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Foreign Farang


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how can she be a Farang, if Farang means Caucasian?? :)

e.g. for better understanding: Let's say a Caucasian was born and raised in Thailand and never left the country and has Thai citizenship he is still a Farang.

You are taking a literial intrpretation/translation of the word, not the implied meaning/connotation.

Allow me to give you a similar example, There is an arabic "Kaffir" which literally means "none believer"....i.e. someone who is not a muslim, this is the literial translation...Go to South African and call one of the location population a "Kaffir" you may very likely end up dead or at the very best in jail..

IMHO - "Farang" is intended as an "insult"

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I am amazed that this subject is still being debated! Why can't some farang understand that the F word does not mean foreigner? Why are some farang still insulted when no insult is intended? Why would you call a Thai "farang" when they are in Europe, call them "kon dtaang chaat" and see how they react.

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you are right, and I can predict, that in the future this issue will be more discussed than ever. More and more clueless Farangs strangely interpreting Thai expressions & behaviours will appear. :D

You ain't see nothing yet... :)

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you are right, and I can predict, that in the future this issue will be more discussed than ever. More and more clueless Farangs strangely interpreting Thai expressions & behaviours will appear. :D

You ain't see nothing yet... :)

OK Birdman,

I'll put a small Singha that it gets closed before page seven.

I don't know what the record length is for a thread on this topic.

I reckon the last insightful comment will come around page 4, and by page 6 it will be predominantly personal insults.

On the topic of offensive names for people, I went into a Chinese restaurant in Australia, and I thought the welcoming-lady called upstairs "Three foreigners" and I said (in English) "No we're not, we live here" (not strictly true, but could have been) and she looked at me in bafflement. Years later I realised that she had said "Three respectfully welcome guests".

Words can never be insulting, only people can. You should take offence only if it is offered, otherwise, that's theft.


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huh...? I certainly did not mean this thread. :)

I meant that in some years there will be much more Farangs coming than now because of

1) financial frustration at their home countries

2) loneliness at their home countries

only, who give a full toilette about cultural aspects and therefore with all the partly oppressed xenophobic neurotic baggage the issue Farang = insult will be on the table for sure.

On the other hand, maybe it will be an insult then? :D

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If I met a Thai in England and he called me a farang I'd smack his teeth in and then tell him clearly that I know big polit, and will make big ploblem for thai kee nok! then I'll sell him something he doesn't need

You shall not be called farang anymore. We (collectively) have a new name for you. Einstein the Benevolent. Hope that will not be a big ploblem for you.

Thank you :D

On the street my name will be shortened to Einy-Bizzle, my Nizzle. :D:)

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Okay this is it. The last post about the word "farang" ever to appear on Thai Visa . . .

farang = caucasion (not pejorative 99% of the time) may also mean "westerner" in some circumstances

khun farang = Mr. caucasion, Sir

farang-ruay = rich caucasion

farang-law-maak = handsome caucasion

farang-kee-nok = low-life caucasion

farang-khee-niow = stingy caucasion

farang-men-dtua = smelly caucasion

farang-khee-mao = drunkard caucasion

farang-j'mook-yaao = big-nosed caucasion

farang-poong-yai = pot-bellied caucasion

-------- but the one that seems to apply to everyone is . . . . .

farang-ngong! = baffled, confused, perplexed white guy can't figure out what's going on!

-NG :)

Edited by NaiGreg
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Okay this is it. The last post about the word "farang" ever to appear on Thai Visa . . .

farang = caucasion (not pejorative 99% of the time)

khun farang = Mr. caucasion, Sir

farang-ruay = rich caucasion

farang-law-maak = handsome caucasion

farang-kee-nok = low-life caucasion

farang-khee-niow = stingy caucasion

farang-men-dtua = smelly caucasion

farang-khee-mao = drunkard caucasion

farang-j'mook-yaao = big-nosed caucasion

farang-poong-yai = pot-bellied caucasion

-------- but the one that seems to apply to everyone is . . . . .

farang-ngong! = baffled, confused, perplexed white guy can't figure out what's going on!

-NG :)

you forgot one. set farang. = if you are French you will know what I mean.

better edit the opening line of your post mate. :D

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if that is the way u r treated why r u here? go back to the wonderful land of gold known as the uk

Who me ??.......I am here because I make heaps of money here, I personally couldnt care less what Thai's think of me or call me, I am not that insecure to have to be at one with my "Thainess" and seek constrant approval/acceptance.... :)

Ok. Personally, I wouldn't want to live in a place where I hated the locals or felt like everyone hated me just for financial gain, but as they say, "up to you". hey, atleast you have thai visa to come and whine about it, right?

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if that is the way u r treated why r u here? go back to the wonderful land of gold known as the uk

Who me ??.......I am here because I make heaps of money here, I personally couldnt care less what Thai's think of me or call me, I am not that insecure to have to be at one with my "Thainess" and seek constrant approval/acceptance.... :D

Ok. Personally, I wouldn't want to live in a place where I hated the locals or felt like everyone hated me just for financial gain, but as they say, "up to you". hey, atleast you have thai visa to come and whine about it, right?

Whats the saying...never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.. :)

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If I met a Thai in England and he called me a farang I'd smack his teeth in and then tell him clearly that I know big polit, and will make big ploblem for thai kee nok! then I'll sell him something he doesn't need

You shall not be called farang anymore. We (collectively) have a new name for you. Einstein the Benevolent. Hope that will not be a big ploblem for you.

in western samoa the foreigners are called "pelanghi" which with their local accent sounds similar to ferringue. their word means come from the skies.

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how can she be a Farang, if Farang means Caucasian?? :)

e.g. for better understanding: Let's say a Caucasian was born and raised in Thailand and never left the country and has Thai citizenship he is still a Farang.

You are taking a literial intrpretation/translation of the word, not the implied meaning/connotation.

Allow me to give you a similar example, There is an arabic "Kaffir" which literally means "none believer"....i.e. someone who is not a muslim, this is the literial translation...Go to South African and call one of the location population a "Kaffir" you may very likely end up dead or at the very best in jail..

IMHO - "Farang" is intended as an "insult"

Another thing to remember is the often spoken "Stupid Farang"

Anyone heard "Smart Farang" even if your rich? seems these two words dont go together,where as the aforementioned seem to.

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people who think farang is a nice term tend to be the same people who are heavily invested in a thai family through a wife or girlfriend that they also think loves them for their balding pot=bellied alcohol abusing self.

People with a more detached perspective tend to see things as they actually are.

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people who think farang is a nice term tend to be the same people who are heavily invested in a thai family through a wife or girlfriend that they also think loves them for their balding pot=bellied alcohol abusing self.

People with a more detached perspective tend to see things as they actually are.

That's an interesting theory, although it's quite opposite of my experiences here. I am one of the people who has no problem with the term "farang," and I have never been offended when the word has been used in reference to me. I see it primarily as a descriptive term, much like the word "Asian" (but of course any "label" can be used in a negative way if you want it to). I have pretty much no investment in any Thai people, except a couple of my Thai friends who I see occasionally. No Thai family, no Thai wife/girlfriend. Most of my friends, who have similar lifestyles to mine, are also not bothered by the term "farang."

The people I see getting the most upset about the term (especially in another recent thread) are sometimes the people who DO have a strong Thai attachment - those who say that they get mad at their Thai wives for calling them farang, or who get upset at their wife's family for using the term. It seems like many times, the people who want to become more "Thai-like" are the ones who get most upset by the term, and the detached people don't take offense to it.

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people who think farang is a nice term tend to be the same people who are heavily invested in a thai family through a wife or girlfriend that they also think loves them for their balding pot=bellied alcohol abusing self.

People with a more detached perspective tend to see things as they actually are.

My bigotry and prejudice are treasures of which I'm very jealous, and I try to keep them to myself. You should do the same, lest someone take it for their own


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People with a more detached perspective tend to see things as they actually are.

That's an interesting theory, although it's quite opposite of my experiences here. I am one of the people who has no problem with the term "farang," and I have never been offended when the word has been used in reference to me. I see it primarily as a descriptive term...

I think probably the same is true of other racially based reference words - elsewhere e.g. gweilo, darkie, paki...

THe bigotry and discrimination that the group in question suffers may be extremely upsetting, and the reference word, as a part of that, is deemed offensive, but the unacceptability of the word is due to the discrimination and - lack of respect - shown to the group. So if you think you are unfairly discriminated against, and that people dislike you and are prejudiced against you, then I can see that 'farang' or any other term, could be offensive, but perhaps it should be no more offensive than terms such as 'paranoid'.

I suppose farang is widely used because there is no equivalent Thai word that is as easy for Thais to say, and its fairly easy for us to pick out and pronounce as well. I've never noticed any punning with guava, which disappoints me, but I live in hope...


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Those people who think all uses of the word farang is insulting generally have other issues related to low self esteem, low prospects, low paid job or no job etc. e.g. just a chip on their shoulder.

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Those people who think all uses of the word farang is insulting generally have other issues related to low self esteem, low prospects, low paid job or no job etc. e.g. just a chip on their shoulder.

Wait till you reach 1000 posts for the first layer of faringorance to ware /wear/where off mate. One cannot get this jaded over night. It took me a decade.

I do like potato chips though.

Edited by bkkjames
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Those people who think all uses of the word farang is insulting generally have other issues related to low self esteem, low prospects, low paid job or no job etc. e.g. just a chip on their shoulder.

Wait till you reach 1000 posts for the first layer of faringorance to ware /wear/where off mate. One cannot get this jaded over night. It took me a decade.

I do like potato chips though.

Ive lived here on and off for more than 5 years- but i travel monthly outside of thailand for work so maybe these breaks elsewhere help keep my perspective rosy. But i sincerely sympathize with those people i have met who have become bitter and very down on thailand- i would too if i was on 30-50 K baht per month living in some dingy condo in the outskirts of Bangkok getting ignored by the hot thai girls (who generally want a well monied or well handsome farang).

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Those people who think all uses of the word farang is insulting generally have other issues related to low self esteem, low prospects, low paid job or no job etc. e.g. just a chip on their shoulder.

Wait till you reach 1000 posts for the first layer of faringorance to ware /wear/where off mate. One cannot get this jaded over night. It took me a decade.

I do like potato chips though.

Ive lived here on and off for more than 5 years- but i travel monthly outside of thailand for work so maybe these breaks elsewhere help keep my perspective rosy. But i sincerely sympathize with those people i have met who have become bitter and very down on thailand- i would too if i was on 30-50 K baht per month living in some dingy condo in the outskirts of Bangkok getting ignored by the hot thai girls (who generally want a well monied or well handsome farang).

So you are saying you wish you had a better life? :)

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So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.

If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.

If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.

Edited by mahtin
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