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Embarrassing Farangs.


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He probably just got laid for the first time.

That was my first impression. I see so many odd things in Thailand that I don't give it a second thought. Although I hate watching anyone make a fool of themselves I'd probably just be happy that the bloke was happy. It's what goes on in HIS mind that counts.

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He probably just got laid for the first time.

That was my first impression. I see so many odd things in Thailand that I don't give it a second thought. Although I hate watching anyone make a fool of themselves I'd probably just be happy that the bloke was happy. It's what goes on in HIS mind that counts.

Thanks to Moonaker for owning up as a miserable puritan nofunner. THat is embarassing.

I',m a stumbling round forgottenwhereilive embarassing farang.

Its great to have this thread where we can confess up to our embarassing moments.

On the topic of the musical choice, I remember sitting in a bar where two lovely ladies were singing the song in question on the stage, and I suddenly thought "Hang on a minute - she is"

Anyway, there's more to life than looks, in some cases


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Despite all of the trials and tribulations of patiently going through the various processes at Thai Immigration every 90 days or year, I am still embarrased by the behaviour of some of the other various Ferang doing the same.

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1 post deleetd. We are not going to discuss groups of people based on their nationality etc.

Aw, that's no fun, Mario. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm mean why can't we make fun of Scots being Scottish

Austrailians being Aussies

New Zealanders being Kiwis

Americans being Yanks... or in some cases "Southiners"

Canadians being Canucks

Germans being Krauts


Brits being... well, er, hmm... Just what IS a Brit? :lol: :lol:

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I normally am sort of a live-and-let-live kind of guy, and I don't care too much what others do.  But reading this thread, well, I have to admit that I did feel a little uncomfortable, if not embarrassed, about a month ago at Central Bangna.  

I was taking some clients to the airport, and as we had time, they wanted to stop somewhere to get something quick to eat. As I was waiting for them, a thirtyish western guy came in.  He had a very large stomach and a very small chest, so perhaps he had problems getting well-fitted clothes.  But he was wearing a dress shirt, tie, decent pants, and dress shoes, so he probably worked somewhere where there was some sort of dress codes or expectations. 

But his shirt collar was undone, his tie loosened and flapping loose, his sleeve cuffs undone and hanging at least 6 inches below his hands, one side of the front of his shirt was not tucked in and flapping low, and the kitty-corner side of his back was untucked.  With a shuffling gait and without swinging his arms at all,  he sort of flowed across the floor like some sort of supertanker, oblivious to anyone or anything, his belly preceding him like the supertanker's prow.

Five minutes later, he flowed back, once again seemingly oblivious to anyone or anything around him. 

Why this bothered me, I don't know.  But the fact that he was western did bother me, and I felt embarrassed. I saw Thais looking at him, and I imagined their thoughts regarding "all those farang."

Once again, it was none of my business.  This could have been a great guy.  But in my prejudice, I let it bother me, and if he had been Thia, I probably would never have given him a second thought.  :(

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It happens sometimes.

In my condo which is a nice family condo there are quite a few farangs here and mostly young English teachers on the ground floor but inside the condo grounds is a family mart and i see the same two young farangs walking around with no shoes on like they are on the beach.

The condo is very well kept and always cleaned but you know how dusty/dirty Bangkok is whenever they walk around the outside areas all the Thais from security staff and other tenants always turn around look the farangs up and down and laugh... :lol:

These young farangs are oblivous to it but are not obnoxious and look smart in their work clothes.

I am embarrassed for them but its no harm done to anyone..

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I did have a bit of a cringe when I was doing a temple tour in Bangkok a few years back. Two very attractive young farang girls were wandering just outside one temple wearing bikini tops and short saris wrapped around their waists. The Thais looked aghast. I had no idea if they had been in the temple or not..i think surely not as someone would have stopped them. But Gawd..made me wonder what impression Thai people were getting of farang females in Thailand. I was in a tuktuk and drove past. If i was walking i would probably have tried to nicely tell them to cover up..try to explain why it could be seen as offensive/disrespectful/inappropriate..... but the mind boggles why they didnt realise..or maybe the did and just didnt care..

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About 2 years ago my wife had to have an operation. She was in the hospital about two weeks. When she came back home she told me about the Farang who was in the hospital at the same time. She says he was English, at least 250 pounds overwieght, and terrorized all the doctors and nurses while he was there. He demanded that they let him drink while in the hospital, threw food at the nurses (No, f-----g rice for him...was about the politest thing he told them), insisted on smoking in the room (even when one of the patients in the room was on oxygen), was verbally abusive to the doctors, and just a regular pain in the a-- generally all the time. He kept half the hospital awake all night with his yelling and screaming at the staff.

Finally the doctor's had taken enough of his bulls-t. They strapped him down and gave him sedatives. For the next 4 days, until he was finally released, he spent most of the time in his bed with an I.V. in his arm and a steady drip of sedatives keeping him groggy the entire time. Since he couldn't get up to urinate, he had a catherater(sp?) tube in him all the four days. How gently it was put in, I don't know...but I imagine it wasn't inserted to gently. When he was released, he still seemed dazed. Some of the Thai staff put him into a taxi...told the diver in Thai where to take him...and off he went. The hospital staff didn't know what happened to him after he left the hospital...and basically they didn't care.

One of those Farangs that causes Thais to hate all Farangs.


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'IMA_FARANG' date='2010-07-19 21:59' timestamp='1279551579' post='3759689']


About 2 years ago my wife had to have an operation. She was in the hospital about two weeks. When she came back home she told me about the Farang who was in the hospital at the same time. She says he was English, at least 250 pounds overwieght, and terrorized all the doctors and nurses while he was there. He demanded that they let him drink while in the hospital, threw food at the nurses (No, f-----g rice for him...was about the politest thing he told them), insisted on smoking in the room (even when one of the patients in the room was on oxygen), was verbally abusive to the doctors, and just a regular pain in the a-- generally all the time. He kept half the hospital awake all night with his yelling and screaming at the staff.

I remember a number of these types doing visa runs on the train when I first got here. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thailand - the Land where appearances are more important than reality.

It appears that many posters are equally, if not more judgemental, than Thais with regard to appearances. :(

Seems to happen on here far morew than other forums,very snobbish and pathetic realy



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Christ on a bike.

A thread the was blatantly intended to be light humoured has been de-railed by a few whom just can't seem to grasp any notion of humour.

I am not saying that my OP was a particularly funny one and maybe I could have, and should have, done better but the intention was clearly there.

Perhaps my sense of humour does not fit all but how anybody could take my post so literally is beyond me.

Some of you joined along with me. Kudos to you, thanks.

Many disagreed with my post but recognised the intended spirit of the thread and went along with it by taking the piss out of me. You people are the kind of people that I would most like to have a drink with.

Others just saw it as a platform to show how self-righteous they are and kill the spirit of the thread altogether, something that I find incredibly ironic considering the very nature of the the OP and their responses to it.

Nevermind. I'll be more aware next time that some people need certain things spelt out to them so that they can comprehend. I may not have the greatest sense of humour in the world and maybe many don't find my sense of humour funny, but <deleted> me am I glad that I have one at all.

I need to go now as I need to get something from family mart. I can feel a chorus of Bohemian Rhapsody coming on.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Christ on a bike.

A thread the was blatantly intended to be light humoured has been de-railed by a few whom just can't seem to grasp any notion of humour.


Agreed, Moonraker. I'm constantly amazed at the lack of humour in some people. I guess Thailand just attracts more odd people and it becomes more evident. Of course, many people make remarks with their tongue stuck firmly in their cheek and the readers take it as being serious. And, that includes some moderators. But, on their behalf, the moderators have no way of knowing who is just laughing and who is being nasty. I've never ever made a nasty comment on ANY forum.

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Well if you see the same guy in family mart maybe the staff will have had enough of him already and call the police…

Then you can sing….

“I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me

He's just a poor boy from a poor family

Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Easy come easy go - will you let me go

It's the LAW! No - we will not let you go - let him go

It's the LAW! We will not let you go - let him go

It's the LAW! We will not let you go - let me go

Will not let you go - let me go (never)

Never let you go - let me go

Never let me go - ooo

No, no, no, no, no, no, no”

Erm.. OK then, how about a little ‘tea money’ !!!

(Some ones going to tell me to get my coat now I think.... )

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Why would a bloke sing that song?

Exactly, it raises the national embarrassment bar appreciably.

The pow pow power of positive drinking at work here I suspect.

Maybe he is a horribly twee Katoy From Oz, in his other life...

just forgot to dress before going for smokes.

Personally I would just laugh at the absurdity of the prat's act.

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Social Misfit in his Homeland feeling completely at ease here in Thailand..There's thousands out there..You shhould have just looked at him M & said " You complete & utter W*nker !!! " & strolled off..

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Christ on a bike.

A thread the was blatantly intended to be light humoured has been de-railed by a few whom just can't seem to grasp any notion of humour.


Agreed, Moonraker. I'm constantly amazed at the lack of humour in some people. I guess Thailand just attracts more odd people and it becomes more evident. Of course, many people make remarks with their tongue stuck firmly in their cheek and the readers take it as being serious. And, that includes some moderators. But, on their behalf, the moderators have no way of knowing who is just laughing and who is being nasty. I've never ever made a nasty comment on ANY forum.

It's the " Non English " thing again Chaps, non English ( or non British & Irish probably ) just don't " get it " when we're humourous..

There was a thread on it a few Months back..

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Christ on a bike.

A thread the was blatantly intended to be light humoured has been de-railed by a few whom just can't seem to grasp any notion of humour.


Agreed, Moonraker. I'm constantly amazed at the lack of humour in some people. I guess Thailand just attracts more odd people and it becomes more evident. Of course, many people make remarks with their tongue stuck firmly in their cheek and the readers take it as being serious. And, that includes some moderators. But, on their behalf, the moderators have no way of knowing who is just laughing and who is being nasty. I've never ever made a nasty comment on ANY forum.

It's the " Non English " thing again Chaps, non English ( or non British & Irish probably ) just don't " get it " when we're humourous..

There was a thread on it a few Months back..

Here it is ( it is actually " British " after all so sorry )..

It highlights EXACTLY what i'm/we're talkign about & is well worth 15 mins of your time if you have, reading ove rthe whole thread in which, within, it's highlighted perfectly..;)


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"Here's one for poster whom think it,s ok to dance in public places."

I did not realize that it was not "OK to dance in public places". I guess that you thought the movie "Foot Loose" was a documentary.

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"Here's one for poster whom think it,s ok to dance in public places."

I did not realize that it was not "OK to dance in public places". I guess that you thought the movie "Foot Loose" was a documentary.

Dancing in public places! The mere thought of it makes me cringe.

That's worse than laughing on the omnibus.

Young people today! Whatever will they get up to next?


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"Here's one for poster whom think it,s ok to dance in public places."

I did not realize that it was not "OK to dance in public places". I guess that you thought the movie "Foot Loose" was a documentary.

I guess the OP was right about the sense of humour thing.<deleted> has footloose got to do with singing and dancing in 7-11.

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