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Nonduality (Advaita) In Chiang Mai?


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Hello friends!

Just curious if there is somebody interested in the philosophy and practice of Nonduality (Advaita) in Chiang Mai? I haven't found any resources in Internet, so I'd suppose there are no groups. But there is still a chance that there are those who are interested in it. I studied Nonduality in Nepal for some time, but mostly practice (or rather non-practice) it from the books.

If you don't know what the hel_l I am talking about, Nonduality is a spiritual-philosophical tradition, that is based on the notion of the Unity of all life and hence, sees no true individual existences, although from a relative point of view such differences seem to exist. Some of the greatest teachers of Nonduality include Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Ramesh Balsekar, Poonja and Eckhart Tolle.

Wish you all well!

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Sounds good, however, I don't really see the need to study it. Either you know it. Or you don't. True understanding of this fact lies at a level beyond thought and language, so I wonder what's there to study?

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Newbie,

We appreciate the invitation; please don't be discouraged by the usual splatter from the choir of fallen angel boys who haunt this forum.

We'd groove on getting non-dual with you, but the fact that we are a duality (an Orangutan and a human) sharing one creaking old meat-package (the human's body) kind of forces us to live in stereo.

"Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows." Nisargadatta Maharaj

He was a cool one, that Nisaragadatta !

best, wishes, on your journey that never began.


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Dear nikster and cloudhopper,

I totally agree with you that there is no need to study it DEEPLY. However, many teachers believed in the neccesity to spend some time mastering the basics which can be understood intellectually. Without even the basic understanding it could be quite difficult to go any further.

At the same time, you are very true that: "True understanding of this fact lies at a level beyond thought and language". And in no way I was suggesting the need to engage in deep intellectual studies, researches, etc. -- this is not Tibetan Buddhism :)

Dear gotlost, thank you so much for the information! What do you (they) usually do at those meetings? Is there any particular tradition?

Dear orang37, Swadeekrup! Actualy, I wasn't inviting anybody for anything :-) Just inquiring whether there are groups and/or individuals (LOL) interested.

Indeed, having this body and mind we seem to live in stereo, as you are suggesting. I can't be certain about anything without direct realization, so I tend to hypothetically accept the idea propagated by many teachers that all this stereo is just a pure illusion. Although, this may or may not be so.

Nisargadatta was really cool! But I think Ramesh Balsekar was even cooler in many regards.

Thank you very much for your great wishes! "From nowhere to nowhere" :-)

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From Wikipedia:

"Advaita Vedanta (IAST Advaita Vedānta; Sanskrit अद्वैत वेदान्त IPA: [əd̪ʋait̪ə ʋeːd̪ɑːnt̪ə]) is considered as the most influential sub-school of the Vedānta (literally, end or the goal of the Vedas, Sanskrit) school of Hindu philosophy.[1] Other sub-schools of Vedānta are Dvaita and Viśishṭādvaita. Advaita (literally, non-duality) is a monistic system of thought. "Advaita" refers to the identity of the Self (Atman) and the Whole (Brahman).[2]

The key source texts for all schools of Vedānta are the Prasthanatrayi—the canonical texts consisting of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras. The first person to explicitly consolidate the principles of Advaita Vedanta was Adi Shankara,[3] while the first historical proponent was Gaudapada, the guru of Shankara's guru Govinda Bhagavatpada."

At least we are not talking about hamburgers and pizzas anymore.

I suppose this is a good thing....?

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Dear nikster and cloudhopper,

I totally agree with you that there is no need to study it DEEPLY. However, many teachers believed in the neccesity to spend some time mastering the basics which can be understood intellectually. Without even the basic understanding it could be quite difficult to go any further.

At the same time, you are very true that: "True understanding of this fact lies at a level beyond thought and language". And in no way I was suggesting the need to engage in deep intellectual studies, researches, etc. -- this is not Tibetan Buddhism :D

Dear gotlost, thank you so much for the information! What do you (they) usually do at those meetings? Is there any particular tradition?

Dear orang37, Swadeekrup! Actualy, I wasn't inviting anybody for anything :-) Just inquiring whether there are groups and/or individuals (LOL) interested.

Indeed, having this body and mind we seem to live in stereo, as you are suggesting. I can't be certain about anything without direct realization, so I tend to hypothetically accept the idea propagated by many teachers that all this stereo is just a pure illusion. Although, this may or may not be so.

Nisargadatta was really cool! But I think Ramesh Balsekar was even cooler in many regards.

Thank you very much for your great wishes! "From nowhere to nowhere" :-)

Hold on while I go and get some acid and then if you, orang and the guys who were posting about liquid goats whey could all get together and create some sort of dialouge it will be the best trip ever :)

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If you don't know what the hel_l I am talking about, Nonduality is a spiritual-philosophical tradition, that is based on the notion of the Unity of all life and hence, sees no true individual existences, although from a relative point of view such differences seem to exist. Some of the greatest teachers of Nonduality include Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Ramesh Balsekar, Poonja and Eckhart Tolle.

Actually, you left out one of the more - if not the most - prominent teachers of non-duality and non-existence of individuals. He lived about 2553 yars ago is is commonly known by the name Buddha. One of the things that made Buddha special as compared to the Brahmins of his time was that he brought the Vedantic concept Advaita one step further than e.g. Nisargadatta and others adhering to the original Vedanta version. Roughly spoken - the main difference between Vedanta and Buddhism is that while the former leaves room for some sort of individualism in the shape of Atman - such things are totally void in Buddhism.

I don't live in Chiang Mai, but if you want to get familiar with the Buddhist version of non-existence of individual selves (anatta) and ultimate voidness (sunnata) I can recommend "Heartwood from the Bodhi Tree" by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu as an excellent primer. You can find an online version at:

Heart Wood from the Bodhi Tree - Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - Project Buddha Society

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI netineti

i'M into advaita, but living in bkk. I Heard Gangaji will be in Thailand in Jan. giving satsang at an expensive resort for wealthy spriritual seekers. PM me if u'd like to talk about nothing, in order to go nowhere. Best of luck waking up from the dream.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,

New to this, but to let all know that YES, Gangaji and her husband Eli Jaxon Bear will be at Kamalya Resort the 7th and 8th of Jan., that's kamalayadotcom. The fee for sitting in is 300 baht for each of 2 sessions. There is no need to stay at the resort or even fly in with overpriced airlines. Air Asia has cheap returns to Surat Thani from Bkk and the ferry is every hour for maybe 100 baht. The best chance i have now of meeting 2 BUDDHAS. There is also Nathan (another realized BEING) on Koh Phangan, whom i'm trying to reach to make a great awakening to the New Year.

A friend and i are also looking to get together with other TRUTH & FREEDOM people here in Bangkok. Actually the only real, ha.... no-thing that every sentient being should be trying to discover.

free to contact me

Edited by IAMKHRAI
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Hi all,

New to this, but to let all know that YES, Gangaji and her husband Eli Jaxon Bear will be at Kamalya Resort the 7th and 8th of Jan., that's kamalayadotcom. The fee for sitting in is 300 baht for each of 2 sessions. There is no need to stay at the resort or even fly in with overpriced airlines. Air Asia has cheap returns to Surat Thani from Bkk and the ferry is every hour for maybe 100 baht. The best chance i have now of meeting 2 BUDDHAS. There is also Nathan (another realized BEING) on Koh Phangan, whom i'm trying to reach to make a great awakening to the New Year.

A friend and i are also looking to get together with other TRUTH & FREEDOM people here in Bangkok. Actually the only real, ha.... no-thing that every sentient being should be trying to discover.

free to contact me

I was wondering when the subject of money would be thrown up and someone twigs on to the earning potential of this religion, belief or whatever it is. But at least you did say that contacting you is free and that's a start in the right direction. Perhaps you are beginning to see the light and the errors of your ways.

Naaa, I`ll stick to my old traditions of devil worship, where we practice depravity, debauchery, drinking and partying garnished with lashings of sin. No meditation involved but having a night on the binge can have the same affect.

Our members include; Satan of course, no party would be complete with out him and our most worshipable one, Ianforbes or otherwise known as the black Prince. Haven`t managed to conjure up 2 Buddhas or realized beings as yet, we simply just cannot afford their fees.

We are not as posh as you Nonduality lot and we don`t charge for the pleasure of our company, but by the look of things living a bit on the wild side with all it`s stresses and lack of servitude is probably a lot more enjoyable and cheaper in the long run.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Naaa, I`ll stick to my old traditions of devil worship, where we practice depravity, debauchery, drinking and partying garnished with lashings of sin. No meditation involved but having a night on the binge can have the same affect.

Sure, it's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out.

I bet you're just envious because the other people have TRUTH & FREEDOM on their side.

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Whats to study if it is true it is true if it is false it is false. Either way a life time of study will not change it one iota.

On the bright side if it is not true then life is not a illusion.

Also the fact they meet in a bar conjures up some interesting memories of illusions I had as a result of meetings in bars.:P

Edited by jayjay0
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  • 3 months later...

I live in Hua-Hin..and would like to meet others interested in Advaita....I am extremely well read on the subject....but (if you are familiar with Advaita)...you know this means nothing. If you know of any retreats or groups please let me know. thank you Kartez

Edited by kartez
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Hi all,

New to this, but to let all know that YES, Gangaji and her husband Eli Jaxon Bear will be at Kamalya Resort the 7th and 8th of Jan., that's kamalayadotcom. The fee for sitting in is 300 baht for each of 2 sessions. There is no need to stay at the resort or even fly in with overpriced airlines. Air Asia has cheap returns to Surat Thani from Bkk and the ferry is every hour for maybe 100 baht. The best chance i have now of meeting 2 BUDDHAS. There is also Nathan (another realized BEING) on Koh Phangan, whom i'm trying to reach to make a great awakening to the New Year.

A friend and i are also looking to get together with other TRUTH & FREEDOM people here in Bangkok. Actually the only real, ha.... no-thing that every sentient being should be trying to discover.

free to contact me

oh my God - the BLUE is this a sign of Enlightenment? no reds or yellows?

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Dear netineti

The art of not knowing is pretty clear to me.

I live this life in the village San Pakao, Saraphi.

If you like to contact me, you can send a message to my profile at TV.

Neather this nor that.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

There is a community of connected individuals here that has members of many different schools of study dedicated to seeking the path of self-enlightenment, healing, and world peace. Like others here, I pretty much chart my own path, but count many of the people in this community friends of mine. The one common thread to most of these individuals is probably yoga and massage, but it's not rule.

If you want to start to know the meditative crowd in Chiang Mai look into The Yoga Tree or Healing Light Studio. You will find people involved in all kinds of interesting body and life work. That crowd is also likely well read on Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and so on. I'm sure you'll find your people !

And oui, oui, Mr. Beetle Juice ! A good and very different type of meditation can be achieved in a bar or from a bottle. I honestly believe those that love the drink or sit in bars are some of the most insightful philosophical individuals I've ever met. I'm even been one myself from time to time.

But for me the middle path of both worlds is fine. And to each his/her own.

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Did not realize UG was part of the movement, but many of us here already follow him.

The beauty of following UG is in the realization that he is both ahead of you, and behind you, but whether you are a leaderless follower, or a leader who is followerless, know the joy that He is with you to the extent, of course, you are with Him which may be void in your state.


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