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Just wear yellow then go to some red shirt stronghold.. you will see how smart it is to wear it :D

I stay out of the yellow and red color not that i fear a bashing but don't want to get involved in the stuff that goes around here.

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As foreigners to Thailand, I believe we get a "pass" on what color shirts we wear. Back when the conflict was at it's highest in Bangkok, I wore a red shirt...had no second glances nor any sort of trouble from anyone.

Edited by Shivers
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I wore yellow just yesterday (in bkk), not so much as a second glance. The first taxi I flagged down stopped, let me get in and drove me exactly to my destination without any hassle - worthy to mention since taxis were at the heart of the red shirt demonstrators. I wouldn't worry about shirt color much.... at least not for a few more weeks/months when the budget and army leader are to be set in stone.

Edited by CanInBKK
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my misses has a few friends who own hotels we go there regular just to say hello and have a chat last year i walked in thwere with a red lacoste polo on the owner the misses friend said to me i must forget about this colour shirt not good afew days later i see a picture of hotel owner at a wedding and guess who was there yes the pm oops. any how i took all my red shirts home on last trip, dont really like to wear them any how i do feel a bit consious when i used to wear them..... :jap:

Edited by taninthai
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Why is the OP a Troll Post?

Even if he intended it to be, it should result in some particular helpful responses.

When I am in Rayong, strong support of the monarchy, I do not spend time on shirt colours, however if I am walking toward Lumpini Park wearing a Yellow shirt, I would give some thought to a flak jacket and then only at certain times.

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OP, just wear whatever you like, as long as you wear something.

As one of the members here correctly stated, we foreigners can normally wear whatever we like.

The worst thing that can happen is that some of the locals might look at you as if you were ignorant.

But you will not provoke any locals.

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No...I was wrong... You are not a troll... I apologise... You are simply too lazy to use the search function..... Too much time spent watching Jim Henson productions has turned you into a muppet.

lol I like you. your replys are always "spunky and clever" :)

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Yellow shirts were being worn as a tribute to the king for ages before the colour/sentiment was hijacked by the yellowshirt movement. As long as you aren't in proximity to a yellow protest group, no one would assume you had their sympathies.

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