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Seems like many one meet here... :whistling:

That would of course depend on the company one keeps. :whistling:

I have to admire the guy though, to get drunk on a THAI flight is in my experience next to impossible. He must have been half pished when he got on because there's no way the in flight service is that good, three hours is just about enough time for about three beers and a glass of wine.

Maybe the airlines should start using the observations page in passports to record such behaviour then such vermin could be identified at check in and be the subject of "special attention" during the flight. A dose of elephant tranquiliser in the first drink would be quite effective. ;)

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There are undoubtedly airlines, and routes, on which you tend to get more yobbish behavior than others. The one airline I have never seen this on is Singapore Airlines despite flying frequently on LHR SIN till recently. Anyone else ?


Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz0syGhzfCd

Quote 'Defence Adrian Keeling asked the judge not to jail Green, saying he was embarrassed and remorseful about his behaviour. Mr Keeling said his wealthy client had £60,000 available in cash to offer up in compensation for the incident.

The barrister said: 'He is a property developer in Thailand where he has been dealing successfully for the past seven years. He spends 90 per cent of his time there".

Green, pleaded guilty to being drunk on an aircraft, interfering with the performance of an aircraft crew member and two counts of common assault.'

No jail, £4,800 fine.:shock1: Maybe the Judges in England like their tea with lots of sugar ;)


I've had reason to become incandescent with rage a few times on aircraft.....being poked in the ribs ....wrongly accused of smoking in the toilet.....served food on Thai Airways (take a packed lunch!!)....and on and on.....

But to be truly honest all of these experiences occur when I'm travelling back to the UK....never on my way to Bangkok......I would guess that's true for most Brits....


Where are all these "sky marshals" that are suposed to be on every second flight these days?

I swear to God, if there was someone on my fligh acting up like that I would land one right between the eyes and knock him into next week no matter how big he was. :angry:


I believe Sky Marshals is a US thing, on US airlines.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



But to be truly honest all of these experiences occur when I'm travelling back to the UK....never on my way to Bangkok......I would guess that's true for most Brits....

For some reason....can't quite figure it out, I am always less tolerant on the return flight to the US.

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i wish he did it on my flight... i would knock him out cold


nobody fcuks with an airplane that i'm on !! unless he does it over my dead body...

sorry i overreact but touching the doors in flight is just discusting and i would kill him ph34r.gif


i wish he did it on my flight... i would knock him out cold


nobody fcuks with an airplane that i'm on !! unless he does it over my dead body...

sorry i overreact but touching the doors in flight is just discusting and i would kill him ph34r.gif

Haha, very good. Of course when you ultimately arrived at your destination they'd lock you up for 20-30 years for the safety of the rest of us.


To all the idiots and fascists here calling the guy a vermin and calling to hang him high and short , you should know that this can happen to any of you.

a few years ago it happened to me .

I am not a violent guy or a drunk, I am a law abiding citizen and frequent flyer who never had any in flight problem before or after that.

the only thing is that between Paris and Bangkok the flight is at noon or 1 PM and its impossible to sleep aat this time of the day.

my mistake was to take a stillnox pill to try to get some sleep. I was in the business class and I took the pill before the meal ... during the meal of course I had wine and cognac but was not drunk. after the meal I started to watch a movie and expected to fall asleep quite quick. Unfortunately after the movie I was not sleeping yet so I had a whisky coke, hoping it would make me doze off.... with no success ... I had two other after that .... still not sleeping i decided to go downstairs to walk as my legs were hurting ... the last thing I remember was walking down the aisle in economy class, then ............ black out.

I woke up with handcuffs in a room at don muang airport ... there were 3 people, two guys from the airport and and the cabin manager.

I had blood all over my white shirt ... I was amazed as I didnt know where I was or what happened .... the cabin manager told me that i had punched him in the face while he was trying to take me back to my seat as i was bothering some other passengers..... this is all they would tell me about the incident ... the real worst part of all this is that I really cannot remember anything about what happened and this is genuinely an horrible sought. I could have killed someone and end up in jail for life without even knowing why.

After this I sincerely apologized to the cabin manager and was told to pay a 3000 baht fine, one of the airport guys took me to an ATM and back to sign a receipt ... strangely there was no police involved and my luggage was waiting for me on a trolley and my passport had the entry stamp, didn't even have to queue at the immigration ....

they escorted me to the taxi queue pushing the trolley like if I was a VIP and wished me a pleasant stay. Surreal.

the moral of the story is that as I arrived home i threw all my sleeping pills down the toilets and never used them again with or without alcohol ...

the next day I called Thai Airways explaining what happened saying that I wanted to personally apologize to the whole crew, they said they would contact me back but I never heard from them again .

Another development I learned after from a friend of mine working at Thai Airways is that i was supposed to be put on a blacklist from Thai Airways, but some people I know there didn't push it forward so I was able to fly Thai again with no problem after this.

So just to let you know that before calling for the death penalty of someone disturbing a flight, be aware that it could happen to you, your son, your brother or your wife any time and i'm sure that this time you would beg for clemency.


I was on my way back from Nairobi to Amsterdam a few years ago. On a plane full of American church volunteers...not a fun flight. Anyway, across the isle was an extremely drunk guy. I think he was British, but not 100% sure. Spoke English. Kept bugging the girl next to me. And hassling anybody who would listen to him. They eventually cut him off and he was pissed. Yelling, cursing, really bad. The attendants tried to get him to calm down but he wouldn't.

Eventually the pilot came back and really laid into him. The big attendants moved the guy to the back of the plane and sat on each side of him.

As we landed, we were told not to get up as there was a medical emergency. Airport police came on, 3 huge dudes, and hauled the guy off in handcuffs. Everybody around us started clapping....

I wonder if he got into any trouble or was just put in the drunk tank?

Any pilot who ventures into the cabin to deal with a disruptive passenger is asking for trouble if they then get assaulted. Very foolish on their part.

Rstraining of a passenger really is a last resort, and the permission of the Captain is required in most airlines before the crew will carry it out. The definition used to determine whether the passenger is infact disruptive and whether to restrain is very clear.

Most aircraft have plug type doors fitted and flight locks that engage during the take off roll. The air pressure in the cabin during cruise flight is huge compared to outside, thus opening of the doors would be impossible.

What the crew want is for groundstaff to spot any potential disruptive passengers prior to boarding, thus avoiding any problem whilst airborne.



To all the idiots and fascists here calling the guy a vermin and calling to hang him high and short , you should know that this can happen to any of you.

a few years ago it happened to me .

I am not a violent guy or a drunk, I am a law abiding citizen and frequent flyer who never had any in flight problem before or after that.

the only thing is that between Paris and Bangkok the flight is at noon or 1 PM and its impossible to sleep aat this time of the day.

my mistake was to take a stillnox pill to try to get some sleep. I was in the business class and I took the pill before the meal ... during the meal of course I had wine and cognac but was not drunk. after the meal I started to watch a movie and expected to fall asleep quite quick. Unfortunately after the movie I was not sleeping yet so I had a whisky coke, hoping it would make me doze off.... with no success ... I had two other after that .... still not sleeping i decided to go downstairs to walk as my legs were hurting ... the last thing I remember was walking down the aisle in economy class, then ............ black out.

I woke up with handcuffs in a room at don muang airport ... there were 3 people, two guys from the airport and and the cabin manager.

I had blood all over my white shirt ... I was amazed as I didnt know where I was or what happened .... the cabin manager told me that i had punched him in the face while he was trying to take me back to my seat as i was bothering some other passengers..... this is all they would tell me about the incident ... the real worst part of all this is that I really cannot remember anything about what happened and this is genuinely an horrible sought. I could have killed someone and end up in jail for life without even knowing why.

After this I sincerely apologized to the cabin manager and was told to pay a 3000 baht fine, one of the airport guys took me to an ATM and back to sign a receipt ... strangely there was no police involved and my luggage was waiting for me on a trolley and my passport had the entry stamp, didn't even have to queue at the immigration ....

they escorted me to the taxi queue pushing the trolley like if I was a VIP and wished me a pleasant stay. Surreal.

the moral of the story is that as I arrived home i threw all my sleeping pills down the toilets and never used them again with or without alcohol ...

the next day I called Thai Airways explaining what happened saying that I wanted to personally apologize to the whole crew, they said they would contact me back but I never heard from them again .

Another development I learned after from a friend of mine working at Thai Airways is that i was supposed to be put on a blacklist from Thai Airways, but some people I know there didn't push it forward so I was able to fly Thai again with no problem after this.

So just to let you know that before calling for the death penalty of someone disturbing a flight, be aware that it could happen to you, your son, your brother or your wife any time and i'm sure that this time you would beg for clemency.

Very foolish on your part. If you read the warnings for stilnox it will state very clearly - "No Alcohol". There are reasons why they put this sort of warnings on such medication and now you know. :rolleyes:


Well, let's see....

1. wine (maybe more than 1 glass?)

2. cognac

3. 3 whiskey cokes

Wow....and probably all within 3 hours? Oh, I forgot....

1. stillnox pill

Definitely not one of your brighter moves....

  • 2 weeks later...
...this can happen to any of you...

No. In your case it happened because you were silly enough -- pardon me for being so blunt -- of mixing a sleeping pill with alcohol. Aside from that, a sleeping pill should always be taken only when one is ready to sleep, not before dinner, not before watching a movie, not before doing anything but but laying down, in an aeroplane leaning back, to sleep. There's a reason why it is called a "sleeping" pill.

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