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Thai PM Abhisit Under Fire Over Deadly Crackdown


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What actually is going on is Thaksin determined at any cost to overthrow this government now .

Why didn't the red movement accept the election proposal of Nov 14?

Because they're beholden to Thaksin, the 'moderate' leaders should have walked off the stage but of course they'd already promised to burn Bangkok.

From a poltical perspective Abhisit is pushing this very well in the censure debate. He is stressign all the offers the governement made and their rejection and he is saying must seperate "terrorists" from red mass. This is all aimed at the middle ground and what they want to hear. PTP cant do that themselves as they cant abandon the red leaders so they can never sound reasonable to the middle ground. Their hand is tied to accept everything we say which is about as appealing to the middle as if the government were to say all reds are terrorists and must die. The parliamentary startegy of the government is good as it is aimed at leaving PTP as confrontational with no suggestion of reconcilliation.

Interesting to watch.

Chalerm by his statement about other issues in the censure will be more damaging to the government knows the red stuff is a bad hand.

The government just need to annmounce an independent inquiry into the temple stuff which they may have already done. Im not sure on this.

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Don't assume, I don't think Thaksin is a swell guy, I have no time for him, ......

And then immediately after...

I do however see the red movement as bigger than just Thaksin and I support the ideology that a..... <snip>

If I had a satang for every time we've seen this pattern on the forum. Yawn bored snooze.

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Abhisit is starting to sound like a clown with his pathetic excuses and inability to take responsibility.

I am sorry but Abhisit had an answer for every picture they tried to pin on his Coalition.

On which event are you talking about that Abhisit needs to clarify?

Maybe the soldiers (on the BTS track) with silencer rifles that the Thai military don't have?

Oh plus there was no smoke coming from Central World so was not from the day of the Temple shooting!

Or maybe the opposition with pictures of a guy shot but next to him was dried blood? Blood was on the ground from the night before.

plus the MP says, after he was told picture was dried blood, says "Oh hang on a minute let's negotiate a little"! (Oh what a fool)

Oh and the best one that was said yesterday was the Thai Soldiers set Central World on fire. :)

The Opposition have only pictures and can't even get any story right.

I am sorry for you not understanding the translations, you should learn Thai first if you want to know what they are talking about.

Do not make claims without backing up your story with facts.

Facebook has given 20,000 signature's to remove MP Red Shirts Leader from office.

Facebook currently has more that 540,000 members supporting the Government.

wow facebook electing governments now, as I have said before the figures that matter will be at the election.

See post 234 :D

And the cherrypicking regarding facebook is duly noted :D

Abhisit is accounting for himself and the issues raised in the censure debate VERY well.

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Hamered -- the temple issue has been addressed with announcing an independent investigation that includes PTP. Whether they choose to participate ..........

It works better for PTP for them to fail to participate in these investigations and then claim bias than to actually participate and have it shown that either no group can be blamed due to inconclusive evidence OR the Reds/Ronin/Forces outside of the army and government are to blame.

I do note that THIS government has protected the protesters better than the Samak/Somchai governents from daily random attacks.

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Come on people, time for a reality check Nes pas? Any of you that have lived and worked in Thailand for a while and traveled around a bit will know that the next election will be won by which ever party is aligned with Thaksin. I am not casting aspersions on the intelligence of the fine people of Isaan but it is a fact that they (at least the majority of them) have no access to the information sources of most of you and get to listen to the village headman waffling on every morning over the loudspeakers about the merits of Mr. Thaksin. Political campaigning in Thailand is not the same as in western countries and the people vote according to instructions from their vilage headman.

Whilst I admire the restraint and integrity displayed by Mr. Abhisit during this crisis, there is no place in Thai politics for an honest PM! Without fail polticians and their close confederates need a like minded person in the position of power so that they can continue to keep their snouts in the trough!

I dont dispute that there is a large disparity between the urban rich and the rural poor but the one man that has genuinely made an attempt to redress this imbalance through introducing some progressive policies (health, education and debt forgiveness) has NO chance of winning the next election, whenever it is held. I have great admiration for Mr. Abhisit and feel very sad for the Thai people because they will always take the 500 Baht in the pocket today rather than look at the bigger picture.

After the next election the cycle will start again and we will go through the same process of coup, coalition, protests and election with a few deaths and burned down buildings thrown into the mix.

So sad that their political system will never allow open and fair elections free of corruption and with the free flow of information being available so that the people can make an informed decision after balancing the speeches of each candidate.

Returning Thaksin's cronies to power will only perpetuate the spiral of the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. So sad that they cannot see that they are being exploited by the people that they think have their best interests at heart.

Rant over!!

Great post

The one question I have is do you think they have enough money left to buy another election.

On another point I don't see talked about is did the red shirts get all the money they were promised. It is a safe bet the leaders did.

Also how much backing do the red shirts have. Here in Chiang Mai the heart of red shirt country 300 rioters came home and only 100 came out to welcome them. Just wondering oops moree than one question

1. Yes, I believe they have enough money!

2. I personally never saw money change hands but I would agree with you that the leaders were well paid based on statements from a few of them.

3. I don't live in Chiang Mai but I would venture to say that there is strong red shirt support throughout the North and North East mainly for the reasons stated in my earlier post but also because the police seemed to do nothing when people were burning down government buildings in the region, that lack of action indicates to me that there were many red shirt sympathisers in police uniform.

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Maybe you should read some of Dr. Peppers ignorant, abusive posts before you start accusing other members of the same thing.

As to suggesting that the PM is a liar. There is a former PM who was removed from office who has him topped by a longshot who you seem to think is quite a swell guy. :)

Don't assume, I don't think Thaksin is a swell guy, I have no time for him, I do however see the red movement as bigger than just Thaksin and I support the ideology that a new election is needed to get a government that the people actually want. Look at the bigger picture, get over your hatred of thaksin, open your eyes and see what is actually going on, and stop assuming that you know me or my pricipals, you end up looking as silly as the current mob.

Many people that are truly Anti-Thaksin are also truly for helping deal with poverty in Thailand. Your mistake is to think that the red rally in BKK was about anything BUT Thaksin. Did you once in all the time they were in BKK hear the reds talk about anything that dealt with any issue other than immediate elections? If they are concerned about poverty and inequality or even democracy wouldn't they be talking about THOSE things? Immediate elections serve the purpose of one person and one person only. They were offered elections by the end of the year. Then they were offered elections by mid-Nov. The moderate reds got on that bandwagon --- but Thaksin can't work things HIS way if the current government lasts until Nov.

I am all for dealing with poverty and inequality. I am also all for democracy. Thaksin isn't about either and none of those issues were discussed from the red stages.

I want to see significant changes in infrastructure development in rural Thailand. I want to see real changes made to the education system. I want to see Thaksin in jail for his crimes.

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Come on people, time for a reality check Nes pas? Any of you that have lived and worked in Thailand for a while and traveled around a bit will know that the next election will be won by which ever party is aligned with Thaksin. I am not casting aspersions on the intelligence of the fine people of Isaan but it is a fact that they (at least the majority of them) have no access to the information sources of most of you and get to listen to the village headman waffling on every morning over the loudspeakers about the merits of Mr. Thaksin. Political campaigning in Thailand is not the same as in western countries and the people vote according to instructions from their vilage headman.

Whilst I admire the restraint and integrity displayed by Mr. Abhisit during this crisis, there is no place in Thai politics for an honest PM! Without fail polticians and their close confederates need a like minded person in the position of power so that they can continue to keep their snouts in the trough!

I dont dispute that there is a large disparity between the urban rich and the rural poor but the one man that has genuinely made an attempt to redress this imbalance through introducing some progressive policies (health, education and debt forgiveness) has NO chance of winning the next election, whenever it is held. I have great admiration for Mr. Abhisit and feel very sad for the Thai people because they will always take the 500 Baht in the pocket today rather than look at the bigger picture.

After the next election the cycle will start again and we will go through the same process of coup, coalition, protests and election with a few deaths and burned down buildings thrown into the mix.

So sad that their political system will never allow open and fair elections free of corruption and with the free flow of information being available so that the people can make an informed decision after balancing the speeches of each candidate.

Returning Thaksin's cronies to power will only perpetuate the spiral of the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. So sad that they cannot see that they are being exploited by the people that they think have their best interests at heart.

Rant over!!

Great post

The one question I have is do you think they have enough money left to buy another election.

On another point I don't see talked about is did the red shirts get all the money they were promised. It is a safe bet the leaders did.

Also how much backing do the red shirts have. Here in Chiang Mai the heart of red shirt country 300 rioters came home and only 100 came out to welcome them. Just wondering oops moree than one question

1. Yes, I believe they have enough money!

2. I personally never saw money change hands but I would agree with you that the leaders were well paid based on statements from a few of them.

3. I don't live in Chiang Mai but I would venture to say that there is strong red shirt support throughout the North and North East mainly for the reasons stated in my earlier post but also because the police seemed to do nothing when people were burning down government buildings in the region, that lack of action indicates to me that there were many red shirt sympathisers in police uniform.

While there is no doubt that there is significant support for the Reds in the North and NE, your conclusions are not really as clear as you would have people believe.

Actions or lack of actions can rest solely in the hands of ONE officer or public official and do not suggest anything about the feelings of a group.

It might be more accurate to guage things from the arrests made in the areas that arson occurred when those arrests were made by local police or military units. They rounded up a BUNCH of people that could be identified from video footage or from the statements of people in custody or from the statements of witnesses.

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Don't assume, I don't think Thaksin is a swell guy, I have no time for him, ......

And then immediately after...

I do however see the red movement as bigger than just Thaksin and I support the ideology that a..... <snip>

If I had a satang for every time we've seen this pattern on the forum. Yawn bored snooze.

Go back and look through Tony's posts claiming neutrality and then find where he ever took a position that was not pro-red :)

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Abhisit is starting to sound like a clown with his pathetic excuses and inability to take responsibility.

And it seems he is not the worst when it comes to making yourself out to be a clown....

I agree with peppers, and no need for your flaming or abuse, how about a reasonable counter argument rather than just abusing the poster. Both abhisit and suthep are both looking rather foolish, being shown as liars and the more they deny knowledge in things it shows one of two things, they are either liars or they had no control over the situation. Which one is it?

You look foolish and you don't seem to know what you're talking about. So you're either stupid or you just don't know anything. Which one is it?

See that's not flaming or abuse. That's just asking questions the Red way.

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Hamered -- the temple issue has been addressed with announcing an independent investigation that includes PTP. Whether they choose to participate ..........

An independent investigation would not involve politicians.It would need to be overseen by an international body such as the UN and would cover all aspects of the violence, not just the temple concerns.

Will it happen? No, because the Thai Government will say this is an internal matter which the Thais can manage - rather like the drugs war, the Tak Bai massacre etc.

Does the Thai army have a long history of covering up its bloody tracks? Yes

Is Abhisit going to defy those who led him to power? No

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Hamered -- the temple issue has been addressed with announcing an independent investigation that includes PTP. Whether they choose to participate ..........

An independent investigation would not involve politicians.It would need to be overseen by an international body such as the UN and would cover all aspects of the violence, not just the temple concerns.

Will it happen? No, because the Thai Government will say this is an internal matter which the Thais can manage - rather like the drugs war, the Tak Bai massacre etc.

Does the Thai army have a long history of covering up its bloody tracks? Yes

Is Abhisit going to defy those who led him to power? No

Another question is would the reds really want a truly independent investigation or is it a gambit?

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Another question is would the reds really want a truly independent investigation or is it a gambit?

That's an interesting point.The reality is that nobody really knows despite those on this Board who are so sure about everything.My guess is that neither side would come out untarnished from an independent investigation.But it's not going to happen is it?

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Don't assume, I don't think Thaksin is a swell guy, I have no time for him, ......

And then immediately after...

I do however see the red movement as bigger than just Thaksin and I support the ideology that a..... <snip>

If I had a satang for every time we've seen this pattern on the forum. Yawn bored snooze.

Go back and look through Tony's posts claiming neutrality and then find where he ever took a position that was not pro-red :)

Thanks for that JD

I think they forget that on here their lies can be checked with ease

After reading a number of tonywebsters posts over the last few weeks,he is without question a Thaksin supporter

And that is his right

But for him to deny this to try and strengthen an argument ,well thats just bad form on a forum isnt it

If you stand for something Tony ,at least have the strength of your convictions to follow through

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Hamered -- the temple issue has been addressed with announcing an independent investigation that includes PTP. Whether they choose to participate ..........

An independent investigation would not involve politicians.It would need to be overseen by an international body such as the UN and would cover all aspects of the violence, not just the temple concerns.

Will it happen? No, because the Thai Government will say this is an internal matter which the Thais can manage - rather like the drugs war, the Tak Bai massacre etc.

Does the Thai army have a long history of covering up its bloody tracks? Yes

Is Abhisit going to defy those who led him to power? No

Perhaps you would prefer the term --- Bipartisan with the inclusion of experts chosen from all sides :)

Your opinion that it would need to be overseen by outsiders is just an opinion. Experts vetted by both sides should be enough to establish independence.

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Another question is would the reds really want a truly independent investigation or is it a gambit?

That's an interesting point.The reality is that nobody really knows despite those on this Board who are so sure about everything.My guess is that neither side would come out untarnished from an independent investigation.But it's not going to happen is it?

I agree that neither side will come out untarnished. The issue is that people will excuse soldiers for returning fire or for using supressing fire that injures/kills people IF they can be shown to have been under enemy fire (or even to have thought they were under enemy fire). Remember the video of the guys setting off the string of large firecrackers with a man standing and acting as if he were firing a gun? Absolutely fair game for fire to be returned. His behaviour begs the question WHY would he do something that stupid? My hypothesis is that he did it to cover the sounds and actions of someone ACTUALLY shooting where the people that may have been actually shooting is impossible to tell. Possible. The other possibility can only be trying to get Security forces to return fire causing injuries on the red side.

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UN calls for Thai clashes inquiry

The UN has demanded an independent inquiry into recent unrest in Thailand, when more than 80 people were killed in clashes between security forces and protesters.

Continued here:


The question is, is it possible to have an independent inquiry in Thailand?

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These bipartisan individuals, will they be Thais'? who will propose, chose and approve them, Thais'? I am not being pessimistic as much as realistic. Not trying to say mission impossible, but my chances of winning the big prize lotto would probably have better odds. By the by, I did not buy a ticket this drawing.

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since when have polls on here mattered, I have said many times the only figures that will matter from a poll is the next election, people that actually have a vote rather than some people on here with complexes and the desire to repeat the same garbage over and over in the hope that it will eventually brainwash others like it has brainwashed them. The people that matter will vote, they will vote the sam way.

Actually just a question, hopefully someone can answer it for me, at the last election what percentage of the vote did the democrats get?

I am asking because some on here always state that the people want them in power, I always say if people wanted them in power they would have voted for them, I am interested in knowing what percentage of the vote the actually got, this will also show what percentage of voters didn't want them in power.

:) It strikes me as strange that at this late date you would be asking for information like this!

Remember that this information reflects things in 2007 BEFORE the Friends of Newin faction left PPP.

Note that in the party list that the Dems got slightly more votes than PPP

Note that no party got 50%

Note that things have changed including the violence by the reds and the loss of support in places like Khon Kaen and other areas upcountry.

Some here always state? Where?

In lots of countries we have a coalition government which means that parties involved had people voting for them. To then say that some people did not vote for them is just stating the obvious. This under the assumption that a single person has a single vote :D .

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Hamered -- the temple issue has been addressed with announcing an independent investigation that includes PTP. Whether they choose to participate ..........

An independent investigation would not involve politicians.It would need to be overseen by an international body such as the UN and would cover all aspects of the violence, not just the temple concerns.

Will it happen? No, because the Thai Government will say this is an internal matter which the Thais can manage - rather like the drugs war, the Tak Bai massacre etc.

Does the Thai army have a long history of covering up its bloody tracks? Yes

Is Abhisit going to defy those who led him to power? No

Perhaps you would prefer the term --- Bipartisan with the inclusion of experts chosen from all sides :)

Your opinion that it would need to be overseen by outsiders is just an opinion. Experts vetted by both sides should be enough to establish independence.

I think the general overall supervision should be under the direction of a respected outsider, but the membership would of course be Thai.Normally one would be content to see a senior member of the judiciary in charge but unfortunately in Thailand the judiciary, in so far it rules on political matters or matters with a political relevance is now hopelessly compromised.

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UN calls for Thai clashes inquiry

The UN has demanded an independent inquiry into recent unrest in Thailand, when more than 80 people were killed in clashes between security forces and protesters.

Continued here:


The question is, is it possible to have an independent inquiry in Thailand?

Not demanded:

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has called for an independent investigation of Thailand's bloody political crisis to bring those responsible for the human rights violations to account.

Subtle difference

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How many MPs will vote for confidence? 480 seats in the parliament.

Last time, March 2009, Abhisit got 246 confidence votes. How many will it be this time?

Samak 'survived' in june 2008 with 280 confidence votes.

Any experts with any guesses?

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Come on people, time for a reality check Nes pas? Any of you that have lived and worked in Thailand for a while and traveled around a bit will know that the next election will be won by which ever party is aligned with Thaksin. I am not casting aspersions on the intelligence of the fine people of Isaan but it is a fact that they (at least the majority of them) have no access to the information sources of most of you and get to listen to the village headman waffling on every morning over the loudspeakers about the merits of Mr. Thaksin. Political campaigning in Thailand is not the same as in western countries and the people vote according to instructions from their vilage headman.

Whilst I admire the restraint and integrity displayed by Mr. Abhisit during this crisis, there is no place in Thai politics for an honest PM! Without fail polticians and their close confederates need a like minded person in the position of power so that they can continue to keep their snouts in the trough!

I dont dispute that there is a large disparity between the urban rich and the rural poor but the one man that has genuinely made an attempt to redress this imbalance through introducing some progressive policies (health, education and debt forgiveness) has NO chance of winning the next election, whenever it is held. I have great admiration for Mr. Abhisit and feel very sad for the Thai people because they will always take the 500 Baht in the pocket today rather than look at the bigger picture.

After the next election the cycle will start again and we will go through the same process of coup, coalition, protests and election with a few deaths and burned down buildings thrown into the mix.

So sad that their political system will never allow open and fair elections free of corruption and with the free flow of information being available so that the people can make an informed decision after balancing the speeches of each candidate.

Returning Thaksin's cronies to power will only perpetuate the spiral of the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. So sad that they cannot see that they are being exploited by the people that they think have their best interests at heart.

Rant over!!

Great post

The one question I have is do you think they have enough money left to buy another election.

On another point I don't see talked about is did the red shirts get all the money they were promised. It is a safe bet the leaders did.

Also how much backing do the red shirts have. Here in Chiang Mai the heart of red shirt country 300 rioters came home and only 100 came out to welcome them. Just wondering oops moree than one question

1. Yes, I believe they have enough money!

2. I personally never saw money change hands but I would agree with you that the leaders were well paid based on statements from a few of them.

3. I don't live in Chiang Mai but I would venture to say that there is strong red shirt support throughout the North and North East mainly for the reasons stated in my earlier post but also because the police seemed to do nothing when people were burning down government buildings in the region, that lack of action indicates to me that there were many red shirt sympathisers in police uniform.

While there is no doubt that there is significant support for the Reds in the North and NE, your conclusions are not really as clear as you would have people believe.

Actions or lack of actions can rest solely in the hands of ONE officer or public official and do not suggest anything about the feelings of a group.

It might be more accurate to guage things from the arrests made in the areas that arson occurred when those arrests were made by local police or military units. They rounded up a BUNCH of people that could be identified from video footage or from the statements of people in custody or from the statements of witnesses.

My posts on this subject are my opinions only, based on my time living in Thailand and working at the Australian Embassy. I am not trying to "have people believe" anything. Again, and this is a personal observation based on having worked closely with the military and police at all levels. It is my belief that the inaction of the police standing around watching the arson attacks was in fact due to their personal political persuasion. The fact that there were people rounded up after the event merely shows that perhaps senior officers do not share the same political persuasion and used their rank to ensure that arrests were made.

I recall you and I having many disagreements on this forum in the past and what struck me then was your penchant for condescending comment and twisting what people have said. I see nothing has changed. My opinion is just that and I acknowledge your right to have a different opinion, just try not to assign hidden meanings to other peoples posts please. :)

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How many MPs will vote for confidence? 480 seats in the parliament.

Last time, March 2009, Abhisit got 246 confidence votes. How many will it be this time?

Samak 'survived' in june 2008 with 280 confidence votes.

Any experts with any guesses?

Slow day, isn't it? The results of today's lottery are slightly more interesting. Unfortunately the batteries of my crystal ball need to be replaced. Without that ball any statement I make is only guesswork :)

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ABC is questioning the veracity of Suthep's account that there were no soldiers on the Skytrain tracks above Wat Pathum Waranan on the evening of the shootings.


I heard from a red acquaintance that the shots came from the tracks before it was reported in the media, so I believe the allegation has some mileage.

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Come on people, time for a reality check Nes pas? Any of you that have lived and worked in Thailand for a while and traveled around a bit will know that the next election will be won by which ever party is aligned with Thaksin. I am not casting aspersions on the intelligence of the fine people of Isaan but it is a fact that they (at least the majority of them) have no access to the information sources of most of you and get to listen to the village headman waffling on every morning over the loudspeakers about the merits of Mr. Thaksin. Political campaigning in Thailand is not the same as in western countries and the people vote according to instructions from their vilage headman.

Whilst I admire the restraint and integrity displayed by Mr. Abhisit during this crisis, there is no place in Thai politics for an honest PM! Without fail polticians and their close confederates need a like minded person in the position of power so that they can continue to keep their snouts in the trough!

I dont dispute that there is a large disparity between the urban rich and the rural poor but the one man that has genuinely made an attempt to redress this imbalance through introducing some progressive policies (health, education and debt forgiveness) has NO chance of winning the next election, whenever it is held. I have great admiration for Mr. Abhisit and feel very sad for the Thai people because they will always take the 500 Baht in the pocket today rather than look at the bigger picture.

After the next election the cycle will start again and we will go through the same process of coup, coalition, protests and election with a few deaths and burned down buildings thrown into the mix.

So sad that their political system will never allow open and fair elections free of corruption and with the free flow of information being available so that the people can make an informed decision after balancing the speeches of each candidate.

Returning Thaksin's cronies to power will only perpetuate the spiral of the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. So sad that they cannot see that they are being exploited by the people that they think have their best interests at heart.

Rant over!!

Great post

The one question I have is do you think they have enough money left to buy another election.

On another point I don't see talked about is did the red shirts get all the money they were promised. It is a safe bet the leaders did.

Also how much backing do the red shirts have. Here in Chiang Mai the heart of red shirt country 300 rioters came home and only 100 came out to welcome them. Just wondering oops moree than one question

1. Yes, I believe they have enough money!

2. I personally never saw money change hands but I would agree with you that the leaders were well paid based on statements from a few of them.

3. I don't live in Chiang Mai but I would venture to say that there is strong red shirt support throughout the North and North East mainly for the reasons stated in my earlier post but also because the police seemed to do nothing when people were burning down government buildings in the region, that lack of action indicates to me that there were many red shirt sympathisers in police uniform.

I fully agree it certainly looks like the police held back , Abhisit is a great Leader for Thailands future but due to the way these reds are educated about politics they will never give him the respect and credit he deserves.

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I fully agree it certainly looks like the police held back , Abhisit is a great Leader for Thailands future but due to the way these reds are educated about politics they will never give him the respect and credit he deserves.

What people need is an education which makes them open-minded and more likely to ask questions when they don't understand something. No, not propaganda, just a common education like we seem to manage in other countries, even in the US of A.

Lots of reds still believe the lies from last year's songkhran 'activities' with hundred missing as suggested by PTP but never proven. Funny how the opposition only needs to suggest, but the government has the burden of proving. It may be fair because the government is governing so needs to be accountable. On the other hand accusations can be formulated as carefully phrased suggestions which are difficult to grapple or properly react on. Time to switch on TV, K. Chalerm may be on :)

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The word on the street is around 500 were killed not 88.

Regarding Abhisit I think the only way reconciliation will take place is without him anywhere near the table.

No-one on the red side would want to do anything with him.

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The word on the street is around 500 were killed not 88.

Regarding Abhisit I think the only way reconciliation will take place is without him anywhere near the table.

No-one on the red side would want to do anything with him.

Which street is that?

The Reds don't want to have anything to do with anybody who isn't Red and who doesn't love Thaksin. Reconcilation will be hard not because of Prime Minister Abhisit but because the Reds are selfish people who only think of themselves and no one else.

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