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How Does A Farang Make Money In Los

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Look around and see what the successfull people are doing.

Sunbelt Asia always has a list of interesting business opportunities. Check em out.

Write an article like Stickman and sell advertising.

There are guys giving tours on Bikes and Segways that do pretty well.

Try ebay.

Over to you...

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Hello and I am sorry that I havent responded to this thread thus far. I originally posted the topic in the issarn forum and for reasons unknown to me it has been transferred here. Topic title was " How does a farang make money - Issarn ".

I have a Thai wife that comes from up-country who is the best thing in my life and to any sceptics out there, not all Thai ladies work in bars and we definately didnt meet in one. All I originally wanted to ask was not so much how to make a fortune ( although that would be nice ) but really just how to make a living in Thailand.

Now that I have found and read this thread I will keep track of it but I have to say that when I have looked at this forum in the past, I thought the posts were coming from people who knew what they were talking about. But to my dismay, there is allways a small percentage of people who hate life and want to spread the bad word ( harmonica ). Is there not a special web site for these people?

By the way. A small pot of gold.

Doesnt it depend on what YOU think is small or big.

Never read a book by its cover ( or post ).

All the best.

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How does a farang make money in LOS? --  Just a simple question from a lowly carpenter with a small pot of gold and without a rich father.

LOS makes money on farangs -- that's the way it is! If you don't understand that, then you neither live nor win!

Your question is therefore ass backwards! :o

But if you still want to continue, humble carpenter with a small pot of gold and no rich daddy? ....

carve out a small portion of that pot of gold, get a sex change, tan yourself to a velvety chocolate brown, cultivate & grow the bushiest, mellifluous cave you can muster, get some raggedy clothes with tacky ornaments, start speaking some funky, exotic version of prepositionless, articleless English and set yourself up with several farangs, perhaps 6, one or two from England, one from America (this one ought to quadruple that pot of gold within 3 years), and the rest from various parts of the world.

Avoid Italians and Spaniards!

I estimate an annual income of 1 million Baht cash in the first year, automobiles & real estate (houses, not condos and don't fall for the leaseback deals!) notwithstanding (of which you should get 6 of each respectively)! Get the American to include you in his stateside will (pension & all)and register it with the embassy in BKK!

You will find yourself in the top 100 financially well off farangs in LOS -- in just a few short years.

No work permit required!

Report back here in 2010.

Thankyou for your input but I would appreciate it if you refrained from any futher comments as you obviously have some issues that need dealing with.

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Dear Friend,

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Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael De Martini

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[email protected]

Oh dear!!

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If you have the nouse to learn, understand and fullfill the prerequisites for living/working in Thailand along with your partners help and some good capital you should be O.K.

Speak Thai? you'd better learn, no doubt...That includes reading/writing.

Don't believe that import and export is the way to go, for most it is'nt.

Don't hinge to much on finance and leave and grow a pot of gold back home in your own nation as well(backup)

I am Australian and I believe if you have humble goals you have a better chance of success in Thailand developing small enterprise.

Learn the culture, don't lean on you wife to make descisions, and if your life/family centres in Issan, move far away.

overall invest in knowlege and jai yen yen.


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Some sort of illegal enterprise is a good bet.

A barrister friend of mine told me that if one was to pursue a life of crime, white collar crime was easily the preferred option as the winnings were high and the penalties light.

He said to steer clear of violent crimes as its the sort of thing stupid felons did.

Well his actual un-PC words were.....

"I saw in Court so many black men who go and mug two or three people then got themselves caught."

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