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Just an idea...

In all posts where you're reporting torrent problems state:



private and/or public torrents (naming some trackers might be a good idea)




everything OK....all trackers private and public working down/uploading as normal. Not one single error..am I lucky or what?


Private torrent sites are not working., period.

demonoid.....not working

thebox............not working

IP torrents .....not working

diwana....not working

across the tasman....not working

torrent day ..........not working

public trackers are working

the pirate bay and btjunkie are working but public torrent sites are for noobs...:annoyed:

getting unsatisfactory answers from TOT who are telling me my modem is probably hot...:whistling:

and for those that believe that the internet in thailand is slow because a few of us are downloading torrents, you are living in lala land. :lol:


Can some explain torrents. My only experience is hearing of friends downloading porn movies. Does it have more legitimate uses? Sorry for being a Thicko and Techno Pygmy.

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Can some explain torrents. My only experience is hearing of friends downloading porn movies. Does it have more legitimate uses? Sorry for being a Thicko and Techno Pygmy.

Sharing of all kinds of files, you download them and also hopefully share them with others. Porn of course, but also movies, software, ebooks, etc. etc. I have no idea what percentage is porn but like everything on the net, probably high.


Private torrent sites are not working., period.

demonoid.....not working

thebox............not working

IP torrents .....not working

diwana....not working

across the tasman....not working

torrent day ..........not working

public trackers are working

the pirate bay and btjunkie are working but public torrent sites are for noobs...:annoyed:

getting unsatisfactory answers from TOT who are telling me my modem is probably hot...:whistling:

and for those that believe that the internet in thailand is slow because a few of us are downloading torrents, you are living in lala land. :lol:

demonoid is not a private tracker...you do not have to have a user name and password to download torrents.

thepiratebay is a trackerless site. no tracker announce there will work anymore.

as for the others the tracker is not connecting? Or is it connecting but you're not getting any peer trafffic..


It's a public holiday so I think nothing will happen with TOT until Monday.

Just relax and watch some Thai soap operas instead.


It's a public holiday so I think nothing will happen with TOT until Monday.

Just relax and watch some Thai soap operas instead.

I guess the good news for me is that I don't know what all this means. I guess all those acronems are abreviations for something. I am so computer dumb that I barely know what a migabit is. To bad, I would like to learn more about this computer thing. What does it mean an error occurred, it states that you cannot post two or more in a short time. This is my first post today???????????


Private torrent sites are not working., period.


public trackers are working

the pirate bay and btjunkie are working but public torrent sites are for noobs...:annoyed:

Probably because most private trackers don't allow DHT to find peers. Must get them from the tracker, that's how they keep the number of hit and run leechers to a minimum. This would indicate to me that TOT is just firewalling the IP's of the various well known trackers.


Private torrent sites are not working., period.


public trackers are working

the pirate bay and btjunkie are working but public torrent sites are for noobs...:annoyed:

Probably because most private trackers don't allow DHT to find peers. Must get them from the tracker, that's how they keep the number of hit and run leechers to a minimum. This would indicate to me that TOT is just firewalling the IP's of the various well known trackers.

Do you reckon this is permanent?


Wow, just received a call back! That's a first for this thread! Sadly, customer services are non-the-wiser either - poor girl hasn't got a clue what I'm going on about. Tried to run me down the 'turn modem off' route again. Then told me to try 1100 again (told her they'd referred to CS). Having worked in call centers before I know how they feel and I feel sorry for them as they're obviously being kept in the dark about whats going on - and having to just deal with the resulting shit storm. If customers leave no doubt the front-line staff will be the ones blamed - and sacked. In my softest, politest voice I told her I was giving it a couple of days then canceling - she giggled - we said goodbye. Feel somewhat calm now.


I am able to connect to the demonoid tracker via vpn but NOT via my standard TOT connection. This just changed within last 24 hours and I'm in Pattaya. Also, I run peerblock and noticed within the last 24hrs many blocked connections from CAT (anti p2p) and thai government. I don't take this as a coincidence.


BTW I can confirm that here:

Thebox = not working

uknova = working

Chiang Mai at 15.25

UKN not working

TV Chaos working

Public trackers working (see attachment)

I tested a TPB download and the following attachment shows 17 trackers, only two of which are working. I don't know how to interpret this but what I can't get my head round is why Slip can see UKN working when mine and others are dead as a Dodo.

post-40471-046267800 1281602311_thumb.jp


Sad to say that it's getting worse. Since this morning I have been unable to open new torrents from UKNova. That's in addition to Thebox and Theempire. I'm in Bangkok on TOT. TOT customer service say there isn't a deliberate policy to block but admit there's a problem. Their English speaking operators sound very unhappy.


Here are some of the ip that are investigating and trying to shutdown the p2p activity.

feel free to whois them yourself and see who they are.


I using tothome8m, and my REMOTE_HOST is "182.52.75.xxx". (Only IP numbers)

And I have another line that free WiFi of my condominium is "125.24.183.XX.adsl.dynamic.totbb.net".

I usually play the online game, that using TCP 25,80,110,443, 50000~65535 / UDP 50000~65535.

The "182.52.75.xxx" cannot play it, but "125.24.183.XX.adsl.dynamic.totbb.net" can play it normally.

What is difference??

Sorry for my poor English...


Private torrent sites are not working., period.


public trackers are working

the pirate bay and btjunkie are working but public torrent sites are for noobs...:annoyed:

Probably because most private trackers don't allow DHT to find peers. Must get them from the tracker, that's how they keep the number of hit and run leechers to a minimum. This would indicate to me that TOT is just firewalling the IP's of the various well known trackers.

People seem to be able to connect to the private torrent websites but not their trackers. From the few I've checked the websites and trackers use the same IPs but different ports. Most http (website) traffic is on port 80 while I've seen trackers on many other ports such as 2710, 8080, 8000 etc. So to block a tracker but keep the website working you'd need to know the port numbers.


May have already been said as no way can I spend 2 hours reading all this long thread but first step is NOT to use the default Bit Torrent port 6881 but change it up to the 32000 to 65000 range as often ISPs use port blocking to stop traffic and 6881 is a commonly blocked port by stupid ISPs who try to block torrents and they cannot block all the ports that people change to else there is no service left.

Having said that I tried changing my already bespoke port to something different but still no joy. I am in Ban Chang in Rayong province and need the services of The Box and UK NOVA so as a retiree living here I can have the pleasure of watching British TV, not much to ask nor an unreasonable requirement. And of course as important to me and many others as Skype phone conversations or youtube streaming are to others so that is not an argument, the internet is for everyone for whatever is our main requirements. It is such a shame that GeoBlocking gets in the way of progress as there should be no reason that International TV stations should be available either via satellites worldwide or internet streaming but greedy capitalist rules forbid it on licensing grounds so the few make more money at the loss of availability to the many, typical and another unacceptable face of capitalism. Anyway that is another story.

I think this may be CAT and not ToT as when I ring 1100 they state categorically that they (ToT) are not blocking bitTorrents. Certainly changing ports does no help it is indeed the tracker sites that seem to be firewalled. Fortunately here I have two lines and two ISPs and 3BB is giving me no problems so switched all my torrents there for now but will cancel ToT if this is permanent as the service is no good to me at all and I will NOT pay any cancellation fee in such circumstances they can take me to court if they want it and suggest we all refuse to pay any such fee where the service we pay for is no longer available. Anyway I switched to 3BB for my Vuze client PC via my Dual WAN Load Balancing router (Linksys RV042 - excellent bit of kit) got all my The Box torrents running and then switched back to ToT and even unplugged the 3BB line too to ensure I was not fooling myself. Results the torrents still worked once the new route established so it has to be tracker site firewalling by ToT or CAT but was much less bandwidth used but that was probably because my step son was playing online gaming (well it is a holiday today so he should enjoy himself too) and now all on the same single line at the same time but the torrents were working once the connection was established via 3BB. So for now I make 3BB my main torrents line and switch gaming and other internet use priority to the ToT line.

Unfortunately but understandably The Box do not allow members to use VPN services so that route is unavailable but you can live stream British TV via a good VPN service costing no more than US$5 per month and it works well too with little or no pauses and pretty good picture quality as long as the internet weather is good. But I am sure that will use up more internet resources than BitTorrents if we all switched to that live streaming method so any torrent blocking is narrow minded and ill thought out policy by ToT or CAT


The blocking is 100% intentional. No question about that. It seems more sites and areas are being blocked as time goes by. What KKK said is true. Private trackers are not being blocked by IP but rather by port number or maybe by protocol analysis. This is no accident or broken equipment. Also, the increase of activity by the CAT and MICT in scanning torrent users and trackers points to them trying to block this activity.


I thought I was in Pattaya but just did a whois on my IP and it says I'm in Phuket!. No wonder things are more expensive than usual. When and how did I get here?


So if this blocking is intentional and permanent. should we cancel TOT? What's to stop the other providers from doing the same thing?

Cancel...probably yes..but if the other providers follow then we're stuffed. Over the past few weeks I have seen various reports that torrenting will die and that file deposit sites (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) will take over. In fact I've already found many interesting websites listing the kind of movies I like with links to get them from rapidshare or megaupload. In the last week I've download far more from these types of sites than I have via torrents.


Right, so it doesn't seem altogether rational to dump TOT right away for those otherwise happy with TOT (I am) until we see what is going to happen with the other providers.


The blocking is 100% intentional. No question about that. It seems more sites and areas are being blocked as time goes by. What KKK said is true. Private trackers are not being blocked by IP but rather by port number or maybe by protocol analysis. This is no accident or broken equipment. Also, the increase of activity by the CAT and MICT in scanning torrent users and trackers points to them trying to block this activity.

Is this worth experimenting with..

thebox website works...their tracker doesn't which uses http protocol. The website, also http protocol, would use port 80. The trackers are on ports 2710, 8080, 8000, 4440 & 36000 and would seem to be banned. What about adding a tracker url using port 80 and see if it connects.

Anybody out there keen to do a tracker edit and report back?


Cancel...probably yes..but if the other providers follow then we're stuffed. Over the past few weeks I have seen various reports that torrenting will die and that file deposit sites (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) will take over. In fact I've already found many interesting websites listing the kind of movies I like with links to get them from rapidshare or megaupload. In the last week I've download far more from these types of sites than I have via torrents.

I used rapidshare before finding thebox.  Never found any uptodate sport on rapidshare.  Good for movies & popular tv.  Also, how easy is blocking rapidshare going to be?


 Not much time today but to add my little bit:

I am using True ADSL. It greatly improved about two months ago. Lately it seems to be sliding back to what it was. I am referring specifically to the "world wide web" (browser) response.

I see torrents downloading but not at the improved speed, also. 

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