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Australian National Brutally Bashed & Robbed In Pattaya

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Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

the ones that can spell say their thigh----------------------------did you get excited at the thought of a thigh !!

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You dance on an other tune all the time after i blow your arguments away. .

You certainly are blowing hard, but that's about it.


Maybe the crimes are dramatised but they are not imaginary. I am not sure where your from but where I live this would make front page news. In Australia crimes against tourists are taken very seriously, investgated throughly and punished accordingly. Maybe, Aussies just feel its a loss of face to be a poor host. I think this was demonstrated recently when there was a spate of violent crimes against Indians students here. Perhaps it will take government and community level protests, expats protesting in the street to force the Thai government to make an effort to stop these tourist attacks.

It's very hard to make a comparison.There's no place in Australia with such a concentration of international tourists and expats.


My ex-girlfriend ended up working in Soi 6, Pattaya. I managed to enrage her Thai boyfriend by having almost free sex with her for five years but he was restrained by the thought of how much money he was going to get when I sold my house in the UK. However, I sold it but told them that it was still rented out and after I finished with girl without any dosh as compensation (I don't give money to girls who have Thai boyfriends) the Thai guy went ballistic, beating her up and threatening to kill me if I set foot in Thailand again. I have come twice since then and both times he approached the hotel owner where I was staying about planting drugs in my room (luckily they don't seem to have any serious Mafia connections and the hotel owners actually warned me off)... anyway the relevance of the above, is that the girls in Soi 6 almost always have Thai boyfriends and they get all wound up and enraged and will attack ANY farang that takes their fancy, just to prove that they are real men, etc.

BTW I did report the Thai guy to both the Thai police and Interpol, the latter as he was trying to play the big man by stealing my letters and getting his computer hacker mate to get into my UK bank records (some of the paper statements the ex-girlfriend had access to) - pointless as they have no idea where I live or where I have moved my money to. I then texted the ex-girlfriend with the info that I had alerted the police, from the safety of the UK... you can imagine how enraged that would make the Thai boyfriend, the idea of a farang setting thai police on a thai man.

Basically, then, even if you have done no wrong, you may be standing in for some other farang who has wound up some Thai men and is not available for a beating.

Needless to say, my next holiday will be in the Philippines

Your post is so funny. Any man anywhere would be enraged if another man had sex with his girlfriend once let alone for 5 years. I'm surprised you're still alive. Can you really blame the boyfriend?

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Maybe the crimes are dramatised but they are not imaginary. I am not sure where your from but where I live this would make front page news. In Australia crimes against tourists are taken very seriously, investgated throughly and punished accordingly. Maybe, Aussies just feel its a loss of face to be a poor host. I think this was demonstrated recently when there was a spate of violent crimes against Indians students here. Perhaps it will take government and community level protests, expats protesting in the street to force the Thai government to make an effort to stop these tourist attacks.

It's very hard to make a comparison.There's no place in Australia with such a concentration of international tourists and expats.

Ermm the Gold Coast? :whistling:


Im not comparing Thailand with other tourist destinations, im not a tourist i live here. So it would be silly to compare it to tourist destinations. I compare it with developed countries in Europe. Calling Thailand a 3rd world country is a bit over the top but how can you trust a police force that is so corrupt. How can you expect that all suicides were real. Many expats question it.

In Pattaya we get reports every month or so that a foreigner has fallen from a building. Even if they were all murders it doesn't really make Pattaya more dangerous statistically over a year. Crime is dramatised to a great degree in Pattaya due to the crudeness of the local media. They don't only report, but make dumb opinions on everything that happens. We hear about stuff that would never make the news in most other countries.

You dance on an other tune all the time after i blow your arguments away. Anyway the figures said it all Thailand is 4 to 5 times more dangerous then the average European country.

Im sure Pattaya gets a bad rep, but part of it is deserved too. I don't visit it much but that is not because i think its dangerous, i just like diving and snorkling and the ocean around Pattaya is dead. So there is not much for me to go there. I just don't live with the illusion that Thailand is safe. I enjoy my time here but i watch out with what I do.

its all generalizations yes some partrs off thailand are dangerous some are not where i used to live in london if you walked through the housing estate at night drunk alone 100% you would get robbed other ares no problems i would say where i live in thailand is pretty safe we all know the dodgy parts of thailand and most normal people stay away from them ,they are only tourist traps anyway why would you go to them if you live here B)

Good point, so this part of London that you write about is promoted as a world class tourist destination, promoted around the world as a safe, carefree place full of happy smiling locals eager to please you. Ideal for your next holiday?

I guess my point is, yes if you live here you have an idea what to expect, but for a tourist the only idea they have is whats is the glossy holiday guide or the exciting TV ad tells them. Dont worry about the violence just go on TVF and read how its all justified.


In Pattaya we get reports every month or so that a foreigner has fallen from a building. Even if they were all murders it doesn't really make Pattaya more dangerous statistically over a year. Crime is dramatised to a great degree in Pattaya due to the crudeness of the local media. They don't only report, but make dumb opinions on everything that happens. We hear about stuff that would never make the news in most other countries.

You dance on an other tune all the time after i blow your arguments away. Anyway the figures said it all Thailand is 4 to 5 times more dangerous then the average European country.

Im sure Pattaya gets a bad rep, but part of it is deserved too. I don't visit it much but that is not because i think its dangerous, i just like diving and snorkling and the ocean around Pattaya is dead. So there is not much for me to go there. I just don't live with the illusion that Thailand is safe. I enjoy my time here but i watch out with what I do.

its all generalizations yes some partrs off thailand are dangerous some are not where i used to live in london if you walked through the housing estate at night drunk alone 100% you would get robbed other ares no problems i would say where i live in thailand is pretty safe we all know the dodgy parts of thailand and most normal people stay away from them ,they are only tourist traps anyway why would you go to them if you live here B)

Good point, so this part of London that you write about is promoted as a world class tourist destination, promoted around the world as a safe, carefree place full of happy smiling locals eager to please you. Ideal for your next holiday?

well yes its pretty common knowledge london is promoted as a world class tourist destination attracting hundreds off thousands of tourists a year ............

put your brain in gear before you comment me thinks


i been here long time and i wouldn't go down soi 6 anymore - makes the hairs on my neck tingle - alarms bells know what i mean

the lb bars have a bad reputation and the scum lbs are very agressive in the street

these street walking lbs really are bad news

good place to get robbed is on the beach front near the police station around middday, cos the cops are all out the back eating

you really have to watch yourself these days especially walking alone - stay on the lighted areas. there's a lot of hungry thai pimps whose gfs cant get the business cos theres no flangs, so they are coming out full on when they used to leave the girls do the dirty business :whistling:


its all generalizations yes some partrs off thailand are dangerous some are not where i used to live in london if you walked through the housing estate at night drunk alone 100% you would get robbed other ares no problems i would say where i live in thailand is pretty safe we all know the dodgy parts of thailand and most normal people stay away from them ,they are only tourist traps anyway why would you go to them if you live here B)

Sure figures are always generalizations, i feel pretty safe where i am but i won't be tempting faith by flashing money around or getting drunk and walk the streets drunk.

All what i was trying to convey was That Thailand is not the perfect place people make it out to be. It has a lot of crime and it can be dangerous. A lot of people just can't see it any other way as the perfect place to be the moment you say anything bad about it your bashing Thai's and Thailand.


its all generalizations yes some partrs off thailand are dangerous some are not where i used to live in london if you walked through the housing estate at night drunk alone 100% you would get robbed other ares no problems i would say where i live in thailand is pretty safe we all know the dodgy parts of thailand and most normal people stay away from them ,they are only tourist traps anyway why would you go to them if you live here B)

Good point, so this part of London that you write about is promoted as a world class tourist destination, promoted around the world as a safe, carefree place full of happy smiling locals eager to please you. Ideal for your next holiday?

well yes its pretty common knowledge london is promoted as a world class tourist destination attracting hundreds off thousands of tourists a year ............

put your brain in gear before you comment me thinks

I agree London is a world class tourist destination and I have been there many times. I have never been beaten, robbed, or suffered any crime there. Guess I am one of the few lucky tourists.


I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

If it's so bad why didn't you leave years ago? Why have you waite so long. From what Thais have told em they don't hate farangs, they just don't like the old farang men who come to Thailand to buy sex. Imagine you lived in a seaside town in UK or USA and old men from overseas came in their 1000s to buy sex, wouldn't you end up hating them. Most of this nastiness that most people report is in prostitution areas. Why someone decides to move to live in such areas I'll never understand. And then they wonder why there is so much trouble. The answer is simple. Just have a think about it.


He said what the problem is. He can't sell his condo and he isn't rich. Most of the world isn't rich, why is that such a surprise or something to be ashamed about?


I am not Thai bashing, or racist or any other label you wish to put on me to belittle my opinion. I never had a problem living in Ubon. The point I am trying to make is that there is a problem in the tourist areas of Thailand, that is they dont live up to the advertised image. Why? Because of the failure of the Thai authorities to adequately police and regulate these areas. They prefer to ignore and mai pen rai it. Others try to justify it


Maybe the crimes are dramatised but they are not imaginary. I am not sure where your from but where I live this would make front page news. In Australia crimes against tourists are taken very seriously, investgated throughly and punished accordingly. Maybe, Aussies just feel its a loss of face to be a poor host. I think this was demonstrated recently when there was a spate of violent crimes against Indians students here. Perhaps it will take government and community level protests, expats protesting in the street to force the Thai government to make an effort to stop these tourist attacks.

It's very hard to make a comparison.There's no place in Australia with such a concentration of international tourists and expats.

Ermm the Gold Coast? :whistling:

Ermm....lived in the heart of Surfers Paradise for 20 years and was involved in the tourist trade the whole time. No comparison. There's also no sex trade there to speak of.


He said what the problem is. He can't sell his condo and he isn't rich. Most of the world isn't rich, why is that such a surprise or something to be ashamed about?

I'm sure it hasn't taken 20 years to sel, his condo. The situation didn't suddenly deteriorate overnight. If he can't sell his condo then the price is to high. If it sells it at what it's worth he will find a buyer. He is not trapped at all. Sell his condo and move. Or rent it out and move. Even if I was destitute I'd find a way out of the nightmare he seems to be living in. Selling his condo is just an excuse not to actually do something. Most of his problems seem to be self induced. Why doesn't he buy the drugs in advance instead of leaving until the last minute/ Why does he only use 4 restaurants. This guy needs to sort his life out and stop blaming others. I have lived in some <deleted> places in my time. I left and found somewhere better. I didn't stay and complain about everyone. And I was poor at the time as well. He has no excuse nt to move. He doesn't need to sell his condo before moving. He can rent it out.

  • Like 2

Your post is so funny. Any man anywhere would be enraged if another man had sex with his girlfriend once let alone for 5 years. I'm surprised you're still alive. Can you really blame the boyfriend?

You don't know much about Pattaya then. The majority of girls working in the bars here have Thai boyfriends who are more than happy for their girl to go out and have sex with other men. If they doing it for free (highly unlikely), then sure, they might get upset.


The Officers on the pictures seem to find is quite funny. But fights do happen everywhere. The fact that it is front-page news in Thailand means that it is quite exceptional that this happens. I bet that in Australia or other Western Countries journalists do not have time to report this as it happens every day numerous times.


happening alot lately! but what is this editors note: <deleted>?

Hi my friend onenut,

i wonder why a few of my mates that have been involved in trouble in the uk over the last few months didnt get a mention in the local papers.Football related and drink related incidents happen in their hundreds at the weekend in England and i wouldnt dare to guess how many in Scotland and South Wales.

We have an incident in soi 6 of all places and people jump on the bandwagon and say happening a lot lately.

Give over man

Somtampax, always a pleasure.

I dont know anybody who has been beaten and robbed. you must hang around with some rough sorts. but yes, I do agree with you that this would also happen in the UK and probably more often than here in Thailand. but as per my post, I think it is happening a lot more lately here in Thailand. I am sure there is more of this type of crime going on in Pattaya now than 5 years ago. probably happening more now in the UK as well! but I am not talking about the UK I am talking about Thailand.

yeah, sure the papers are printing about these crimes more than they were 5 years ago as well but I reckon crime in Pattaya is up by a big margin.

Love the somtampax,very funny,we must meet for a drink but not soi 6 lol.I am not a betting man but no doubt there is more to this story than meets the eye.There are very very few cases in Pattaya/Bangkok where there is an unprovocated attack on a non thai.


I just wonder if it because he resembles a mid-eastern man? Even though he is a Aussie national. He may have mouthed off to the locals or created a loss of face in some way. An old friend who is from India and a Hindu was badly beaten in the US when he was mistaken for a muslim. Just a thought


"waist" bag.....sorry.... totally different meanings

That was pretty funny though I don't think the dude ment it too be clever. I was thinking the guy was wearing you know a real waste bag and it is some offended cultural thing here...

Don't like the indifference/smug look on their faces of the aid helpers, don't like the word "confronted" when they really should say going to the aid of a victim - it makes it sound like the victim was the problem and lastly the editor's comment about whether this attack was provoked or not..maybe the presence of "being a tourist" lead to the provocation? This type of thinking is along the same lines of weaaring and asking for it..complete BS



Maybe the crimes are dramatised but they are not imaginary. I am not sure where your from but where I live this would make front page news. In Australia crimes against tourists are taken very seriously, investgated throughly and punished accordingly. Maybe, Aussies just feel its a loss of face to be a poor host. I think this was demonstrated recently when there was a spate of violent crimes against Indians students here. Perhaps it will take government and community level protests, expats protesting in the street to force the Thai government to make an effort to stop these tourist attacks.

It's very hard to make a comparison.There's no place in Australia with such a concentration of international tourists and expats.

Ermm the Gold Coast? :whistling:

Ermm....lived in the heart of Surfers Paradise for 20 years and was involved in the tourist trade the whole time. No comparison. There's also no sex trade there to speak of.

Your right Troppo, you need to go to the Valley for that. But I think the topic was violence towards tourist.


The Officers on the pictures seem to find is quite funny. But fights do happen everywhere. The fact that it is front-page news in Thailand means that it is quite exceptional that this happens. I bet that in Australia or other Western Countries journalists do not have time to report this as it happens every day numerous times.

Good post mate and very true,and if the newspaper didnt report everything, the paper would be a poor read.


i wonder why a few of my mates that have been involved in trouble in the uk over the last few months didnt get a mention in the local papers.Football related and drink related incidents happen in their hundreds at the weekend in England and i wouldnt dare to guess how many in Scotland and South Wales.

A common trait of the naive to be comparing apples and oranges. This is a tourist not a local yob likely to mix with the wrong type.


Although not obvious to the average tourist and for the sake of folk picking this up in the SERPs, if one must frequent these areas, which can contain dicey elements on both sides, refrain from arguing or joking with the locals and don't look a random Thai guy in the eye, especially in a bar. Not saying that he did, but also a good idea not to argue with the ladies/extra-ladies, tuk-tuk drivers, and pay all bills. Not wearing a bum-bag also goes without saying, or at the very least, keep the thing concealed!


Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

Being an American it may be a 'Fanny bag' but as the guy is an aussie it is a 'Bum bag'. Fanny is our slang for pussy.

Fanny is your slang for pussy; nothing to do with American slang for it. Fanny is and has always been slang for ass in usa

Who gives a toss.... a bloke has been beaten to a pulp and you're arguing about the exact definition of the word "fanny"? Get a life!


Maybe the crimes are dramatised but they are not imaginary. I am not sure where your from but where I live this would make front page news. In Australia crimes against tourists are taken very seriously, investgated throughly and punished accordingly. Maybe, Aussies just feel its a loss of face to be a poor host. I think this was demonstrated recently when there was a spate of violent crimes against Indians students here. Perhaps it will take government and community level protests, expats protesting in the street to force the Thai government to make an effort to stop these tourist attacks.

It's very hard to make a comparison.There's no place in Australia with such a concentration of international tourists and expats.

Ermm the Gold Coast? :whistling:

Ermm....lived in the heart of Surfers Paradise for 20 years and was involved in the tourist trade the whole time. No comparison. There's also no sex trade there to speak of.

Erm lived there for 20 years myself, there is now more Kiwis living on the Gold Coast than in New Zealand, there is a high concetration of other expats too, it is a well known International Tourist destination. I ws only commenting on what you said, not about sex trade or anyhing else. Btw I reckon more people get bashed in Surfers on any given weekend than in Pattaya. I used to love nights out in Surfers growning up, I would not venture out in there these days for a night out. Peace


Ermm....lived in the heart of Surfers Paradise for 20 years and was involved in the tourist trade the whole time. No comparison. There's also no sex trade there to speak of.

Erm lived there for 20 years myself, there is now more Kiwis living on the Gold Coast than in New Zealand, there is a high concetration of other expats too, it is a well known International Tourist destination. I ws only commenting on what you said, not about sex trade or anyhing else. Btw I reckon more people get bashed in Surfers on any given weekend than in Pattaya. I used to love nights out in Surfers growning up, I would not venture out in there these days for a night out. Peace

Hmmm interesting piont, I cant comment on the numbers of violent acts in Surfers, but I would be interested to know if these incidents are towards tourist, expats or locals?

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