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It is permanent and the area near klong saen saeb is a muslim quarter. Live with it, as a billion people worldwide do.

Why should anybody have to be woken up at the crack of dawn by having Religious edicts rammed down peoples ears?

That is the problem with Religion it cant let people live there own lives, it wants to interfere and tell you how to live your life this way or live your life that way.

The OP is quite justified to make a stand against this and if more people had the balls to stand up to Religion World-wide the World would be a better place for it.

Perhaps you might like to move to Jakarta or Surabaya, there are hundreds of mosques and the calls to prayer can be heard by every house, not just the immediate vicinity.


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Some foreigners move into an established area and expect the locals to change to their values.It can be done,but only if you live in the UK.


Some foreigners move into an established area and expect the locals to change to their values.It can be done,but only if you live in the UK.

Ain't that the truth. Maybe that's why there are so many of us over here. But not too near a mosque if we've got any sense!


There are only 2 ways to deal with the problem.

1 move out of the rat hole area.

2 start a real big kick ass pig farm & other cloven hoof varieties , backed up by a shellfish farm since Muslims are Definitely into swine or shellfish might work. Personally I would move. it's easier & you don't have to worry about retribution. I moved a month & 1/2 after they opened 5 story mosque/ apt in soi Kaoh Talo in the Pattaya area. I tried blasting 1200 watts of hard cranking metal music to no avail. Where I live now besides an occasional Tango Melon truck or goon & other delicacies on the carts. I am the only noise maker. Sold the large amps & am down to 350 watt & only use the power for the bass.

Good luck!

Looks like the Muslims beat you then?

Yep sure did but I moved 20 minutes from Pattaya ...out in the country. Much better nearest neighbor 1 kilo away & the only noise is an occasional stereo playing good tunes!


Does anybody in the World like being woken up earlier than their alloted time to go to work or what ever you have planned for the day....the answer is an overwhelmin NO!

Rather presumptuous to be speaking or thinking for the world, yes. Your standards don't fit everywhere.

So you personally like being woken up early morning from deep sleep before you go to work (if you still do), so that you feel fresh and not so grumpy/cranky or niggly and perform to the best of your ability?

Thought this was a universal human aspiration to wish for a good restful nights sleep which ever part of the World you came from!


should of thought of that before staying in the "vicinity"

This is how muslim communities are structured and have been for thousands of years, just beacuse it's different to what you were brought up with doesn't make it wrong.


No, electricity and loudspeakers have not been around for thousands of years and a religion shouldn't be offensive to others who hold different beliefs. I recall a friend from Puerto Rico who complained about a Pentecostal church that would crank up their loudspeakers on their day of worship too. He is Catholic and found the Pentecostals to be offensive.

A call to prayer can be made naturally without loudspeakers as it has been done for hundreds of years and would be more honorable to all those who have practiced the religion before them. I think the addition of loudspeakers dishonors their own religious beliefs and predecessors.


Does anybody in the World like being woken up earlier than their alloted time to go to work or what ever you have planned for the day....the answer is an overwhelmin NO!

It's nice to get a good night;s sleep - that is why evening prayers are at sunset.

Let's face it - what could be worse than missing morning prayers?

Would you condemn an entire precinct to damnation for the sake of your sloth and godlessness?

Anyway, its up to you. If you don't want to wake up, you can sleep through it. I always did


You homed in quite conveniently on the evening prayers at sunset when most people are awake.

Morning call to prayers is conducted at sunrise when most people are still asleep.

And how do you physiologically have a choice to wake up or continue to sleep when you have already been waken up by some religious nut wailing in your ear?


This is how muslim communities are structured and have been for thousands of years, just beacuse it's different to what you were brought up with doesn't make it wrong.


No, electricity and loudspeakers have not been around for thousands of years and a religion shouldn't be offensive to others who hold different beliefs. I recall a friend from Puerto Rico who complained about a Pentecostal church that would crank up their loudspeakers on their day of worship too. He is Catholic and found the Pentecostals to be offensive.

A call to prayer can be made naturally without loudspeakers as it has been done for hundreds of years and would be more honorable to all those who have practiced the religion before them. I think the addition of loudspeakers dishonors their own religious beliefs and predecessors.

At last a poster with some sense.

The problem with Religion it wont let you live and let live.

Religion by its very nature cannot just be quite and do what the practioners believe in and practice in "there" (not mine) place of worship, be it a Mosque/Church/Synagogue, it always has to be in your face and you are chastized for challenging it.


Does anybody in the World like being woken up earlier than their alloted time to go to work or what ever you have planned for the day....the answer is an overwhelmin NO!


You homed in quite conveniently on the evening prayers at sunset when most people are awake.

Morning call to prayers is conducted at sunrise when most people are still asleep.

And how do you physiologically have a choice to wake up or continue to sleep when you have already been waken up by some religious nut wailing in your ear?


If you don;t want woken up for morning prayers, go to sleep after evening prayers.

Or use ear plugs. Or whatever.

Its entirely up to you,. At least you know when evening and morning prayers will occur, not like people coming back from the pub on any nught of the week.

I really like the call to prayers actually - it reminds me of the moment in the film "Blackhawk Down:" where one chap says to another "in another ?? (forget the quote) this could be a nice place"

I'm delighted to hear Church Bells in the afternoon, but I can imagine that for night shift workers that might be - tiring.....

If you love your neighbour, you'll put up with the occasional inconvenience


EDIT: typo corrected and following diatribe on neighbourliness and anti-semitism added

To be fair to the people of israel, no-one really likes their neighbours, do they?

The Basques support anyone that plays against Spain, similarly us the English, and God alone knows what the Mexicans say about Americans...

Anyway, I'll stop there, because there's a whole rant more on the topic that is off topic...


The point I am trying to get over why does Religion have the right of priveledge over a population (including non-believers) of large geographical areas and Country's, and obviously the OP small area of Bangkok?

Off topic slightly - The Popes visit to the UK in September this year is estimated by the UK Government (so you can bet it will cost more) is costing the UK taxpayer 20 Million pounds (approx 32 Million US Dollars) of tax payers money <deleted> ??, repeat 20 Million pounds when the UK Government is slashing budgets in more important areas, why the previlidge and consent of Government?...20 million pounds could be better spent on schools or hospitals on its own citizens who have paid the 20 Million through hard sweat and toil.

The Pope is taking from the needy, he ought to just stay in his huge Golden Palace in Rome surrounded by all his wealth.

Religion has in the past, and is still killing millions of people today (Middle East, Israel, Palestine, South Thailand, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Bosnia, Spanish Inquesition, Conquestadores, 9/11, Bali, Northern Ireland, India, Pakistan, Chechnia, China, Somalia, Etheopia the list goes on, and I include the Catholic Churches assistance to spreading Aids by its objection to contraception. ie Condoms as a contributer to early death.

This so called "tolerance" which is just realy appeasment to not question Religion is playing exactly into the Religions hands by maintaining the status quo of its dominance.

And where is Religious tolerence in consideration of thy neighbours?...they dont give a toss as long as you and everyone they can recruit join the fold, wailing Mullahs in Bangkok are part of the recruitment process.


This thread is about living next to a mosque, not about the relative merits of Islam.  Please keep posts in that vein and do not take this as a platform to rail against another religion.


we shall all stop the grouse here, start a facebook group and even better form a party at national level to protest against amplified resonance at intolerable level from any religious institution.

to execute this exercise legally during the emergency decree , you have to choose either british embassy or american embassy as a protest ground to enter by means of renewing your passports but immediately remove your shirts upon entry and flash yourselves at bbc and cnn stingers with your tattoos written "against intolerable religious noises" for international exposure

consequences of these actions are unknown yet because there is none of such event that had taken place in thai legal history so i strongly advise you not to execute it without getting down on your knees and pray............ha hard

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