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PM Abhisit Launches Thailand Reconciliation Plan

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Abhisit's democratic choice

By Shawn W Crispin

BANGKOK - Thailand is sliding towards de-facto military rule

and it is not clear that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has the

will or power to turn back the authoritarian tide. A sustained

state of emergency has given security forces extraordinary

powers to detain suspects without trial, censor the media and

ban public gatherings, powers the top brass have flexed after

last month's dramatic crackdown on anti-government protesters

encamped in the heart of Bangkok.

Continued here:


Lets see what happens!!

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This could be the start of something good for the whole of Thailand, Provided he is allowed to continue unhindered by certain parties.

I agree that 'certain parties' (presumably Thaksin & the more violent elements of the reds) should never again be allowed to participate in shaping Thailand.

However the reds' grievances are real: Thailand is vastly unequal, with an hereditary elite sequestering most of the resources to itself.

Those grievances need to be addressed in very concrete ways if disaster is to be headed off.


The Poll questions are crucial part of a consructive Plan. If they are set up to find what Thais really think, feel and believe about the way the Kingdom should be structured, it's a good first step. [it would be great if they are the Poll questions I have been Emailing to so many Government Offices!]

If they are like the Poll questions on Abhisit's Official Website, bent more towards preaching to the converted and/or steering opinion, then the sad days are still ahead.

A. Don't be afraid to ask the basic, important questions, that bear down on the root of the problem.

B. Make them simple, not ambiguous.

For one example, on the list I have been sending out.

>>> Would you like a political System that automatically filtered out corruption and conflict of interest among elected Members?

Another, would you like completely fair elections with no vote buying and bullying?

These type of questions are vital to go the heart and cause of the troubles.

The simple, but STRONG outcome would be to show that the majority of Thais are the same and many reds and yellows are fighting for the same ideals, but their LEADERS don't want them to know.

Among the Thais I have been Emailing, for about two months now, I have been professing that this kind of polling is the first, best step in The Joseph Plan. One fine lady, whose aunt was a secretary for Khun Chuan, said she would pass my ideas along.

I even tried to get help in the Thai Visa language Forum to translate my poll questions. After spending hours using Google Translate, I was told it comes out wonky, but got, 'sorry too busy to help'.

They are going to poll!!! This is a GOOD thing folks, if they are pertinent, unbias clear questions, as in What do you really think questions? If you want to see the type of questions to NOT ask, check abhisit dot com.

SUGGESTION: Thai Visa, Run a Thread asking for suggestions on what questions should be asked. It could be very interesting to see how they match the Government's and the other ones on my list.

Yes they are going to Poll!!! yes yes yes.....

Here is another... hmmm no I will wait and see what others might suggest. I hope some of the brilliant subscribers to this Forum put up some suggestions.

Did I mention I am HAPPY they are going to Poll. That is BRILLIANT strategy. Please, please, make it polling NOT bending!


I have a question: How does a centralized government benefit the people more than perhaps another system?


Love the "Left lots of questions unanswered". Of course - it was a mission statement, not a Q and A. Ask your questions at the press conference - duh....whistling.gif

Sounds a lot like the Obama game plan; lots of, tough to do promises, with no explanations of how he plans to get it done.


Instead of vaguely referring to your self-created "The Joseph Plan" over and over, why don't you post this great political solution in it's entirety on a website or blog somewhere?

All your alleged "surveys" are subjective, from the posts you continue to post on a forum.

Instead of making up replies as you go, just post your completed "solution", assuming you have actually written out already.

its vagueness is its strength.

that the Joseph plan has this indefiniteness makes this plan so interesting and even promising in opposite to any boring roadmap euphemism and phrasemongering where you know it is nothing than hot air or BS.

take it with an agnostic approach - if such solution actually don't exist it is still a perfect and entertaining parody of all other roadmaps which will never work out. no harm done. if there is something behind, the believer of another faith would dismissed it immediately once the joseph plan is made more articulate. at the moment the joseph plan sounds not bad, is inoffensive, comes with an air of suspense. nice. a puzzle, a brainteaser, maybe the invitation to develop your own bf2002 plan and join the game? who knows? why you want to push it?


I like your Posts, you really can think outside of the triangle; it's way too late to think outside of the box.

1. Full details of my Remedies cannot be discussed here, rules protect the corrupt. I have said this many times. What did Dr L, say? "Simple Clarice. It's all in my Posts. read the Posts.' I have actuallu outlined much of the Plan and detailed much of the Solution, hinting at the parts that are not allowed to be discussed.

2. I have published and presented to many Thais. If anybody knows bilingual Thais who would be interested in discussion they would be included in the mailing list.

Here's the rub, it's like trying to find dolphins in a shark tank. Can anybody even name any Thais of influence and power who would have the best interests of the Realm over there only, personal, ingrained corrupt dealings? In my research and observations, there are only a small handful that I have heard about, Chuan Leekpai for one, and woman well know for her efforts and compassion, one appointed PM did not seem so bad, either.

The Group that would have to form would be is some ways similar to the Khana Ratsadon, but in structural ways, way different. For one thing, the White Shirts would NOT be a politcal party [hint] .They would be the facilitators for bringing out the Peoples' choices for running the Government. Also, unlike the KR, they would work closely with, instead of against mumble mumble......

The KR really DID miss the chance to build a great Thailand in the 1930's if they had worked with, instead of against mumble mumble.

Anybody who refers emails of relatively dedicated bilingual Thais, if it pleases, they will be included in all correspsondence.

the believer of another faith would dismissed it immediately once the joseph plan is made more articulate

Even though I have been GIVING the Remedies away, including spending much of my 'holiday' in Thailand visiting academics and organizations, and would have let it go for free, it's now too late for that. It has gotten the point I would have to be reimbursed if this is going to work, and you are right, the 'heretics' would falsely jump all over a wrinkle, like that.

Fears That Thaksin Plans To Buy Thai Govt MPs <<< If the Military reshuffle in the Fall sees Thaksin's men get promoted, don't blame me.

Have you SEEN the thankless efforts of the red and yellow fanatics who have tried tirelessly to push THEIR dogma. Do you think they have changed anybody's mind?

NOW think of those few of us who have been trying to convince BOTH sides they are idiots, pure and simple dupes for their leaders in red and yellow yachts and private jets. Rodney Dangerfield got more respect.


Abac Poll: Failure of national reform plan likely

BANGKOK, 13 June 2010 (NNT) - The majority of people have expressed no confidence over the success of the government's national reform plan, says recent ABAC Poll.

According to the survey conducted by ABAC Poll Research Center among people on their views towards national reform, the majority of the respondents or 70% stated that they currently had personal problems. 40.1% said the government officials were viewed as key trouble makers, followed by the general public (36.6%) and the government (23.3).

Asking about the main causes of the public's grievances, the majority of the respondents or 61.9% said the conflicts of interests and corruption activities (61.9%), followed by the unjust acts and double standard practices (43.9%) and other related inappropriate acts.

68.8% of the respondents recommended the establishment of the committee for reforming and tackling people's problems at the provincial level. 43.9% said the state officials needed to be reformed, followed by politicians and business operators (32.6%).

The survey also indicated that the majority of the respondents or 66.3% showed no confidence over the accomplishment of the national reform plan while 33.7% thought differently. The people urged the government to resolve the economic problems, followed by poverty and social disparities.

11.2% of the respondents agreed with the House dissolution and fresh elections while 4.5% wanted Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to step down.

Abac Poll: Failure of national reform plan likely : National News Bureau of Thailand


-- NNT 13 June 2010 footer_n.gif


PM denies conflict of interest, reconciling with terrorists under reconciliation plan

BANGKOK, 13 June 2010 (NNT) - Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has dismissed allegations over the government's plan to reconcile with the terrorists and act unethically.

Speaking on his weekly talk show on Sunday, " Confidence in Thailand with PM Abhisit", the Prime Minister was responding to the recent criticism over the government's reconciliation plan by reaffirming that the government never reconciled with terrorism-related groups or committed any conflicts of interest under the reconciliation roadmap.

He insisted that the state authorities would seriously take legal actions against terrorism-related suspects in the recent political violence in order to speedily bringing back normalcy and peace to the country.

PM Abhisit added that the 5-point roadmap to political and national reconciliation has been progressively executed with the participation of all relevant sectors. He also invited everyone in the nation to take part in the government's reconciliation process as all Thais share a love for peace and desired to see the country move forward.

PM denies conflict of interest, reconciling with terrorists under reconciliation plan : National News Bureau of Thailand


-- NNT 13 June 2010 footer_n.gif


There will only be reconcilliation when when the majority on both sides want it and can accept the mistakes and harm they have done. One side cannot force reconcilliation. It doesnt matter which side tries to do this. That some will be excluded in a final settlement is inevitable and also for the country utterly irrelevant.

Interestingly pluralistic democracy cannot also "decide" a reconcilliation as the very nature of pluralistic democracy is that a government is selected by a (middling to large?) minority of the electorate and they get to make decisions. Reconcilliation requires a true majority agreeing on a middle compromise ground and in Thailands case a majority that crosses all regions.

It is likely in the short term that the sides will continue to try and compete so that they can take turns in ever more violently forcing what they will call reconcilliation but which in reality is them winning. All players in the current side line ups still try to gain advantage at any cost. Of course it is the normal people who suffer and who are not considered as anything but pawns by any side.


PM determined to move on peace plan

BANGKOK, 16 June 2010 (NNT) – Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has expressed his determination to move forward his reconciliation roadmap to restore unity in the nation despite criticisms against the plan and difficulties to achieve the target.

The prime minister admitted that it would be difficult to succeed on the implementation of the reconciliation roadmap; however, he noted that the government must still carry on the peace plan by seeking cooperation from all sides.

Prime Minister Abhisit stressed that the reconciliation roadmap must be moved on despite the refusal to cooperate or criticisms made by some groups of people.

Regarding the establishment of a special center to control online lèse majesté and disunity incitement, the prime minister responded that the center would not aim to close or block online communication. He said he just would like to have it controlled with social responsibility.

The cabinet on Tuesday gave a green light to the establishment of a special center under the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology to deal with online lèse majesté and division instigation in order to support the reconciliation roadmap of the government.

PM determined to move on peace plan : National News Bureau of Thailand


-- NNT 16 June 2010 footer_n.gif

News ID: 255306160018


A Thai takes a critical look at Abhisit's "road map to nowhere" -

Last week the prime minister finally said something I was able to wholeheartedly agree on, when he stated that he was not completely confident that his "road map to reconciliation" would succeed.I would go a little further by saying that in my view there is more chance of Honduras winning the World Cup than Mr Abhisit's road map achieving any kind of reconciliation.

I fully realise that hoards of hate-email will appear in my inbox due to the stance I'm taking against what I deem to be the PM's insincerity in bringing about true reconciliation, which has resulted in what I have labelled PM Abhisit's "road map to nowhere". Let me first point out a few nagging issues I have with the PM's road map.

First, it is my belief that when it comes to the kind of reconciliation that is required to heal Thailand's gaping wound, PM Abhisit along with his beloved Democrat Party are actually part of the problem, and therefore can never be the sole solution. . .

Secondly, the road map is a self-portrait of the government's own "national insecurities". The first point of the road map states that all Thais should respect and "protect" the institution of the monarchy. In my last article I went to great lengths explaining why I totally disagreed with Mr Abhisit's tactics in using our highest institution to score political points. Therefore, I need not elaborate much further but to say, on the contrary, due to the monarch's political impartiality, His Majesty is uniquely able to "protect" his subjects against politicians that employ the politics of fear and secrecy to subvert the rule of reason, degrading our democracy in ways that will inevitably imperil us all.

Mr Abhisit's most obvious "national insecurity" issue is the truth about what happened at Ratchaprasong that cost more than 80 Thai lives.I was certainly glad to hear that a truth committee has been established as a path towards meaningful reconciliation and that Mr Kanit Na Nakorn is leading it. However, my hopes were dashed as soon as Mr Kanit opened his mouth and stated in an interview that his committee will try to "promote national reconciliation and will not be passing out blame".Shouldn't Mr Kanit be on another committee, supposedly on national reform, if he wants to work on reconciliation?

I must apologise for mistakenly understanding that the truth committee is supposed to establish the facts and discover the truth, however hurtful those facts are or however grotesque the truth may be. It is now obvious to me that Mr Kanit will try and discover only some facts and reveal only truths that support his predetermined position and his ultimate goal of getting everyone to kiss and make up.

Reconciliation is a worthy cause but to achieve it we must first establish the truth about what happened to more than 80 lives. So, for the love of Christ, Mr Abhisit, just do the right thing for once because we owe it to those who died and we owe it to ourselves to find the truth in order that we, as a nation, can come to terms with it and start Thailand's long-awaited process of national healing and reconciliation.

Moreover, how can Mr Abhisit expect any form of success from his road map when he seems to be engaging all parties except the very one (namely the red shirts) that he has been quarrelling with? Reconciliation by definition can only be achieved when opposing groups commit to a process of "detente". What Mr Abhisit plans to do is to make as many friends as possible, be they yellow, blue or multi-coloured shirts, and hope that his many new friends will cancel out his old enemies. If life were that simple, my dear prime minister!


Talking to Thai people, I have been surprised how many think there will not be an election this year or next year even though constituionally there has to be

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