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Thais Taking Advantage Of Farangs Question


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I've been browsing the forum for alittle minute now, & see a whole lot of farang men taking about getting tooking advantage of?

Is this a skin color thing (white) or a age thing? (for the ones who say they get took advantage of)

I'm half Thai & decided to live / visit my moms side of

the family with her @ 19, I didn't know any Thai or know anything about the culture or anything about Thailand or my people.

My family treated me like gold, always had food to eat, always ate the better rice, and the workers where feed a whole other batch of rice, my barber charged me 20 baht for a cut instead of 40 for the regular Thais, I was able to get fronts/loans on liqour and food, I worked in the potato fields and rice fields with my family but it never felt like free labor, it just felt like I was there to help my people for all I could do. The Thais in our village male & female of all ages where curious / very friendly and always wanted to talk and figure how my life was over in the United States, a few people would always greet me with "hello/how are you" and try they best to understand and fit into what I grew up with, and constantly ask questions to speak better, I always seemed to feel like I was a priorty instead of takin advantage of. Even in Pattaya, there are tons of farangs, but the boosters and bootlegers would always stop me and try talk to me in English and just be like wow you are from where?! Cool! ... Lol. I think only time I have been charged more is when my family wanted a hotel rooms and they would charge alittle more because I was there, but I mean who cares, 200 more baht a day, it's Thailand & Thai rule. Other than that, from partys to the bar, store, market, ect I never had any neg experiances.

Why so much problems for others?

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You must be way good looking with a fantastic smile!

I'm alright looking, but I mean I always thought all white farangs where always looked at as "WOW! He's not from here! He's so cool, rich, handsome ect" that's why I'm asking, where is all the negitive stuff coming from on the farang side, I mean if your charged a few more baht for somthing because your farang I don't see a need to complain and think Thais are bad and shady, probally average farang makes around 40-80 thousand a year where a Thai maybe makes 5-8 thousand a year. Sounds fair too me.

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Wait until your Superstar Status wears off - how many washing machines have you purchased thus far during your visit?

lol don't understand this post?

But at least you found it funny - that's what really counts mate.

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You must be way good looking with a fantastic smile!

I'm alright looking, but I mean I always thought all white farangs where always looked at as "WOW! He's not from here! He's so cool, rich, handsome ect" that's why I'm asking, where is all the negitive stuff coming from on the farang side, I mean if your charged a few more baht for somthing because your farang I don't see a need to complain and think Thais are bad and shady, probally average farang makes around 40-80 thousand a year where a Thai maybe makes 5-8 thousand a year. Sounds fair too me.

First of all you are Thai, second of all you are 19, you do not even live in the same universe as the old white dudes on this forum, trying to understand their reality would be as foolish as them trying to understand yours. Half Thai with actual Thai family here is still Thai.

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You must be way good looking with a fantastic smile!

I'm alright looking, but I mean I always thought all white farangs where always looked at as "WOW! He's not from here! He's so cool, rich, handsome ect" that's why I'm asking, where is all the negitive stuff coming from on the farang side, I mean if your charged a few more baht for somthing because your farang I don't see a need to complain and think Thais are bad and shady, probally average farang makes around 40-80 thousand a year where a Thai maybe makes 5-8 thousand a year. Sounds fair too me.

First of all you are Thai, second of all you are 19, you do not even live in the same universe as the old white dudes on this forum, trying to understand their reality would be as foolish as them trying to understand yours. Half Thai with actual Thai family here is still Thai.

1st off. Can someone tell me how to turn back the mobile version of the forum.

Back to the topic. I do believe I am 100% percent Thai, but my whole time there I was called a "farang" just like the rest of you. I don't take any offense to it, that's there lifestyle. I'm 25 now, but like I said, when I got off the plane, I came off the plane as "farang" as the whitest "farang" from the northpole could get. Knew no Thai, nothing about my culture or practices, or anything about buddism. I grew up on Mcdonalds and steak, not rice and dham mak hoong. They don't see me as Thai 100% like that, but Thais didn't not in anyway not make me feel unwelcome. I mean I think being half and having family was an advantage, but they was not with me 100% of the time, I just think maybe the abuse the "farangs" get is alittle exzagerated, unless you lived in Klong Toei.

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Klong Toei ?

Can anyone tell me why everyone slags Klong Toei,I stayed there for 3 days,walked around the markets,walked around the streets and hardly got a second glance.

Only one thai woman refused to serve me at a market stall,she said 'no serve farang",but i just smiled and went to the one next to hers who was selling the same chocolate biscuits.

I love Klong Toei,nobody bothered me.

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I believe it is a "How you look at life thing", I believe it is a Golden Rule thing, "Treat others as you would, like others to treat you"

Many Farangs are nice people but the bad ones, leave a sad legacy for the ones that are to follow , I have run into the same treatment as you have from the Thai population and my Thai family of 5 years now ,always have been treated well going on 10 years now.

I do not see the world the haters talk about, But wait I am Mexican (Brown) and that disqualifies your (Good treatment) from our forum.

If being Mexican has anything to do with it, it is because I was taught as a child to treat others well!!!


PS: I am no young Dude, I will never see my 72th birthday again!

Edited by kikoman
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You must be way good looking with a fantastic smile!

I'm alright looking, but I mean I always thought all white farangs where always looked at as "WOW! He's not from here! He's so cool, rich, handsome ect" that's why I'm asking, where is all the negitive stuff coming from on the farang side, I mean if your charged a few more baht for somthing because your farang I don't see a need to complain and think Thais are bad and shady, probally average farang makes around 40-80 thousand a year where a Thai maybe makes 5-8 thousand a year. Sounds fair too me.

First of all you are Thai, second of all you are 19, you do not even live in the same universe as the old white dudes on this forum, trying to understand their reality would be as foolish as them trying to understand yours. Half Thai with actual Thai family here is still Thai.

1st off. Can someone tell me how to turn back the mobile version of the forum.

Back to the topic. I do believe I am 100% percent Thai, but my whole time there I was called a "farang" just like the rest of you. I don't take any offense to it, that's there lifestyle. I'm 25 now, but like I said, when I got off the plane, I came off the plane as "farang" as the whitest "farang" from the northpole could get. Knew no Thai, nothing about my culture or practices, or anything about buddism. I grew up on Mcdonalds and steak, not rice and dham mak hoong. They don't see me as Thai 100% like that, but Thais didn't not in anyway not make me feel unwelcome. I mean I think being half and having family was an advantage, but they was not with me 100% of the time, I just think maybe the abuse the "farangs" get is alittle exzagerated, unless you lived in Klong Toei.

The fact that you're a young guy already makes you a minority on this forum. You're probably going to get a lot of grief here, but I think I understand what you're getting at. The complaining on these forums ARE exaggerated. And any time a farang complains about a Thai, other farangs just love to pile-on. It's as if to say "hey my life here sucks and I'm just relieved that it doesn't suck just for me!" It relieves them of all responsibility. Because they are trying to convince themselves that the problems they have aren't about them, it's about the Thai's! Sometimes it seems that they wish this country wasn't run by Thai's, but by....farangs I guess. But didn't every one of these guys leave countries run by farangs to come to a country run by Thai's? It really perplexes me sometimes why some of these guys are still here. Enough ranting...just wanted say that I think I relate to what you're trying to say.

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I once went by minibus from Sungai Kolok to Hat Yai. After a short ride a Thai woman entered the minibus, glanced at me, made a face and mumbled "falang"...

Another time a bus conductor on a private bus told the female owner, who was also riding on that bus 'Falang are people too, arent' they...', to which she replied: "Falang mai khon!" :D

Racism in Thailand? Nooooooooooooooooooo. :):D

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You get what you give. Try to speak the language, smile, be polite. It works wonders.

By all means stand up for yorself if you encounter problems, but take the time to assess the situation to determine whether there actually is a problem before you escalate a situation that is actually only a misunderstanding.

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Wait until your Superstar Status wears off - how many washing machines have you purchased thus far during your visit?

you are becoming washing machine obsessed.

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Wait until your Superstar Status wears off  - how many washing machines have you purchased thus far during your visit?

you are becoming washing machine obsessed.

You are right T.S. pretty soon I am gonna change my member status to : hung out to dry member

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Possibly it's the other way around. Us Farangs taking advantage of Thais. After all, our money is worth much more, our salaries/pensions are much higher. We go there expecting to be treated like rich Kings, and we often are. But if a Thai wants a slice of the pie, then don't we complain.

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I visited Thailand for long holidays between the age of 20 - 24. I am a bit older now and hardly visit the place

but still take a interest. I was treated Ok and did get quite a lot of attention so I know what you are talking about.

There are some bitter people posting on Thai Visa who live in Thailand. Thing is I can understand them aswell

as a farang you will never really be accepted even if you are doing more good for their country than they are.

I do believe that everybody should speak the language of the country they are living in. I met some western

people who had lived in Thailand for 7 - 8 years and could only speak about as much Thai as I could ( very basic

Thai). I think if you speak the language you will get a little more respect and can also correct snidey remarks.

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People post on Thai Visa to vent. So you will find far more people complaining than you will find people singing the blessings of Thai-western relations. That being said the core of many of the problems are related to either a rather significant difference in the age, education, background, and our wealth in combination with basic cultural differences. Many folks would find themselves in similar situations regardless of the country if the relationship was still faced with similar significant differences in age, education, backgrounds, and/or wealth - but the cultural differences just complicates things that much more.

One thing that I do think you are discounting too much is the fact that you have Thai blood running thru your veins. In my experience this does make a rather significant difference - even if you were 100% raised outside of Thailand, and have had little to no education on the cultural aspect of Thailand. There is a difference in being related by blood and being related by marriage - and this is not specific to Thailand.

As the child (I know your an adult now) your role in the family is also very different. Most people are posting about their relationship with in-laws from a husband and wife point of view. Or posting about their relationship with the family of a girlfriend or boyfriend. And sometimes just their relationship as a westerner living in a Thai society. As a half (more or less) Thai child the expectations Thais will place on you are different than all of the above types of situations.

I'd say the closest you might come to experiencing something similar to what many post about on TV, would be if you were to start to date, and then get serious in a relationship with a Thai lady. Even then I'm not sure...

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Thais taking advantage of Farangs is a myth, they are more than happy to take advantage of each other as much as Farangs.

Yes my girlfriend constantly complains about her family and their demands on her money but saying that I have always been treated very well at her mothers home and the other relatives have been nice to me. Always remember the people who have problems in Thailand or other countries have these or other problems at home. One may leave their home country but they donot leave their problems.

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Thais taking advantage of Farangs is a myth, they are more than happy to take advantage of each other as much as Farangs.

I very much agree with this....

In an environment where the policy makers lie and cheat to get where they are, and then lie and cheat plenty more when they are there, where the law is upheld or rather manipulated for profit by those who are supposed to be protecting it, it is hardly surprising that the moral compass of this society is somewhat off.

Even Thai's tell me that Thai's have very creative ways of ripping each other off. We foreigners are more shocked when it happens to us because its more difficult to understand or explain why someone would want to cheat us and loose respect for what in our eyes are such minor sums of money.

A person who wants to rip someone off will not pick and chose who or what nationality they want to rip off. Rather they will profile and choose someone weaker for reasons such as language etc...

Combine all of the above with the fact that as foreigners in Thailand we are continually told to be 'Jai dee' and never create a problem and it doesn't surprise me that much of the rip offs happen.

As for some of the racist comments that some people have experienced, thats just shocking. A response of 'Baan nok' would be appropriate and fitting in this case.

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Wait until your Superstar Status wears off - how many washing machines have you purchased thus far during your visit?

lol don't understand this post?

I wouldn't even bother to try - there are so many Smart <deleted> on this forum that will try and pull down every post you make - take them with a pinch of salt!

The main thing is that you get on with the locals - better that than dead! Good luck.

They also usually like to respond with inane comments like "If you don't like it leave" etc.

A bit like a comatose Bomber Harris in an armchair pissed out of their skulls on Gin directing bomber command from a condo in Phuket! "dam_n Hun won't keep still the blighters - never fought fair the buggers!"

More to be pitied than scolded!

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I'm guessing the OP didn't wash up in Thailand fresh from the divorce courts, his pockets stuffed with the residue of his marriage and his head full of ideas he was going to save some poor Thai woman from her life of grinding misery.

And even with that aside, had he hooked up with the first girl he met in a bar his Thai family would have put an end to any lies he might start telling himself on what a good and trustworthy girl she was.


But hey, hang around a bit longer - There's plenty of Thais ripping their fellow countrymen off in large measures.

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People post on Thai Visa to vent. So you will find far more people complaining than you will find people singing the blessings of Thai-western relations. That being said the core of many of the problems are related to either a rather significant difference in the age, education, background, and our wealth in combination with basic cultural differences. Many folks would find themselves in similar situations regardless of the country if the relationship was still faced with similar significant differences in age, education, backgrounds, and/or wealth - but the cultural differences just complicates things that much more.

One thing that I do think you are discounting too much is the fact that you have Thai blood running thru your veins. In my experience this does make a rather significant difference - even if you were 100% raised outside of Thailand, and have had little to no education on the cultural aspect of Thailand. There is a difference in being related by blood and being related by marriage - and this is not specific to Thailand.

As the child (I know your an adult now) your role in the family is also very different. Most people are posting about their relationship with in-laws from a husband and wife point of view. Or posting about their relationship with the family of a girlfriend or boyfriend. And sometimes just their relationship as a westerner living in a Thai society. As a half (more or less) Thai child the expectations Thais will place on you are different than all of the above types of situations.

I'd say the closest you might come to experiencing something similar to what many post about on TV, would be if you were to start to date, and then get serious in a relationship with a Thai lady. Even then I'm not sure...

Surprised this actually turned into a good thread.

But honestly I'm no different, I got married too. @ 20 on my second trip to Thailand, I was supposed to help my mom run her gas station, then met a Thai girl @ a village party, then 4 months later I was married, (which I think now was a big mistake), my mom told me to slow down and by no way is my "wife" a stunner, she's more like moo, but I had to have her for some reason, should of knew somthing was wrong when she lied about her age like 3 times lol, I believe she's 30 now, but it's a big learning experiance for me, me & her not knowing how to communicate was a big problem, so I has to force myself to atleast try to learn Thai as best I could, I just had my first kid with her 2 and half years ago, but haven't been home to see her for 3 years, I was supposed to come back home to work and bring her to America but I got tired of being alone and waiting and sending money, I just quit and found a new life here in America, but I got to atleast fly back to get a divorce with her, cause my kon Lao momma is always mad about it, some how I want my kid in my life


But yea, I messed up too ... Don't feel like you the only ones that did lol (if it didn't workout)

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one of my nephews(20 something) gets the same kind of treatment, from the older members of the family,, but is resented quite a bit by some of the younger generation.

he was born in thailand to a thai mother and father, but his father died when he was very young and his mother remarried to a kiwi. he spent all his life growing up in n.zealand going to school and graduated from universtity, but always had a burning desire to return to the land of his birth. about 5 or so years ago now, he moved back to thailand for good, has a well paided job and visits the family home most weekends.

he brings gifts for his grandmother, aunties and uncles and in return is spoilt rotten. never having to do the manual chors the rest of the other younger members of the family have to do.

its kind of funny, but sad to see when looking on as an outsider, me being the only farang of the family who lives out here. when i look at him i dont really see him as a thai, hes whiter than white looks more native kiwi(maori) and even has the accent. i feel sorry for him, because he makes a rod for his own back in most instances and you can tell that all he wants to be is accepted by all as a fully fledged thai. yes, he can speak thai fluently, done the monk bit and has all the relevant tattoos, but he doesnt intergrate very well when it comes down to the socialising aspects of thai life. doesnt drink much, not into thai music and going out to the morlam, tawandeng places for a good old sing song, not into cooking, likes air conditioning, must have a shower, cant take the heat and so on. sort of got this farang attitude thing were he looks down on some of the things that other members of the family find normal when living in thailand.

me im happy as larry! got the best of both worlds. :)

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First of all kid, I feel for you a lil bit. how come you don't speak ANY Thai or know ANYTHING about your mom's culture? Like you I'm mixed, and I know a good bit about both sides, even though many on my mom's side were racists.

The thing is what nobody likes is to be ripped off. And most people like it even less when it's based on their race.

Good luck though your gonna have a damm good time while your here, enjoy, and get to know your people..and there by better know yourself :)

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