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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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I do apologize YS, the rhythm section sound great, etc, rather than stick to a talking voice, repeating banalities.

What a patronising reply! Who gives a sxxx what you think about anything?

The reason I joined in with this thread is that I thought it had an interesting mix of tunes from people who genuinely seemed to be interested in music. I see the thread as being like our own radio station, with the advantage of being able to pause a tune that's not to my taste and scroll on to others.

I wasn't expecting my choices to be picked apart and criticised by someone with the mentality of a sour-faced people-watching pensioner in a bar, looking for things to moan about.

Why not start your own thread, called Pillock's Predictable Selections, and state your ground rules at the start? Such as, if you don't like a tune somebody posts, you will pick holes. You could post your banalities to your heart's content.

Back to the music.

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5555 oh dear, the young,- ( yeesip sam presumably refers to your age,23, or perhaps the year you were born B.E.2523, making you 35, ....or maybe you've had 23 girlfriends....... whatever), but for sure Yeesip, nobody cares what we post here, we are DJs playing to an almost deserted gallery.... but never mind, it's fun to swap music as you say.

I'm so utterly, terribly sorry for my teeny weeny remark about the overdub of the BBC reporter, approx 1955, I promise it will never ever happen again

Hell, rgs is always criticizing my choices- ' enough of that hippy crap'.....but it's only banter, ribbing,

Nobody else cares!

I was extremely lucky I grew up in an explosive era of great music, and I realize, and indeed deeply sympathize with you and DB for having to put up with a lot of blatant rip-offs of classic rock songs, ie the William Burrows monologue over The Doors' songs posted a couple of days ago.

Rock till you drop

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Pillock, please. Not bloody Rory Gallagher again.

The person who started this thread years ago is called Jockstar. We used to work together.

His first name is Rory, named after the great Rory Gallagher by his father.

I do apologize profusely but it is my solemn duty to keep the flame.

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Young people from Issan are forced to work far from home due to a lack of job opportunities- but at least they can keep in touch easily with family members now due to mobile phones, skype and line, plus travelling home can be done overnight.

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