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Thai Exchange Student Faces Deportation In America, Host Mother Faces Felonies


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Although I realize that television media and forums are not necessarily the best source for accurate information, I did a little internet research on this very sad story and found a very recent television news story video dated Aug 17 containing an interview with "Tak", Here is the link : Link to interview For whatever little it is worth, I also read some things posted on forums from people that say they have known host mother Laura Ely and they have always considered her to be a somewhat shady person in her dealings.

I did not spend a half hour waiting for the link to download , I can only presume it contains more of the same (in general) as what has already been posted , lies , lies and bloody lies , Taks whole story is more or less a hoodwink , why bother to post like this and then expect sympathy ? She should put her tail (Tale) between her legs and run home to mummy , what did she expect to achieve any way ????????????

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Although I realize that television media and forums are not necessarily the best source for accurate information, I did a little internet research on this very sad story and found a very recent television news story video dated Aug 17 containing an interview with "Tak", Here is the link : Link to interview For whatever little it is worth, I also read some things posted on forums from people that say they have known host mother Laura Ely and they have always considered her to be a somewhat shady person in her dealings.

I did not spend a half hour waiting for the link to download , I can only presume it contains more of the same (in general) as what has already been posted , lies , lies and bloody lies , Taks whole story is more or less a hoodwink , why bother to post like this and then expect sympathy ? She should put her tail (Tale) between her legs and run home to mummy , what did she expect to achieve any way ????????????

what many expect.. a handout ant it works often.

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Some people might note that it is not only Thais who are "thieves and cheats". :(

So true. Thats what many of us have been trying to say. But try and tell the apologists that such a thing as a "Thai" cheat/ liar even exists in LOS and just wait for the backlash. :whistling:

IAs an aside; I see the wanna-b-thai, mindless, sheep-like foreign sock puppets, aka; "thai apologists" are already out in force on this thread, ready to quickly point the finger at anything OTHER than the problems which do exist here once the 'rose colored glasses' come off, ).

I don't know. I've just read every post on this thread and I didn't see any apologizing for Thai behavior. Which ones are you guys talking about?

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I don't see any benefit in beating up on this young woman. She is having a hard time and is a stranger in a strange land. The American Midwest is indeed VERY STRANGE.

I will not go to the midwest to wierd for me and the food really sucks.

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