idea.

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The Reds were not very smart, all they did were to follow the Yellow. Why can't they be more creative?

They maybe weren't so smart when compared to you but they did paint the night red, and that's creative.

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It's a shame that interpol and other foreign governments have ignored requests to extradite Thaksin and have even aided his fugitive lifestyle. Countries like France and Montenegro that knowingly allow Thaksin on their soil are no better than Afghanistan and are harboring a terrorist leader. Thaksin has the right to defend himself in court and respond to the evidence against him and interpol ought to help him do that.

Get real, just because Thailand calls him a terrorist that does not mean he is one, no charges have even actually been laid against him yet for this. Also in other countries (where they actually have a judiciary that is not controlled by the government) they will consider the evidence, they will then see this as politically motivated and just dismiss it out of hand, just like they do with every request kasit has ever made.

In the grand scheme of things Thailand means sod all to the world at large and any ammount of whinging, crying or threats from Thailand will quite rightly be laughed off. This will go nowhere, he will continue his jaunts, next election is party will win, they will gain control of the judiciary and Thaksin will be back.

Oh and as for the requests to extradite him, it takes more than some somchai sitting in an embassy somewhere to call his counterpart and ask that they extradite him (as happened in Sweden), it takes the correct papers, it takes hearings in that country to see if there is evidence, and most importantly if there is a chance of him getting the death penalty he will stay where he is, and since Thailand has already said this allegation (not charge as he has not been charged) carries the death penalty I doubt any country with extradite him.

Thailand needs to realise that the rest of the world does not operate like a kindergarten wwhere people can be bullied into doing things or saying things.

Everyone and their Dogs know Thaksin is guilty of funding that terrorist organisation called UDD... He should be brought home to face his accusers, and if he thinks he is innocent, why does he not come to face them. And serve the 2 years already hanging over him.. His ex-wife and his children should also be on that list as they helped to organise the moneys...

And I don`t know where you get facts that lead you to believe UDD would ever win an election in Thailand, it seems if we are to believe the pollsters, that their popularity has slumped to an all time low of around 18%.. And I`m sure when all the facts come out and the captured Red Shirt Leaders "spill the Beans" that figure will drop even further.. And from what I hear through my limited grapevine, they are spilling "Lots" of beans.....

Good post,thanks!

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The Reds were not very smart, all they did were to follow the Yellow. Why can't they be more creative?

They maybe weren't so smart when compared to you but they did paint the night red, and that's creative.

With your disinformation (lies) and now this ----- off you go into the ignore list.

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The red shirts are a terrorist organization????? What about the Yellow shirts they are not?????? Who funded them????? Why aren't they charged. This is why Thailand is becoming the laughing stock of the world So one sided. This is why you will never have peace here.

The yellow shirts are in a minor league. When they withdrew from the airport they even cleaned up, apologised for the inconvenience caused. They even forgot to torch the lot. Then the red-shirts, they've got it pat down. Shooting M79's at innocent bystanders, police and troops, sowing hatred through their Peoples TV, torching their home of two months, looting, etc.

The yellow leaders are charges, have acknowledged the charge, granted bail, still in Thailand. You may complain about their case progressing soo slowly. Still who has details on the police crackdown in June/July 2008 when yellow-shirt died from faulty teargas canisters? Where the PM and Minister of Interior charged (late K. Samak and K. Chalerm) ?

Thank goodness they had the army backing them up so they could achieve 100% of their demands! Otherwise they would have been branded terrorists and sentenced to jail sentences immediately. By the way, what is all this crap about cleaning the airport and apologizing? I remember a huge clean-up bill and a lot of arrogance. Are you guys reading the Nation again?

Some more red shirt lies. The airport was to be delayed in opening at least three weeks if damage was done. The airport was opened the next day after the protest had ended and during that day, the yellows cleaned everything. The floors were cleaned, shiny and no garbage. What is the lies you are spewing about the airport not being cleaned? Where do you get your info from?

I guess if the government would have let the Red Shirt stayed in Bangkok and helped with the Cleanup everything would be OK???????????

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Thailand has come the laughing stock of the western world. Charging him as a terrorist become he made speeches to the Red Shirts against the government is not terrorisms.

No, but funding a terrorist Organisation and ordering them to commit treason certainly is .............. And what leads you to believe Thailand is a laughing stock... Thailand has just been invited to join The worlds leading Human Rights Organisation ... so, who is laughing. Mr Abhisit did a great job with the UDD, most other countries would have gone in much earlier and caused considerable more deaths... He has been applauded by many world leaders including Obama...I think President Obamas opinion is much more important than any Red Shirt Apologists writing rubbish on TV... Did you not see the burning buildings in this beautiful city ?

The red shirts are a terrorist organization????? What about the Yellow shirts they are not?????? Who funded them????? Why aren't they charged. This is why Thailand is becoming the laughing stock of the world So one sided. This is why you will never have peace here.

How many grenades did the yellow shirts have? How many police and soldiers were killed by the yellow shirts? How many by-standers were killed by the yellow shirts?

Occupying the airport was illegal, inconvenienced thousands of people, and was terrible for Thai tourism, but how is that terrorism?

And how many times do people have to be told!!! People HAVE BEEN charged for that.

And how many buildings did the "yellows" set on fire?

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1. You take the best lawyer, who is willing to take the case, I think many may not be willing.

2. You take the best lawyer that you perceive to be the best, who is willing to take the case.

3. With equal legal effort, the best lawyer can not erase the truth of the matter.

4. Thailand has more to spend than Thaksin, especially if the terrorist charge helps to freeze T's overseas money.

Reading Amsterdam's resume, I don't see a top notch lawyer, more like a Madoff of the legal world.

Number 3 is the most important point you make and the point that most seem to be missing.

I think number 1 is the most important.

From Wikipedia about Robert Amsterdam:

"He has fraudulently claimed to be member of the New York Bar Association"

So I see he has all of the red shirt criteria, like youself, a good lier. Have you used him to defend you.

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If Interpol act then it will show them to be supporting and condoning an illegitimate government.

Therefore, it would be in Interpol's best interest to ignore the request of the Thai government(?).

Where is the proof of Thaksin's terrorist activities? Giving a few non committal sermons to the folks back home cannot be seen as a blatant terrorist activity.

What about all those religious people, both in the US and the UK who shout and scream for the downfall of the wicked leaders in the west, they are left alone.

Paper trails would be evidence of Thaksin giving money to the reds, but there are no paper trails, therefore no evidence.

Look at Thaksin's sermons to the faithful, they are fiery but he draws back from actually saying anything of a terroristic nature. Has anyone seen him standing in front the camera with a gun in one hand and a grenade in the other calling on people to kill the Democrat pigs?

Without solid proof, its all hearsay and smoke, cooked up by politicians in Bangkok. Yes, we all know what he's up to and was doing, but you got to have solid proof, without evidence there's nothing but hot air and stupid, endless debates.

I am sure there is proof.

Else Thai court will not approve DSI request.

Thai court have to be fair too, not just DSI, CRES & Mark.

You maybe sure but I think that all tracks have been cleverly covered especially after the share case.

Thai courts get their orders from higher up in the food chain, so the government will just simply lean on the judge to cooperate.

Thai court fair, well yes, when you pay the price.

How can Thai court be not fair.

They don't just read out a simple guilty/innocent verdict.

When they read out a verdict, they also spend out 8 to 10 hours reading out the reason behind, and all the evident that lead to a verdict.

LIVE on free TV.

So if they are not fair, the Thai people would have already point it out.

Either that, or you are saying that NO Thai people is smart enought to understand the reason behind, and all the evident that lead to a verdict?

When i try to read your reply, i wanted to ask you, are you a thai>? innocent one? I don't think you understand Thai Law, as mention to me by a few thai and senior officer include DSI and commando specialist. Thai Law is nothing known as fair, they will put you in jail 1st before they charge you. even you are innocent. Do you understand?

it's worst if you are not rich, but if you are rich, they can talk about $ and release of you. hehe that's thai law. you got money, we talk 1st. you got no money, we can't save you.

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By my knowledge many western countrys does not extradite to countrys where the death penalty exist for the case of the to extradite wanted one ( Thailand have the dead penalty for this case)....., good for Thakky ... :):D does PM Thailand doesnot know this ? :D

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heres a little copy and paste from interpol.... now do they stand by their claims? is another story all together... but pretty much goes along with the situation:

REITERATES that criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes, cannot be justified under any circumstances, irrespective of considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other nature that may be invoked to justify them;

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Did anyone see Thaksin running around Bangkok with a gallon of gas and a box of matches?

Have you ever seen Bin Laden actually commiting an act of terrorism with his own hands? No? Guess that means he's not a terrorist either.

bin laden challange the country and will do act of terrorism to the country which make him a terrorist. you also another one never read news.

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Did anyone see Thaksin running around Bangkok with a gallon of gas and a box of matches?

Have you ever seen Bin Laden actually commiting an act of terrorism with his own hands? No? Guess that means he's not a terrorist either.

bin laden challange the country and will do act of terrorism to the country which make him a terrorist. you also another one never read news.

Clear as mud.

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heres a little copy and paste from interpol.... now do they stand by their claims? is another story all together... but pretty much goes along with the situation:

REITERATES that criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes, cannot be justified under any circumstances, irrespective of considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other nature that may be invoked to justify them;

That is certainly clear. A crime committed to terrorize for political purposes cannot be justified on any political grounds.

Probably why Thaksin said it doesn't apply to him, it's what he fears the most.

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It's a shame that interpol and other foreign governments have ignored requests to extradite Thaksin and have even aided his fugitive lifestyle. Countries like France and Montenegro that knowingly allow Thaksin on their soil are no better than Afghanistan and are harboring a terrorist leader. Thaksin has the right to defend himself in court and respond to the evidence against him and interpol ought to help him do that.

If Thaksin had committed terrorism against the USA it is likely that they would hunt him and kill him regardless of which country he fled to, I guess he's lucky to be Thai, or Montenegrian, or whatever he claims to be at the moment.

It's because these countries have an independent judiciary...and they don't trump up false charges......grow up...

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anyway news are not always truth, but when international news make around the whole, you have to make your decision whether homeland restricted news is true or international news is true.

further more there's so many reporter side red shirt nowaday, even The Nation report, what you see and what you taken (photo) show the army shooting the innocent without weapons, so who is right and who is wrong? the CRES say a very nice word, we can easily ask them (army) not to shoot at them, that's like What the .... that mean they got no respect for human rights.

life is unfair...we all know.

we will need to wait and see. it's dangerous in bangkok.

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It's a shame that interpol and other foreign governments have ignored requests to extradite Thaksin and have even aided his fugitive lifestyle. Countries like France and Montenegro that knowingly allow Thaksin on their soil are no better than Afghanistan and are harboring a terrorist leader. Thaksin has the right to defend himself in court and respond to the evidence against him and interpol ought to help him do that.

If Thaksin had committed terrorism against the USA it is likely that they would hunt him and kill him regardless of which country he fled to, I guess he's lucky to be Thai, or Montenegrian, or whatever he claims to be at the moment.

It's because these countries have an independent judiciary...and they don't trump up false charges......grow up...

From "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/asia-pacific/fugitive-former-thai-leader-warns-of-further-violence/article1581478/":Mr. Thaksin said he believed his enemies would try to kill him if he returned to Thailand. “During my premiership, they tried to assassinate me four times,” he said.

I remember two of those four 'attempts', the Thai plane which caught fire while on the ground (got too hot, fuel in wings caught fire?), very vague incident, bomb thrown at his car or so (never got any, but vague details, sounded like trumped up incident).

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