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For sure not all police are like that but I never met one . With their little salary no wonder they need to have extra cash .

small salary is not an excuse.. if the moneys not good enough, find a better job. a policemans duty to to protect and serve and uphold the law.. period...

Exacty - otherwise as an underpaid teacher, for example, i would be fully justified in demanding money from students in order for me to allow them to pass their exams.... :D .

I do however think that the state should purchase basic police equipment - like the gun, so that as a state purchase, the gun is and (should) remains the property of the state, long after the person has finished being a copper. It would i imagine make ballistics tracing a bit easier if the state had a records of the guns in its arse(nel), rather than coppers with random purchased guns wandering the streets.

But back to the OP - what can you say except that if Thai folks tolerate being treated like this, then i have little sympathy for them. If they want it to change, they (as a population) need to get off their backsides and demand change and realize that they have the power to expediate that change, however many can't be arsed.

"He said complaints can be filed at the Metropolitan Police Bureau's Operation Centre by calling (02) 280 3196, and the cases would be duly investigated.

So far, the operation centre has said there have been no such cases filed."

Maybe you file a complaint with 1000 Baht in an envelope... :)

For sure not all police are like that but I never met one . With their little salary no wonder they need to have extra cash .

small salary is not an excuse.. if the moneys not good enough, find a better job. a policemans duty to to protect and serve and uphold the law.. period...

So, the cops should have sent the delivery driver to pay 40,000 baht and maybe do jail time? The law is the law. How can this bother anyone? They did the delivery guy a favor, saved him 36,000 baht. His company should have gotten a permit for the driver. The police didn't make the law and in the end, they didn't enforce it, but it appears that some would prefer that the cops arrested him for curfew violation resulting in a 40K fine and possible prison time.

For sure not all police are like that but I never met one . With their little salary no wonder they need to have extra cash .

small salary is not an excuse.. if the moneys not good enough, find a better job. a policemans duty to to protect and serve and uphold the law.. period...

So, the cops should have sent the delivery driver to pay 40,000 baht and maybe do jail time? The law is the law. How can this bother anyone? They did the delivery guy a favor, saved him 36,000 baht. His company should have gotten a permit for the driver. The police didn't make the law and in the end, they didn't enforce it, but it appears that some would prefer that the cops arrested him for curfew violation resulting in a 40K fine and possible prison time.

It's the police's job to uphold the law; not profit from it. If he had paid 40,000 they wouldn't have seen a penny. If they had got 4,000 they would have seen nearly half. They weren't trying to do him a favour, they were trying to exploit a situation.

Usually these kind of things would go to court. The defendant can explain to the judge why he was driving during curfew hours and then the judge can make a ruling. There is a system put in place for a reason. Otherwise some crazy redshirt can waltz around bkk looking for a good place to plant a bomb because he paid 4,000 baht for the privilege!


I know a policeman who isn't corrupt--at least not in the usual sense. I am sure he takes bribes to fill the quota of cash that goes up the line, but for himself either very, very little or none. He lives in the housing and on his time off he lives with his mother. He's in his 40's. Rides a bike as he doesn't own a car or a motorcycle. He's not married and has no children. Basically he owns almost nothing--not even a nice watch.

But what is really rather sad is that he is probably the loneliest person I have ever known in Thailand. He is not liked by the other police and he is still despised by the locals. Of course, he has never advanced in the force, either.

I have no idea why he is the way he is. He's not very religious and doesn't seem to have any particularly strong character or moral conviction.

What is really sad is when the saddest person you've ever met in the kingdom is an honest cop.

They truly are the scum of the earth, I fully expected incidents like this.

imagine , travelling on a over night bus , in the curfew hours , and bus stopped by police .

chances are , farang fined .


C C Could I just say in defence of the Thai police bless them :) , they are not on there own , because in the UK they have gone mechanised, they are called speed cameras , and you do not even know you have been scammed until 7 days later. :D


Of course, by Thai business logic, the delivery company got it all the wrong way round.

What they should have done to insure that everything was ok, would have been to have paid up front via brown envelope and all would have been ok.

All this hand wringing when the system is well known. And then to complain afterwards. I can't believe the cheek of some people. I just don't understand it when Thai companies don't know how to play by the rules in their own backyard.


I don't think the police have extorted any money from these guys. It's just another guy complaining about the Thai Police. I think the Thai police is doing a great job in finding criminals etc etc. Maybe (very) few cops are extorting money from people, but 99% (at least) are good and honest guys just protecting their fellow citizens. We all have to have faith in them, right?

For sure not all police are like that but I never met one . With their little salary no wonder they need to have extra cash .

small salary is not an excuse.. if the moneys not good enough, find a better job. a policemans duty to to protect and serve and uphold the law.. period...

here here .

any suggestions ,, as to what jobs

they shiould apply for ? .

growing rice .

pimp :)


For sure not all police are like that but I never met one . With their little salary no wonder they need to have extra cash .

small salary is not an excuse.. if the moneys not good enough, find a better job. a policemans duty to to protect and serve and uphold the law.. period...

here here .

any suggestions ,, as to what jobs

they shiould apply for ? .

growing rice .

pimp :)


Beer Bar work? :D

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