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There are those that think if they control information, they then can control the story

in the eyes of Thais and the world media, so increasing the number of HITS on revisionist propaganda,

can bee seen in search engines as the truth... a re-write of history via internet numbers.

Doesn't make it reality, but a goal to be met on dozens of web boards world wide.

But it is the aim of Perception Managment PR to change the truth to what they want you to believe.

And I don't give a Hampster Damned if they try, as long as the truth IS OUT THERE in response.

"A big lie told often enough can become the truth."*

* A.H.

This propaganda theory becomes an even greater danger in the internet age.

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Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

did someone actually type this ?

that's the funniest thing i've heard all day . :D

but it's still early.

re: the reds .

i think i just read yesterday the thai armed forces as a strong as they've ever been .

hate to quote g. bush but if the red issan campers and arsonists wanna' try heading south on rt .2 again towards bkk

"bring it on"

ps why to go "nation" for bringing this to everybody's attention and keeping those that should / need to be vigilant .

Thaksin introduced Thailand's first national health system. He also introduced cheap loans for the rural poor farmers to buy land and grow rice. He also made sure the insurance companies paid out all the Thai people affected by the 2005 tsunami.

Its why the people of Thailand and by the people of Thailand I mean the real people of Thailand who number in their tens of millions, love him and hate the plutocracy that is the current Government.


This is typical of Thaksin and his ilk and their mindset.

Power at any price and corruption to feather their own fouled nest even further under the pretence of democracy.

None of those puppets that were (mis) leading the Red Shirt demonstrators supporters etc had nor do have any interest in true democracy.

It is all about Thaksin and his malovent desire for revenge upon Thailand and its peoples.Thaksins ego is the cancer that could if allowed to destroy this country.

Thaksin and his allies many of whom are not Thai have been invited to feast upon the carcass of Thailand under Thaksins dream.

These people must be stopped before Thailand becomes a vassal state of a Sino Thai kleptomaniac.

Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

This line made me laugh out loud, I thought you were serious!


This is typical of Thaksin and his ilk and their mindset.

Power at any price and corruption to feather their own fouled nest even further under the pretence of democracy.

None of those puppets that were (mis) leading the Red Shirt demonstrators supporters etc had nor do have any interest in true democracy.

It is all about Thaksin and his malovent desire for revenge upon Thailand and its peoples.Thaksins ego is the cancer that could if allowed to destroy this country.

Thaksin and his allies many of whom are not Thai have been invited to feast upon the carcass of Thailand under Thaksins dream.

These people must be stopped before Thailand becomes a vassal state of a Sino Thai kleptomaniac.

Thats where you are wrong totally.

The problem of Thailand is a small Elite who devour everything and leave the majority of the county with nothing.

Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

However I suspect he has revenge on his mind when it comes to the small band of old corrupt elite who stage managed his fall from power and who have through lies and manipulation dragged his name through the mud.

This is why the people like Thaksin, as he was willing to take on those corrupt old men, and even though he failed he has given them hope that some day soon those corrupt old men who run in privileged circles might finally get removed.

The problem of corrupt Thailand is not the small elite, they are harmless compared to the huge part of the easy-to-hire population inclined to resolve to crime and ready to follow Thaksin, the master of taking short cuts and paying his way to success, whatever the cost is to others. Add to that a rotten-to -the-core police force and countless government officials still helping him along, planted in government offices and police stations all over the country, faithful money-hungry zombies they are after all the years of clear evidence Thaksin is but a cancer to Thailand.

They shamelessly form political parties to gain control and power when all they are basically is a national crime syndicate that disguised as TRT, PPP, PTV and their other strange metamorphosis, culminating with the Red Shirts clearly showing Thailand's scum of the scum at work, with orders from Montenegro.

When dissolved they stuck their noses up at court judgments and went on with their business in a constant state of denial and reflecting their actions onto others as usual.

The courts will no longer tolerate this in-your face defiance we saw in the past, hence the no-bail surprise we saw this past week. :lol:

It's pretty much over but Thaksin will ridicule himself some more, he just can't stop.

You have lost your mind or received payment for saying "Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand." ??? when he clearly is the most selfish pr1ck this country has ever seen.

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From what I remember of your posts you are pro-Yellow and very anti-Red.

Its funny how many Yellow supporters all claim to "......have had some sympathies with reds but not anymore......."

Actually, I was called a redshirt on Thai Visa for months. I'm sure that plenty of posters will confirm this. However, when I saw that they had no interest in a peaceful solution - even before the fires and riots -  I realized that the leaders were only out for themselves. Actions speak louder than words.   ;)

UG's posts in the past leaned most decidedly toward the redshirt agenda. I can absolutely confirm this.

Confirmed by me as well, no doubt about it. It has been heartening to see him come to his senses. It was weird that it took him so long though.


This is typical of Thaksin and his ilk and their mindset.

Power at any price and corruption to feather their own fouled nest even further under the pretence of democracy.

None of those puppets that were (mis) leading the Red Shirt demonstrators supporters etc had nor do have any interest in true democracy.

It is all about Thaksin and his malovent desire for revenge upon Thailand and its peoples.Thaksins ego is the cancer that could if allowed to destroy this country.

Thaksin and his allies many of whom are not Thai have been invited to feast upon the carcass of Thailand under Thaksins dream.

These people must be stopped before Thailand becomes a vassal state of a Sino Thai kleptomaniac.

Thats where you are wrong totally.

The problem of Thailand is a small Elite who devour everything and leave the majority of the county with nothing.

Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

However I suspect he has revenge on his mind when it comes to the small band of old corrupt elite who stage managed his fall from power and who have through lies and manipulation dragged his name through the mud.

This is why the people like Thaksin, as he was willing to take on those corrupt old men, and even though he failed he has given them hope that some day soon those corrupt old men who run in privileged circles might finally get removed.

LevelHead, you are such an obvious Red Propagandist.

I would ask all Thai people to check their bank account and see if they received as much "good" as Thaksin did. He got BILLIONS and they got Baht (or is it Bought). When they drive somewhere do they have a limo and driver? Do they cook their own meals or have servants do it? If they fly do they have their own private jet and crew? If they need a place to stay in Montenegro do they simply buy a Hotel?

I think Thaksin got way more "good" than the people did. He is an elite by any stretch of the word, and is corrupt and old, so as you say, he should be one of the guys to get removed.

Fair is fair, right?


I had some sympathy for the redshirts before the hatred, violence and firestorm that they initiated in Bangkok. However, they have proved that the Prime Minister is right. Many of the leaders are acting like terrorists.

They need to stop the threats and do things legally and peacefully. After Bangkok, the government is justified in whatever measures it takes to stop them from ruining the country. They are cutting their own throats with their recalcitrance.

From what I remember of your posts you are pro-Yellow and very anti-Red.

Its funny how many Yellow supporters all claim to "......have had some sympathies with reds but not anymore......."

Are they attempting to portray a move of support away from Reds ?

I think you will find that Red strength is growing even more stronger - even those who were neutral have been disgusted by the governments lies and propaganda and now are not so neutral anymore.

Looks at this "Red School" nonsense by the Nation - pure fantasy pumping the government propaganda - pathetic. !!!

I love it when these threads start and all the reds come MARCHING IN! :rolleyes:

Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

did someone actually type this ?

that's the funniest thing i've heard all day . :D

but it's still early.

re: the reds .

i think i just read yesterday the thai armed forces as a strong as they've ever been .

hate to quote g. bush but if the red issan campers and arsonists wanna' try heading south on rt .2 again towards bkk

"bring it on"

ps why to go "nation" for bringing this to everybody's attention and keeping those that should / need to be vigilant .

Thaksin introduced Thailand's first national health system. He also introduced cheap loans for the rural poor farmers to buy land and grow rice. He also made sure the insurance companies paid out all the Thai people affected by the 2005 tsunami.


Thaksin Shinawatra and His Crimes (2001-2010) | Live Stock Trading News | Equities, Forex, Gold, Silver and Oil Trading


This is typical of Thaksin and his ilk and their mindset.

Power at any price and corruption to feather their own fouled nest even further under the pretence of democracy.

None of those puppets that were (mis) leading the Red Shirt demonstrators supporters etc had nor do have any interest in true democracy.

It is all about Thaksin and his malovent desire for revenge upon Thailand and its peoples.Thaksins ego is the cancer that could if allowed to destroy this country.

Thaksin and his allies many of whom are not Thai have been invited to feast upon the carcass of Thailand under Thaksins dream.

These people must be stopped before Thailand becomes a vassal state of a Sino Thai kleptomaniac.

Thats where you are wrong totally.

The problem of Thailand is a small Elite who devour everything and leave the majority of the county with nothing.

Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

However I suspect he has revenge on his mind when it comes to the small band of old corrupt elite who stage managed his fall from power and who have through lies and manipulation dragged his name through the mud.

This is why the people like Thaksin, as he was willing to take on those corrupt old men, and even though he failed he has given them hope that some day soon those corrupt old men who run in privileged circles might finally get removed.

geesh....you seem a tad delusional my friend. Thaksin has no desire for anything but "good" for the people of Thailand????? Really? So everyone has it wrong and he's really just a selfless misunderstood philanthropist?? Give me a break! He's of the same stock and character as the shadowy scary "ruling elite" you purport to despise so much. Perhaps you've been watching to many movies....there is no mysterious "dark side" and thusly your posts come off as nothing but delusional ravings of a brain washed simpleton. jap.gif


This is typical of Thaksin and his ilk and their mindset.

Power at any price and corruption to feather their own fouled nest even further under the pretence of democracy.

None of those puppets that were (mis) leading the Red Shirt demonstrators supporters etc had nor do have any interest in true democracy.

It is all about Thaksin and his malovent desire for revenge upon Thailand and its peoples.Thaksins ego is the cancer that could if allowed to destroy this country.

Thaksin and his allies many of whom are not Thai have been invited to feast upon the carcass of Thailand under Thaksins dream.

These people must be stopped before Thailand becomes a vassal state of a Sino Thai kleptomaniac.

Thats where you are wrong totally.

The problem of Thailand is a small Elite who devour everything and leave the majority of the county with nothing.

Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

However I suspect he has revenge on his mind when it comes to the small band of old corrupt elite who stage managed his fall from power and who have through lies and manipulation dragged his name through the mud.

This is why the people like Thaksin, as he was willing to take on those corrupt old men, and even though he failed he has given them hope that some day soon those corrupt old men who run in privileged circles might finally get removed.

How would you know what the desires of Thaksin are......are you a close personal friend in his confidence???




Typical "Nation / ASTV" Yellow shirt nonsense !!!!!!!!!!

"Red Schools" - let me guess they are in Afghanistan and Pakistan and next door to Taliban schools as well :cheesy:

I think we can put this down to Thai Military playing same media spin game based on US War on Terror

Nothing like feeding the propaganda out to justify the lack of human rights under the Emergency Decree.


:crazy:"Red Schools" - let me guess they are in Afghanistan and Pakistan :passifier:

post-102665-058175900 1277011760_thumb.j

Red training schools were well known and documented. Even training the black guards.

In Udon Thani, a different Thailand — The Straits Times Blogs


Its why the people of Thailand and by the people of Thailand I mean the real people of Thailand who number in their tens of millions, love him and hate the plutocracy that is the current Government.

Tens of millions?

That would be why the million-man march of his failed to muster more than a measly tenth of that number i guess.


Why is it that they can not see that democracy can never be achieved by violence?

Revolutions are the locomotives of history.

Absolutely wrong, political change can only be achieved by violence.

Name any country where major changes to the government were made by peaceful means, and I will name 5 where change was achieved by violence.

PS, please don't assume I want a change of government anywhere by peaceful or violent means, I simply don't care about democracy or government, I'm happy with anyone in charge that isn't me.


Thaksin has no desire for anything but good for the people of Thailand.

However I suspect he has revenge on his mind when it comes to the small band

How would you know what the desires of Thaksin are......are you a close personal friend in his confidence???

Perhaps he read the May 2010 issue of that level-headed publication, Voice of Thaksin, which depicts some of the "revenge on his mind"



Its why the people of Thailand and by the people of Thailand I mean the real people of Thailand who number in their tens of millions, love him and hate the plutocracy that is the current Government.

Tens of millions?

That would be why the million-man march of his failed to muster more than a measly tenth of that number i guess.

In the Thai General Election of 2005 15m Thais voted for Thaksin representing 61% of the vote.The Democrats won 18%.

Irrespective of how many people demonstrated his popular support is undiminished.


Its why the people of Thailand and by the people of Thailand I mean the real people of Thailand who number in their tens of millions, love him and hate the plutocracy that is the current Government.

Tens of millions?

That would be why the million-man march of his failed to muster more than a measly tenth of that number i guess.

In the Thai General Election of 2005 15m Thais voted for Thaksin representing 61% of the vote.The Democrats won 18%.

Irrespective of how many people demonstrated his popular support is undiminished.

Leaving aside the fact that 15 million is not tens of millions, the election results you quote were five years ago. In case it has escaped your attention, a lot has happened in the last five years and if you think that those events have had the effect of increasing his popularity, i think you are sadly mistaken.

To get a better (if not completely accurate) idea of his current popularity, at least start by looking at the latest election results.


Its why the people of Thailand and by the people of Thailand I mean the real people of Thailand who number in their tens of millions, love him and hate the plutocracy that is the current Government.

Tens of millions?

That would be why the million-man march of his failed to muster more than a measly tenth of that number i guess.

In the Thai General Election of 2005 15m Thais voted for Thaksin representing 61% of the vote.The Democrats won 18%.

Irrespective of how many people demonstrated his popular support is undiminished.

After reading almost every topic here i have a neutral question about it all:

as i only live Thailand 2 years and analyzing all that political "noise"

I ask you all those against Thaksin and those in favor Thaksin ,

if Thailand is better now than under his government.

As i read on other topics that Thailand is not so good anymore as before....,I can not judge about that as i am only now here 2 year so... , i can only remark that he was elected , stepped down voluntary because a "problem " that the opposition accused him for, . By new elections he won again , half the Thais really seems to like him ,

AND a coup from military ousted him.

So.... my analysis about him , is he good or bad..? In any way whatever he is Evil or Good he is good in what he does ... ..., It seems he run Thailand as his businesses , and those where successfully ( yeah i hear already .....corruption....., but is the Government in power any different .?? )

He shall stay a major factor in Thailand if they like it or not .....and whiteout REAL reconciliation an d recognition of the lower class it will end very bad...

Not my problem as i know i am only 3 hours away from Cambodia if hel_l breaks REALLY lose here^_^


I had some sympathy for the redshirts before the hatred, violence and firestorm that they initiated in Bangkok. However, they have proved that the Prime Minister is right. Many of the leaders are acting like terrorists.

They need to stop the threats and do things legally and peacefully. After Bangkok, the government is justified in whatever measures it takes to stop them from ruining the country. They are cutting their own throats with their recalcitrance.

From what I remember of your posts you are pro-Yellow and very anti-Red.

Its funny how many Yellow supporters all claim to "......have had some sympathies with reds but not anymore......."

Are they attempting to portray a move of support away from Reds ?

I think you will find that Red strength is growing even more stronger - even those who were neutral have been disgusted by the governments lies and propaganda and now are not so neutral anymore.

Looks at this "Red School" nonsense by the Nation - pure fantasy pumping the government propaganda - pathetic. !!!

Red Schools are "pure fantasy by the Nation"?

How about this source for red schools:

Bangkok Pundit

or this one:

Some other blog

Google it yourself, there are many unbiased sources discussing the Redshirt political Indoctrination Schools. Many of them quote Redshirts themselves.


If you do NOT know, Thailand is on a path for a complete break up into 3 or 4 countries. One small visible sign that would show this could be averted would have Thaksin and Sondhi in jail before the next elections. This would be quite easy to accomplish under The Joseph Plan, and as part of it.

Anybody who takes sides with either the reds OR the yellows is equally as stupid as the other.

When Thailand is on fire and breaking up, just remember all of the idiots who claim they predicted it are NOT predicting it.

With the correct moves, Thailand could be a G30 Nation within 5 years.

OR is it just going to be way too much fun watching the red and yellow gangs slugging it out to get control of government finances???



watching the red and yellow gangs slugging it out to get control of government finances???

that's how it works here (and in most / all of asia)

and it ain't changing anytime soon


Here we go again..

They are waiting for the emergency decree to be lifted..? So why not just leave it in place.

Surely this is the idea the story is designed to promote?


Its why the people of Thailand and by the people of Thailand I mean the real people of Thailand who number in their tens of millions, love him and hate the plutocracy that is the current Government.

Tens of millions?

That would be why the million-man march of his failed to muster more than a measly tenth of that number i guess.

In the Thai General Election of 2005 15m Thais voted for Thaksin representing 61% of the vote.The Democrats won 18%.

Irrespective of how many people demonstrated his popular support is undiminished.

Leaving aside the fact that 15 million is not tens of millions, the election results you quote were five years ago. In case it has escaped your attention, a lot has happened in the last five years and if you think that those events have had the effect of increasing his popularity, i think you are sadly mistaken.

To get a better (if not completely accurate) idea of his current popularity, at least start by looking at the latest election results.

You can think what you like - you're wrong.

Thaksin's support now is greater than it was. It increased and solidified the day the first red shirt protester was killed. The Reds now have a fight for democracy and a fight for justice on their hands.

Make no mistake. This is the lull before the storm. I live in the heartland of Red country and the depth of feeling is unmistakable. Thailand is now completely polarised. The Government can no longer rely on the support of the police and the rank and file of the Army are nearly all Red shirt supporters (being made up principally from people from the N.E. and N.W.). Many Army generals are sympathetic to the Reds cause. The Government cannot rule out divisions in the Army hierarchy.

This fight for democracy threatens Thailand's entire social order.


I had some sympathy for the redshirts before the hatred, violence and firestorm that they initiated in Bangkok. However, they have proved that the Prime Minister is right. Many of the leaders are acting like terrorists.

They need to stop the threats and do things legally and peacefully. After Bangkok, the government is justified in whatever measures it takes to stop them from ruining the country. They are cutting their own throats with their recalcitrance.

From what I remember of your posts you are pro-Yellow and very anti-Red.

Its funny how many Yellow supporters all claim to "......have had some sympathies with reds but not anymore......."

Are they attempting to portray a move of support away from Reds ?

I think you will find that Red strength is growing even more stronger - even those who were neutral have been disgusted by the governments lies and propaganda and now are not so neutral anymore.

Looks at this "Red School" nonsense by the Nation - pure fantasy pumping the government propaganda - pathetic. !!!

Levelhead-your posts are getting so annoying, can you not come up with something different?

Here is a solution, will get Somchai from Udon to be a PM and rest assured everything will be great! poor will get rich, tourists will flock the country. Better yet will close down all university's to make sure no educated people are around so Somchai can form the government with Samats, Somyings and everyone else from the village.


I had some sympathy for the redshirts before the hatred, violence and firestorm that they initiated in Bangkok. However, they have proved that the Prime Minister is right. Many of the leaders are acting like terrorists.

They need to stop the threats and do things legally and peacefully. After Bangkok, the government is justified in whatever measures it takes to stop them from ruining the country. They are cutting their own throats with their recalcitrance.

From what I remember of your posts you are pro-Yellow and very anti-Red.

Its funny how many Yellow supporters all claim to "......have had some sympathies with reds but not anymore......."

Are they attempting to portray a move of support away from Reds ?

I think you will find that Red strength is growing even more stronger - even those who were neutral have been disgusted by the governments lies and propaganda and now are not so neutral anymore.

Looks at this "Red School" nonsense by the Nation - pure fantasy pumping the government propaganda - pathetic. !!!

I love it when these threads start and all the reds come MARCHING IN! :rolleyes:

Believe it or not but have to agree with you. but its more like dogs in the park. Throw a bone and all come rushing in.


There are those that think if they control information, they then can control the story

in the eyes of Thais and the world media, so increasing the number of HITS on revisionist propaganda,

can bee seen in search engines as the truth... a re-write of history via internet numbers.

Doesn't make it reality, but a goal to be met on dozens of web boards world wide.

But it is the aim of Perception Managment PR to change the truth to what they want you to believe.

And I don't give a Hampster Damned if they try, as long as the truth IS OUT THERE in response.

"A big lie told often enough can become the truth."*

* A.H.

This propaganda theory becomes an even greater danger in the internet age.

"A big lie told often enough can become the truth."*

* A.H.

What does A.H. have to do with the issue? Last month you came up with this "argument":

Using the E word is as bad as using the H word in an 0lnine discussion,

automatic forfeit of your point.


Godwin's Law

Godwin's Law states that

“as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving

Nazis, Hitler, Goebles or Eichmann approaches one.”

What that means in real terms is that sooner or later someone involved in a forum argument will be likened to a Nazi,

or displaying Hitler-like tendencies. Please note that if you're the one invoking Godwin's Law

and likening someone to a Nazi, you've immediately lost the argument because it's such a lame-a** low blow.

Funny enough and despite the question of the quotes relevance to the topic and what ever your intention is to come up with this quote, there is still the question where did that quote "A big lie told often enough can become the truth." actually comes from. Can you tell me your source? Did A.H. really ever said that?

All I found with google was the a quote that goes: "A lie told often enough becomes truth" A quote that is attributed to Lenin, the leader of the Russian communist revolution.

Lenin wasn't actually a close ally of A.H.

about the "Big Lie" as propaganda strategy Joseph Goebbles, someone who was close to A.H., is often quoted as saying:

- “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”

or something like that. but this is a Fake Nazi Quotation Goebbles never said that.

Furthermore Goebbles was actually accusing the enemy of using lies and big lies as propaganda technique. In an article with the title Churchill’s Lie Factory he wrote:

"One should not, as a rule, reveal one’s secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

Goebbels on Churchill (1941)

lies are easy to disprove by facts.

"sticking to lies" as propaganda theory and technique is best applied by someone who controls all media with censorship and suppression of the freedom of the media.

Freedom of the media and independence of the media is the biggest enemy for the one who tells the lies.

Of course the internet is also full of silly conspiracy theories, but that should be no danger for a legitimate government and easy to debunk.

Using a faked A.H. quote to the associate the so called anti-government movement with A.H.and to defend the Abhisit government censorship of the media and blocking of internet websites is one of the least intelligent arguments I ever read on TVF.


I see the emergence of a new political party.......not too difficult if you look around........all it has to do is maintain decent values and integrity.......and the resulting consequences will become obvious to you all.......but it would be naive to dismiss the potential violent element of the reds, or the southern violence, they exist, are a disgusting policy as they tend to maim innocents, but will not be solved by confrontation.......If the democrats are disbanded because of irregularities ( I doubt this will happen, but this is Thailand!).....then the door is wide open in Thai politics.


You can think what you like - you're wrong.

Thaksin's support now is greater than it was. It increased and solidified the day the first red shirt protester was killed. The Reds now have a fight for democracy and a fight for justice on their hands.

Make no mistake. This is the lull before the storm. I live in the heartland of Red country and the depth of feeling is unmistakable. Thailand is now completely polarised. The Government can no longer rely on the support of the police and the rank and file of the Army are nearly all Red shirt supporters (being made up principally from people from the N.E. and N.W.). Many Army generals are sympathetic to the Reds cause. The Government cannot rule out divisions in the Army hierarchy.

This fight for democracy threatens Thailand's entire social order. The likelihood of Thailand becoming a republic grows ever closer.

Make no mistake, Thaksin's apologists are living in a dreamland.

The May events attack on the working class of Bangkok kicked off on two counts:

First, the confiscation of Thaksin's money from the corruption convictions and secondly Thaksin's timetable to capture the leadership of the army ahead of the November 2010 appointments.

The reds boasting of a million man march which never happened were reduced at the end to a few thousand frenzied fruitcakes with a headless blackshirt armed militia firing in all directions.

On the ground they were beaten.

Now what is the dynamic of the current threats to have another go from our red friends?

Its money again.

The Government is now on the campaign financing money trail which Thaksin coughed up for the death and destruction caused.

The red supporters smell another payday if they can disrupt the money trail investigation, blocking and confiscation.

If I had a wish it would be to form armed Bangkok neighborhood working class militias to fight any further incursions from the Thakin paid lumpen thugs coming back.

But for now the army will do.

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