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Al Qaeda To Blame For London's Explosions?


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Sadly takes similar type tactics and we as civilized people dont have the stomach for it.

Well, we better before we're all under that Sharia Law - bowing & scraping to Mecca dozens of times a day... :o

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For those stuck in Central London;

Thames Clippers are providing free travel on all boats to and from Savoy, Blackfriars, Bankside, London Bridge, St Katherine Docks, Canary Wharf, Greenland, Masthouse, Greenwich, and Woolwich Arsenal.

That is the only transport running in Zone 1 at the moment. If thats any use to you, you are advised to make use of it ASAP.

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so we are in agreement, that's cool, lol.  Ever thought of running for MP, we'd rock Parliment, lmao..."HEADLINE NEWS: - Mp's AGREE!"

mate, I cant even get a moderators job on a Thai Forum :o


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The backlash has started from what I can gather.

Apparently Finsbury Park Mosque has already been attacked by a mob.

I just hope that most people can keep a sensible head on their shoulders and realise that most Muslims are decent peace loving folks.

It is the few idiots who bring them down and I hope they are hunted down like dogs.

I agree whole heartedely with this point... it is instances like this where the victims are innocent people just trying to live there daily lives. Any retribution is is misguided and again the victims are those who are not actually responsible.

what we must remember is that many of the problems and troubles in the world are due to a small , powerful, minority who aim to contol and manipulate the masses to seek their own egotistical agenda. It is the conflict between two or more parties of these powerful elites which causes the terror problems we face now ..

i implore everyone to not hate and despise, jump to conclusions, or point fingers at anyone unless you have 100% facts, otherwise it is playing into the hands of the "people" who have committed this hideous acts

we must all take a passive approach if we are to make a difference in this world and seek a more peaceful and respectful society. Please bare this in mind the next time you confront a possible incidence of conflict.

"lay your weapons down and open your arms to friendship"

after all the majority of the population of the world, in my opinion, seek peace, understanding and mutual respect and not fear, isolation and hatred ...

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A statment from the perpetrators from Fox News Website.

A statement from the group was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. "The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west."

Just a message to them. No we ain't!!

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Good analysis of this morning's events:

This will certainly give a boost to al-Qaida morale, because being able to attack a large superpower with coordinated attacks during a summit meeting when security and targets are even more hardened is a sign of success.

Rather than attacking during the Live8 concert series, whose members terrorists would want just as dead, the attack fell during the G8, which has an important effect on those on the far left. In other words, rather than alienating the important part of the public that gives terrorist sympathies (meaning those who will claim they are merely freedom fighters), terrorists have "protested" the same entity as them---G8 summit. And of course, not all Live8 participants are of the far left and have sympathies with terrorist groups, but surely there are a number.


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A statment from the perpetrators from Fox News Website.

A statement from the group was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. "The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west."

Just a message to them. No we ain't!!

If this is legitimate, I will change my thoughts on many topics to do with Islam. I am one who stands up for them in all posts on this forum, but its starting to get harder to keep that thought process. :o

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Boo is okay.

I also have a friend in the same area who I can't get hold of.

Are there any other members in London at the moment?

im in london now ... arrived at liverpool street at 9.00pm just as they were closing the doors to the underground .. i walk to tower hill rather than get the underground but noticed loads of fire engines / police/ sniffer dogs and saw alot of activity around aldgate east station and i had uneasy sense that something really bad was about to transpire .... at first report they suggested a power surge had caused an explosion but when the explosions on buses started to be reported it was painfully obvious that it was much more serious than that

were in in the offices now and have been told not to leave until instructed .. im only hoping that this is the end of it for now ..

my thought are with those effected and their families ...

just a thought for today .. please give you loved ones an extra hug and tell them that you love them

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The vast majority of moslems in Britain are peace loving and good people. They must be horrified by all of this.

Unfortunately, the extreme right-wing element in the U.K. will use these events as ammunition, and brainwash simple young thugs and morons in the U.K.

There will be attacks against moslem places of worship, and even attacks on moslems. The British Police force will turn a blind eye.

The situation will worsen. Extreme Islam websited are promising Denmark and Italy will be next.

If I were a moslem in London now, I would be fearful of the underclass, that can stir up trouble quickly.

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A statment from the perpetrators from Fox News Website.

A statement from the group was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. "The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west."

Just a message to them. No we ain't!!

If this is legitimate, I will change my thoughts on many topics to do with Islam. I am one who stands up for them in all posts on this forum, but its starting to get harder to keep that thought process. :D

'Bout time... :o

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The vast majority of moslems in Britain are peace loving and good people. They must be horrified by all of this.

Unfortunately, the extreme right-wing element in the U.K. will use these events as ammunition, and brainwash simple young thugs and morons in the U.K.

There will be attacks against moslem places of worship, and even attacks on moslems. The British Police force will turn a blind eye.

The situation will worsen. Extreme Islam websited are promising Denmark and Italy will be next.

If I were a moslem in London now, I would be fearful of the underclass, that can stir up trouble quickly.

scary times indeed.

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Sadly takes similar type tactics and we as civilized people dont have the stomach for it.

sorry brit if i understand you properly you are suggesting that we meet this attack with forcce ??

is it not so bloody obvious that using force with force just caused more hatred and distrust in the world and had not been successful in eliminating these kind of attacks .. in fact if you look at iraq it is merely fuelling more deaths and more innocent people continue to die .. despite the politicians telling us all we are now safer ...

i have two people to mention here for you to think about especially about what they managed to achieve

Martin luther king

and Mahmit Ghandi

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I see your point torney. Patience and tolerence of Islam is running very thin.

Islam needs to get its house in order and flush these killers out if they are to salvage any respect from whatever dignity their religion can still muster. I wonder if any Islamic leaders will stand up and condemn these attacks? If not, why not? Its time for Islam to stand up and be counted.

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A statment from the perpetrators from Fox News Website.

A statement from the group was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. "The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west."

Just a message to them. No we ain't!!

If this is legitimate, I will change my thoughts on many topics to do with Islam. I am one who stands up for them in all posts on this forum, but its starting to get harder to keep that thought process. :o

please differentiate between islam (where the majority are law abiing peaceful seeking citizens) and the terrorists who commit these crimes using islam as an umbrella to justify their evil doings ...

however ironically if there is a god in existence, im sure they will burn in ###### for their sins .. believing the buddhist ideals im sure they will suffer for there actions

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A statment from the perpetrators from Fox News Website.

A statement from the group was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. "The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west."

Just a message to them. No we ain't!!

If this is legitimate, I will change my thoughts on many topics to do with Islam. I am one who stands up for them in all posts on this forum, but its starting to get harder to keep that thought process. :o

please differentiate between islam (where the majority are law abiing peaceful seeking citizens) and the terrorists who commit these crimes using islam as an umbrella to justify their evil doings ...

however ironically if there is a god in existence, im sure they will burn in ###### for their sins .. believing the buddhist ideals im sure they will suffer for there actions

I live in a Muslim area, I work with Muslims, I do realise the majority are good people, but! In the words of Prof Fart:

Patience and tolerence of Islam is running very thin.

Islam needs to get its house in order and flush these killers out if they are to salvage any respect from whatever dignity their religion can still muster. I wonder if any Islamic leaders will stand up and condemn these attacks? If not, why not? Its time for Islam to stand up and be counted.

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In other words, rather than alienating the important part of the public that gives terrorist sympathies (meaning those who will claim they are merely freedom fighters), terrorists have "protested" the same entity as them---G8 summit.  And of course, not all Live8 participants are of the far left and have sympathies with terrorist groups, but surely there are a number.

This "analysis" by an undergraduate student seems a bit amateurish to me. I doubt many G8 protesters or Live8 participants are actually sympathetic to Jihadis, and if the Jihadis didn't want to irritate the far left, they wouldn't have picked the city whose mayor is "Red" Ken Livingstone.

According to security experts on BBC, the world's eyes are on the G8 meeting so the UK at this time was the ideal place to get maximum publicity for an attack. And London's Underground is a relatively easy target.

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This can't be a coincidence, one day after London wins the bid for the 2012 Olympics.


Although it is much too early to speculate on those responsible.

There are members of every insane political and terrorist organisation in the world, living hidden in the labyrinth of London.

True Mr.Merton, count the F**king LTTEs whom kill thousands in my country. All terrorist from other part of the world are freedom fighters to Brits :o . They r free to live and raise funds to fuel the wars in their home countries. Its time for Brits to become series about these terrorists or soon their a**es will be on fire. Just a thought :D

My sympathy goes to all effected.

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Patience and tolerance wont stop these animals - not human in my opinion. You sit back and let them run amuck and I fear you'll have what afghanistan was. These radicals won't be happy until strict muslim fundalmentalism is 100% everywhere.

I wish being tolerant would work, but the reality is you need to wipe the earth of these animals and leave no trace.

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I wonder if any Islamic leaders will stand up and condemn these attacks? If not, why not? Its time for Islam to stand up and be counted.

They won't because in their eyes we're all scum.

May these mfs rot in h3ll and their 70-odd virgins turn into Arab stallions and bugger them senseless for all eternity! :o

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i have two people to mention here for you to think about especially about what they managed to achieve

Martin luther king

and Mahmit Ghandi

...and both were assinated for their efforts - Its not violence that begets violence, its hate!

Bin Laden was educated in Britain, he comes from a super rich family that makes billions from America and Europe. He doesn't fund and orchestrate this crap because the west has been so bad to him, he does it because he has been warped by other fundermentalist who in-turn were twisted by fundermentalists etc going back.

They twist and rewrite history like the best of us; they convince their people that it is God's wish for them to remove the 'unbeliever' - they do this by breaking God's rules to them (in their Holy Book) and try and hide it through Mohamid's statements about war. So they call it war. They ignore the thousands of references to peace, love and understanding and concentrate on the one or teo phrases that can be twisted out of context to fullfill their twisted ethos'.

They ignore the fact that the middlwe east was taken by the British and allies after the fall of the Ottaman Empire and was given back to them. They ignore the fact that the lands were conquered by them during the Moorish invasions that swept Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe. The cruisades was dispicable, but it was no more than a re-enactment that cost the people of those lands their land, freedom, religions and even languages when the Moors swallowed them up and made them slaves.

Isreal offered the very lands that the Palestinians fight for today - it was thrown back at them with words that promised the Jews would be driven into the sea to the man and erradicated from the earth. These people want no peace - they want the world.

History repeats itself - we all have our own version of the 'truth'.#

PS: I'm in London at the moment. I was on a bus this morning. I often ride the tube past Algate East. I passed the scene at Edware Road this morning. I am fuming :o

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