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Australian Man Abandons Jailed Thai Girlfriend's Baby In Hospital


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Last year she knew him as Ron 59?.

No. Last year it was 59 Ron or Ron,59.

You've missed the purpose of the comma. Last name first.

Well, Ron acted reasonably. The police wouldn't have taken the baby and just made a lot of complications for Ron. If he'd asked the hospital, they'd have refused and escorted him out with the baby. He didn't know where to turn. So he left the baby where it would be quickly discovered, health care would be readily available, and knowledgeable, responsible Thais (if that isn't too much an oxymoron) would deal with the problem.

Well said

We dont know the details and as usual maybe never will, But i imagine this guy was on holiday, IMHO the police are already at fault and most likely knew the girl had a baby and .. no intention of looking out for the babys welfare,

If ron had gone to the police which would have been the normal action i can imagine the police would have turned it into a situation to extract-extort money out of him, After thinking it over he decided the best way was to leave the baby at the hospital where the baby would get the needed attention faster than any other route he could take without the danger of contact with the royal thai police who would only look for ways of making money out of the situation,

If your surrounded only by corrupt authorities its a difficult call.

Edited by tingtongfarang
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It should read: "Thai bar girl on drugs abandons her 8 month child while being incarcerated, a 60 year old Australian while on Holiday, whom she hardly knew, had the compassion to return the child to Thai Authorities via the local hospital"

Spot on Steve :)

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Last year she knew him as Ron 59?.

No. Last year it was 59 Ron or Ron,59.

You've missed the purpose of the comma. Last name first.

Well, Ron acted reasonably. The police wouldn't have taken the baby and just made a lot of complications for Ron. If he'd asked the hospital, they'd have refused and escorted him out with the baby. He didn't know where to turn. So he left the baby where it would be quickly discovered, health care would be readily available, and knowledgeable, responsible Thais (if that isn't too much an oxymoron) would deal with the problem.

Well said

We dont know the details and as usual maybe never will, But i imagine this guy was on holiday, IMHO the police are already at fault and most likely knew the girl had a baby and .. no intention of looking out for the babys welfare,

If ron had gone to the police which would have been the normal action i can imagine the police would have turned it into a situation to extract-extort money out of him, After thinking it over he decided the best way was to leave the baby at the hospital where the baby would get the needed attention faster than any other route he could take without the danger of contact with the royal thai police who would only look for ways of making money out of the situation,

If your surrounded only by corrupt authorities its a difficult call.

Bingo, in a nutshell. :) Not so tingtong after all!

Edited by ratcatcher
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My first question after recent times was, 'Is this really an Australia or another another breed claiming to be an Aussie?' :)

Oh please, please.

Of course he`s an Aussie. No one in they`re right mind who is not an Aussie would ever claim to be Aussie.

Ha ha! Touché, touché, nice one BigWheelMan

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Is he the father?

If he isn't he took all the required steps that a foreigner should.

Not quite right jdinasia. He did what any decent caring person should do.

However, I disagree with your wording "all the required steps that a "foreigner" should.

This implies that foreigners are under some legal obligation and that said obligation is different from the actions expected of non-foreigners.

Other than as I said, it seems he just did the decent "human" thing to do, he probably was under no other (legal) "obligation" to do anything.

I would expect a Thai to do a bit more (contact the family etc ....)

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My first question after recent times was, 'Is this really an Australia or another another breed claiming to be an Aussie?' :)

Oh please, please.

Of course he`s an Aussie. No one in they`re right mind who is not an Aussie would ever claim to be Aussie.

Pommies do it all the time. :D

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Typical Farang behavior. The farang's fault 100% I bet he got her into drugs and ruined her life.. It's ALWAYS the farang! :)

It would be the same where you come from...a black man steals a car...all black men are car theives.

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My first question after recent times was, 'Is this really an Australia or another another breed claiming to be an Aussie?' :)

Oh please, please.

Of course he`s an Aussie. No one in they`re right mind who is not an Aussie would ever claim to be Aussie.

Pommies do it all the time. :D

Yeah just as a lot Americans call themselves Canadian when they travel because it saves all the hatred.

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It is always the Farang's fault


of course, we're all wicked, don't you?

now, seriously, i'm fed up with this kind of titles.

i'm thinking to create an association in order to sue the thai newspapers that whatever defame foreigners.

who'd be interested?, please contact me by PM

remember, the next to be put "on the glittering news" could be you!

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Typical Farang behavior. The farang's fault 100% I bet he got her into drugs and ruined her life.. It's ALWAYS the farang! :)

The best thing the guy could do. A 60 year old with a baby would easily be a pedophile in this country. Always the bad farlang.... :D

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Typical Farang behavior. The farang's fault 100% I bet he got her into drugs and ruined her life.. It's ALWAYS the farang! :)

Yes, It is the farangs fault. He is here in Thailand. He went to pick here from a bar. Of course she was not for free, so had to pay her. dam_n now she has money to buy drugs instead of buying food and pampers and clothes for the kid or saving up for the kids future.

Yes definitaly farangs fault, a baby was born, who's my daddy she asks??? I DO NOT KNOW SAY'S MOMMY, but I am sure it is a farangs fault you where born.

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Looks like just one more stupid story between the "boyfriend" (farang who might be a grandfather to Thai woman) and a prostitute who found a golden spoon in grandpa b/f, to support her family all.

She is proud to have a farang b/f and he is proud to be with so young woman whom might be his grandchild.

Perfect couple, match.

He is not a father, ashy he is not able to have a baby in that his age and i would like to know he tried to save the baby that way or to get rid of that baby as she(mother) tried to show him as a father.

Any "relationship" with so huge difference in age makes me so sick.

He is to old guy, she is too young and she is drug addicted. Lovelly couple they are.


Posts like yours make others sick. It wasn't about older foreigners having a relationship, even a paid one, with a prostitute.It's about blaming this older man for something which was alright. Understood???

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Typical Farang behavior. The farang's fault 100% I bet he got her into drugs and ruined her life.. It's ALWAYS the farang! :)

It would be the same where you come from...a black man steals a car...all black men are car theives.

ThaiFelix, if you are indeed Thai, look up the word IRONY, richieudon's post is laced with it.

Then try SARCASM. :D

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CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

Maybe this is one of the problems of having a system in which most of the authorities are totaly corrupt and fear of getting involved with any such as the police might have been a disaster for him,

I feel quite sure had i been in this possition my actions would be different to those made in my home country,

And do not forget that the Thai system would have milked him dry financialy :)

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My first question after recent times was, 'Is this really an Australia or another another breed claiming to be an Aussie?' :)

Oh please, please.

Of course he`s an Aussie. No one in they`re right mind who is not an Aussie would ever claim to be Aussie.

Pommies do it all the time. :D

Yeah just as a lot Americans call themselves Canadian when they travel because it saves all the hatred.

Not sure boat your logic, don't ya' know, eh, but it may be true in the circles you run in.

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Personnally I would even have been scared of going to the hospital, but if the baby kept on crying all the time, maybe I'd have done it too.

But honestly I would not be put in this situation in the first place, no way I'm taking care of anyone's baby, I don't have children that's for a reason, at the moment I don't want to take care of anyone if I can allow it.

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CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

Maybe this is one of the problems of having a system in which most of the authorities are totaly corrupt and fear of getting involved with any such as the police might have been a disaster for him,

I feel quite sure had i been in this possition my actions would be different to those made in my home country,

And do not forget that the Thai system would have milked him dry financialy :)

So at the point the mother is taken into the clink, who is the legal guardian ................................... any answers? Surely not the guy assuming he's a tourist knocking up mum.

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Looks like just one more stupid story between the "boyfriend" (farang who might be a grandfather to Thai woman) and a prostitute who found a golden spoon in grandpa b/f, to support her family all.

She is proud to have a farang b/f and he is proud to be with so young woman whom might be his grandchild.

Perfect couple, match.

He is not a father, ashy he is not able to have a baby in that his age and i would like to know he tried to save the baby that way or to get rid of that baby as she(mother) tried to show him as a father.

Any "relationship" with so huge difference in age makes me so sick.

He is to old guy, she is too young and she is drug addicted. Lovelly couple they are.


Posts like yours make others sick. It wasn't about older foreigners having a relationship, even a paid one, with a prostitute.It's about blaming this older man for something which was alright. Understood???

agreed, what a moronic post.

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CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

Maybe this is one of the problems of having a system in which most of the authorities are totaly corrupt and fear of getting involved with any such as the police might have been a disaster for him,

I feel quite sure had i been in this possition my actions would be different to those made in my home country,

And do not forget that the Thai system would have milked him dry financialy :)

Ron 61 !!

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How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


Edited by xenomorph
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The more I read Thaivisa forum, the more I wonder why is that non-Thai men can come into Thailand and have

relationship with young Thai girls so easily, why Thai girls are so easy, prostitution?? or just for financial gain??.

I realized that money is everything, as long as there is large poor Thai population, those girls have to take advantage of the situation.

I am certain that such situation is not possible in the US.

Thailand is now known as the sex capital of the world, very sad.

Also the Red Shirt situation will never happened and of course big corruption among Thai official is also sad.

Just rambling...

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How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


You have great faith in the Royal Thai Police. Going into a police station in Thailand, signing pieces of paper which are written in Thai language, and expecting them to do the right thing, you could be easily extorted for kidnapping, child abuse, held for hours while they "make enquiries" / wait for you to pay a fee. How do they know you are an innocent tourist? Do they care?

And as noted before, we do not know if he "just dropped the child and ran". We would need more informative reports to know that. Given the choice of handing a baby over to a Thai policeman, and handing it over to a nurse in hospital, it sounds like he did a realistic thing in the circumstances (as far as we know them).

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Well it seems to me that the girl would have known the guy at least 17 months if he is the father. I assume she would know more than he is Ron if that is the case. Unlikely the man is the father.

I wonder how many westerners do really, right from the mind, know the real first and last name (not the nickname) of your Thai girlfriend? If he's been living Pattaya and had a bar-girl for GF for 2 years or so... Why would she bother with knowing his last name, as that is of really no concern. Especially when she's apparently were living in the fast lane.

Looks to me that many here seems to defend this guy's lack of moral. Makes me wonder how many of the posters here do actually living a Ron-life in this country.


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He did the smartest and most decent things to be done ...

a.) He got the heck away from that situation as fast as possible ... phew!!!

b.) He had the greatest of decency to personally take the baby to the safest and best possible place

before disappearing.

BIG respect to Mr Ron :)

I'm assuming Ron was not the babies father and just a decent bloke

(to all you racialist pigs - kindly note that I am a Brit patting an Aussie on the back)

you sum it up real well.

I'll add

-tourist most probably hasn't been 17 months in LOS

-baby maybe not even weaned

-lady never told the police about the baby, or the police would have contacted grandmother before or

-what she maybe tried to avoid

-police would have been at her place and taken the baby.

-I'm a 56 y o divorced father , I had to care for my son part time since he was 18 months and Ron has all my sympathy.

to all you racialists, note that I'm a French patting both a Brit and an Aussie on the back.

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