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How Much Money Will I Need/best Way To Access It?


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I'm leaving for Thailand for 2 months in 3 weeks time :) and was wondering how much money I'll need? Despite my username I'm actually not a 'student' anymore, I finished my law degree two months ago at the tender age of 21 and have been in full-time employment since then, so as such I've saved up a reasonable sum of cash to take - just over £1k (excluding flights, which are paid for already.)

Will this be enough for 8 weeks? It sounds like I should have tons of money but I know from my trip last year that costs quickly add up - we're planning to go to Bangkok, Phuket (including Ko Phi Phi), Chiang Mai, Ko Phnang and Ko Samui (with a couple of weeks in Laos/Bali at the end of the trip.) Also, although we'll stay in backpacker hostels a lot of the time, given the cheap prices of 4/5-star hotels (£15-£20 a night) compared to back home we'll also be staying in quite nice places. Also me and my mate will be wanting to eat in some nice restaurants and do cool activities like scuba-diving, jet skiing etc.

We'll also be going out and drinking in the evenings a lot (say 3 times a week), and although we will undoubtedly poke our heads in a few of the 'go go' bars to see what they're/the girls are like (e.g. the babes of the infamous Patpong) we've got absolutely no intention of actually going with any 'paid company' lol!

Finally, what's the best way to actually get access to the cash? Because apparently you get a way better exchange rate out there, should I take about £500+ cash in sterling over there, along with about £100 in thai and the rest on my bank card? Will taking large sums of money (e.g. £500) present any problems at customs? And are pounds easily changeable at thai currency (will they take £50 notes or are £20s better) bureaus or are dollars much preferred?

Thanks for help in advance :D

Edited by studenttraveller
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agree with yabba if you want activities ,drinking,good food and move about costs easily 1k a month

4/5 star hotels for 15/20 pound i dont think so not in thailand.................even cheap accomodation now is 300/500 bht =6/10 pound

Edited by taninthai
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i always have one piece of advice in situations like this :

bring more money

bangkok has some deals

but those touristy places ur going to r REALLY expensive (and why isn't pattaya on that list?)

bring a combination of cash , travelors checks amd ur ATM card(s) (hopefully tied to an account with a healthy balance)

and remember to have fun ; the memories may come in handy when ur practicing law

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A rough guide to your costings:- Singha 60/80 Fried rice with chicken 120 Room with ac 500.

I've always found it safer to keep only small amounts of cash on your person. Plus if you have loads in your pocket you dont have to think, you just spend it quicker, not just got a thousand bhat in my pocket thats my limit for tonight. Have fun, barter for best price and always smile.

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£1000 for 8 weeks = £125/week. no where near the sort of money you'll need, ok so it's not a knock down drag out bash in Pattaya but still I would think at least £400 a week. Don't take any Bhat take some GBP and several cards debit and credit. Have a plan if the money runs out before the return flight.

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I just finished up 3 months in Thailand mostly up north and Bangkok. I am a middle of the road traveller and I spent about 3,000 US a month. I had free room for a few days with a friend in Bangkok as well as one month in monastary donation excepted. I also lke the night life and not a cheap charlie so I could have spent less on the ladies but it has been 3 years since I have visited.

Remember drinking beer will be your biggest expense at average of 100baht a bottle in a bar, 1000baht comes quick.

Have fun, you may need to scale back your trip to 4 weeks unless you take out a loan.

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:) Its a troll folks.

Yes, I replied to one of his other threads but he never came back to it. One or 2 threads like that.

Lol sorry if I've offended anyone but I'm not a 'troll' - it's true, I have posted similar threads (I did one recently on what to take to thailand) but only because as much as I've read guidebooks, they just don't give you the same perspective as asking actual westerners who live out in a country.

Yeh I did think £1k was on the lowside - to clarify, last year I spent in excess of about £2.5k but that was because the guy I was travelling with was the dictionary definition of 'excess' - we had to stay at all the nicest hotels (so £50ish a night) and eat at all the nicest restaurants, he just didn't do 'moderation,' whereas my mate I'm going with this year is much more into the backpacker (as opposed to "flashpacker") side of travelling!

I just finished up 3 months in Thailand mostly up north and Bangkok. I am a middle of the road traveller and I spent about 3,000 US a month. I had free room for a few days with a friend in Bangkok as well as one month in monastary donation excepted. I also lke the night life and not a cheap charlie so I could have spent less on the ladies but it has been 3 years since I have visited.

Remember drinking beer will be your biggest expense at average of 100baht a bottle in a bar, 1000baht comes quick.

Have fun, you may need to scale back your trip to 4 weeks unless you take out a loan.

Cheers, wow $3,000 a month sounds expensive, lol yeh hopefully as two single young lads we'll be able to resist the siren calls of the Thai Temptresses (otherwise known as bar girls!) and save a wadge of money!

A rough guide to your costings:- Singha 60/80 Fried rice with chicken 120 Room with ac 500.

I've always found it safer to keep only small amounts of cash on your person. Plus if you have loads in your pocket you dont have to think, you just spend it quicker, not just got a thousand bhat in my pocket thats my limit for tonight. Have fun, barter for best price and always smile.

Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :D

Thanks for all the help so far guys! From the sound of it I will definitely need some more money - I do have an overdraft/credit cards to draw on, so could prob. go with max. £2.5k if I needed to - obviously not ideal having to pay it off when I get back, but better than scrimping and saving over in LOS I imagine!

Edited by studenttraveller
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:) Its a troll folks.

Yes, I replied to one of his other threads but he never came back to it. One or 2 threads like that.

Lol sorry if I've offended anyone but I'm not a 'troll' - it's true, I have posted similar threads (I did one recently on what to take to thailand) but only because as much as I've read guidebooks, they just don't give you the same perspective as asking actual westerners who live out in a country.

Yeh I did think £1k was on the lowside - to clarify, last year I spent in excess of about £2.5k but that was because the guy I was travelling with was the dictionary definition of 'excess' - we had to stay at all the nicest hotels (so £50ish a night) and eat at all the nicest restaurants, he just didn't do 'moderation,' whereas my mate I'm going with this year is much more into the backpacker (as opposed to "flashpacker") side of travelling!

Ok OP then I reckon £1k is a joke for 8 weeks. Minimum double it and to be comfortable treble the amount to have any kind of life.

Surely no one is this silly especially having spent time here previously I mean read the OP. :D

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Ok OP then I reckon £1k is a joke for 8 weeks. Minimum double it and to be comfortable treble the amount to have any kind of life.

Surely no one is this silly especially having spent time here previously I mean read the OP. :)

Ok cool well this is exactly the reason I made this thread - although I've been to LOS before I don't rly have any idea of how all the costs are going to all add up. I thought £1k was a bit on the lowside, like I said last yr I spent £2.5k tho that was staying in all nice hotels/restaurants the whole time and no backpacker places. The max I can take is around £2.5k (credit cards/overdrafts) which I would've thought would be adequate, given the abundance of v. cheap backpacker hostels and the like (we'll only be staying in hotels some of the time.)

The clue is here 'with a couple of weeks in Laos/Bali at the end of the trip'.

Lol is that going to add a lot to the cost? I know Bali is expensive (went Indonesia with family when I was younger) but I've heard Laos is even cheaper than Thailand!

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :)

Thanks for all the help so far guys! From the sound of it I will definitely need some more money - I do have an overdraft/credit cards to draw on, so could prob. go with max. £2.5k if I needed to - obviously not ideal having to pay it off when I get back, but better than scrimping and saving over in LOS I imagine!

Yep thats what I love about some folk in todays society, live for today borrow borrow borrow.................you know what we could all get into terrible financial problems if people did this...................ooooooooooops.

Why not save up for it? anyone do that anymore??

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :)

No, it hasn't gone that low - make sure you only change a small amount of money before you travel and change the rest once you're there.

The money changers in the UK are one of the biggest rip oufits anywhere in the world, especially in airports and the 'no commission' places.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me I should go to the post office to change my money because they charge 'no commission', they give one of the crappiest rates available which of course includes the commission that they don't charge separately.

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :D

No, it hasn't gone that low - make sure you only change a small amount of money before you travel and change the rest once you're there.

The money changers in the UK are one of the biggest rip oufits anywhere in the world, especially in airports and the 'no commission' places.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me I should go to the post office to change my money because they charge 'no commission', they give one of the crappiest rates available which of course includes the commission that they don't charge separately.

Lol cheers mate, yeh my parents told me exactly that - to go to the Post Office because of the lack of any commission, but when I looked at the rates I was shocked, it's like 42.8bht or something to the £ :)

So from the sound of it I should just take loads of £s over and change them at exchange booths - though will taking £1k+ in cash cause any problems at customs? And are £20s preferred over £50s particularly like in the UK or not really? (£50s means it'll be way less bulky!)

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :D

No, it hasn't gone that low - make sure you only change a small amount of money before you travel and change the rest once you're there.

The money changers in the UK are one of the biggest rip oufits anywhere in the world, especially in airports and the 'no commission' places.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me I should go to the post office to change my money because they charge 'no commission', they give one of the crappiest rates available which of course includes the commission that they don't charge separately.

Lol cheers mate, yeh my parents told me exactly that - to go to the Post Office because of the lack of any commission, but when I looked at the rates I was shocked, it's like 42.8bht or something to the £ :)

So from the sound of it I should just take loads of £s over and change them at exchange booths - though will taking £1k+ in cash cause any problems at customs? And are £20s preferred over £50s particularly like in the UK or not really? (£50s means it'll be way less bulky!)

£50s will get you a slightly better price no problem with customs unless you have over €10000 THATS EUROS then you have to explain where it came from.

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if you are looking to change hard currency. try out super rich exchange brokers.

there a branch opposite the old world trade centre/ central world in pratunam. in the back streets, adjacent and about one block along from big c supermarket to the right.

they give probably the best exchange rates i know in bangkok, dont know if anyone else knows of any other places.

they also have a booth at the phrom phon bts station.

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :D

No, it hasn't gone that low - make sure you only change a small amount of money before you travel and change the rest once you're there.

The money changers in the UK are one of the biggest rip oufits anywhere in the world, especially in airports and the 'no commission' places.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me I should go to the post office to change my money because they charge 'no commission', they give one of the crappiest rates available which of course includes the commission that they don't charge separately.

Lol cheers mate, yeh my parents told me exactly that - to go to the Post Office because of the lack of any commission, but when I looked at the rates I was shocked, it's like 42.8bht or something to the £ :)

So from the sound of it I should just take loads of £s over and change them at exchange booths - though will taking £1k+ in cash cause any problems at customs? And are £20s preferred over £50s particularly like in the UK or not really? (£50s means it'll be way less bulky!)

Remember what I told you in your other thread....make it English notes you take.....not Scottish. ok?

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :D

No, it hasn't gone that low - make sure you only change a small amount of money before you travel and change the rest once you're there.

The money changers in the UK are one of the biggest rip oufits anywhere in the world, especially in airports and the 'no commission' places.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me I should go to the post office to change my money because they charge 'no commission', they give one of the crappiest rates available which of course includes the commission that they don't charge separately.

Lol cheers mate, yeh my parents told me exactly that - to go to the Post Office because of the lack of any commission, but when I looked at the rates I was shocked, it's like 42.8bht or something to the £ :)

So from the sound of it I should just take loads of £s over and change them at exchange booths - though will taking £1k+ in cash cause any problems at customs? And are £20s preferred over £50s particularly like in the UK or not really? (£50s means it'll be way less bulky!)

Remember what I told you in your other thread....make it English notes you take.....not Scottish. ok?

yeh cheers mate - lol thinking about it I've never seen a Scottish note in my whole life, so I doubt many Thais have!!

Just wanted to say thanks for all the replies :D From the sound of it I'll need £2k+, and I'll take a small amount of Thai currency along with a lot of hard cash (plus some in the bank.)

Edited by studenttraveller
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If he lives Thai style (cheapest accommodation, street food, buys his beer in 7/11 and does not indulge in P4P), he might manage on £1K. But with travel plans which include the length and breadth of Thailand + a trip to Indonesia, I doubt he will have anywhere near enough.

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If he lives Thai style (cheapest accommodation, street food, buys his beer in 7/11 and does not indulge in P4P), he might manage on £1K. But with travel plans which include the length and breadth of Thailand + a trip to Indonesia, I doubt he will have anywhere near enough.

Sorry, I am not familiar with "P4P" - can you elaborate.

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If he lives Thai style (cheapest accommodation, street food, buys his beer in 7/11 and does not indulge in P4P), he might manage on £1K. But with travel plans which include the length and breadth of Thailand + a trip to Indonesia, I doubt he will have anywhere near enough.

Sorry, I am not familiar with "P4P" - can you elaborate.

P4P = Pay for play.

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I think you could do it for around 2500 - 3000 uk per month if you didn't get too crazy on the beer and could stay put in one or two places longer. Chiang Mai has reasonable cheap accommodation and if you are doing low season and splitting a room - do guest houses which I think you could find in Patong/Phuket for around 600 per night. But the key may be to stay put in one or two places and lock in a weekly or monthly rate. Accommodation will be your biggest single expense so if you research and book in advance you and split rooms you can save money (use agoda and latestays or hit up guesthouses as you go).

I think a lot of the thai visa posters are retirees who don't know how much a committed backpacker can travel for not do many want to rough it like I suspect you may do in instances. Thailand has an abundance of varied accommodation options. Trick is to find the one that is right for you. If you can communicate with local Thais they can point you in direction of some good savings.

Good luck and have fun.

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Thanks mate, yeh that's kinda how I remember the prices being last yr - problem for us Brits is that the baht's slipped from 50 to £1 to the low forties :D

No, it hasn't gone that low - make sure you only change a small amount of money before you travel and change the rest once you're there.

The money changers in the UK are one of the biggest rip oufits anywhere in the world, especially in airports and the 'no commission' places.

You wouldn't believe the number of people who tell me I should go to the post office to change my money because they charge 'no commission', they give one of the crappiest rates available which of course includes the commission that they don't charge separately.

Take you money out of the ATM when you need it. Do not take a lot of cash only short term travel money.

Lol cheers mate, yeh my parents told me exactly that - to go to the Post Office because of the lack of any commission, but when I looked at the rates I was shocked, it's like 42.8bht or something to the £ :)

So from the sound of it I should just take loads of £s over and change them at exchange booths - though will taking £1k+ in cash cause any problems at customs? And are £20s preferred over £50s particularly like in the UK or not really? (£50s means it'll be way less bulky!)

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:) Its a troll folks.

Would that be because he can't remember coming for 7 weeks last year or, because he thinks he is coming for 8 months ? ?

I wonder what he was doing last year to cause such amnesia. :D

OP don't bring any Thai Baht change your money into travellers cheques through your student account(I assume this is still free these days) and change some when you arrive at the airport in Bangkok. Don't bring large amounts of cash. Don't leave it in your cheap room or in a bag on a bus etc....

I'm off to the thorn tree place for a rest.....

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