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Returning To Uk

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I'm considering returning to the UK after 7 years in Thailand.

I have checked out the immigration website and am unable to find an answer to my query.

I would obviously like to take my Wife of 6 years back with me,(we married in Thailand) she speaks and writes good english so I think she would have no problem pasing the life in the UK test, however she could spend aother 3 months at least "swatting" for it before she took the test, but if she uses the words "positively and acuratley" in their right context she should not have a problem with the rest of the test I reckon, although I have no idea what is on the test paper..she would be at a loss to point out whre Liverpool or Newcastle were on a map right now, though I dont know how relevant this is. My wife has already been to the UK four times and never violated or been refused a visa

Having said all this I have no employment in the UK, but I do own a property, although I would intend to sell it and buy another closer to my 80 year old parents. There is no way I could ever put them in an old people's home. Plus I have 2 boys living there one 29 and another 27, no grandkids yet ..but one day they will have I'm sure, and I will miss out on them growing up

I am almost 56 years old, my wife is 44. I do have enough money to suport us in the UK for the rest of our lives if neccassary, but I have 5 pensions that kick in 2 of them starting in 4 years, so I can prove that money is not an isssue.

I would intend to work, in fact we both probably would, as another problem I have is that I get bored here and ny health is never as good here as it is in the UK, for example I have just spent a month there with my wife and was not sick one day, as soon as I get back here ..I get sick, it just seems LOS just does not agree with me.

Can anyone give me any advice on this situation or point me in the right direction?, I am not looking for an "instant" return, the planning would take time , as would the application, so there would be no rush.

My only problem as I see it would be convincing my wife we should go, she has a 17 year old son here , although he does not live with us, he lives in BK, so getting him visitation isas should not be a problem should it? Plus we would return for a month every year to visit her freinds and family.

Thank you for any info you can provide me with in advance

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From the info. above sounds like you'd have no problem getting a UK settlement visa for your wife.<div><br></div><div>My health (and diet) is not good in Thailand either. Two weeks after arriving I got a terrible rash. Whenever I go back to the UK it disappears after a week or so. Back to Thailand, two weeks, the rash is back.</div><div>Plus, five ear infections, lots of stomach problems, and one bout of severe food poisoning (two days in hospital). Bumrungrad's like my second home in Bangkok.</div><div>Guess my body doesn't like the tropics. After three years, can't wait to get back to a colder climate. Four weeks to go ...</div><div><br></div>

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Me too Samuzza.

I must have been in hosptital at least 15 times in the last 7 years

Bumrungrad (2)


Bangkok Hospital

Chiang Mai Ram (5)

Claymore (4 to 6)


These are the ones I remember

I think I was hospitalised 3 times since I was a kid before I moved here !!

Must admit that I am getting older though and I don't have a particularly healthy lifestyle, but I have a feeling my parents will outlive me if I stay here till my demise.

but my Dad has never spent a night in a hospital bed in his life, my Mum has spent 5!!

I hope you are right about it being easy for me to get my wife and I out.

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Must admit that I am getting older though and I don't have a particularly healthy lifestyle, but I have a feeling my parents will outlive me if I stay here till my demise.

but my Dad has never spent a night in a hospital bed in his life, my Mum has spent 5!!

TP, do your parents also smoke ?

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Must admit that I am getting older though and I don't have a particularly healthy lifestyle, but I have a feeling my parents will outlive me if I stay here till my demise.

but my Dad has never spent a night in a hospital bed in his life, my Mum has spent 5!!

TP, do your parents also smoke ?

Fortunatley not.....I smoke enough for them both :(

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You ask for advice on your query, but I cannot really see what this is

You know what you want to do, have convinced yourself that it will all be OK, so now you must begin to put the plans into practice.

The visa side will likely take some time to arrange, so best to start the ball rolling.

No idea what your line of business was in the UK, but work at your age could be hard to come by. Consider also that the new UK government are tinkering with the pension, and you could have to wait till maybe 68 before you receive it.

You say your wife has been to the UK before, but has she experienced the cold winters. Your health might be a problem in Thailand, but consider hers too. I was back in March. Bitterly cold. NEVER AGAIN!!!

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