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My Thai girlfriend's daughter just started at CMU and I'm concerned about the long hours she is having to attend. She starts at 6am and doesn't arrive home until well after 10pm, one night during the curfew she was kept there till 1am!!!. I've tried finding out the reason but not being fluent in Thai I am left confused by their explanations. I know the daughter is not the rebellious, hang out with bad types sort of girl and my only concern is her safety. Does anybody have an insight into what goes on at CMU and is there a legitimate reason for being there for 16 hours plus. Grateful if anybody can shed any light and put my mind at ease, being farang I didn't want to start having to stir things up with the staff without having some idea of what happens at Thai universities.

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If she's a freshman, she will be expected to spend hours each day at 'cheering' activities... i.e. student initiation ceremonies. Most of these are comparatively harmless, and I've never seen any publicity which suggests that dangerous kinds of hazing go on at CMU.

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Like many students she may have a part-time job but doesn't want to talk about it. Some students also have 'sponsors' which can also be regarded as a part-time job. As you are not getting a straight answer from your girlfriend or her daughter, I suggest take the hint and don't discuss again as they clearly don't want you to know. If you force it, you may not be forgiven IMO as face may be severely lost.

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If she's a freshman, she will be expected to spend hours each day at 'cheering' activities... i.e. student initiation ceremonies. Most of these are comparatively harmless, and I've never seen any publicity which suggests that dangerous kinds of hazing go on at CMU.

I work at CMU and as mentioned above if she is a freshman there are a lot of activities going on. Saw a couple hundred passing by my office today wearing white & purple and hear the 'cheering' activities also. This will end soon enough and her hours should be back to normal. Though a bit uncertain about why that late at night.

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If she's a freshman, she will be expected to spend hours each day at 'cheering' activities... i.e. student initiation ceremonies. Most of these are comparatively harmless, and I've never seen any publicity which suggests that dangerous kinds of hazing go on at CMU.

I work at CMU and as mentioned above if she is a freshman there are a lot of activities going on. Saw a couple hundred passing by my office today wearing white & purple and hear the 'cheering' activities also. This will end soon enough and her hours should be back to normal. Though a bit uncertain about why that late at night.

I also do a couple of days per week at CMU and the new students are always doing something and have wondered when they will study, but leaving the other night at 1930 hours, the newbies were still out and about doing many activities.

Is is like team building exercises?? and why do they were those signs around their necks??

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If she's a freshman, she will be expected to spend hours each day at 'cheering' activities... i.e. student initiation ceremonies. Most of these are comparatively harmless, and I've never seen any publicity which suggests that dangerous kinds of hazing go on at CMU.

I work at CMU and as mentioned above if she is a freshman there are a lot of activities going on. Saw a couple hundred passing by my office today wearing white & purple and hear the 'cheering' activities also. This will end soon enough and her hours should be back to normal. Though a bit uncertain about why that late at night.

I also do a couple of days per week at CMU and the new students are always doing something and have wondered when they will study, but leaving the other night at 1930 hours, the newbies were still out and about doing many activities.

Is is like team building exercises?? and why do they were those signs around their necks??

Many thanks for all replies, the mother did try to explain somethings about the freshman ceremonies but a lot was lost in translation. Having been to university in the UK where the hours are loosely based around the 9am-4pm norm, I just find it hard to grasp the concept of spending 16 hours a day cheering and team building etc. I think I will have to be patient and see if the hours do settle down into a more acceptable routine.

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Mix of cheering and other freshy activities. But 10pm is awful late for just that. After class and activities she's probably hanging out and studying with her new friends she made in her classes. They do tend to study away from home or dorm, cause home is distracting.

She's young and its first years at university. Let her enjoy her that year its only gonna get harder after. lol. These are the friends she will have/be close to for the rest of her life.

The signs around the neck is basically a name card. Front of it states their name and major (i think, havent been taking a good look at them. lol). On some cards on the back is their class schedule in case they get lost. lol

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The freshmen CMU students visited our school today. One was wearing a sign that stated "HUMAN" I did not know there were any options? rolleyes.gif One poor girl had a sign stating "PSYCHO" -- yeah she will have a hard time getting a date for a while i think...unsure.gif

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Lets see, after the social activities ending at 10:00pm, hanging out studying with other students during the first week of classes? I seriously doubt it.. Studying is the furthest thing on their mind unless studying the opposite sex..

Afer 10pm and not home until after 1am, try night clubs maybe even putting a few hours there as a worker. A secret boyfrined perhaps with a built in school excuse...

I think the average farang would be shocked on just how many college female students dabble in the nightlife as working bees...Its not BG vs university GTG...very a mixed bag out there...Lets not fool ourselves..


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Nice of you to make the father paranoid. I work a CMU a few days a week, and while I can't rule out a few "college female students dabble in the nightlife as working bees", my impression is that at CMU it's damned few, if any.

Freshman are subjected to a lot of time consuming activities, none dangerous but the time demands can be stressful. Plus she does have to study and no doubt wants to socialize with new friends. You should take an interest and ask her what she's been up to and what her schedule looks like for the near future, but unless she's coming home with alcohol on her breath and dressed like a Loi Kroh girl, you shouldn't worry too much.

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I spoke with a CMU grad and she said it's not unusual for students to sign up for activities before and after classes. Therefore my previous comment is far less possible than I originally thought - can't help being cynical though after living here so long

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The freshmen CMU students visited our school today. One was wearing a sign that stated "HUMAN" I did not know there were any options? rolleyes.gif One poor girl had a sign stating "PSYCHO" -- yeah she will have a hard time getting a date for a while i think...unsure.gif

Those signs just indicate their majors. In some past years, the psychology majors wore shirts with "psycho" embroidered on them.

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Maybe she has a job in one of the beer bars at Santitham Plaza.

Lots of female students serving beer until 1am every day.

Thanks again for taking time to reply, quite a mixed bag of answers too. The beer-bar job could explain the late nights but still leaves the early mornings in question. My main concern is that she may be doing all these hours due to peer pressure. I know she mentioned in the first few days that they had the 'newbies' cleaning classrooms and toilets which I think is not unreasonable for learning a bit of humility. I would just like to know how long these strange rituals last and when normal hours are resumed. She has now been attending CMU for nearly a month and has not had a day off (7 days a week - 16 hours+ a day), in my view that is a sure route to 'burn-out'. If it is due to peer pressure then what are the consequences of saying no! will she become an outcast from 'the team'?, would her grades suffer? I should mention that I am not her natural father so I'm fearful of too much dabbling and direct confrontation but I still feel some anxiety until she returns safely each night.

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The amount of 'cheering' varies from faculty to faculty and from year to year. It is not uncommon for students to fall asleep in class (not the teacher's fault this time!) simply because the cheering has prevented them from getting enough sleep. Don't worry; it will be over soon, and she'll revert to a normal life.

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huh.gifSounds like your on your way to a heart attackjap.gif Take it easy, the only thing you can do to ease your mind is for you and her mom to check her out when she comes home late. Sniff for alcohol and check the eyes, ask some simple questions, nothing accusatory and go from there. It does sound like a very busy schedule for her. Just be sure she has a cell phone and she can always call home. I know it sounds pretty simple but why worry yourself until you have something to worry aboutblink.gif Chok dee.
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huh.gifSounds like your on your way to a heart attackjap.gif Take it easy, the only thing you can do to ease your mind is for you and her mom to check her out when she comes home late. Sniff for alcohol and check the eyes, ask some simple questions, nothing accusatory and go from there. It does sound like a very busy schedule for her. Just be sure she has a cell phone and she can always call home. I know it sounds pretty simple but why worry yourself until you have something to worry aboutblink.gif Chok dee.

Very good advice. I don't fully understand the freshman rituals, but I think they will ease off somewhat after the July 3 run/walk up Doi Suthap. However there will be some extra activities through the November Sports Day. Also, Thailand Universities have many more mandatory or semi-mandatory organized activities for all their students than I experienced in the U.S., so some of this will continue for the duration of her stay at CMU. It seems strange to us, and it can be stressful for the freshman, but they all seem to survive the experience without being scarred for life.

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