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Perhaps Things Would Be So Much Easier For Farang


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The real stupidity of the OP's topic is the fact that chunky has failed to grasp that there are both inappropriately dressed people walking around, bot Thai and foreign. Secondly, there are perfectly polite, well mannered people be they Thai or foreign as well as ignorant and rude. Level headed people are always aware of this.

I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant.

Now, I am not saying that that farang who do these are wrong, I am saying that this type of behavior is not socially acceptable in Thailand. Doing any of the above will instantly cause the Thais around you to lose all respect for you.

Now, of course many of you don't care what Thais think about your actions. That is exactly the point. Like I said, this is just something to think about the next time a Thai treats you with less than the amount of respect that you believe you deserve.

In my experience Thai men do exactly the same as Farang men (according to their finances),but all thais are very conscious of the (superficial) "face" thing and hide in: dark clandesdine Thai off the beaten track Bars, and Knocking shops....,Karaoke Bars....? Massage Parlours....? (fill in the dots)

When you have been here long enough you will realise the "face" means everything to them.But in reality is hypocrisy in the extreme,so they are paranoid in avoiding getting caught out.

It's all BS,designed for the naive,who choose to believe,there is a higher noble heirarchy off the street scene,and yes there is.................................

The very rich have a number of Mi anoi's installed in apartments,and visits to short time drive in rooms,where they dont get out of their tinted windowed Merc's until the curtains at the front have been drawn by a minion.High class "company"....? that we dont get to see,and expensive members only....? clubs.

In short a very thin veneer of respectability,not worth a carrot.So please instead of living and breathing the propaganda:try and get out a bit,explore,open your eyes,observe,and try and see the whole picture,instead of the glossy publicity,image, manufactured concept:Amazing Thailand/Smooth as Silk,Culture,Magic(yes I can spell the word) etc =...................................................................................

Thailand/Disneyland, ILLUSION.

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Sure, I have seen young girls walking with older Thai men in Emporium. The girls are very attractive, tall and white, and usually sporting a 40,000-400,000 baht brand name hand bag. Who is too say if that girl is their daughter or wife, if they are divorced or single? I see no reason to imply that this girl is a prostitute.

Now, when it comes to the tattooed, dressed in less than 500b worth of skank attire, dark skinned gals wrapped on the arm of a farang and starring at every single farang who walks by, while they speak pigeon english to each other... it is a bit more, shall we say, obvious. :)

Can't for the life of me think why? but I suddenly had the urge to look up the Collins Dictionary for the exact meaning of "Snob"

n person who judges others by social rank;person who feels smugly superior in his or her tastes or interests. snobbery n snobbish adj.

Edited by MAJIC
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I would just LOVE for you (the OP) to approach me in a mall, or restaurant, or any other public place I may happen to be in and call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be assamed to take her out. You'd be eating through a straw for months.

I've gone many place with my girl (to include temples) and I've never had a Thai look at me or her in a way that would suggest they don't approve. Just because you see a westerner with a Thai girl, doesn't mean you should judge them based on appearance alone. Thailand is a tropical environment. So if a girl is dressed in shorts and a cute, light weight top, what about that screams "prostitute" rather than "it's hot out and I don't wish to sweat my azz off"? What ever happened to getting to know someone prior to passing judgement?

If you are being stereotyped as a "sexpat" by Thais before they get to know you, then those Thais are WRONG...just as you are.

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If you look carefully its not hard to see older men with "students" who might to the uneducated appear to be a "niece". The reality it many cases is that her "uncle" is playing tummy sticks with her when they leave the mall and go to a curtained off room rented out for a few hours.

Or he might have paid for her room and take her there. Depends really. But to think that the Thais have not refined the art of playing away from home is to think that Britain is not famous for its fish and chips.

:D Sir you have way with words. You are my favorite poster on TV. Suspect that the Thai rose tinted glasses comes off faster if you have dark skin?:)

Edited by Hawkup2000
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Interesting post. I suspect you either haven't been in Thailand long or you haven't traveled extensively here. Polite? Well-dressed?

Fact is that most Thais don't have the money to dress well.

Polite has regional and social variations.

What is polite behavior at a wedding in Issan would be decidedly unpolite at a wedding in the Oriental. Frankly I disagree with most of the content of your post as it points to only a very small subset of the population within very limited social circles.

utter rubbish. all thai's???????? <deleted>

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I know it's easy to say, but hard to deal with day to day: Who cares what ignorant, uneducated people say or think? These are the same folk full of superstitious, if sometimes charming, beliefs and who are willing to kotow their way through life in some sort of feudal system that never developed beyond that. Remember, many of these same folks are willing to sell their daughters, or at least turn a blind eye, so the brother can get a motorcycle and dad can keep drinking the whiskey. All quite sad really, so best not to take what they say too seriously.

What a load of ignorant, racist crap. Did you use to burn crosses and wear a white hood in your native country? So you're suggesting that most Thai's sell their daughters? Just because your wife is a 500 bt hooker doesn't mean the other 30+ million Thai women are. And it's not only Thai's who look at you as a sad, pathetic, dirty old pervert—most foreigners who see you think much more harshly. You ever consider going back under that rock that you crawled out from?

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I think you need to look at yourself. Like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together etc... The longer I live here (2 years thus far) the more great Thais I meet and the negative stereotyping forced upon me by resentful farangs when I first arrived is all but vanished. 2 of my best friends are now Thai. Hard working, honest people who believe in human kindness. I don't know where you are hanging around or why you are attracting the negative types..but i would suggest getting away from tourist areas and farang concentrated areas to meet better people. Walking around with a negative attitude will only bring you more of the same...

You sir, write like a fool!

U don't know where I live (rural thailand, NOT a tourist area) You assume the people who behave like this are people I hang around with. Nothing could be further from the truth these are random strangers that could be anywhere. You remind me of the kind of TWUNT back in ENgland who 20 years ago might have said, " two of my best friends are black". Frankly you come across as a foolish person who lives in a bubble divorced from most peoples reality.

I wonder what ward you are writing from and when your started cheeking your meds?

No Sir, I think you are the fool. Why does it seem like every time you open your mouth, nothing but vile hatred comes out? Were you the victim of massive racism back in your homeland? And now, you're wanting to take out your hostility on the Thai's? It really is time for you to go. Anyways, I agree with Padrino. You generally get what you give in this country.

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have you ever driven a car on the roads of Thailand? I find that Thai drivers are the most rude, selfish, uncaring, and just plain stupid I have ever encountered, and I have driven in many countries. You haven't lived until you have been cut off or tailgated while going 90k on the expressway. I don't find most Thai's to be very polite when they are not face to face with you!

Man, talk about exaggeration and hyperbole to the extreme--or just plain BS. I drive every day in Thailand. I prefer driving here to driving in the USA. More common sense here and much, much less road rage. The only folks who would hate driving here are those that are older than dirt and drives 10 MPH under the speed limit. I guess that'd be you.

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I would just LOVE for you (the OP) to approach me in a mall, or restaurant, or any other public place I may happen to be in and call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be assamed to take her out. You'd be eating through a straw for months.

I've gone many place with my girl (to include temples) and I've never had a Thai look at me or her in a way that would suggest they don't approve. Just because you see a westerner with a Thai girl, doesn't mean you should judge them based on appearance alone. Thailand is a tropical environment. So if a girl is dressed in shorts and a cute, light weight top, what about that screams "prostitute" rather than "it's hot out and I don't wish to sweat my azz off"? What ever happened to getting to know someone prior to passing judgement?

If you are being stereotyped as a "sexpat" by Thais before they get to know you, then those Thais are WRONG...just as you are.

You sound like a real tough guy--but then, it's pretty easy to be a tough guy in cyberspace, isn't it? The ironic thing about what you're saying is that it's wrong for the Thai's to stereotype you as being a sexpat. Yet, this thread is just full of farangs stereotyping Thai's and of course, it's all negative. You guys don't see the hypocrisy? Of course you wouldn't.

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I don't know where you reside but l think you have not picked up on loads of stuff in LOS, and it's not about running down the population it's about those who have lived in the west and have learnt a lot with life's experiences and then here stuff is so easy to recognise, in fact so easy l have trouble pointing the Mrs to stuff that is blatant.

I understand your point, but what's blatant is the unsubstantiated attacks on the Thai's who aren't even involved in this debate, but have become the central subjects and punching bags. This thread is a good example of why so many of us believe that a good majority of TV members are ignorant, racist sh*theads with very little socially redeeming values.

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have you ever driven a car on the roads of Thailand? I find that Thai drivers are the most rude, selfish, uncaring, and just plain stupid I have ever encountered, and I have driven in many countries. You haven't lived until you have been cut off or tailgated while going 90k on the expressway. I don't find most Thai's to be very polite when they are not face to face with you!

Man, talk about exaggeration and hyperbole to the extreme--or just plain BS. I drive every day in Thailand. I prefer driving here to driving in the USA. More common sense here and much, much less road rage. The only folks who would hate driving here are those that are older than dirt and drives 10 MPH under the speed limit. I guess that'd be you.

Think you must be in another country. I am English and have driven the width of the USA and down as far as Key West, taking in driving on the right, and to compare the US to Thai driving then l believe you have lost all credibilty. :rolleyes:

Hey, I'm being honest here. Because I don't agree with you, I have no credibility? It's preference I'm talking about. Thai roads are not as good as the US, lights may not work, traffic is more severe, there are more motorcycles here, etc. Yet, I find driving in the US to be a little too sterile. All you're doing most of the time is looking around for the cops. I hate speed traps and cops hiding behind billboards to harass you for the silliest little infractions. And the cost of getting a ticket in the USA? Don't even get me started. It takes more skill to navigate Thai roads and more awareness. But once you've figured out the "rules of the road," as it were, it's quite easy and enjoyable driving here. You can drive as fast as you want most of the time. And if you're sitting at a red light at 2 am with no other cars in sight, run the dam_n thing!

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Sure, I have seen young girls walking with older Thai men in Emporium. The girls are very attractive, tall and white, and usually sporting a 40,000-400,000 baht brand name hand bag. Who is too say if that girl is their daughter or wife, if they are divorced or single? I see no reason to imply that this girl is a prostitute.

Now, when it comes to the tattooed, dressed in less than 500b worth of skank attire, dark skinned gals wrapped on the arm of a farang and starring at every single farang who walks by, while they speak pigeon english to each other... it is a bit more, shall we say, obvious. :)

Ah! now I get it. A girl born with white skin who grows to be tall and attractive will automatically be assimilated into high society and be respected. Whereas a girl who is born with dark skin who grows to be short and plain will automatically be destined for poverty and prostitution, and be looked down on.

Now that you have defined the boundaries for us, can you please advise how I should categorize my wife, who is only 1.5 meters tall, has light tan skin, buys clothes from the local market, sometimes loops her arm in mine when we walk on rough pavements and I believe is attractive.

I really need your judgement, so I know if it is OK to walk down the street with her, or not.

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I would just LOVE for you (the OP) to approach me in a mall, or restaurant, or any other public place I may happen to be in and call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be assamed to take her out. You'd be eating through a straw for months.

I've gone many place with my girl (to include temples) and I've never had a Thai look at me or her in a way that would suggest they don't approve. Just because you see a westerner with a Thai girl, doesn't mean you should judge them based on appearance alone. Thailand is a tropical environment. So if a girl is dressed in shorts and a cute, light weight top, what about that screams "prostitute" rather than "it's hot out and I don't wish to sweat my azz off"? What ever happened to getting to know someone prior to passing judgement?

If you are being stereotyped as a "sexpat" by Thais before they get to know you, then those Thais are WRONG...just as you are.

You sound like a real tough guy--but then, it's pretty easy to be a tough guy in cyberspace, isn't it? The ironic thing about what you're saying is that it's wrong for the Thai's to stereotype you as being a sexpat. Yet, this thread is just full of farangs stereotyping Thai's and of course, it's all negative. You guys don't see the hypocrisy? Of course you wouldn't.

1. I'm not a "tough guy" because I'm typing on a computer. I'm a tough guy because 20 years of police and military experience (to include 2 tours in Iraq and a current tour in Afghanistan) have made me that way. My comment to the OP was genuine...I would, without a doubt, break his (or anyone else's) jaw were he to call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be ashamed of taking her out in public. I didn't meet my girl in a bar, gogo, massage parlor, or any similiar establishment and for him to assume I did would get him seriously hurt.

2. Obviously you don't read all that well. No where in my post did I mention being stereotyped by Thais. In fact, I wrote "I've never had a Thai look at me or her in a way that would suggest they don't approve." Someone else said they have to work past the stereotypes Thais have painted them with and I replied that if they are being stereotyped, then those doing the stereotyping are wrong.

3. When have I stereotyped the Thai people? I haven't.

4. You're an idiot. You want to come off all Holier Than Thou, yet you talk about breaking traffic laws because the reason for the laws (safety of others you share the road with) apparently don't apply to you. I'm done with you and I'm done with this thread.

5. Based on some of what I've read on this website in the short time I've been a member here, I've come to the conclusion that this may not be the place for me. While I have noticed some quality posts by people who appear to be decent human beings, most of what I've read appears to be posted by jaded expats who's lives are pathetic and want to spread their distain for life to others. While my initial reaction was to stop visiting this forum, why should I refuse to share with those here who are decent? So, I'll stick around for a while longer, and in the future, just ignore people like you.

Edited by Shivers
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I'm a tough guy because 20 years of police and military experience (to include 2 tours in Iraq and a current tour in Afghanistan) have made me that way. My comment to the OP was genuine...I would, without a doubt, break his (or anyone else's) jaw were he to call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be ashamed of taking her out in public.

I hope the other guy doesnt have 21 years service and/or 3 tours :lol: .

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I'm a tough guy because 20 years of police and military experience (to include 2 tours in Iraq and a current tour in Afghanistan) have made me that way. My comment to the OP was genuine...I would, without a doubt, break his (or anyone else's) jaw were he to call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be ashamed of taking her out in public.

I hope the other guy doesnt have 21 years service and/or 3 tours :lol: .

With a screen name like "Chunky1", I think I can take him. ;)


Wild guess, you reside in Pattaya?

ONCE AGAIN MORON, you apparently do not read well. Why must I keep having to point that out to you? Do I need to look into some adult learning classes for you?

If you read my prior post, you'll notice I am currently in Afghanistan. Duh! So, no, I don't reside in Pattaya. If you're chunky ass would like to find me during my next trip, try Isaan.

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I hear what you're saying Transam. My first reaction was it's impossible to make some people understand, so why waste the time doing so? But, I have seen and shared ideas/thoughts with some nice individuals (even if the majority come off as complete idiots), so I edited my initial post and will continue to share information with those who are obviously good people, while I ignore the others. Cheers!

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Wild guess, you reside in Pattaya?

<snip> :ermm:

Obviously the guy has some head issues needing to be worked out. He goes on and on about stereotyping and then asks me if I reside in Pattaya. Why? Because I'm an American and have a Thai girlfriend? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Apparently he cannot comprehend the written English language because he completely missed the fact that I reside in Afghanistan.

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Wild guess, you reside in Pattaya?

<snip> :ermm:

Obviously the guy has some head issues needing to be worked out. He goes on and on about stereotyping and then asks me if I reside in Pattaya. Why? Because I'm an American and have a Thai girlfriend? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Apparently he cannot comprehend the written English language because he completely missed the fact that I reside in Afghanistan.

its alright your get used to chunkys wild posts accusing people of this and that he is getting a bit of a reputation here already not a good one may i add

Edited by toptuan
Flaming and intimidating post (quoted)
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There are a few people on TV and scattered though out Thailand and the rest of the world, who have a real talent for pissing other people off. The good thing about TV is, if you are patient, a lot of them end up binned/banned. To bad that is not a option in real life when we run across these people. Will Rogers would be hard pressed to maintain his assertion that "I never met a man I did not like". Of course he does not mention, after he got to know them.

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With a screen name like "Chunky1", I think I can take him. ;)

No worries old mate, I am sure you can. I use to feed my dog back home something called chunky, I wonder if they are related?

IMO regarding this issue as raised in the OP, people these days here in LOS tend to spend far too much time worrying about where they sit in the pecking order, how they look, how they can show off what they have etc etc which is quite ironic given that many of those same people are the first to mutter, "mai kit mak" when you bring up an issue that requires some thinking or projected thought. Anyway, on that note, I'm one who certainly loses no sleep over these matter, whatever you want to call them.

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I would just LOVE for you (the OP) to approach me in a mall, or restaurant, or any other public place I may happen to be in and call my girl a prostitute and tell me I should be assamed to take her out. You'd be eating through a straw for months.

I've gone many place with my girl (to include temples) and I've never had a Thai look at me or her in a way that would suggest they don't approve. Just because you see a westerner with a Thai girl, doesn't mean you should judge them based on appearance alone. Thailand is a tropical environment. So if a girl is dressed in shorts and a cute, light weight top, what about that screams "prostitute" rather than "it's hot out and I don't wish to sweat my azz off"? What ever happened to getting to know someone prior to passing judgement?

If you are being stereotyped as a "sexpat" by Thais before they get to know you, then those Thais are WRONG...just as you are.

You're not wrong Shivers. I previously posted comments to suggest that good ol' Chucky is just not with reality. I think if Chucky comes along to pass judgement on girlfriends with farangs I'll help you in making sure he's eating through straws as well. It's rare that issues on TV wind me up or get me to post more than a few words, but this one has just hit too close to the bone and I think I'm not the only one from reading through. It's interesting that for all the issues raised on TV about insurgents and Red shirts the one that winds up posters here the most is when you have a go at someone's girlfriend or wife; even if indirectly by suggesting they are all bar girls, and that all previous bar girls or even dark skinned girls are scum. This just seems to be "pushing people's buttons"!

In this case I think that Chucky's perspicacity is sadly out of kilter with reality and that he has certainly wound up a lot of emotion with his naive comments. Maybe he's just a young inexperienced kid that hasn't got a clue? Though I think he'll soon get a clue if he goes to a bar pretty soon and starts expounding some of his theories on race relations! :shock1:

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the one that winds up posters here the most is when you have a go at someone's girlfriend or wife; even if indirectly by suggesting they are all bar girls, and that all previous bar girls or even dark skinned girls are scum.

Rofl. I said nothing of the sort.

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please tell me why i haven't been banned if all of your wild accusations are true? several moderators have already visited and responded in the topic. i have said nothing at all disparaging about Thai women or farang. I have simply commented on the social norms of Thailand, the exact sentiment that many other users have expressed themselves.

if you can't read something on the internet without threatening to murder the person who wrote it, i think you might want to seek therapy.

mods, feel free to lock this thread.

Edited by Chunky1
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its alright your get used to chunkys wild posts accusing people of this and that he is getting a bit of a reputation here already not a good one may i add

You are absolutaly right but l feel a bit for shivers, bit depressing for him away from his lady and home, dealing with depressing stuff and has to read complete shit from hi-so chunky1. Perhaps l should let it go over my head but l would really like to see this guy chunky1 demolished.

yeah noticed you and him been going at it lately i nearly bit a few times and replied to his comments but now just laugh to myself when he comes up with these wild posts out off nowhere, i think he knows how he is thought off on here

best just to laugh and ignore his ridiculous ill thought out comments:D

i think this topics done::)

Edited by taninthai
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Let's keep the name-calling and intimidating posts out of this conversation. One member's posts (and it's quoted derivatives) edited/deleted, and poster handed a 15-day suspension.


For the Moderating Team

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