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Thai Court Extends Bail For Russian Pianist In Child Sex Abuse Case


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Thai court extends bail for Russian pianist in child sex abuse case


Mikhail Pletnev (file photo)

PATTAYA: -- A Thai court extended on Friday release on bail for Russian Grammy-winning pianist Mikhail Pletnev, who was recently accused of child sex abuse in Thailand.

Pletnev, 53, has been accused of sodomizing a 14-year-old boy. If convicted, he may face up to 20 years behind bars. Pletnev denies all charges against him.

Thai authorities arrested Pletnev on July 5, but freed him on bail and allowed him to leave the country two times on condition that he returned following scheduled concert appearances in Europe. The musician returned to Thailand both times as the court stipulated.

Thai police investigators told RIA Novosti that charges against Pletnev were based on accounts provided by the boy's relatives. During a search at Pletnev's residence in Pattaya they had found no evidence of Pletnev's involvement in child pornography.

The Russian musician will have to appear in court for another round of hearings on August 11.

source: en.rian.ru




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Looks as though the family might have been trying to extort some money from the Russian. Not saying that he didn't do it, because so many foreigners come to Pattya for sex with young boys & girls & the richer they are they more likely they are to get away with it. My guess is that the Russian will be able to pass around enough money to the right people to beat it whether innocent or guilty. Money talks in Thailand - everything is corrupt - and all Thia officials have their hands out.

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Russian pianist says Pattaya child rape case a challenge from God

Pattaya, Thailand - Russian pianist-composer Mikhail Pletnev on Friday said a pending child rape case against him was challenge from God.

"I think God has given me this challenge," Pletnev told the German Press Agency dpa, as he left Pattaya Provincial Court, where he is required to appear every 12 days according to bail conditions. "I feel some spiritual lift from the matter."

Pletnev, one of Russia's most acclaimed musicians and a founder of the Russian National Orchestra, was allowed to leave Thailand on July 7 on condition that he appears regularly at the Pattaya court where he faces charges of raping a 14-year-old Thai boy.

Since his arrest, Pletnev, 53, has left Thailand twice, once to attend a concert in Macedonia and last week to attend his mother's birthday party in Moscow.

He has denied guilt and expressed optimism that the case would not come to trial. "I don't think it will happen," Pletnev said, after appearing at Pattaya court accompanied by a female relative.

Pletnev has asked the press not to speculate about his case, which has earned him instant notoriety.

"I always regarded myself as a modest musician, and in a minute I have become world famous, and for a doubtful reason really," Pletnev said before getting into his car to return to his Pattaya home.

Pletnev has been a part-time resident in Pattaya, a beach resort situated 100 kilometres south-east of Bangkok, for years.

Police sources said that one reason Pattaya District Court agreed to grant Pletnev permission to leave the country was his status as a property holder in the seaside city, which is notorious for its sleazy nightlife and prostitution scene.

The Russian musician was arrested on July 5 after being the subject of an investigation for child abuse by police and children's rights groups. A 14-year-old boy, a former employee, was willing to testify that Pletnev abused him, police and child rights workers said.

Police have yet to submit the case to court.

If found guilty of raping a minor, Pletnev faces up to 20 years in jail.

Source: http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/news/337175,case-a-challenge-god.html

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"Thai police investigators told RIA Novosti that charges against Pletnev were based on accounts provided by the boy's relatives. During a search at Pletnev's residence in Pattaya they had found no evidence of Pletnev's involvement in child pornography."

Though they did not say that there was no evidence of a crime, this appears to be the Russian's word against the family's.  Who knows the real/full story? I don't.  However, unless the family's claim is a blatant attempt to extort money, it would be hard to imagine the guy getting a fair trial.

The flip side is, he might be well connected, and no matter what he may have done to the child he will walk.  Whatever the case, I do hope justice is served.  And, this being Thailand, a justly rendered verdict would be nice for a change.


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For some reason I thought this guy left the country and wasn't allowed back. Something somewhere changed someone's mind. This guy must have a lot of money tied up here and their must be some powerful threats being made for a complete 180 deg. in thinking. I figured the Thai gov't wanted nothing to do with this guy thus the get out and don't come back ruling. He's baaaaaaack! :blink:

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Curiouser and Curiouser!

1) Original reports said he was arrested, and when police searched his house they DID find evidence of child porn, but now they say no evidence was found.:whistling:

2) Thai Immigration comes out and says they are voiding his visa and blacklisting him, but apparently that didn't happen either, since he has TWICE left the country and returned. :whistling:

3) Am I the only one who has serious doubts that we will never know the REAL truth of the matter?

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The Russian musician will have to appear in court for another round of hearings on August 11.

i thought they had blacklisted him and banned him from entering Thailand?

Yes ! And now he is whitelisted,tomorrow yellowlisted , and next month welcomehismoneylisted!

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Does sombody here really belive this guy came back to Thailand if he is guilty? AND they let him out on bail if they have any proof? Sorry but then you are on a level behind thinking or just in LOS for too long.

Like I said many times before. I will never understand people publishing bullshit like this with full name and a picture, BEFORE the suspect (the word says it all) is PROOFED guilty!

Cancel my membership in TV Forum but if one is not allowed to say what he is thinking anymore dark times begin!

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Does sombody here really belive this guy came back to Thailand if he is guilty?

Probably some do. However, I think the only logical point of view to have about this case is doubt, unless you are actually the defendant or the alleged victim.

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Does sombody here really belive this guy came back to Thailand if he is guilty?

Probably some do. However, I think the only logical point of view to have about this case is doubt, unless you are actually the defendant or the alleged victim.

That is a reasonable viewpoint. However, isn't it interesting how most of the charges we were initially told about - and which were printed all around the world - never existed. Remember the PDN?

Mr. Pletnev has now found himself embroiled inallegations of child prostitution and pornography

As we soon discovered, it's one charge of molesting and 14-year old boy in December and January. And let's also not forget, this boy did not reveal himself to the authorities until April. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this case, the indications of it being a set-up just get stronger and stronger.

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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

Well They may not be much better then pedo's ... but they are lucky - my wife won't allow it. :lol:

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The Russian musician will have to appear in court for another round of hearings on August 11.

i thought they had blacklisted him and banned him from entering Thailand?

yes there was a big whoo/haa about it no mention about it here, whats going on:blink:

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The Russian musician will have to appear in court for another round of hearings on August 11.

i thought they had blacklisted him and banned him from entering Thailand?

yes there was a big whoo/haa about it no mention about it here, whats going on:blink:

See Post 7.

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Looks as though the family might have been trying to extort some money from the Russian. Not saying that he didn't do it, because so many foreigners come to Pattya for sex with young boys & girls & the richer they are they more likely they are to get away with it. My guess is that the Russian will be able to pass around enough money to the right people to beat it whether innocent or guilty. Money talks in Thailand - everything is corrupt - and all Thia officials have their hands out.

Innocent unless proven guilty. Therefore no money to pay to anyone.

He is following the instructions of the court so he is probably innocent.

I do wish foreigners would leave the children alone though.

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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

70 year old guy with a 20 year old woman. You compare to a pedophile! Do give us the benefit of your wisdom. How old should his woman be? Or maybe you think the old guy should shoot himself to save you having to look at him?

Maybe a sliding scale for dating old guys is in order. 70 years old guy no younger than 60 year old girlfriend.

There is a Thai guy who lives in Chiang Mai. He is a big wheel in Chiang Mai. He is at all the local functions. He is 60 years old and keeps 6, 18 year old women. Yup you read that right 6. He puts them up in one of his hotels and helps them through university. Yes they are all university students.

Is he a pedophile?

Maybe you should read a little about Thai history. He is following in the footsteps of many famous and important people in Thailand.

Take your culture and narrow mind back to where you came from. This is Thailand.

Old Thai saying, “when in the land of the squinty eyed people it is best to squint.”

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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

Well, it takes two to tango in anything. Any 18-20 year old has a mind to do what she wants to do - right or wrong. It is not for us to feel annoyed or compare them as the pados....

Anyway I feel these old fellas you mentioned are pretty lucky.

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Well, considering that the Thai Media (Just like the rest in most other countries!) love a 'Bad' story, and the converting of Thai into any other language, (because of grammer differences) is pretty difficult, I'm not surprised there have been variations in the reporting.

Only time will tell what the actual situation is.

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If the parents claim the crime - what evidence did they produce and if the man is guilty as they say - then let them prove it. He has honoured the court and is here to defend the action - let us see what is dragged up in the court hearing - but I would think he has to clear his name and is standing behind that. I have no conclusive opinion on all this but would think there could be some extortion being attempted. Time will tell.

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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

I thought you had resigned from TV.

I have not spent that much time in Patatia but it seems to me to be a fairly large city and only a part of it devoted to those kind of carrying on. Perhaps if you stay out of it you won't see that happening. Also what about the girls. Many of them do it to make a living and some send some of there earnings back to there dirt poor family. Are you saying they shouldn't do that because the guy is old.

I do not condone the practice, and like you I am unwilling to help them, so I let them do what they can. They are humans beings and trying to get by the best that they can.

As for the accused either he is guilty or he is not. The court can say what they want. The one thing they can not do is make him guilty if he is innocent or innocent if he is guilty. Time will tell and makes no difference what the court says there will be people who disagree with the court. All we can do is hope that by the time it does go to court a lot of the facts will be revealed and justice will prevail.

I for one hope that is the case. People can say what they want but they can not destroy my hope. By the way I am not the average poster I do not believe there are no honest people in Thailand.

Edited by jayjay0
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For some reason I thought this guy left the country and wasn't allowed back. Something somewhere changed someone's mind. This guy must have a lot of money tied up here and their must be some powerful threats being made for a complete 180 deg. in thinking. I figured the Thai gov't wanted nothing to do with this guy thus the get out and don't come back ruling. He's baaaaaaack! :blink:

There has been no change, he is out on bail waiting for a court date, after this weather he if found guilty or not he will be deported, unless like you say he gets some money to the right people. But right now is out on bail and they allowed him to leave the country during his bail release but he has to report to report to the court on given dates.

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Curiouser and Curiouser!

1) Original reports said he was arrested, and when police searched his house they DID find evidence of child porn, but now they say no evidence was found.:whistling:

2) Thai Immigration comes out and says they are voiding his visa and blacklisting him, but apparently that didn't happen either, since he has TWICE left the country and returned. :whistling:

3) Am I the only one who has serious doubts that we will never know the REAL truth of the matter?

I never saw any reports that they found child porn at his house, from the first time I heard of this they said they searched his place with a search warrant and found nothing. If they would have found something then there would have been more charges added to his arrest.

As for this visa, guess you are not reading everything, he is out on bail and once everything is finalized then he will lose his visa and be blacklisted (however, personally I believe he will pay the right people and get back in either here in Thailand or get a new passport in Russia with a different name. He has too much investment in Thailand to just walk away, just my thoughts)

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Does sombody here really belive this guy came back to Thailand if he is guilty? AND they let him out on bail if they have any proof? Sorry but then you are on a level behind thinking or just in LOS for too long.

Like I said many times before. I will never understand people publishing bullshit like this with full name and a picture, BEFORE the suspect (the word says it all) is PROOFED guilty!

Cancel my membership in TV Forum but if one is not allowed to say what he is thinking anymore dark times begin!

T.I.T says it all.

In Thailand, logic does not apply...

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Curiouser and Curiouser!

1) Original reports said he was arrested, and when police searched his house they DID find evidence of child porn, but now they say no evidence was found.:whistling:

2) Thai Immigration comes out and says they are voiding his visa and blacklisting him, but apparently that didn't happen either, since he has TWICE left the country and returned. :whistling:

3) Am I the only one who has serious doubts that we will never know the REAL truth of the matter?

I never saw any reports that they found child porn at his house, from the first time I heard of this they said they searched his place with a search warrant and found nothing. If they would have found something then there would have been more charges added to his arrest.

As for this visa, guess you are not reading everything, he is out on bail and once everything is finalized then he will lose his visa and be blacklisted (however, personally I believe he will pay the right people and get back in either here in Thailand or get a new passport in Russia with a different name. He has too much investment in Thailand to just walk away, just my thoughts)

First report I saw and read was here on Thai Visa, have done a thread search and dug it out....

Opening post, a piece below...which states nothing suspicious was found...

posted 2010-07-07 08:34

Russian conductor bailed in Thai sex probe: consulate

MOSCOW (AFP) -- Famed Russian conductor Mihkail Pletnev has been released on bail after Thai police searched his home in Thailand as part of a probe into paedophilia, the Russian consulate said Tuesday.

Pletnev, artistic director of the acclaimed Russian National Orchestra, was released on bail after the search in the Thai resort of Pattaya, Russian consular official in Thailand Andrei Dvornikov told RIA Novosti.

police informed Pletnev that some Thai citizens who had been arrested for paedophilia and producing child porn had given evidence against him," Dvornikov said.

The police conducted a search together with Pletnev of his house, where nothing suspicious was found," he added, saying Pletnev was currently at his home in Thailand.

Edited by MB1
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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

I am 60+ and my lady 23. Are you jealous or annoyed? If so, why? It is really no concern of yours what age my wife has.

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I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

I am 60+ and my lady 23. Are you jealous or annoyed? If so, why? It is really no concern of yours what age my wife has.

Also another point if I may make it, some of the people who look and see and older guy with a young girl 18-20 years old, could infact be a lot older than she looks, also the young girl could be his daughter..

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