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Thailand Charges 90 Year-Old Australian With Sexually Assaulting Four Sisters


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Sounds like a fishy story. Anything is possible I suppose but it just doesn't sound fitting. Maybe he molested them one at a time? Otherwise there is no way a 90 year old man could pin down 4 girls at once.

Given some of the scams the Thais try to pull on falang I would not be surprised if the father is up to something or getting even with him over loss of face.

We can only hope the police are capable enough to do a proper investigation and find the truth. On second thought, he's screwed.

Edited by Tokay
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Who lets their children go to an older mans house without their supervision??

I briefly dated a hard-core Christian woman in California. Her previous 2 husbands had all molested her 3 daughters, so she wouldn't even let me meet the girls (Ok by me). Both her previous husbands were Christian preachers. She got so fed up, that she sent the girls to her father (their grandfather) who was also a preacher. Then she found out that grandpops also abused the girls.

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Are some of you trying to say that parents know absolutely every movement their children take? That is a big stretch and is simply no realistic. Those children could very well have been lured with gifts or even a piece of fruit if they were poor. It is amazing what I have learned from my children, of things they did that I would NEVER have allowed. Most of you are probably also forgetting your own childhood where I bet you did lots of things your parents were unaware of.

Not defending the guy. If he had any sexual contact with those kids, then slap him silly, but you cannot say the parents were in on it with no information to back that up.

My sentiments exactly! No parent can know where or what their children are doing 24 / 7 - it's simply impossible. When I just think back to MY days as a young lad... ;)

I can just imagine some parents thinking "oh that old man wouldn't hurt a fly. The kids will be safe there and it keeps them out of my way for an hour or two" - or something along those lines.

Stories like this are reported almost weekly now...

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More than likely the father was not paid when expected or the amount was too low. Years ago when I live in Lom Sak I met a neighbor in Petchaboon at a bar (far in between only 15 houses at that time on 1000 rai) We talked for quite some time and when I said I would like to have a live in maid and girlfriend, he brought his 3 daughters to my house the next day 12, 14 & 16. He only wanted 1000B per month for any 2. I can tell you this scum is still in jail, for rape and sodomy of his own daughters the 16 year old gave birth to her own brother. Go figure!! I recon this is the same kind of story one that the editors may know of but wont say so. I certainly declined bought the girls some Ice Cream and lao kao for the father and sent them home.


FOOTNOTE: I married the small shop keeper I bought the ice cream from :jap:

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I hope that updated posts continue regarding his prosecution.

Yea me too, I would like to make stories like this one, because there are so many, a side topic all alone. With the economy the way it is too many scams and maybe just like this one could be on Farangs are getting too common. :jap:

Edited by meelousee
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Its only a matter of time before they seriously start clamping down on expats.

Seriously, with all this bad press and so many bad apples amongst us we should start policing ourselves and doing something positive so Thais can see we aren't all arsonists and pedophiles.... I am amazed they are so tolerant actually.

I seriously doubt that - just imagine how much money we bring in / spend in this country - houses, condos, rent, food, transport, drink, etc, etc, etc,

They'll never cut off the cash flow - especially not because a couple of "poor / country folk" were allegedly abused...

I simply can't see that happening somehow...

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<deleted>?! 90 years old? Sexual assault alleged to have taken place 2 years ago? 4 under age girls are hanging out in a 90 year old's house?! :blink:

This is one of the strangest most UNBELIEVABLE stories I've seen in a while... :ph34r:

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I'm 42 and in good health, but I know from having two rambunctious toddlers, that it would be nigh on impossible to physically restrain four teenagers - at the age of 90 absolutely not, unless he had help, regardless of his virility.

That suggests that the girls were psychologicall intimidated in some way - as likely as not by the person(s) who took them there for whatever reason? - to not resist or fight or deny. If so, it's more than likely that this has only come to light because those persons are not satisfied with whatever they were getting out of it. I hope if there is any truth to this case that it is not only the 90yr old that is brought to prosecution, but anyone else involved in 'procuring' or 'supplying' children to him.

Who said anything about physical restraint?

Rape is penetration without consent. Minors cannot legally give consent.

Therefore, as the policeman in the article says, any penetration (of a minor) is rape.

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I guess there must a '"crackdown" on old farangs in Chang Mai. Isn't this the second case in two weeks? I'm sure there are probably plenty more. Do the Thai child molesters every get caught? I never see them in the news... But, no matter where it is or where they are from, molesting children is sickening!

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IMO, I have no problem with charging an old man with rape, if there is evidence pointing in that direction. The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court. If he is found guilty, then he should get the standard sentence that such a crime normally warrant regardless of if it means that he most likely will die in jail while sitting out his sentence. If he is unable to stand trial due to mental state, then his legal representative can persue that path and it will be investigated in accordance with Thai law

I have a similar true story for you - My mother was in charge of a home for retired people where a 90 year old ex sailor raped another retiree. It happened numerous times before it came to light. Lawyers employeed by the administration of the city gave their opinion and my mother confronted the 90 year old rapist privately with a very simple message: If you ever touch that woman again, then I will make sure that this goes to court and the result will be that you will not be let out again before you are 100. The man never touched another woman and it didn't go to court

So there you have the lawyers and your mother playing Judge and Jury!! What rights were there for the victim? If your Mother knew this to be true then a chat behind closed doors was totally inappropriate, the police should have been called and the Courts should have done the rest. Simple.

I briefly dated a hard-core Christian woman in California. Her previous 2 husbands had all molested her 3 daughters, so she wouldn't even let me meet the girls (Ok by me). Both her previous husbands were Christian preachers. She got so fed up, that she sent the girls to her father (their grandfather) who was also a preacher. Then she found out that grandpops also abused the girls.

Well, there's the problem with hard core religion. Hard core religion is all about abuse anyway, whether it's abuse of power, abuse of trust, abuse physically or abuse sexually. Now what are those stories recently about the vatican and Catholic priests....??????

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Well forget about Pattaya being the dog hole of Thailand looks like Chiang Mai is catching up quickly with 2 arrests for alleged Sexual abuse of children in as many weeks


Isn't the previous incident you refer to the one where the mother was pimping the daughter out? I wonder if similar was going on in this case.

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The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court.

Ok without judging what he did or not.

Come on, since when a farang can get a fair chance in a thai court against a Thai ?

Always in juvenile court. Better than in many western countries even. Not as good in civil law cases, but the "unfortunate flexibility" there applies to both Thais and westerners

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IMO, I have no problem with charging an old man with rape, if there is evidence pointing in that direction. The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court. If he is found guilty, then he should get the standard sentence that such a crime normally warrant regardless of if it means that he most likely will die in jail while sitting out his sentence. If he is unable to stand trial due to mental state, then his legal representative can persue that path and it will be investigated in accordance with Thai law

I have a similar true story for you - My mother was in charge of a home for retired people where a 90 year old ex sailor raped another retiree. It happened numerous times before it came to light. Lawyers employeed by the administration of the city gave their opinion and my mother confronted the 90 year old rapist privately with a very simple message: If you ever touch that woman again, then I will make sure that this goes to court and the result will be that you will not be let out again before you are 100. The man never touched another woman and it didn't go to court

If only life were so simple! Maybe he didn't touch THAT woman ever again - but who knows how many others he may have abused both before AND after your mother having a little word with him.

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IMO, I have no problem with charging an old man with rape, if there is evidence pointing in that direction. The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court. If he is found guilty, then he should get the standard sentence that such a crime normally warrant regardless of if it means that he most likely will die in jail while sitting out his sentence. If he is unable to stand trial due to mental state, then his legal representative can persue that path and it will be investigated in accordance with Thai law

I have a similar true story for you - My mother was in charge of a home for retired people where a 90 year old ex sailor raped another retiree. It happened numerous times before it came to light. Lawyers employeed by the administration of the city gave their opinion and my mother confronted the 90 year old rapist privately with a very simple message: If you ever touch that woman again, then I will make sure that this goes to court and the result will be that you will not be let out again before you are 100. The man never touched another woman and it didn't go to court

So there you have the lawyers and your mother playing Judge and Jury!! What rights were there for the victim? If your Mother knew this to be true then a chat behind closed doors was totally inappropriate, the police should have been called and the Courts should have done the rest. Simple.

I briefly dated a hard-core Christian woman in California. Her previous 2 husbands had all molested her 3 daughters, so she wouldn't even let me meet the girls (Ok by me). Both her previous husbands were Christian preachers. She got so fed up, that she sent the girls to her father (their grandfather) who was also a preacher. Then she found out that grandpops also abused the girls.

Well, there's the problem with hard core religion. Hard core religion is all about abuse anyway, whether it's abuse of power, abuse of trust, abuse physically or abuse sexually. Now what are those stories recently about the vatican and Catholic priests....??????

Bet you got out of there fast

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Sex-cases are always good stuff, and the nice thing about them is that nothing is ever disprovable. Children may speak the truth, they may lie. Often they are not aware when they are doing either. A string of cases (try 'child abuse cases' in Google) demonstrate, that conclusions to either side is next to impossible to make. Remember the MJ sex case? Many people will grab an opinion, find ample supportive ghosts, jump to conclusions.

People working professionally with children are terrified, and for this reason they avoid contact whenever possible.

In this case we know nothing else that than a charge was pressed. As for the question of guilt we will never know anything.

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90 ? And still...? Could be a setup or maybe it happened ? Did he pay the parents ? Did they know ? Did they allow ?

It's up to the judge now. In jail ? Not likely. Take his money to compensate the children ? Than send him back to Down Under ?

Why does this only happen in Thailand; or does this happen more than we know...?

happens all over the world im sure but seem to read a lot about child abuse in belgium bad news allways spreads fastmaybe his kindness was taken as a good excuse to extort money from him or is he guilty charlie chaplin was sexually active at 85 but to me it just looks so bad another westener with young children you metion going to thailand on holiday and they say you dirty old man are you gary glitters mate

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What i find unusual in this case is how long this occurred and with multiple victims of the same family. There were no red flags? I sure would want to know more about the parents and soc-econ status of these girls?<BR><BR>Something is fishy not about his actions but the situation allowed to continue over a year...<BR><BR>CB

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<BR>Its only a matter of time before they seriously start clamping down on expats.<BR>Seriously, with all this bad press and so many bad apples amongst us we should start policing ourselves and doing something positive so Thais can see we aren't all arsonists and pedophiles.... I am amazed they are so tolerant actually.<BR>
<BR><BR>If we seriously started policing ourselves as you put it, despite being unclear as to how this would be achieved, then a great deal more shit would hit the fan and even more bad publicity, unless you want to punish on the quiet, which is even worse. The poor detection rate or conviction rate, partly due to the incompetence of the Thai police and bribe-taking, serves to cover up a lot of crimes committed by farangs. If it was different it would open up an even bigger can of worms. That would be a good thing but hardly a good publicity for us.<BR>
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IMO, I have no problem with charging an old man with rape, if there is evidence pointing in that direction. The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court. If he is found guilty, then he should get the standard sentence that such a crime normally warrant regardless of if it means that he most likely will die in jail while sitting out his sentence. If he is unable to stand trial due to mental state, then his legal representative can persue that path and it will be investigated in accordance with Thai law

I have a similar true story for you - My mother was in charge of a home for retired people where a 90 year old ex sailor raped another retiree. It happened numerous times before it came to light. Lawyers employeed by the administration of the city gave their opinion and my mother confronted the 90 year old rapist privately with a very simple message: If you ever touch that woman again, then I will make sure that this goes to court and the result will be that you will not be let out again before you are 100. The man never touched another woman and it didn't go to court

So there you have the lawyers and your mother playing Judge and Jury!! What rights were there for the victim? If your Mother knew this to be true then a chat behind closed doors was totally inappropriate, the police should have been called and the Courts should have done the rest. Simple.

Sure the 90 year old man had raped before, no question about it, what is not understood I think was that the man was in a home for retied people because he could no longer take care of himself, nor could he go anywhere outside the home. As such, the most humane solution was to scare the shit out of him so that he wouldn’t even dare thinking of raping again and then let him live out his time. That solution could not have been chosen if the rapist had been able to move but he could not.

Another very important thing to understand is that The Victim of course is the most important person, not the rapist. She got what she herself asked for, piece and quiet. She wouldn’t have gotten that had it gone to court

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