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Whites will always be White.

I don't believe in washing powder advertisements anymore sorry :lol:

They hear of one domestic fight in there village and all of a sudden the whole village and the Thai men in it are ruthless abusive drunk scum bags.

To be honest, in my own personal experience here, the only people that i heard quoting similar examples (ie: "thai men no good"), were thai ladies, but i never take them too seriously as it seemed to be part of a "game" they were playing with me...

What's new. This is old news. There just pirates that run threw villages and steal the Thai women, and claim to give them a better life, but in reality the Thai women stays on lock down with 2 kids and no attention 70% of the time when they get to Farang land.

Abuse is always an abuse, so being a westerner, oriental or whatever else don't make any difference, for sure an abused woman in "farangland" will be able to find much more support from the local government than locally (ie: husband being kicked out of his own home, nevermind if he doesn't have another home available, plus he will have to pay an income to the abused wife and if he can't then the local government will "sponsor" her, etc....), it's no longer a time for these kind of pirates to exist, also if we were to make some sort of statistics specifically on whom get screwed the most between a western husband and a thai wife i don't think anybody here would get surprised much by the results....

LOL. Westerns get screwed over by Thai women, 90% of the time because honestly the westerner is STUPID, DESPERATE, LONELY, AND HONESTLY SUCKERS. I don't know how many stories I have heard or read or saw, of a Western man committing suicide, or bitter because there getting played by there "bar girl".

Do you know why? Unlike where your originally from where you take months and months and months or maybe years to move in with someone, then years after that to marry them, a lot of you (including me) fell in love with the very first women who had a pulse and smiled at you, and poured you a drink. Most of you did not take any time to know them, or there family for that fact, 98% of you can not speak the language and she can barely chop threw english, so that is already a problem. I mean what do you expect. Most of the farang men this happens to are at least in there 40-60's, you think they would have have some life experience or had "the talk" with there mother before that to make them feel it out first, it's like they go there completely helpless looking for anything to fall for. It's pitiful.

And some guys are mad there BAR GIRL is not waiting for them while they are home working, and think they could be getting cheated on. Why should she? She is working for her family, if she finds something more stable and better, why not move on? Like if you got offered a less work for more money, you would be stupid not to take it.

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FARANGS will be FARANGS . Whites will always be White.

Paranoia and fear always will run threw there veins. That's why they ran the Natives out of America there own land. Enslaved the blacks

Of course you are right. There was never any slavery in Thailand and fellow blacks and Arabs were not the ones who sold the slaves to the "crackers." Everything would have been all Kumbaya in the world if it were not for the white devil. :lol:

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What's new. This is old news. There just pirates that run threw villages and steal the Thai women, and claim to give them a better life, but in reality the Thai women stays on lock down with 2 kids and no attention 70% of the time when they get to Farang land.

Perhaps the percentage of unhappy Thai ladies is quite higher for those unfortunate to be forced to 'live' in these Faranglands.

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The biggest problem Westerners have is the difference in culture.

Thailand is a high context culture, the US, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ for example are low context cultures.

An interesting article on the differences in culture between countries can be found here.


Thais avoid coflict where we in the West encourage conflict, debate and discussion.

Thais seem never to be able to think that there are different ways to solve problems

One can never get a direct answer to a direct question. a "yes" or a "no".

A Thai will lie ( in the opinion of a Western person) to avoid conflict and this "loss of face" that may occur if they tell the truth.

When we make a mistake we will offer an apology, Thais never seem to do this and will not take individual resonsibility for their actions.

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A Thai will lie ( in the opinion of a Western person) to avoid conflict and this "loss of face" that may occur if they tell the truth.

My theory is that we Westerners have been told all our lives that lying is wrong, so, although we do it all the time, we are more concerned about getting caught and will not do it as readily as a Thai.

Thais have a different, way of looking at it. They have been taught the concept of "correct speech - as in Buddhist philosophy - and are much more concerned with speaking in a way that will not hurt someone else's feelings, so a white lie, every so often, is perfectly OK. IMHO.

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When we make a mistake we will offer an apology, Thais never seem to do this and will not take individual resonsibility for their actions.

Rather broad and general. Do you interact closely with many Thais....?

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It's all good.

FARANGS will be FARANGS . Whites will always be White.

Paranoia and fear always will run threw there veins. That's why they ran the Natives out of America there own land. Enslaved the blacks. And why there is was much french/spaniard rule in so many foreign countries.

They hear of one domestic fight in there village and all of a sudden the whole village and the Thai men in it are ruthless abusive drunk scum bags.

What's new. This is old news. There just pirates that run threw villages and steal the Thai women, and claim to give them a better life, but in reality the Thai women stays on lock down with 2 kids and no attention 70% of the time when they get to Farang land.

Well here's the other side of "all Thai men are abusive drunk layabouts" and "all Thai women are money-grubbing liars" but with bonus historical perspective and psychological analysis randomly thrown in for academic credibility. Give the man a reputation point!

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When we make a mistake we will offer an apology, Thais never seem to do this and will not take individual resonsibility for their actions.

Rather broad and general. Do you interact closely with many Thais....?

Yes, in Australia and I have had lies told about me and statements that were slanderous just because they did not think what they were saying and listened to gossip and rumor. I knew the facts were false and was prepared to prove it legally. The problem was that my wife believed them because they came from a Thai.


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Yes, some types of farangs here are terribly shocking, both in terms of conduct and appearance, and this is reflective to the rest of us in a shameful manner, in terms of appearance, visits to an immigration office (waiting room) is sometimes similar to visiting a zoo.

If those blokes acted and dressed in their home country in the same uncivilised manner as they do here, then an outraged public would inform the appropriate authorities in order to have their embarrassing conduct dealt with and ended.

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Honestly who cares if a Thai lies to save face or just lies. Who doesn't lie sometime? Respect is all most Thais have, so for them to save face is a big deal, not like they can go home and swim in there endless plies of money and say forget my friends and family who needs them.

Different culture and different rules, like the other man said in his other thread "you are just a guest in thailand" as am I.

Just respect it. The food. The women. The culture.

Or just go to the Philippines with all the complaining.

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Berkshire is doing a pretty good job of pointing out that many of us do not agree with them. Does he not deserve the right to voice his opinion too?

Yes indeed he deserve the right to voice his opinion

Surayu, you've got me all wrong. Firstly, I've got no gripes with people complaining--it's the nature of man, actually. It's the way some of these guys complain. The self-righteous, condescending, and downright racist tone of some of these guys makes you wonder why on Earth they live in a place where they hate the locals so much.

A pretty good explanation IMHO. Give him some rep. I did! :D

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Berkshire is doing a pretty good job of pointing out that many of us do not agree with them. Does he not deserve the right to voice his opinion too?

Yes indeed he deserve the right to voice his opinion, i am glad he can and i would surely step in his favour if somebody try to take off his right, but it seems he doesn't like others to voice their opinions, in this particular case, complaints, which are still opinions and very usefull ones too.... for whom is able to understand their importance in the real life

Surayu, you've got me all wrong. Firstly, I've got no gripes with people complaining--it's the nature of man, actually. It's the way some of these guys complain. The self-righteous, condescending, and downright racist tone of some of these guys makes you wonder why on Earth they live in a place where they hate the locals so much. I posted this on another thread a while back, and it goes something like this:

Acceptable complaining:

Somchai ripped me off. Somchai is a bad man.

Typical TV complaining:

Somchai ripped me off. Somchai is Thai. All Thai's are bad.

More TV:

Expat 1: Somchai ripped me off. Somchai is a bad man.

Expat 2: Yes, Thai's are such devious and dishonest people.

Expat 3: All Thai's are evil!

Expat 4: My GF lied to me again. Thai women are such lying sluts!

Expat 5: I asked for no ice in my Coke and the Thai gave me half a cup! Thai's are such crooks!

Expat 6: And they can't even walk on the correct side of the sidewalk! Thai's are so uncivilized!

This goes on constantly. And if you consider the source (i.e., who are these guys claiming to know so much about Thai's and Thailand?), then these never-ending whining sessions get a bit tired. We all know that the majority of farangs in Thailand are not the mega-superstars they make themselves out to be. Yet on these boards, they claim to be an authority on virtually everything, while the Thai hillbillies are know-nothings who are just waiting to be rescued. A loser from a developed country is going to be a loser in a developing country. But these guys don't seem to see it that way. That's where I'm coming from.

WOW. This is a great post. Brutally Honest right here. All true.

PROPS for this post, I'm glad there's some others who are defending the Thai people. :)

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they are losers who only exist in Thailand because the country is destitute and there are so many poor and desperate women. they hate everything about their lives. they use thai visa as a way to vent all of this.

the best thing to do is to continue making fun of them.

And you don't fit that description at all ...........

Edited by sarahsbloke
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There's not enough of you farangs to run around talking tough in Thailand face to face. So it's best you stick with the forum ;)


Perfect example of an asshol_e farang and cowardly Thais. From behind and in a group they are quite good.


Drunk 50 year old farang thinks he runs it in Thailand, and gets knocked out by a 16 year old. Like I said there's not enough of you for that ;)

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they are losers who only exist in Thailand because the country is destitute and there are so many poor and desperate women. they hate everything about their lives. they use thai visa as a way to vent all of this.

the best thing to do is to continue making fun of them.

And you don't fit that description at all ...........

:clap2: Chunky has a major problem with farang living in Thailand without a doubt. Fortunately i doubt if even the Thai posters take much notice of Chunky's unpleasant opinions.

As any sensible person knows their are some real jerks living here but they are vastly outnumbered by decent people.

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There's not enough of you farangs to run around talking tough in Thailand face to face. So it's best you stick with the forum ;)


Perfect example of an asshol_e farang and cowardly Thais. From behind and in a group they are quite good.


Drunk 50 year old farang thinks he runs it in Thailand, and gets knocked out by a 16 year old. Like I said there's not enough of you for that ;)

I hate violence you won't see me acting like that. But come one the guy gets hit from behind and then was he goes down kicked by an other guy. That is the cowardly group mentallity i see a lot in Thais (saw it too in Moroccans in Holland, some groups are just prown to that more. Im sure hooligans would do the same)

anyway off to the gym much nicer to let off steam there

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There are definitely far too many generalisations on here. Have none of you ever encountered groups of cowardly Western teenagers in your home countries? Whilst I think the reaction of the Thai staff in that video clip was not exactly exemplary, you might want to bear in mind that he could have been the 20th drunken foreigner banging on their bar and shouting the odds that week.

Thai people are by no means all the same. I got into a situation in the middle of the countryside once where six drunken youths wanted to attack me. One of them tried to run into the kitchen of the bar to grab a knife but the Thai owner stood in his way and prevented him from doing so. In the villages there seems to be a certain gang rivalry element amongst young males but even though I was an outsider, when I got into trouble with another lot from a neighbouring village, some Thai people, on discovering that I lived in the same village as them, came to my aid. They didn't know me from Adam so I think it was pretty decent of them.

Before anyone suggests that I must be some kind of hooligan to have landed myself in these situations, they are the only two times that I have encountered any serious problems in over 7 years of living in Thailand.

I certainly don't wonder why foreigners who seem to hate Thai people live here, to me it is patently obvious. They amounted to little in their home country and have a desire to look down on others. They mistakenly believe that they are inherently better than Thais. That's their problem though and as superstar pointed out, they would be unwise to voice their opinions in public.

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There are definitely far too many generalisations on here. Have none of you ever encountered groups of cowardly Western teenagers in your home countries? Whilst I think the reaction of the Thai staff in that video clip was not exactly exemplary, you might want to bear in mind that he could have been the 20th drunken foreigner banging on their bar and shouting the odds that week.

Sure i have seen them, but i have seen more examples of Thais doing this. They have a mob mentality. I love it here but you have to face that this country has its downsides too.

I doubt I would ever get into a situation like that, the farang had it coming to him but not the way it went down. I am not saying all Thais are the same, that is like saying all Dutch are the same. But you can generalize certain things, but those things will certainly not apply to everyone.

Have i met good Thais .. sure plenty of them.. have i met bad Thais.. sure met a lot of those too.

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There are definitely far too many generalisations on here. Have none of you ever encountered groups of cowardly Western teenagers in your home countries? Whilst I think the reaction of the Thai staff in that video clip was not exactly exemplary, you might want to bear in mind that he could have been the 20th drunken foreigner banging on their bar and shouting the odds that week.

Sure i have seen them, but i have seen more examples of Thais doing this. They have a mob mentality. I love it here but you have to face that this country has its downsides too.

I doubt I would ever get into a situation like that, the farang had it coming to him but not the way it went down. I am not saying all Thais are the same, that is like saying all Dutch are the same. But you can generalize certain things, but those things will certainly not apply to everyone.

Have i met good Thais .. sure plenty of them.. have i met bad Thais.. sure met a lot of those too.

Why is it always there are GOOD thais and BAD thais... there's good ARABS and bad ARABS.. good whites and bad whites.... good blacks and bad blacks....

that is life. good people and bad people.

and just because a 2-3 Thais stomp on your head for running your mouth and trying to intimidate them, don't make any of them bad. I would do the same.

your not going to ever be in a perfect country unless you move to Japan or somewhere where there is no violence.

I wish alot of you with the complaining would just move out of thailand, instead of smiling in the faces of thai people all day telling them how much you love them and the country, then hide behind some screen name and complain constantly about thailand and there rules/people/government/food/women/traffic/drivers/heat/rain/men/beer/liqour/ect....

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FARANGS will be FARANGS . Whites will always be White.

Do you know, whenever I heard the word 'Farang' been used by a Thai, it never once crosses my mind that it might be a racist term. it is only when I hear it sometimes being used on this forum (by other farrangs) that it implies some form of racism.


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I wish alot of you with the complaining would just move out of thailand, instead of smiling in the faces of thai people all day telling them how much you love them and the country, then hide behind some screen name and complain constantly about thailand and there rules/people/government/food/women/traffic/drivers/heat/rain/men/beer/liqour/ect....


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Its the way expat life is. At first when you come to a new country you think it is fantastic and brag about the new country to all your friends back home and tell them it is much better than the old country and the old country has so many wrong and bad things. After some time it changes and you tend to complain a lot about people and things in the new country and you tend to think they could do it a lot better in the old country. It is only a part of the proces of settling in a new country. Every country have their specific problems, it is nothing special for Thailand. :)

This is like the 3 stages that many expats go through.

I am between stage 2 and 3.

Ist stage is everything is wonderful and then it slowly turns into everything is shit. Then, when you've been through that you tend to think everything is in fact OK

I used to get angry about things like drivers being lazy with their indicators (this is just an example, there are many) but they're not lazy, they don't KNOW about them because you can buy a license for 500 baht so is it their fault they don't know what they're for? I am between stage 2 and 3. I curse under my breath and then think to myself "Hey, this is Thailand and things are different, get over it" And that is the truth. I love Thailand for what it is. Who am I to complain? When in Rome..... :jap:

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I wish alot of you with the complaining would just move out of thailand, instead of smiling in the faces of thai people all day telling them how much you love them and the country, then hide behind some screen name and complain constantly about thailand and there rules/people/government/food/women/traffic/drivers/heat/rain/men/beer/liqour/ect....


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Honestly who cares if a Thai lies to save face or just lies. Who doesn't lie sometime? Respect is all most Thais have, so for them to save face is a big deal, not like they can go home and swim in there endless plies of money and say forget my friends and family who needs them.

Different culture and different rules, like the other man said in his other thread "you are just a guest in thailand" as am I.

Just respect it. The food. The women. The culture.

Or just go to the Philippines with all the complaining.

Yes one should not lie ( this is not refering to the white lie in the west).

You do not gain respect by telling a lies. Honesty will gain respect.

Money does not come into it, you cannot buy respect, neither does social status.

We are reponsible as individuals from western cultures for what we say and do in our actions as they may effect others, one could call it "duty of care" We are responsible by law and our personal actions not by custom.

Thais seem to believe every thing that is said to them they do not question the validity of statements. They would rather believe hersay than the truth.

Thais believe in the community first which of course has its advantages and disadvantages while in the West the individual comes first.

I only tell people on a need to know basis only and anything I hear I keep to myself and do not repeat to others.



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There are definitely far too many generalisations on here. Have none of you ever encountered groups of cowardly Western teenagers in your home countries? Whilst I think the reaction of the Thai staff in that video clip was not exactly exemplary, you might want to bear in mind that he could have been the 20th drunken foreigner banging on their bar and shouting the odds that week.

Sure i have seen them, but i have seen more examples of Thais doing this. They have a mob mentality. I love it here but you have to face that this country has its downsides too.

I doubt I would ever get into a situation like that, the farang had it coming to him but not the way it went down. I am not saying all Thais are the same, that is like saying all Dutch are the same. But you can generalize certain things, but those things will certainly not apply to everyone.

Have i met good Thais .. sure plenty of them.. have i met bad Thais.. sure met a lot of those too.

Why is it always there are GOOD thais and BAD thais... there's good ARABS and bad ARABS.. good whites and bad whites.... good blacks and bad blacks....

that is life. good people and bad people.

and just because a 2-3 Thais stomp on your head for running your mouth and trying to intimidate them, don't make any of them bad. I would do the same.

your not going to ever be in a perfect country unless you move to Japan or somewhere where there is no violence.

I wish alot of you with the complaining would just move out of thailand, instead of smiling in the faces of thai people all day telling them how much you love them and the country, then hide behind some screen name and complain constantly about thailand and there rules/people/government/food/women/traffic/drivers/heat/rain/men/beer/liqour/ect....

Quite a big mouth for such a lil boy, but ill put it down to age and ignore it. I have said many times there are bad farang too loads of them. I do believe i said that that guy had it comming to him just not the cowardly way he got it.

I complain everywhere and like you said there is no perfect country, there is always room for improvement if you should hear me complain about my own country. I don't ever hide behind a screen name because its my real name. Other then that i have had plenty of conversations with Thais face to face telling them about the bad things in their country and the good.

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