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Thailand Charges 90 Year-Old Australian With Sexually Assaulting Four Sisters


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I've had enough of the jokes and sly comments on a subject like this. Those who find humour in it should be ashamed. Any more and suspensions will be given.

Update: Topic cleaned, many posts trashed.

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I was foreman of jury in Melbourne of trial. The gist of it was a 56 year old bloke was sharing a bedroom with a 10 year old girl with the consent of the father and his new girlfriend. He put his hand up her dress a couple of times and touched her inappropriately. It was only when a policewoman at the school gave the girls a lecture on predatory behaviour that she told her grandmother and he was arrested months later when living elsewhere. He pleaded guilty to some of the charges. One jurywoman , a mother of 3, refused to find him guilty because her husband was a church Minister and she beleived only God could judge. We got the bastard in the end but it was a very tough 4 hours of group dynamics and tears before we could convince her that when he said he did it the judge won't take a not guilty plea

Due to his age it may well be offences of this nature he is charged with.

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I think there's a lot more to this story than is being initially reported. While it may be true, I agree with the sentiments of those who wonder why this went for two years before being reported, and possible "motives" of the father of these girls. Another question I have is, being a foreigner, and the girls all being young, minor Thai, will he REALLY get a fair trial here, or will the judge be thinking "guilty" before the case is even presented? Everyone here knows the Golden Rule of Thailand - "A Thai is never wrong, and never to blame, and it's always the fault of the farang".

But we can always hope for the best. If it is true, then he deserves whatever the court slaps him with. If not, then charges need to be filed against the father for filing a false report. Just have to wait and see.

I dont know the Police are as you said in the pursuit of tea money but the courts seem a little more Just. I think these guys have actually been to Uni at some point.

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... being a foreigner, and the girls all being young, minor Thai, will he REALLY get a fair trial here, or will the judge be thinking "guilty" before the case is even presented? Everyone here knows the Golden Rule of Thailand - "A Thai is never wrong, and never to blame, and it's always the fault of the farang".

The golden rule rule of Thailand that you talk about is a hot subject around bar tables but otherwise total rubbish. Implementation of juvenile law in Thailand has less bias against fathers and foreigners than most western implementations and the fact that civil law implementation has "possibilities" is an unfortunate fact, but not related to the nationality of the accused, rather with connections and money

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At 90, every sexual experience would most likely be a memory. If the old guy could harbour the member in question to be upstanding I doubt his heart or any other physical part of him could have survived the experience let alone forced physical abuse. It smacks of the Thai father wanting a payout, pinch his land or whatever. I would not be so quick to condemn him here or at all. But this is Thailand. If the gain warrants the complaint they will push it.

This needs to be pointed out again

There is more sexual activity going on at 90+ than what people think, it is not uncommon. And if health is good, then rape is no problem at all.

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Seriously, with all this bad press and so many bad apples amongst us we should start policing ourselves and doing something positive so Thais can see we aren't all arsonists and pedophiles.... I am amazed they are so tolerant actually.

So many ? From your post I can count two or maybe three criminals and you're calling for a vigilante crackdown.

Or course the vast majority of Thai's aren't so completely and utterly stupid to believe anything like the above.

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well, there is a video on the net covering the police action of the search of his premises and his arrest.

Google for the Pattaya newspaper and there you will find the link to a 10 minute clip.

I'm refraining from any comment on the case and the video, let each make up his own mind.


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I find this story to be very disturbing to say the least. Something is very fishy here. My Thai wife and I have two daughters age 10 and 8. They cannot keep a secret one minute much less two years. Doesn't matter what it is. I read the Google article about this guy. Maybe he is inclined to this sort of stuff or not. But I do know it is absolutely impossible for Thai children to keep a secret like this. Hope the truth comes out.

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This story doesn't smell right. 2 years, 90 years old. He must be one super healthy buck of a man. :huh:

somebody wants money.

My father is 95, had heart by pass surgery 3 years ago, feels good, is relatively active, exercises, has a good appetite and still drives, so this guy could be in decent shape too even at 90.

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Sounds like a fishy story. Anything is possible I suppose but it just doesn't sound fitting. Maybe he molested them one at a time? Otherwise there is no way a 90 year old man could pin down 4 girls at once.

Given some of the scams the Thais try to pull on falang I would not be surprised if the father is up to something or getting even with him over loss of face.

We can only hope the police are capable enough to do a proper investigation and find the truth. On second thought, he's screwed.

My guess is that the father wanted more money & the old man said "enough." From what I have been reading lately, this has become a fairly regular Thai scam.

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The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court.

Ok without judging what he did or not.

Come on, since when a farang can get a fair chance in a thai court against a Thai ?

Base your comments on facts not preconceptions about the Thai judicial system! Ferrang often win court cases against Thais and I say that because I know quite a few Ferrang who have. Only obstacle for the majority of Ferrang is the language barrier so a good bilingual lawyer is needed which applies to any country where a foreigner who speaks the native language poorly is on trial.

As for this old man and posters saying it sounds fishy and the parents must have been involved in some way? well so what! If they were involved in getting cash for their daughters sexual favors they should be punished but it doesn't make the offender any less guilty, if he is in fact guilty of the charges? All this crap about a 90 year old man not being able to get a hard on is besides the point as I'd be able to kill any adult man that put his tongue or even his fingers anywhere near my young daughters or my 2 young sons privates!

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All this crap about a 90 year old man not being able to get a hard on is besides the point as I'd be able to kill any adult man that put his tongue or even his fingers anywhere near my young daughters or my 2 young sons privates!

Who will look after your kids while you're in prison for the murder, or even worse, attempted murder ?

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Why are they saying Australian Citizen, he was born in Germany, he may have lived in Australia for some period but my understanding is that he has lived in Thailand for many years.<br>Should read 90 year old German Citizen<br>

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Why are they saying Australian Citizen, he was born in Germany, he may have lived in Australia for some period but my understanding is that he has lived in Thailand for many years.<br>Should read 90 year old German Citizen<br>

Actually it should not say neither.

It should read a 90 year old man (they can add foreigner if it makes them feel better)

Does it really make any difference where he comes from, or where he was bron or where he lived? Crime and events remain the same.

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Why are they saying Australian Citizen, he was born in Germany, he may have lived in Australia for some period but my understanding is that he has lived in Thailand for many years.<br>Should read 90 year old German Citizen<br>

maybe wrong but i seem to remember germany does,nt allow dual nationality,i once considered taking german nationality till i realised it meant giving up my british passport,

Guilty or not i could well imagine an extortion attempt would be made by the father or the police which should also carry a heavy prison sentence.

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It is a pleasant change to read that people are not rushing to condemn the accused without there being actual evidence presented to support the allegations. What we have so far are claims and allegations. What one may consider pornographic images, may indeed be innocent photos. Who knows? Those images need to be viewed by a competent neutral 3rd party and put in context.

The accused's age does not give him a free pass. A pervert at the age of 50 will still be a pervert at the age of 80. It doesn't go away with age. However, until the accused's past is investigated, he cannot be labeled as a pervert. What is this man's mental condition? Is he suffering age related dementia? It is not unusual for the elderly that were once prim and proper to demonstrate gross depravity as the lose control of their mental faculties. Is this man even competent to respond to the charges? If he is mentally disabled, then what is going on? Is this a shakedown, an attempt to take money away from the man? I have a horrible feeling that the children involved in this case were and are being used as pawns. Terrible depressing story, the worst of which is that the 3 girls need counseling and support, none of which will be given. More importantly, I wonder if the home they are in is even appropriate.

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WA man on Thai child sex assault charges

AAP, The West Australian June 30, 2010, 4:05 pm

A 90-year-old WA man arrested and charged with assaulting four underage girls in northern Thailand will face a remand hearing and seek bail when he appears in court today.

Karl Joseph Kraus was detained by police at his residence in Doi Saket district, 20km east of Chiang Mai, yesterday after local residents filed an official complaint.

Parents of four girls lodged the complaint accusing Mr Kraus, a long-time resident of Thailand, of sexually assaulting girls aged seven to 14 years, reports said.

The Bangkok Post newspaper reported local parents had alleged Mr Kraus used sweets to lure the girls to his house on several occasions between July 17, 2008 and June 14, 2010.

But sources in Chiang Mai close to the case said that Mr Kraus has denied the allegations. Mr Kraus also claims he was in Australia at the time of one of the alleged assaults.

Mr Kraus was initially taken to Chiang Mai Police station but officers later transferred him to a local hospital in Chiang Mai rather than hold him at the local police cells.

Police also searched Mr Kraus' residence. A maid at the home also alleged Mr Kraus had forwarded home-made pornographic videos to recipients in a foreign country.

Police are reported to be charging Mr Kraus with filing a false statement with the Australian Embassy accusing Thai police of attempting to extort money from him.

Australian Embassy officials in Bangkok were expected to provide Mr Kraus with consular assistance but had no comment to the media.

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<BR>90 ? And still...? Could be a setup or maybe it happened ? Did he pay the parents ? Did they know ? Did they allow ?<BR>It's up to the judge now. In jail ? Not likely. Take his money to compensate the children ? Than send him back to Down Under ?<BR><BR>Why does this only happen in Thailand; or does this happen more than we know...?<BR>

Not only in Thailand look at all the Catholic church child abuse issues that have come to light recently.Many of those refer to events that happened years ago too<BR>

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I have several questions based on the facts presented in the story. The story smells.

Why the 2 year delay?

I always question when it takes years for the victim to file charges. A normal scenario is for the victim to immediately call the police not wait 2 years.

Where were the parents during the alleged assaults?

If I had to hazard a guess I think the parents faced the alleged assailant in 2008, received payment(s) and when the alleged assailant had no more money or refused to pay more they

went to the police.

Being familiar with Thai law/justice I know the farang is guilty until proven innocent or pays a substantial bribe.

Call me cynical.

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I used to know this man when i was staying in Chiang Mai more than 5 years ago. The first time i met him was in a bar, more than 10 years ago. We used to play pool together. I'm sure others that went to the LoiKroa aria back that time must known or played pool with him. And those who know this aria also know about the flowergirls, wich many people know that those children are exploited by their parents or family, even rented out to other vilagemen to go and sell flowers. It's known that those children become bargirls at the age of 18 ( ?).

Back than i found it very strange that he had more than normal intrest in some of those girls and those girls in him, even buying bicycles. For doing what? Bringing him a flower everyday? Other expats must have seen this, together with al the the bar girls and owners. The more i got convinced something was going on, the more uncomftable i got everytime he was near. Back then, I was thinking of doing something about it, and like other expats didn't do nothing, so did i. I realised nothing was going to change if i did. Probebly only bringing me problems on myself.

And it never will. Not in this climate. I'm sure many more people, if you can call them this way, like "Lung Ka", as we called him, are there in Thailand and doing just the same thing.

Somehow i'm glad he got busted, not yet convicted, cause i don't know the facts why, even if it was by some greedy father. Then maybe that father can explane 'the men in black' how his sweet little girl got this beautiful glittering new bicycle. But then 'the men in black' just maybe probebly already there's a small chance they already know.

Then knowing what i know, this is going on much longer than 2008, probebly even much longer than that. And i'm sure that many expats living here know this is happening in Thailand.

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90? I reckon he has been fitted up!

88 years old and molesting multiple girls... beggars belief. 2 years later too

Most guys in this range have trouble standing let alone getting hard.

I also suspect the father is getting back at the old guy for something.

Lost face, lost money, did a bad repair job and got lectured, wants his land, (insert 'greedy need' here)...

my thoughts exactly! c'mon, some decrepit guy this age? ....or cranked up on steroids and viagra!

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this is absurd. i think this is fabricated story.

is it even possible to assault somebody physically at his age? does he even has the desire?

The charge is probably, assault with a dead weapon. oc

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WA man on Thai child sex assault chargesAAP, The West Australian

June 30, 2010, 4:05 pm

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A 90-year-old WA man arrested and charged with assaulting four underage girls in northern Thailand will face a remand hearing and seek bail when he appears in court today.

Karl Joseph Kraus was detained by police at his residence in Doi Saket district, 20km east of Chiang Mai, yesterday after local residents filed an official complaint.

Parents of four girls lodged the complaint accusing Mr Kraus, a long-time resident of Thailand, of sexually assaulting girls aged seven to 14 years, reports said.

The Bangkok Post newspaper reported local parents had alleged Mr Kraus used sweets to lure the girls to his house on several occasions between July 17, 2008 and June 14, 2010.

But sources in Chiang Mai close to the case said that Mr Kraus has denied the allegations. Mr Kraus also claims he was in Australia at the time of one of the alleged assaults.

Mr Kraus was initially taken to Chiang Mai Police station but officers later transferred him to a local hospital in Chiang Mai rather than hold him at the local police cells.

Police also searched Mr Kraus' residence. A maid at the home also alleged Mr Kraus had forwarded home-made pornographic videos to recipients in a foreign country.

Police are reported to be charging Mr Kraus with filing a false statement with the Australian Embassy accusing Thai police of attempting to extort money from him.

Australian Embassy officials in Bangkok were expected to provide Mr Kraus with consular assistance but had no comment to the media.

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