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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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The grim reaper's coming folks- there's no denying, every day those of us who grew up in the 60s see those whom we admired, knew and/or loved going back home- 2 weeks ago Andy Fraser, yesterday Cynthia Lennon- but as George says there's nothing to worry about, our souls will carry on.

But what exactly is our soul?

Buddhism says there is no actual self- we simply react to circumstances and situations as time goes by, creating the illusion of a continuous self but in fact we're not the same person we were when we were a child- that's undeniable- but we believe in a continuous self running through our lives to create the illusion of having control over our lives- ' I did it my way' and all that nonsense.

The thing that worries me is that no one has ever come back from the next life- is that good or not? - answers please on a postcard.


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