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Dudes In The Parking Lots


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Again, nothing to do with the nationality of the driver.

You're obviously new to TV.

Here Thai = always wrong, Farang = misunderstood.

And don't forget, all Indians are shady tailors (is there any other kind?) who exploit Thai workers that do the actual tailoring.

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Another example: one of these 'dudes' putting up his hand to stop the traffic so I can pull out of a car park onto the road, but the motocy not taking any notice of him and going straight on.

If I'd have taken any notice of the 'dude' I'd have killed the motocy rider.

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I had a Honda City automatic car once. It wouldnt allow you to remove the key from the ignition until you had put the gear selector in Park

Impossible to leave car in neutral and lock it.

Couldn't you do the park bit, whip the key out and then bung her in neutral?

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It's strange how they rush to get in the way when you are parking but are nowhere in sight when you want to leave and have to push four cars out of the way before you can get out of your space.

Also, I despise people who vandalise other people's cars out of petty jealousy but when some idiot parks right in front of my car and leaves his handbrake on I could cheerfully kick his headlights in.

I have lived in Thailand now for almost 5 years and it never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate and self serving that the people are here. There is no consideration for other people whatsoever, when shopping, paying at the tills for something and especially driving. I witness almost on a daily basis inconsiderate driving. When you are trying to leave a parking lot and no one is going anywhere fast you will not be let in to the line, ever! The cars will bunch up bumper to bumper so that no one can get in to line even if you are going nowhere. This amazes me, back in the UK you would be let in, if not by the person in front then the next. This does not exist in Thailand, only in rare cases and it is usually a farang who lets you in. Also in addition, I find that when parking, if they cannot get as close to the place where they wish to get out (within 10 feet usually, then they will park where they wish and dam_n everyone else, even if it means blocking the road or access to the exit. Is this an Asian thing, it is just so self serving and selfish. Me, me, me!!!I went back to Scotland last month and it was a breath of fresh air, just common courtesy and politeness to strangers when out shopping or driving. This is something that I feel is lacking here in Thailand. Any ideas on why this is the norm here??? I'm just tired of Thailand. Double pricing, lies and deceit, dangerous driving, the fact Thais are always right and farangs always wrong and the loss of face thing here is big trouble and causes so many problems.Aren't we taught in the west that pride is one of the seven deadly sins? I'm tired of Thailand now and I think that I will have to leave soon. It is a nice place to visit on holiday but living here is not. It is too difficult to adjust and I don't really want to if it means becoming a rude, impolite lying con artist.

We've had guys on here say it's OK to park in front of motors cos they're to lazy to park up.

As for the whistles, think it's just to make them feel like a cop :) or you think they're a cop.

I park in front of other cars when there's no space but not with the handbrake on or the car in gear. As bonobo said, it's the inconsideration that really annoys me. They are probably wandering around the mall in a daze while I have to sit and wait for the attendants to come with their trolley thing and try and drag the car out of the way. It's making me mad just thinking about it as I type! Perhaps I need to attend some anger management sessions. angry.gif

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I wouldn't mind if when they turn up they actually look at you and say sorry. But most of the rude twots will not bother!!!

Good word do you know what it means ?

It's just a nicer way of saying <deleted>!

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For those saying Thai only park when double when there are no spaces its not true. I just came back from the local carefour. Plenty of free spaces further out in the parking lot.. but close by all double parked. So it has nothing to do with full or not.. has everything to do with easy and lazy

right on the nail. Most of these big supermarkets have loads of space,but one may have to walk a few metres. God forbid! easier to inconvenience others and block someone in. pet hate forme too.

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I guy who gets 3,000 Baht a month, whistle and a uniform will always be important to himself. No harm in that even if common sense does not exist, but let's not [remind] ourselves these guys have minimal if any, education and there is no social security system. They do their best and have no training but they are employed and are not bludging on any 'system'. Laugh and smile at them as I do - they are good natured. cool.gif

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I had a Honda City automatic car once. It wouldnt allow you to remove the key from the ignition until you had put the gear selector in Park

Impossible to leave car in neutral and lock it.

Couldn't you do the park bit, whip the key out and then bung her in neutral?

Isn't that what the Shift Lock is for?

Press it down, put the gear into neutral and take off the handbrake.

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Came out of the dental hospital once numbed from a lengthy drilling session and the car park attendant directed right into a concrete pillar that dented in the front wing. No apology - just a sheepish smile. Without the whistles in their mouths they are worse because they shout incomprehensibly. Another favorite memory is the Carrefour guard who directed the traffic into complete gridlock outside the store allowing cars to turn right simultaneously from opposite directions. Laughed like a drain for the 10 minutes it took for drivers to extricate themselves from the mess.

On the other hand most of them mean well, do a shitty job, need the work and probably reduce theft of and from cars significantly even though they don't add much value to drivers trying to park.

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Came out of the dental hospital once numbed from a lengthy drilling session and the car park attendant directed right into a concrete pillar that dented in the front wing. No apology - just a sheepish smile. Without the whistles in their mouths they are worse because they shout incomprehensibly. Another favorite memory is the Carrefour guard who directed the traffic into complete gridlock outside the store allowing cars to turn right simultaneously from opposite directions. Laughed like a drain for the 10 minutes it took for drivers to extricate themselves from the mess.

On the other hand most of them mean well, do a shitty job, need the work and probably reduce theft of and from cars significantly even though they don't add much value to drivers trying to park.

I rest my case they are pretty useless in my opinion, and always stand right behind my sensors when parking, worse part is wife tells them to go and they still stand there, clueless.

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these guys dont bother me at all , they are from poor families and so what if it makes them feel important , let them be. tell you what i have noticed they do their jobs very good , when i go with the pickup to a supermarket i sometimes leave some shopping or belongings in the open back of the pickup while i go in shopping , i ask the security guy to watch out for me and take care no one tries to steal something , everytime they will watch your car as if its their own , 20 baht tip i pay them , fair play ! you would not get service like that in the uk

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Just so you all know.

If you ever double park in front of me, I will push your car out of the way, move my car forward, then flatten your tires and key scratch your paint .

I read too many posts from falang who are competing to become more stupid than the Thai's.

Don;t you realize that you are setting an example to the local idiots?

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Just so you all know.

If you ever double park in front of me, I will push your car out of the way, move my car forward, then flatten your tires and key scratch your paint .

I read too many posts from falang who are competing to become more stupid than the Thai's.

Don;t you realize that you are setting an example to the local idiots?

Have you met TransAm yet? I think you two might be soul mates. Look him up after your next divorce. :)

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Yeah he is right Honolulu and TransAm, inciting violence and threatening to damage personal property are more than likely not appreciated on Thai Visa. I am not going to personally taddle because I don't really care but it appears that Mahtin is perturbed. Better watch out, he might report you to the big boys upstairs. :ph34r:

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I did read your post. The next time I am in a shopping mall car park and faced with the choice of driving round in circles for an hour and a half or parking in front of another car with my handbrake off and in neutral I will still choose the easier option on the basis that it is highly unlikely to be your car I park in front of.

I never double park if there are free spaces and don't care how near the entrance I am. I don't know what you are getting so steamed up about but if you were as rude to me in person as you are being on here then you'd have a bloody long wait before I moved my car.

Then mon amis, we would for sure have a dust up . The ' when in Thailand ' motoring stuff is concerned, do as the Thais do attitude by farangs, well you might as well drive on the wrong side of the road and jump red lights to save some time as well. The word l am looking for is, inconsiderate.


I can't agree more

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You mean something like this:

post-33509-021604700 1280206419_thumb.jp

Wife always asks then NOT to help as they stand right next to the reverse sensors setting them off and Id rather trust the sensors than a man with a whistle.

That's exactly the problem with them: they trigger the sensors all the time because they are standing too close and you have no control anymore on your own manoeuver. My rear bump-sensors and my backwards camera are for me the only things that I trust when parking backwards... not the park guards with their whistlers! B)<_<

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