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Visitor Visa For Thai Gf

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Hello to all, this is my first post.

7 months ago I met a thai girl online, after months of chatting we were dying to meet each other - so I flew out there for two weeks at the end of April. We had an amazing time together, really hit it off - now I'd like to bring her here to England for 6 months on a tourist visa so we can continue our relationship and get to know each other better and I'd like to show her round the country.

I am planning on filling out the visa application for her (I've worked in government for a few years so bureaucracy is my speciality ;) - I am also going to build up the folder of supporting documentation with all our evidence.

If I'm allowed to, I would like to print out the blank visa form, fill it all in, scan it in, email it to her along with all the supporting documentation (which I will also scan in) and get her to print it all out and then sign it.

Is this ok? Or am I only allowed to print it all out here and courier it over to her?

As far as the supporting documents go this is what we have amassed so far:

-Copies and originals of her ID card, new passport and old passport.

-Her bank statements showing maybe around £200 savings.

-Letter of me inviting her to stay with me in England and explaining our personal circumstances, such as how we want to develop our relationship, also how I'm willing to fully support her.

-Photos of our 2 weeks together.

-My flight itinerary of when I went to see her.

-My bank statements (Of about £1000 to £1200 income per month and £1400 savings currently) - I do web design

-Copy of my passport + stamp of when I visited.

-Copy of my tenancy agreement showing where she'll be staying

-6 months of MSN chat logs (These have unfortunately only been saved in text files and contain the raw chat but not time/date stamps)

Currently she has been working on and off doing freelance graphics work mostly for one particular company at her mum's home in Kanchanaburi for the past 6 months, before that she did bar work but she has worked so hard to turn her life around. After I went to visit her and I returned to England, I asked her to get a more consistent and stable job so she can save money to come over here as she sometimes went through periods of not having work. She did this and has spent the past month working in a jewelry shop in Bangkok whilst also trying to continue her freelance graphics design to save as much as she can.

This plan hasn't been going brilliantly as the jewellery shop work her to death and the one company she was working for doing graphics don't need her any more and she doesn't have a lot of time to find new clients or even get work done really.

So I bit the bullet a week ago and said I'd be happy to fully support her and pay for her ticket to come over here.

Now my biggest concern is proving her reason to return back to Thailand after 6 months. She said she is willing to hand in her notice to her jewellery job on Monday, work her month's notice and if her visa gets approved, fly out here in a month. The thing is, she is easily replaceable and they won't hold her job open to her.

If she quits her jewellery job, she will have plenty of time to look for more graphics design clients and I would like her to do this when she comes over here (As far as I know its legal for her to work for thai companies, freelancing from england with her laptop)

But none of this helps her case as to why she'd return to Thailand after 6 months. I mean if anything she has nothing tying her down apart from her family.

Despite this I would be insistent she returns after her visa expires as not to jeopardise any potential future case of getting her to settle here, also the fact that her staying here illegaly would come back to me. - Its just how to actually prove this to the embassy when applying for the visa.

So in summary:

1. Can I email a scanned, completed visa application + all supporting documentation to her for her to print out, sign and submit?

2. I noticed the visa website says original documentation must be provided where required, obviously she can take hers along.. but I wouldn't need to give my original passport or bank statements right?

3. Is there any supporting documentation that could be useful that I might have missed? I was thinking of also including her graphics work along with references from her clients. Also she could provide her jewellery shop contract but it is in thai and she's only been there a month.

4. Will the MSN chat logs not being time/date stamped be an issue? I could take a screenshot of the text files in the folder and rename the files from "chat1.txt", "chat2.txt" to the months the chatting took place.

5. Could anyone offer some advice on how I can prove her reason to return?

6. Any other advice would be most welcome

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Reason to return,Land, House, Family Job, Also I don't think that she can work On a holiday visa, people have been turned around and sent back because they have been ask do you intend to work .It says original docs pre faired, Bank statements Birth certificate. Your passport can be a copy. They may question the time you have known your Thai lady and where you met her.and where you intend to live .

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I've read your post...


Technically she would need a work visa.

Bank statements can be computer printouts, photo copy of your passport.

I think she may struggle for reason to return and after only spending 2 weeks physically together...Is it not possible for another trip to see her?

On "Reason to Return" - I take it no land, no house, no money in the bank?

Only thing you can do is say she wouldn't jeopardise any future applications for entry clearance by breaking the terms of her visa.


Edited by RAZZELL
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I've read your post...


Technically she would need a work visa.

Bank statements can be computer printouts, photo copy of your passport.

I think she may struggle for reason to return and after only spending 2 weeks physically together...Is it not possible for another trip to see her?

On "Reason to Return" - I take it no land, no house, no money in the bank?

Only thing you can do is say she wouldn't jeopardise any future applications for entry clearance by breaking the terms of her visa.


Thanks to all for the replies.

Ok Razz I'll make sure she's aware she's not allowed to work remotely. I've been told by multiple people that this is ok because the UK government is only concerned with a foreigner being employed by British firms, I completely accept that this could be rubbish though as none of the people I've spoke to are experts!

Well for the reason to return, she only has a couple of hundred in the bank which she'll most likely use up here. She doesn't actually own any land or a home but her mum does. Would it be worth submitting some kind of document saying her family own the house?

Also is it even worth submitting any documents showing her past employment at the jewellery shop or graphics design clients if they're not going to be of any value to showing her reason to return?

Oh and just to check, it is ok for me to fill in the paper visa application, scan it in and email it to her for her to sign right?

Thanks ;)

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Oh and just to check, it is ok for me to fill in the paper visa application, scan it in and email it to her for her to sign right?

Should be ok, or you could complete an online application which means you can also make an appointment for her to attend the VAC to have her biometrics taken and hand in her supporting documents. See How to apply. If you do use the online system you will still have to print the completed form out and send to her to sign and take to the VAC.

When assessing the application the ECO will basically be asking three questions.

1) Is she a genuine visitor with a genuine reason for visiting the UK?

The reason for the visit is obviously to see you and develop your relationship. That you have only spent 2 weeks with her in Thailand may be a problem, but you have known each other online for 7 months. Explain the history of your relationship in your sponsor's letter and produce as much evidence as you can of the contact the two of you have had over the last 7 months. You should also supply a copy of the relevant pages of your passport to show that you did indeed visit her in Thailand and when.

2) Will she be adequately maintained and accommodated during the visit without recourse to public funds.

The finance for the visit can come from her, you or a combination of you both. Whoever is providing an element of the finances should produce evidence of their ability to do so; bank statements, pay slips etc.

As you rent your accommodation you should obtain a letter form your landlord confirming that there is room for her to stay there (sharing a room with you is fine) and that the landlord has no objections to her doing so.

3) Will she return to Thailand, or at least leave the UK, when or before her visa expires.

She effectively has no job so cannot use that as a reason to return; even if she did have a job it is unlikely that the ECO would believe she wold be given 6 months holiday!

She appears to have no other concrete reason to return.

However, many couples in this situation have been successful in obtaining a visit visa.

If the ECO is satisfied that she is a genuine visitor, that the relationship with you is genuine and has a future then they will probably also be satisfied that she and you would not want to jeopardies that future by her overstaying or otherwise breaching the conditions of her visit visa.

So as well as briefly outlining the history of your relationship in your sponsor's letter you should also say why she is visiting at this time, why she intends to stay for 6 months and what your future plans are together. Confirm that you understand she cannot convert her visit visa to settlement in the UK and that you are both aware she must leave when it expires. Confirm that you are both aware that breaching any of the conditions of her visit visa could have serious consequences should she later wish to apply for settlement to be with you permanently in the UK.

Best of luck, and you may find the following helpful:-

Guidance - Visitors (INF 2)

Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3)

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Thanks 7by7!

If she attends just by showing up early on the day and going through the ticketing system, she'll still be given the opportunity to give her biometric data though right?

I noticed I can't schedule and appointment unless the application is filled out online. If I do decide to fill it online, will I have to immediately then choose an appointment? Or will it be pretty flexible in letting me choose when? Also is there likely to be a long waiting time before she gets the appointment?

So just a few final things:

-How can I find out if she is allowed to work remotely? As I said I've spoken to people who say its definitely illegal for her to work for a British firm whilst here, but that there's nothing stopping her from continuing to work for thai clients whilst here.

-As I mentioned I make about £1000 minimum a month (sometimes a lot more if I have extra work) and have £1400 savings, I completely appreciate that there's no set required amount for a sponsor to be earning/have saved but does this sound reasonable?

-If the visa gets denied for whatever reason, can I try to improve the supporting documents of the application where they weren't good enough and reapply? In which case is there a waiting period before resubmitting?

-When you say "Confirm that you understand she cannot convert her visit visa to settlement in the UK" this means that she has to go home after 6 months and can't apply for a settlement visa whilst she's here right?

Oh.. also one other thing, she's transgender but I'm assuming this won't affect the application in anyway.

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If she attends just by showing up early on the day and going through the ticketing system, she'll still be given the opportunity to give her biometric data though right?

One of the reasons for making all applicants attend in person is so that their biometrics can be taken. This will be done on the day whether she simply turns up or has made an appointment.

If I do decide to fill it online, will I have to immediately then choose an appointment? Or will it be pretty flexible in letting me choose when? Also is there likely to be a long waiting time before she gets the appointment?

I have never used the online system, so cannot say for sure; but I understand from using similar government booking systems that at the end of the process you are offered a choice of the earliest available appointments from which to choose; if none are suitable you can ask for a later one. How far away the earliest available appointment is depends on demand.

How can I find out if she is allowed to work remotely? As I said I've spoken to people who say its definitely illegal for her to work for a British firm whilst here, but that there's nothing stopping her from continuing to work for thai clients whilst here.

All employment is prohibited whilst she is in the UK as a visitor; including I believe the type of remote work you describe. One may argue that no one would know; I'll leave it to you and she to decide if that is a valid argument.

As I mentioned I make about £1000 minimum a month (sometimes a lot more if I have extra work) and have £1400 savings, I completely appreciate that there's no set required amount for a sponsor to be earning/have saved but does this sound reasonable?

Depends on what you and she intend doing while she is here and where she will be staying. Obviously more money would be needed if you were to be touring the country and staying in hotels than if she were to be straying with you in your home. Outline your plans for when she is here in your sponsor's letter and show that you can afford them.

If the visa gets denied for whatever reason, can I try to improve the supporting documents of the application where they weren't good enough and reapply? In which case is there a waiting period before resubmitting?

If the application is refused there is no reason why she cannot immediately submit another one. However, you must re-submit all the supporting evidence, preferably updated, and most importantly deal with the reason(s) for the refusal. If you don't, she will only be refused again.

When you say "Confirm that you understand she cannot convert her visit visa to settlement in the UK" this means that she has to go home after 6 months and can't apply for a settlement visa whilst she's here right?

Correct. Visit visas cannot be converted into settlement in the UK and the holder must leave the UK on or before the expiry date. Remember, too, that the 6 months will start on the date the visa is issued, not the date she first enters the UK, unless she asks for the start date to be postdated in the application. This can be for up to 3 months, but if the start date is post dated she cannot use the visa until that date or after.

Oh.. also one other thing, she's transgender but I'm assuming this won't affect the application in anyway.

Not at all, but it should be mentioned in the application as her passport will say she is male.

However, assuming you are male and as Thailand does not have any equivalent to the UK's civil partnership; should the two of you later decide to marry and settle in the UK she will have to apply for settlement as your prospective civil partner and then, after registering the civil partnership in the UK, apply again for 24 months further leave to remain. This does, unfortunately, place an extra application in the process which has to be paid for. One way around this would be to register your civil partnership in a third country which does allow it; she could then apply for settlement in the UK as your civil partner and so avoid the necessity of this extra application and fee.

You cannot register a civil partnership in the UK while she is here as a visitor unless she first applies for permission from the Home Office or obtains what is called a marriage visit visa. Either way she would still have to leave the UK when her visit visa expired and apply for settlement in Thailand.

Far too early in your relationship to be considering civil partnership, I know; but it's worth knowing should things progress that far.

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Ok one last question!

I'm worried about our evidence of communication for the past 7 months. All we have are text files which were copied and pasted from msn. We have over 500 pages of chat, but none of it is time or date stamped. Is this likely to be an issue?

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Probably not. Simply explain in your sponsor's letter that this is how you've been communicating and why they are undated.

This is almost certainly something which the ECO is used to seeing.

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Probably not. Simply explain in your sponsor's letter that this is how you've been communicating and why they are undated.

This is almost certainly something which the ECO is used to seeing.

Cheers 7by7, ok yet another question - Do you think its worth sacrificing a tree in order to print the 500 pages of chat out? Or should I put all the chat logs on a CD?

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Unfortunately, unless things have changed since the last time I was actually involved in an application, the visa application system has yet to move into the digital age; they want paper documents. (I sometimes have visions of them wearing frock coats and sitting on stools at high desks with quills and ink pots!)

However, they do not need to see the actual content of your chats, just the evidence that they have taken place, with a few samples. After all, had you communicated by telephone they would not know the content of those calls; merely that they had taken place.

I am unfamiliar with MSN (where's my frock coat!) but if you were , for example, submitting emails simply printing out the headers would suffice. Is it possible to do similar with MSN logs?

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Cheers 7by7, ok yet another question - Do you think its worth sacrificing a tree in order to print the 500 pages of chat out? Or should I put all the chat logs on a CD?

Can't you just give a sample "chat" and then a page of date/time?


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Hi guys I might have some good news!

My g/f asked the company she was contracted to do graphics work for (www.dragonmotorworks.com) for the past 6 months for a reference letter and got it back today.

It is a shining reference letter, explaining about his company, how he contracted her since Dec 2009 for graphics design for brochures, business card, company logos etc etc and giving positive reviews of her on a personal and professional level.

It also goes on to say how he has discontinued using previous contractors from Hong kong where he is based and the USA because of her professional work ethic and continues to use her for special projects when he has them.

Would this be suitable evidence enough for her to return to Thailand?

Or would I have to get him to supply a letter explaining how he is aware of her planned trip to the UK and will continue to use her services when she returns?

Just to point out this is contract work and she is able to do this work anywhere from her laptop with an internet connection.

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Although a glowing character reference can only be a good thing, I do see a problem, I'm afraid.

As he is based in Hong Kong and she in Thailand and as he has previously used contractors in Hong Kong and the USA, to be honest it is not really a reason for her to return to Thailand as she could continue to do this work from the UK.

Also, as said before, you do not want to give the ECO any reason to believe that she may be working while in the UK, even if working remotely.

So if you can get him to modify his letter along the lines you suggest, i.e. that he will resume using her services on her return to Thailand, this will be much better in my opinion.

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Hi guys, I am planning on sending my supporting documents, pay slips, reference letter etc by courier or perhaps royal mail international delivery.

I just wanted to check whether its really a good idea for me to send these original documents incase they get lost or destroyed.

Should I photocopy them and sign them saying they are certified copies? Then post these signed photocopies?

Many thanks

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Hi guys, I am planning on sending my supporting documents, pay slips, reference letter etc by courier or perhaps royal mail international delivery.

I just wanted to check whether its really a good idea for me to send these original documents incase they get lost or destroyed.

Should I photocopy them and sign them saying they are certified copies? Then post these signed photocopies?

Many thanks

I sent mine recorded delivery by DHL, sent on Friday arrived Monday morning, tracked all the way to BKK, £50 (I had a large folder!) ;)


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"Unfortunately, unless things have changed since the last time I was actually involved in an application, the visa application system has yet to move into the digital age; they want paper documents. (I sometimes have visions of them wearing frock coats and sitting on stools at high desks with quills and ink pots!)"


7x7.................no criticism, but they have actually moved into the digital age in numerous ways, eg, those biometrics are checked in UK and returned to the Embassy within 24 hours ! If you were printed in the UK at any time ( and in some instances, elsewhere) then the result will be with the visa officer very quickly. The reason the visa section will not accept CDs, portable media, etc is because the FCO don't want their systems messed up by hackers and others who would enjoy putting a few viruses into the system.

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7x7.................no criticism, but they have actually moved into the digital age in numerous ways, eg, those biometrics are checked in UK and returned to the Embassy within 24 hours ! If you were printed in the UK at any time ( and in some instances, elsewhere) then the result will be with the visa officer very quickly. The reason the visa section will not accept CDs, portable media, etc is because the FCO don't want their systems messed up by hackers and others who would enjoy putting a few viruses into the system.

Do you mean that they check biometric details against fingerprint captures on Eurodac, the European system that records the fingerprint details of all asylum applications in the EU, or anybody who has had their fingerprints taken by the police?

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send only copies of all documents ,

im currently in the same boat as yourself , however im using a visa agent , basically they said i needed a six to eight month relationship , with three trips to thailand ? i have been told that most companies only request two trips but three is better , they also said you need about £1500 in your account for three months , does your gf have any friends who have had visas before who could help her with the visa ?

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I'm sorry, Raven, but the information given to you by your agent is utter rubbish.

Each application is judged on it's own merits. Search the archives and you will find plenty of people who have obtained UK visit visas for their Thai girl/boyfriend/whatever without meeting the strict criteria laid down by your agent.

Are they OISC registered?

As for whether to use copy documents or originals; my personal opinion is that it is better to submit originals whenever possible, as per the advice on the VAC website. Obviously, though, doing so is not always possible, in which case I would suggest a brief note of why copies have been submitted rather than originals.

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I'm sorry, Raven, but the information given to you by your agent is utter rubbish.

Each application is judged on it's own merits. Search the archives and you will find plenty of people who have obtained UK visit visas for their Thai girl/boyfriend/whatever without meeting the strict criteria laid down by your agent.

Are they OISC registered?

As for whether to use copy documents or originals; my personal opinion is that it is better to submit originals whenever possible, as per the advice on the VAC website. Obviously, though, doing so is not always possible, in which case I would suggest a brief note of why copies have been submitted rather than originals.

I see , i dont know if they are registered or not , they do seem like a professional company but i have to admit that i did think three trips sounded a bit excessive , could you give me a bit of advise regarding a marrige visa , as im planning that we may get married next year if all goes well , i dont really know where to start ?

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You can check the OISC register to see if they are on it. If they are in Thailand, I doubt it; as far as I know there are just two visa agents in Thailand who are; Orchid of Siam and Thai Visa Express.

To give you an idea of what's required for a spouse visa, have a read of Maintenance and accommodation and Settlement: Spouses.

If you have any questions about spouse visas, may I ask that you start a new topic so as to not take this one off topic. Thanks.

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7x7.................no criticism, but they have actually moved into the digital age in numerous ways, eg, those biometrics are checked in UK and returned to the Embassy within 24 hours ! If you were printed in the UK at any time ( and in some instances, elsewhere) then the result will be with the visa officer very quickly. The reason the visa section will not accept CDs, portable media, etc is because the FCO don't want their systems messed up by hackers and others who would enjoy putting a few viruses into the system.

Do you mean that they check biometric details against fingerprint captures on Eurodac, the European system that records the fingerprint details of all asylum applications in the EU, or anybody who has had their fingerprints taken by the police?

Eurodac will be checked as a matter of course, even though very few Thais have applied for asylum in the UK or Europe. Police fingerprint records in the UK will be checked, not elsewhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok one last question!

I'm worried about our evidence of communication for the past 7 months. All we have are text files which were copied and pasted from msn. We have over 500 pages of chat, but none of it is time or date stamped. Is this likely to be an issue?

what i do when i copy MSN chat logs is ; get the relevant section of chat log on the screen, print screen, save to desktop, open file, and print 2 copies. i did this for every single line of our chat for about 2 or 3 weeks, then i got bored lol, as it was so much copying. ( this shows dates, and times ). now i print 1 page per day.

( will be applying in january for uk visitor visa )

Edited by kunash
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