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Dudes In The Parking Lots


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So to those that advocate this practice without reason ,in my opinion you are nothing more than ar%%holes who the whistle boys are too intimidated by to ask to move.

Nobody on this thread has advocated double parking without reason but there have been one or two posters with internet hard-man syndrome who have decided to assume we have in order for them to post their threats of how they would aggressively deal with such a situation. Sad is the only word that springs to mind.

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So to those that advocate this practice without reason ,in my opinion you are nothing more than ar%%holes who the whistle boys are too intimidated by to ask to move.

Nobody on this thread has advocated double parking without reason but there have been one or two posters with internet hard-man syndrome who have decided to assume we have in order for them to post their threats of how they would aggressively deal with such a situation. Sad is the only word that springs to mind.

Violence is never an answer, and i doubt you come up on top with a Thai (i am not talking physically that might be achieved if your not jumped by the rest of the Thais in the parking space).

*i know you don't advocate violence.. rightly so*

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so when there are no free spaces what do you do, go home?

I have never had a problem parking up anywhere, if a car park is full l park in the street, easy, no problem to anyone.

Try parking in the street in Ladprao Road anywhere near the mall. Then you will be an inconsiderate idiot who has parked illegally and created an obstacle that everyone else has to drive around.

Why don't you stop assuming that conditions are the same everywhere? I don't park in front of other cars because I see someone else do it. There are lines painted on the floor to show you where to do it. It is what they expect you to do and how they arrange their car park. They will even wave you into such "spaces". I am not talking about doing it anywhere.

Hang on.....What do you mean close to the door? I don't even think we are talking about the same thing??

This is what I am talking about


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At a gas station the other day I Was waiting for a car to vacate a space clearly with my indicator on about to reverse in. Another car drove straight in despite this. I calmly reversed up and blocked him in. I had to move later to let a neigbouring car out but I kept him blocked in. He was with his mum and wife and someone else. I waited in the car eating my snack from 7/11. he milled around cos he couldn't get in his car and leave and he dare not ask me to move knowing full well why I was there. In the end he came to the passenger window and asked my friend so I leaned over and said "No, I'm not finished yet" and showed him the snack. He smiled and pottered around outside for a minute or two more. then got in the car. then his mum gets out. She hadn't wronged me so before she even had to come and apologise for her twunt of a son I moved.

Was this petty? Oh, yes. Will he learn? Doubtful. Did I feel better? Sadly, yes (only until his mum felt the need to get involved.

I think he lost enough face to feel like the dipsh7t that he is though.

If I were to do it again, I would park my car bumper to bumper rather than side on, so I didn't inconvenience anyone else. Then I would go for a long cool coffee at amazon and read my book... Remember the 7 P's.

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Nothing tough about asking why have you parked like this !Just a civil question that often will go unanswered as the double parking lazy gits shuttle of in embarresment.

Kill them with politness and smiles often works wonders in Thailand.

Even better pay of a monk or old women to sit in the back looking distressed about being late will work wonders.

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Nothing tough about asking why have you parked like this !Just a civil question that often will go unanswered as the double parking lazy gits shuttle of in embarresment.

Kill them with politness and smiles often works wonders in Thailand.

Even better pay of a monk or old women to sit in the back looking distressed about being late will work wonders.

I had to laugh about that one.

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So to those that advocate this practise without reason ,in my opinion you are nothing more than ar%%holes who the whistle boys are too intimidated by to ask to move.

Nobody on this thread has advocated double parking without reason but there have been one or two posters with internet hard-man syndrome who have decided to assume we have in order for them to post their threats of how they would aggressively deal with such a situation. Sad is the only word that springs to mind.

What a ridiculous statement. Is telling the truth in a discussion wrong. If you are referring to me, l believe you quoted that you would not move your ride out the way if l gave you some verbal abuse and you received a pretty tame response from me. I think the other replies to my initial complaint about you lazy people is pricking your conscience a bit and in that perhaps you might be a bit more considerate to others in the future.

Well if you think verbal abuse and swearing is an appropriate response to any situation like this then maybe you and I were brought up differently. How is it lazy to park in such a manner when there are no other spaces?

My conscience is clear, thank you.

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If it were a Thai that did it l would look up to the sky and shake my head cos l would expect it, if it were you a farang, and should know better, l would give you some verbal abuse.

Again a daft statement from you, so the car parks full, the double parking is full, so your next step is, yeeees, you park outside like the rest of us.

Strange you haven't responded to my no hand brake scenarios. Given you something to think about eh.

The only thing you have given me to think about is why you don't appear to understand my posts. There is nowhere to park on the street near places like Ladprao mall or many other places near busy junctions in Bangkok. If you expect people to park a 15 minute walk away from where they shop and carry heavy bags of shopping back to their car in 40 degrees and 90% humidity on the off chance that the person they parked in front of is too weak to push a car then you are the one being daft.

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If it were a Thai that did it l would look up to the sky and shake my head cos l would expect it, if it were you a farang, and should know better, l would give you some verbal abuse.

Again a daft statement from you, so the car parks full, the double parking is full, so your next step is, yeeees, you park outside like the rest of us.

Strange you haven't responded to my no hand brake scenarios. Given you something to think about eh.

The only thing you have given me to think about is why you don't appear to understand my posts. There is nowhere to park on the street near places like Ladprao mall or many other places near busy junctions in Bangkok. If you expect people to park a 15 minute walk away from where they shop and carry heavy bags of shopping back to their car in 40 degrees and 90% humidity on the off chance that the person they parked in front of is too weak to push a car then you are the one being daft.

So what do people do in farang land when shopping, all double park up the high street. Do you park on Piccadilly Circus when you go to Regent street to shop because you don't want to walk a few minutes, Tell me, what do you do there that you cannot here?

Perhaps you haven't thought of it yet but if you really have had to park miles away, leave the misses with the shopping near the door, go get your car and pick her up.

Strangely l am not alone on here that says you and others are lazy and inconsiderate, a pain in the ass and should know better than behave like ' some ' brain dead Thais.

I think parking in a designated space to be used when there are no others left (in a multi-storey car park) that happens to be in front of other cars (not double parking really) is perfectly acceptable and in no way compares to double parking in the street. Why do you think they paint lines on the floor and wave you into such spaces if it is not how they intend you to park?

Frankly I find your attitude rather boorish. All you have done is constantly insult me. If you do not like the parking regulations of shopping mall car parks in Thailand then I would suggest that it is you with the problem, not I, and you had better park somewhere else.

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I think to say l insult you is a bit strong.

For sure, if you parked in front of my motor and l saw that you were a farang that should know better, l would call you a f_cking tosser

you and others are lazy and inconsiderate, a pain in the ass and should know better than behave like ' some ' brain dead Thais.

Yeah, sure you didn't insult me. rolleyes.gif ...if you called me a f-cking tosser to my face then you'd be dead right that we would have a "dust up" as you put it.

Your comparisons of what others do bear no relevance to what I have said I do, so I won't bother to comment on them.

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I'm hearing you brother, which is why I now choose the new 'neverdie' method of shopping. Firstly you deposit them at the Supermarket with an amount of money that you are happy to spend. At the same time you also place your personal order for certain goods. Prior to departing you say, "Have a good time & make sure you leave yourself enough money for the taxi ride home, its a long walk with shopping bags" YOU THEN SCOOT OFF. Simple and easy.

I will further impress you rob, today I did this and scooted off to the jym for an hour and a half before taking myself for a swim.......I then had a little kip :lol: . When I awoke the groceries were in the kitchen :D


Well, this completely explains your coolness and non-display of aggravation on these forums.

well my non display of it sometimes shines thru laugh.gif

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I would not or could not ever leave my car parked in front of others. Not ever since the time I did it once behind Molly Malones for 2 minutes while I ran in the pub to grab something and on walking out seeing two guards running to stop my car from being rolled into a wall because they pushed it too hard. One guard ran behind the car to try and stop it and his legs got pushed against the wall. Bloody nuts.

I've also seen many cars get pushed into each other that way. I have never understood why people with nice cars leave them in harms way!

And Neverdie, if she had a blue rince hairdo, run her down next time. It's her!! I will pay the fine. LOL

copy that boss. you failed to mention how many points i gain on the TV Tuff status meter (i need to improve on my minus numbers) wink.gif

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I think to say l insult you is a bit strong.

For sure, if you parked in front of my motor and l saw that you were a farang that should know better, l would call you a f_cking tosser

you and others are lazy and inconsiderate, a pain in the ass and should know better than behave like ' some ' brain dead Thais.

Yeah, sure you didn't insult me. rolleyes.gif ...if you called me a f-cking tosser to my face then you'd be dead right that we would have a "dust up" as you put it.

Your comparisons of what others do bear no relevance to what I have said I do, so I won't bother to comment on them.

Not that i really want to chew into the big fellas fight or anything (god knows im a lover not a fighter) but in my experience, those who rant on about having a dust up because of this or that, usually happen with people that have never or rarely have a dust up. Im an old knuckle man from way back, not through choice but through necessity (part of the job unfortunately) HOWEVER having said that, no matter how good you are or think you are there is ALWAYS someone thats better. Of course getting into a dust up over parking or some petty verbal insult is pretty pathetic.

Some of the funniest punch ups on utube are parking related ones, its funny how hot people run when simply parking the car laugh.gif

ps: i couldnt be jacked putting the utube vids up as im sure someone hasnt got time to watch them, they will be too busy getting upset with what i have said rolleyes.gif

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so when there are no free spaces what do you do, go home?

I have never had a problem parking up anywhere, if a car park is full l park in the street, easy, no problem to anyone.

I can't believe how a farang in LOS would do something cos a Thai does and leaves him self wide open to a problem. You leave your car in an unsafe condition cos brakes are not applied. You block people in, another lazy sod does the same in front of you. Joe Bloggs comes along can't get out so pushes your ride forward and bashes the car in front . You come back with your weetabix to find an unhappy Thai with his car damaged, he sees your a farang and the baht sign comes up. One step further, mum and babe walk between your car and another lazy sods car whilst granny is pushing your ride out the way with no way of stopping it, the babe is crushed. How do YOU get out of these scenarios. Don't say it won't happen like you might think having a head on at night with a bike with no lights on the wrong side of the road won't happen cos it can and it does, For sure l wouldn't care if l had to start pushing rides about and shoving it into the back of another, their fault for being lazy.

Lastly, l wonder why these double parked motors are always as close to the door as possible, nowhere else.

I believe these double parkers are the same people who push in the front of queues as if it's OK which we have to put up with and smile like the locals.

My thoughts as well Transam. Well said.

I will drive to the top of the carpark if it means I can find a safe space in the corner somewhere. You just will never know what is around the corner here so should go that extra little to keep out of any bullshite.

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So it is immoral to park in the spaces where there is a painted box symbolizing a parking space because a bunch of mentally challenged and arthritic farang can't figure out that they can push a few cars out of the way and exit their parking space?

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I will drive to the top of the carpark if it means I can find a safe space in the corner somewhere. You just will never know what is around the corner here so should go that extra little to keep out of any bullshite.

The parking expert weighs in.

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you guys know that the car is in neutral and you can push it out the way, right?


can your pregnant wife move a navara then? funny aint it gufffffffffffffffffaw

What kind of lunatic lets his pregnant wife drive around, shop and park alone? Why not hire an assistant/driver for her if you won't do it yourself?

As for the other nonsense about someone else walking by being struck by a car being moved out of the way, that is hilarious! How about, everyone makes sure that they look where they are walking and where they are pushing cars? Problem solved.

Enjoy the walk to your car, :)

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I will drive to the top of the carpark if it means I can find a safe space in the corner somewhere. You just will never know what is around the corner here so should go that extra little to keep out of any bullshite.

The parking expert weighs in.

Not really, just someone who has a bit of farang common sense instead of being taken over by the local lack of it. :)

Good thing there aren't any potted plants in the parking lot. Might get ugly.

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you guys know that the car is in neutral and you can push it out the way, right?


can your pregnant wife move a navara then? funny aint it gufffffffffffffffffaw

What kind of lunatic lets his pregnant wife drive around, shop and park alone? Why not hire an assistant/driver for her if you won't do it yourself?

As for the other nonsense about someone else walking by being struck by a car being moved out of the way, that is hilarious! How about, everyone makes sure that they look where they are walking and where they are pushing cars? Problem solved.

Enjoy the walk to your car, :)

Not everyone can afford that, but it shows how considerate you are. NOT.

You are right however if there are squares painted then yes you can park there even double park. But if there are signs saying don't or no squares and you still do it your a complete ass.

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If someone decided to not watch where they are walking and gets hit by a car being pushed, why should I care or feel bad?

You might as well not drive at all TransAm. You never know when a motorcyclist going the wrong way and talking on his cell phone will end up under your bumper. In fact, by your logic, it is immoral of you to even be out on the road because of the chance that something like this might occur.

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you guys know that the car is in neutral and you can push it out the way, right?


can your pregnant wife move a navara then? funny aint it gufffffffffffffffffaw

What kind of lunatic lets his pregnant wife drive around, shop and park alone? Why not hire an assistant/driver for her if you won't do it yourself?

As for the other nonsense about someone else walking by being struck by a car being moved out of the way, that is hilarious! How about, everyone makes sure that they look where they are walking and where they are pushing cars? Problem solved.

Enjoy the walk to your car, :)

Not everyone can afford that, but it shows how considerate you are. NOT.

You are right however if there are squares painted then yes you can park there even double park. But if there are signs saying don't or no squares and you still do it your a complete ass.

The wife doesn't have a neighbor, friend, relative, yourself who can go with her? Another excuse for poor choices.

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The wife doesn't have a neighbor, friend, relative, yourself who can go with her? Another excuse for poor choices.

My wife isn't pregnant, but you seem to hold everyone to your standards and if not you punish them. You are really inconsiderate just as i figured before.

But like i said before if its allowed (read no signs forbidding it and no squares painted) then its ok with me. If its not allowed and you still do it ............

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The wife doesn't have a neighbor, friend, relative, yourself who can go with her? Another excuse for poor choices.

My wife isn't pregnant, but you seem to hold everyone to your standards and if not you punish them. You are really inconsiderate just as i figured before.

But like i said before if its allowed (read no signs forbidding it and no squares painted) then its ok with me. If its not allowed and you still do it ............

So if there are 2 identical parking lots with the same spacing, I should only double park in the parking lot with painted spaces? That's silly.

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The wife doesn't have a neighbor, friend, relative, yourself who can go with her? Another excuse for poor choices.

My wife isn't pregnant, but you seem to hold everyone to your standards and if not you punish them. You are really inconsiderate just as i figured before.

But like i said before if its allowed (read no signs forbidding it and no squares painted) then its ok with me. If its not allowed and you still do it ............

So if there are 2 identical parking lots with the same spacing, I should only double park in the parking lot with painted spaces? That's silly.

If there are signs saying you cant double park and if there are no painted spaces your not supposed to park there. Is that so hard ? Just because you can double park in one parking lot doesn't mean you can do it also in an other. Why do you think they paint places.. to indicate you can park there.

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