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Tourists Warned Not To Feed Bangkok's Street Elephants

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I smell a new scam.

Just stay away from the streets, lock the door and you'll be fine.

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Compassion is the Lord Buddha's message. F---k the 'authorities', & 'the law'. OGT

That really made me chuckle thanks!

Anyway, so the scene is now set. Poor mahoot makes deal with policeman. Takes Elephant down the street and gets tourist to feed. The fuzz are 200 m behind, move in quick and zap a 10K fine on the tourist. Tourist with two young children then craps themselves, pay the 10K and leave, their holiday trashed. Policeman keeps 9K gives mahoot 1K and they both move on down the street. Meanwhile nelly gets another bag of manky bamboo.

Tourists in Bangkok are being warned not to buy food for street elephants or risk a 10,000 baht (310 dollars) fine in the latest clampdown on begging by owners of the animals.

So the authorities are trying to once again prove that they are morons. Good one.

Ps. How about they get the police to grab the elephants and the handlers that are trying to get the tourist to get a 10k fine feed the elephant?

Yes,give the handlers 100,000 Baht fine and 5 years in jail.


To whom and it may concern( All the negative farang who lives in Thailand)

I´m a thais woman, I´m living aboard for many years now. I just want to share some of my opinion, even though I know I will be hated by some of the Farang from this web! How ever! This is about any laws in Thailand, about this elephant, driving...etc. And I do realize that some one will try to brake it, but isn´t that just in thailand that all the thing is not that perfect? And we are all talking about corruption in Thailand and Asia but how could is help if no one can see that they will have to reach out their hand and do something or try to stop it! I have read this forum for many days now and can not reply to any topic, but now I can! I am a guest of another country and I feel and do know that I have to obey the law, I have to listen to the owner of the house, even I like it or not! Or else what? They will tell me if I don´t like to stay here because thailand is better than here than feel free to leave"No one force you to stay, there is no law for that"

I have to pay tax as much as the citizen here did but they all treat me like a second class citizen! What shall I do then try to change it? Try to tell them since I am your guest you should treat me the way I want to be treated! I will not tell you all if you don´t like many thing in Thailand"Why are you all still in Thailand and complain about it?" If there is any law that force foreigner to stay in Thailand if they don´t want too or do not want to stay? If there is any fine for that, if you just want to leave Thailand?

I just stupid thais who just want to know why thailand is so full of Farang that hate thais way, thais rule but still in thailand! Don´t worry I already call my self stupid thais so I save you guys a lot of time! Because as far as I can see if some thais try to come with some comment so those farang will take that thais person down. In the another hand I might say when we are thais we should just act stupid and just smile and say yes, no opinion can be accepted! That is much of respect we get from our guest! Of course, I´m not so satisfy with my life here either but it is help me to just complain and be negative about this, hel_l no! I have kinds to support on my own too!

What I can do is learn the language, adapt my self to their way of leaving, pick up the positive side from them and teach them some positive thing about thailand! That is what I can do to make my day, to get to go to bed at night! And try to tell my self everyday that If I don´t like it here I just has to leave" And it makes my day, I still alive, I´ve got many friend that do understand me, I go to work everyday, I get all the support I need from them! And you know what? This will ever never happened if I just sit and complain about how bad my life has gone since I move here! I could not ask for any form, any sigh and paper in Thais some of it I could not get it in English! What can I do about that, It is not thailand here and they are not english speaking here, shall I change it to suit me? Do any one here think I should do that? I move in some where that´s not my home, how could I ask them to change their way of living, because it does not suit me!

My point is if some of you still want to stay in thailand, you will have to learn how to deal with it in a good way for both part! I even need a visa to stay in thailand for a year! Do you think I like to sit there with a pine of paper works and keep smiling when I´m so mad of all the administration nonsense in thailand!(It actually takes me 4-5 days every time) But it´s TIT like you guy always say what can I do about it annoyed.gif

And please do feel free to correct my Englishbiggrin.gif It will not hurt my feeling at all since I was born and raise in thailand, so english is never my strongest side and I have no degree, just normally 14 years in Thais government school and my own experience with foreigner at work and aboard! So my English is just to survive well here in another countrysmile.gif I will not get mad or answer any commentsmile.gif so just read it and erase it out of your head, thank youbiggrin.gif


Tourists in Bangkok are being warned not to buy food for street elephants or risk a 10,000 baht (310 dollars) fine in the latest clampdown on begging by owners of the animals.

clearly the most effective way to stop the practice is to go after the tourists, given how easy it is for the mahout to conceal his elephant as he walks down bangkok's busiest tourists streets.

Activists warn that car fumes and narrow streets often leave the elephants with eye calluses and tuberculosis and make them vulnerable to leg injuries.

i hope the people activists come and save me from the city's narrow streets and pollution too. no fair that animals get all the saving.


We all should support the Thai elephants. There are better and more transparent places to see the Thai elephant than Elephant nature park. Several elephant parks provide the same if not better care and employment for the mahouts with out all the stardom. Check out the other parks before dumping your money at Elephant nature park.


Elepahants deserve to live in the wild, a forest or jungle in their natural habitat or a nature parks where they can live a life other than living one being used as a begging tool in a big concrete jungle like Bangkok.

As for the 10,000 Baht fine for tourists if caught feeding the elephants it seems a bit harsh and maybe the police and government should do more to keep the elephants out of Bangkok.

The elephant problem in Bangkok is nothing new and nor was it in places like Pattaya a few years ago, the problem seems to go away for a while and then returns and IMO you can blame the authorities for allowing it to happen.



ABOUT TIME .....these poor Elephants are suffering day-in-day-out under abnormal circumstances, sometimes they are not fed well, stress of noises and all kinds of light, dust and exhaust-gases from the (almost always heavy) traffic.

Roaming half on roads and half on pavements must be a hel_l; pavements mostly are very narrow, overcrowded in a very bad condition: high steps which are

even for pedestrians not easy to use, bad leveled pavements, motorbikes, bad or partly covered manholes, you name it and you find it. CRUEL

Tourists in Bangkok are being warned not to buy food for street elephants or risk a 10,000 baht (310 dollars) fine in the latest clampdown on begging by owners of the animals.

So the authorities are trying to once again prove that they are morons. Good one.

Ps. How about they get the police to grab the elephants and the handlers that are trying to get the tourist to get a 10k fine feed the elephant?

Another dysfunctional crackdown and law! biggrin.gif Starve the beasts out of the city! and a little tea money too!


TB used to be so widespread that in cemetery near where I live (in America) that was used between 1800 and 1840, at least half the headstones bear the words "died of consumption." At one time ¼ of the deaths in America during those years were caused by TB. It is not a pretty disease, the lungs become destroyed and the animal (human, elephant, dog) simply appears to be consumed and wastes away.

Elephants and dogs can catch TB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) from humans. This is called a Reverse Zoonotic infection. Also the infected elephants can then cough, and if a human is near, or possibly if moisture from the infected elephant's snout is transferred to the human hand, and then mouth then the human can develop TB from the elephant (a Zoonotic infection).

A resurgence worldwide of TB is bad enough but lately there is an increase, again worldwide along with the development of MDR-TB, or multi-drug resistant TB which is extremely difficult to cure, and the antibiotic regime is both extremely expensive and lasts for up to a year.

The elephant TB problem is not just Thailand's elephants for America's zoo elephant population has been adversely affected with TB over the past years.

While the idea of selling food to a tourist who enjoys feeding the elephant and the elephant enjoys the food seems like a win/win/win situation, most likely any elephant that is worked this way will eventually get TB. The Mahout will then almost assuredly become infected. Any who live in close proximity to the infected Mahout (as TB is usually spread by aerosols/droplets from a cough, generally a person must be within three or four feet distance) will become infected and so on. It is easy to see why; in the 1800's TB was such a huge issue.

There are about 123,000 cases of active TB in the population of Thailand, and about 14,000 deaths annually. About 2% are MDR-TB. Control of TB is a priority in Thailand as can be seen by the budget in 2009 ($50 million US) (1.6 billion Baht). 304 million Baht was expended for medication alone.

The severity of the fines seems appropriate especially when aimed at tourists for they are the "weak link" in the chain and are apt to ignore the "do not feed elephants" rule; for this system of elephant use may almost be a definite death sentence to the elephant and the Mahout and may lead to many other cases. It is sad that there is not enough appropriate, living wage work for the Mahout and his elephant for both must eat, just like the rest of us.


ThaiVisa Editor, When will you get off your backside and cut out this continual use of the word 'CRACKDOWN'

Thaivisa is determined to put off visitors to Thailand

What is your agenda???


I don't like these elephants, I find them annoying at best. I don't like it when they come anywhere near me.

The last thing I need is some great lumbering dinosaur chasing me down Sukhumvit while I'm half drunk. Someone told me he saw a full sized adult elephant do a runner down Soi Cowboy a few years ago.

I remember sitting outside a bar smoking a cigarette and an elephant was manouvered into the parking space just in front of me only for it to crap all over the road a few feet away from where I was enjoying my beer and cigarette. The jockey got down, collected the crap and put it into a plastic carrier bag and took it with him, very strange behaviour.


Bottom line is, the new law is a good idea to protect the animal, however its target and reasoning as always in Thailand has been made to benefit BIB rather then the animal.

Owners will continue to bring giants into the city because BIB need them there to get paid from the tourists.

Owners are well aware that elephant can not be confiscated

Owners are well aware that even if they get fined, they do not really need to pay it and there is nothing BIB will do to collect this money

Owners are well aware that should they be approached by BIB, they can always make a deal to split the profit.

Little like all the GoGo bars. Prostitution is illegal but with monthly donation everything is fine

Or beer advertising is also illegal yet Singha and Chang sponsor all police meetings so they ok to advertise while bars get fined.

Truly amazing Thailand, i must say though it is even more amazing to read this post just days after government wanting to crack down on corruption. Great way to start


"A good law"????/ - what on earth makes you say that???

How will this protect the animal?????

It quite clearly won't benefit the elephants one iota - unless there is provision under this law to look after the animals elsewhere it is just a joke


Fir those of yu who are laboring under the illusion that there is somewhere for the elephants to go - take a reality check.

how much do you think it will cost to firstly transport and then feed and look after this animal for the rest of it's (LONG) life??????

How much money has been allocated for this? NONE!!

As always with this kind of "knee-jerk" idea - you can't call it a law - there has been no thinking through - sadly on this thread as well -

Unless a plan is laid out to take the animals away from there current owners - NOT mahouts - the animals will be forced into exploitation elsewhere.

I think that dragging them round the streets of any town is digusting and should e stopped - I also KNOW that this plane is conceived by an diot and has no chance of working - the elephnats will simply be taken else where where the whole routine will start again.


THis thread is still overlooking the fact that these elephants have NOWHERE TO GO - so fine or no fine they will end up back on a street somewhere.

read all the thread and its links and u will find out that there are some places where they can go.

its not true that they have to beg and suffer on the street!!!!!!!!!!!!

so nothing is being overlocked when it comes to get them out of the city.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!stop spreading the stupid and untrue argument that there is no place where they can be send to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THis has got to be one of the most asinine comments so far - who on earth and how will this happen - who will pay for it? The BIB with there fines?

RUBBISH - there is NOWHERE for the animals to go - do you seriously think that these places can simply open up their doors to a whole batch of elephants from the streets of BKK? If you do then God help both you and the elephants


THis thread is still overlooking the fact that these elephants have NOWHERE TO GO - so fine or no fine they will end up back on a street somewhere.

read all the thread and its links and u will find out that there are some places where they can go.

its not true that they have to beg and suffer on the street!!!!!!!!!!!!

so nothing is being overlocked when it comes to get them out of the city.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!stop spreading the stupid and untrue argument that there is no place where they can be send to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THis has got to be one of the most asinine comments so far - how on earth and how will this happen - who will pay for it? The BIB with there fines? - I think not!

RUBBISH - there is NOWHERE for the animals to go - do you seriously think that these places can simply open up their doors to a whole batch of elephants from the streets of BKK? If you do then God help both you and the elephants


I'm also well aware of the places that "look after" pachyderms

firstly they are mostly charities or have limited funding

Secondly they are NOT all pachyderm paradises - many are as exploitative as the owners who put them on the streets - in fact many actually supply the elephants to be rented as extra income - during the day the animals wander around with tourists on their back and in the evening they are rented out to the blokes who drag them round the bars.

this isn't just limited to Bkk or tourist areas even - if you go to any town in Thailand you will see elephants exploited in this way.

Thai people are as guilty as tourists for feeds and thus encouraging this heinous practice..

THere are some VERY VERY naive comments about elephants on this thread, and untill people educate themselves about the REAL issues surrounding elephants and other wildlife in Thailand these poor animals will continue to be exploited in front of our ignorant eyes


Farangs are rich enough to pay 10K.

That's just small change to them.

You must be a thai person because you have no idea about Farangs. Your average tourist who comes to Thailand has been saving for a year or more for the holiday. They are not walking ATM's they have bills and morgages back. I believe the farang you are thinking of is the drunken sex tourist in the bars trying to impress the girls and these people are not interested in elephants that is the families.

Would it not be easier just to simply fine the handler who brings the animals into the city. Sieze the animal and take it to a better place. A simple and quick solution. I guess it is more profitable to keep the animals in town and swoop on the poor unsuspecting tourist who just landed a few hours prior. This is definately a government run scam.


The last thing I need is some great lumbering dinosaur chasing me down Sukhumvit while I'm half drunk.


I've a mate who walked into one along Sukhumvit many moons ago - head down, pissed-up.


Ps. How about they get the police to grab the elephants and the handlers that are trying to get the tourist to get a 10k fine feed the elephant?

Can not because "Thai rak Thai" :) (or something like that...)


I would like to say this about it.

Some people are quick to comment.. "This is Thailand" when in dismay at some of the problems encountered here.

Some people aren't so ready to notice the steps being taken in Thailand to have some kind of 'normalcy' in 'global' terms.

This is a great win. One of many. There will to continue to be more wins great and small while Thailand climbs from the grips of corruption, and political, economic and social growing pains.

Small wins deserve great praise in my view.

Meanwhile, Thailand goes on doing great things in science, sport, government, industry, in schools, at home, in the farms and on the streets.

Shall we look at the clouds, or the sky?

I always look forward to seeing more positive Thai benchmarks, contributing to modern, realistic, successful and culturally proud foundations for this great nation.

They're not hard to find if you look. Easier still if we digest less of the negative 'media and rant' pie.

Thumbs up on this one.


"Meanwhile, Thailand goes on doing great things in science, sport, government, industry, in schools, at home, in the farms and on the streets"

OK Mr Positive! How about some examples of all these great things that Thailand is doing.

They have done SFA


Farangs are rich enough to pay 10K.

That's just small change to them.

Almost every time a Thai says anything meaningful, or supposed to be meaningful, which is already pretty rare, it's utter garbage and is an example of why Thailand is the way it is.

Just go back to eating your Somtam and watching soaps, I personally have no interest in 99% of Thai's opinions about anything, just not worth listening to.


Yes, i agree 100%. The cop who dont take action is to be fined as well. at least in serious cases.

in may area they never do what they should do. i go by motorbike and wear the helmet rarely. i never got stopped. once or twice in a year they have the helmet control day, there u have to be careful, but after that: business as usual, none cares.

but when it comes to suffering animals and when the proplem can be solved i will take action! and everybody should.

just c the cases when destroying of the last remaining trees of the former rain forest along some roads in thailand (just recently) came to a hold because of some encouraged, committed people took action.

everybody can start something, or just talk around, try to find excuses for (his own?) failing...

The cop who dont take action is to be fined as well.

How long are you in Thailand?


Farangs are rich enough to pay 10K.

That's just small change to them.

Yes, an idiot response from a Thai, proves what idiots you all are, and I would happily say it to your face. It's this attitude that makes Thailand what it is, go to hel_l!

go to hel_l!

Don't worry everybody is going there.See you there soon.


I hope you are saying this in jest...

1) Tourists cannot be held responsible for the Police not doing their job and cannot be required to check animal handlers license before they pay for the pleasure of having an elephant snatch a corn bar from their hand.

tourists who inform themselves know that it is not allowed to feed elephants in bangkok. this has nothing to do with a license or check of any license.

2) If an elephant and its handler walks by several police officers without action, why would calling the police help?

I have even seen an elephant and its handler on Silom several times and there is always police officers around plus a police car check station there every night...

if i c that i will take action and not let it simply be as it is. even in thailand u can take action. ok, if i step in this situation and the one answering my call @ 1555 explain to me he cant do anything i cant do more. but if i have 1555 on the line i will hand out the phone to the policemen around and let them discus. if i take photos at the same time from this situation i am sure that action will be taken.

official in southeast asia fear the power of internet and photo, thats a fact. it would not be the first time that officers do what i want if i do some photos of what is happening and announcing to put them on several intenet platforms.



Farangs are rich enough to pay 10K.

That's just small change to them.

Yes, an idiot response from a Thai, proves what idiots you all are, and I would happily say it to your face. It's this attitude that makes Thailand what it is, go to hel_l!

go to hel_l!

Don't worry everybody is going there.See you there soon.

OK, see you there.

dam_n these people are so unpleasant, more and more I wonder what the hel_l I am doing here, pun intended. Money, money, money, that's all they care, they don't care a jot about the poor elephant or anything else for that matter, only themselves.

I am now too old to leave, sort of stuck in this cess pit of a culture. 


I'm not into Thai bashing..in fact most of the people I know who think all Thais are stupid are thick as two short planks, talk absolute garbage and to me are total toss pots who should bog off back home if they think the place is that bad.

However at the risk of being a total toss pot myself I have to confess this 10K fine with regards to tourist feeding Mr Chan is nuts.

The ones who should be penalized are the cops on duty who failed to notice this 8,000 pound monster strolling up the road from Surin to Soi Cowboy at 2 mph.

For me if 1 single tourist is fined in central Bangkok then the police and their failure to do their duty have a lot of explaining to do.

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