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"thai Women Not Beautifull"

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Well the great thing about thailand is you can change most of the physical imperfections very cheaply....esp if you have pounds or euros...and the desire.

So that leaves the inside.

I think most people are still focused on the outside.

It is a bit of a paradox though ...you go to many expat haunts in thailand and see most of the men could REALLY do with a makeover....it wouldnt cost them much and maybe they cld go back home and get laid!!!!


Do you have to harp about how horrible one is because you prefer the other?

Obesity is a unisex problem in the west and ever growing here.

a lot ( I am not saying all) of farang men here have much younger girlfriends/wives, it is a natural thing to gain weight as you get older, I am not saying to the point of obesity, the per capita income is much lower here so naturally the diets are different of lower income versus higher income just from the stand point of what they can afford. Most western women work, you must have 2 incomes to survive in most western countries. A lot of the Thai women here I know with farang partners do not work, this naturally reduces stress and allows for more time for personal care. Go to the villages where there are women over 30 you will see a lot who are not skinny minis. Besides as has been addressed here quite a few men could look in the mirror.

As I said in the begining chocolate/vanilla not everyone is the same or wants the same. As a western woman, (who is thin by the way) I am so sick of these attitudes. I am tired of hearing Thai women tell me that farang men they meet say all western women are fat and sloppy. I am tired of the comments from the likes of some people on this forum about western women.

As to the origins of this thread, I think a great majority of women do not feel great about their appearance when they are younger, as we get a bit older I think we come into excepting ourselves, whether that be big noses, skinny ankles, small boobs etc. I don't know the deomgraphics of the survey group, however a lot of these types of surveys are aimed at the 20-30 year olds.

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Why can't everyone just get over the Thai/white thing. It's old!

So, someone likes this over that, or some of this over some of that, so the fck what?!

Look, To even began to compare ANY body from one race, culture, whatever, is simply stupid, dumb, foolish, and inane. It's apples and oranges, people.

What makes a white/black/yellow/brown/pink/purple/blue woman/man beautiful (inside or out) is completely different from any other woman/man. To compare such thing is just simply unfair and unjust. So, like what you like but stop this useless comparing and just eat your fcking fruit!

Okay, I'm done. :o

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Hm.. sorry for not reading the last 2 pages but I think Kat has some very strong and valid points here.

From my observation Thais have a modest, but very realistic self perception. They know who is more and who is less beautiful than themselves, they know very well about their strengths and weaknesses, what they have to show and what they have to cover, what they would like to improve. And that knowledge is, in my humble opinion, one of the reasons why Thais generally look great, they can emphasize their natural beauty (despite using way too much colour in their make-up..) much better than the majority of western women, especially british and american women who, if you ask me, wear short tank tops while having quite a belly, who walk around bra-less when they shouldn't, or with a miniskirt with legs that would make an elephant jealous... hehe, sorry for the rant at the end of my posting, i needed to exagerate and generalise a bit to make my point. :D

So in my opinion Thais know rather well how they look and generally aren't jealous in the very slightest at the western women they see here... It's just their standard for what is "beautiful" is very high, much higher than in Europe (again imho) due to a lack of too many pretty girls :o Sure my position is argueable but I have never met a really absolutely gorgeous Thai that didn't know it.

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