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Australian National Brutally Bashed & Robbed In Pattaya

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Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

Being an American it may be a 'Fanny bag' but as the guy is an aussie it is a 'Bum bag'. Fanny is our slang for pussy.

onya wallaby. I tried to post same. Someone had to!

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Basically, then, even if you have done no wrong, you may be standing in for some other farang who has wound up some Thai men and is not available for a beating.

Needless to say, my next holiday will be in the Philippines

Philippines..not to sure if you ever been there before ..but maybe you might be in for a shock..

Its not as safe as you think to walk around late at night..some areas can be dodgy as <deleted>..

and a word in your ear. i think the bar girls also have Philippines BF.who will be only to happy to give you a slap if you piss them of also .

If you truly want to be safe , there is no safer place than the comfort of your mamas apron strings cheesy.gif

I'll vouch for that. I'd put the figure at over 90% of bargirls having Filipino boyfriends.

And yes, walking around bar districts in the Philippines at night with valuables in full sight is asking for trouble.


I am completely lost reading some of the comments in this thread (read: SOME, not all!)

I am shocked at how many falangs post in here that they come here for sex, openly advocating paying bottom dollar for sex, yet complaining that Pattaya is like a toilet? Err...

It almost makes me feel embarrassed to live here. I am just thankful I am in my mid 20's and don't look like (and certainly don't need) to pay for sex.

Take it as you will. If you don't like the country, leave. If you want to continue taking advantage of this country and it's people, go right ahead, just stop your freakin' whinging.

LOL, another HIGHLIGHT, welcome to the Forum jampola. And CONGRATULATIONS as you are the only men in the world (not only Thailand) which doesnt pay for sex the one way or the other :lol: :lol: :lol:

But right, you found the perfect Thailady, doesnt want or need money, Goldallergie, No Family and the pockets full with money she worked for.....NOOOO not on a bar certanly. She just loves you because you are good looking handsome man, gratulations for that :jap:

anyway, I hope the shock after you wake up is not too hard :lol:

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happening alot lately! but what is this editors note: <deleted>?

Hi my friend onenut,

i wonder why a few of my mates that have been involved in trouble in the uk over the last few months didnt get a mention in the local papers.Football related and drink related incidents happen in their hundreds at the weekend in England and i wouldnt dare to guess how many in Scotland and South Wales.

We have an incident in soi 6 of all places and people jump on the bandwagon and say happening a lot lately.

Give over man

Because its a Thailand Orientated News Topic,and not designed for disgruntled Expats,personal agendas!


Perhaps some people don't care about the "victim" in this case. because they know that many people that visit sois like this spend most of their time ridiculing and discriminating against the people they hire for sex. Go figger.


I am completely lost reading some of the comments in this thread (read: SOME, not all!)

I am shocked at how many falangs post in here that they come here for sex, openly advocating paying bottom dollar for sex, yet complaining that Pattaya is like a toilet? Err...

It almost makes me feel embarrassed to live here. I am just thankful I am in my mid 20's and don't look like (and certainly don't need) to pay for sex.

Take it as you will. If you don't like the country, leave. If you want to continue taking advantage of this country and it's people, go right ahead, just stop your freakin' whinging.

You're far to young to be making comments about sex in Pattaya. Come back in 30 years. Coming on here and bragging about how you're too young and handsome to have to pay for sex is a bit out of place don't you think? Most of the people you're posting to are over 50 and were also once young and attractive.

You wil pay one way or another mate,(maybe from one of your free ladies boyfriend,be careful,).,what are you doing here if you feel embarrassed,there plenty more places for you to go,good and bad,you think Pattaya is the only place in the world,with working girls thieves scammers etc.,KEEP READING THAI VISA ,YOU WILL SEE,smell the coffee and wake up.


First, we can not know the whole story, and it is doubtful he will be totally forthcoming about any behaviors that may have led up to the incident.

I often stay with my girlfriend in our home in the Klong Sam area, and i personally have never had any kind of problem. I buy drinks regularly for the

guards that watch the entrances to the neighborhoods etc,....and i go often with my gf, ( which is a big help when it comes to being accepted in your area )...so the

locals seem to enjoy seeing me everyday. I walk without fear......but i treat them with respect, I try to understand their culture, etc, ......all the common sense stuff.

All the problems I see are from drunk Thais.....often between a husband and wife.....or young people. I also never go to sleezy go go bars......or other bars by myself.

My Gf will be with me......and we have never had a problem. If anything......they will always want to talk to her.....giggle, laugh......and they will ask about me....( you know, because

I am a farung with a money tree) .....and i avoid walking alone into a dark areas.....I look ahead....scope the scene and stay on my toes.......

My neighboring city, Portland Oregon, USA, just had 10 gang related shootings in less than 48 hours.........Am I really worried about the occasional attack on foreigners in Thailand? Not really. The entire

world if full of @#&*!# stupid idiots..............


I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.



I am completely lost reading some of the comments in this thread (read: SOME, not all!)

I am shocked at how many falangs post in here that they come here for sex, openly advocating paying bottom dollar for sex, yet complaining that Pattaya is like a toilet? Err...

It almost makes me feel embarrassed to live here. I am just thankful I am in my mid 20's and don't look like (and certainly don't need) to pay for sex.

Take it as you will. If you don't like the country, leave. If you want to continue taking advantage of this country and it's people, go right ahead, just stop your freakin' whinging.

You're far to young to be making comments about sex in Pattaya. Come back in 30 years. Coming on here and bragging about how you're too young and handsome to have to pay for sex is a bit out of place don't you think? Most of the people you're posting to are over 50 and were also once young and attractive.

I just hope that it really is the silent majority staying here who have nowt to do with the sex trade. I think I do see em around too, occasionally.

Believe me, adding to the misery of peoples lives there really is no karmic retribution that would not be enough for you.

It ain't vicitimless and I'm pretty sure it ain't the majority


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Its always Pattaya that has problems or whatever.


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Its always Pattaya that has problems or whatever.

Its not always Pattaya that has the problems, its just highlighted more, I mean its

not nice what happened to this guy but lets face it its very minor news and would not

even get a line in most newpapers never mind reach local broadcast news like it will

in Pattaya.

I woukld still say the worst place in Thailand is Bangkok................... quite a awful

city really. At least Pattaya is purely a seaside tourist town which gives it a good

vibe most of the time,



For those who think that Thailand is so safe. Its ranked 14 in the world murder wise.

You're getting tied up with stats and 14th place on the graph, but by the time the graph gets to 0.0800798 (14th place) you're close enough to zero for your comparison to be meaningless in reality, Next thing you'll be saying that a place is much safer because 0.01 people per 1,000 less are being murdered. Why not provide a link so we can discover the rest of your rankings to see the whole picture.

I provided a link for the rest, there you can see that it is bad here.. then also this is a 3rd world country not everything gets reported. I gave the Pattaya suicides as an example. Percentwise there are 32 times more murders here as in Holland. Its even more as 2,5 times the of the UK (never new the UK was that bad)

It is even about 1,7 times the murder rate in the US! You say that 0,08 murders per 1000 people is next to nothing. That makes it around 5200 reported murders in a year. With about 64 mill people. The US has around 15.000 murders with a population of about 320 mill. Go figure. Another example, Sweden has 219 murders with 9 mill people. With the same population as Thailand, it would mean about 1500 murders in a year. Thailand is far from safe.


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Its always Pattaya that has problems or whatever.

Its not always Pattaya that has the problems,

That's right, sometimes its Phuket.


One couple of posts deleted (one inflammatory post and one post quoting it).

Forum rules

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Pattaya is where one comes to die. It is no different then an Elephant sanctuary it just depends on how long you can dodge the inevitable, be it a beating, thrown from a balcony, hung with cord whatever, the future is certainly not bright and not orange for residents alike.


All I can say is - consider your options.

(Plus - better quality of expats here in VN also. Sorry folks. If I offended anybody, they're probably the ones I'm referring to. Just read through any of the comments on ThaiVisa and you'll see for yourself. It often gets commented on, so I'm not alone in saying so.)

Sorry to sound rude but you are really blinded. It occurs frequently in expats of less than a few years, they see things based on how they want to, often as a rebellion towards their previous place of residence and espouse wonderment to everyone about their new country.

I lived in Vietnam for over four years. The armpit of SE Asia it is. Thailand is not nearly a nice place as tourists think it is, but it fairs better than Vietpit. The locals are honest? The exact opposite of what I would say about them. Viets lie, they tell lies to make other lies go away, they even tell lies to make the truth sound like a lie so that the lie they are telling you now is the truth. Viets smile? I would not trust a Viet smile any more than I would a Thai one, in fact I would lean in favor of the latter if I had to choose.

"distinct lack of rip-offs, nastiness and xenophobia". Wow, a threefer. Three extreme errors in one sentence. Vietnam is the rip-off capital of Asia. They rip you off so much that when it becomes obvious, they don't even bother to cover it up. Viets regularly shout and scream when any little thing doesn't go their way. Viets are very xenophobic when it comes time to cross-cultural dating. Sure if you just want to sit at a stupid little picnic table over chips and beer and smile with everybody, they'll do that. Try to cross the lines, though, and get lectured or worse, get the treatment.

Don't get me all wrong though, I am not going to knock your first points about Thailand. I would agree with you on those, there is potential for real trouble here, including with some of the expats too, as you say. I've had situations where I quickly said "thanks but not thanks" and got the hel_l out of dodge.

On the economic front, Thailand comes out the winner both in the long run as well as immediately in many instances. Prices on many things are much lower, there are far more shopping options, and more availability of places to live with a broad array of prices. Vietnam is the opposite: monopoly on pretty much everything, low selection on goods whether personal care, household, food or lodging -- and the prices can be extortionate, especially on the latter. They are a lot more persistent on dual pricing -- locals vs. foreigner.

Thanks for the rundown on life in Vietnam. Now we know what Chefshane means by a "better quality of expat" there. They're a hardy bunch who know how to survive under very harsh conditions. They're real troopers who perhaps don't realise the Vietnam war is now over.

I'll stick with the lower class of expats in Thailand where life is still easy (good).

  • Like 1

I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

I feel your pain, been here three years and lately I am ready to leave and never look back.

I have about four restaurants that I go to regularly. All are foreign owned and the owners are there all the time; otherwise the staff will screw off, give customers a hard time so there's no business and the staff can sleep all day. (typical)

Went to North Face in Central Festival Mall. I bought a bag that when I got home was too small for my work gear. I returned it the same day with the original tags still on it and the staff told me 'No refund, can exchange for the the bigger bag (which was cheaper) but no money back.

I told her I wanted to speak to the boss, Snottily she snapped, "boss not here!". I replied, loudly, "Then get off your Monkey ass and call him!!!" she called the boss and I got my refund.

I go to the Market to buy X, the salesman (and I use that term loosely) says "50 baht" my girlfriend cuts in "Why you charge him 50 baht when I know it's only 30 baht?" "Oh sorry farrang, 30 baht" I go back the next day by myself..."50 bath farrang" <deleted> off!

Unlike you I work off in Malaysia and Vietnam. I am so glad I'm here only 50% of the time otherwise I'd be crazy or in jail for cutting some Thai Key-Gong's throat.

I tell my friends in the states not to come here and I'm on my way to greener pastures as soon as a better deal comes up.

Cheap beer and cheap is not worth getting stabbed for no reason or being fleeced by the Police on some trumped up, make0believe charge.

To Thailand, som nam na, you are getting what you deserve.

I think both of the above posters should seek professional help.

Someone who shouts racist comments at Thai store assistants and wonders why he is not liked in Thailand really needs to take a hard look at himself.


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Ok, so we'll assume that you have one vote for "cup half empty" ballot entry.

I'll balance that out with a vote for "cup half full" ballot entry, for all of the good clean safe fun and enjoyment that can be had in Pattaya and surrounding areas.



I cannot believe this was a standard bashing and robbery in Soi 6 at 9pm. There are a few ladyboy bars there now on the main Soi and I'm guessing he may have seriously offended someone to get bashed like that.

I wonder why an Aussie is walking around with US cash?

Uhh, second that...and let's throw some racism in too....Aussie??? :whistling:

Is he really Australian? looks Indian or Pakastani to me and wandering around with US dollars? I guess he is one of the thousands who hold an Aussie passport from other countries who do not and will never call australia home.


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Its always Pattaya that has problems or whatever.

Yep that is Pattaya. Why would any sensible person go within 100 kms of the place.



For those who think that Thailand is so safe. Its ranked 14 in the world murder wise.

But thats just the reported numbers of murder right? As we all know how things work in LoS, we can suspect the real numbers are a little bit higher.

No wonder, this world stinks, not only in Thailand. People get richer and wealthier year after year, while others die of hunger and dont know how to make

the next day. We will see crime statistics rising thats absolutely clear. Fact is, Thailand WAS a safe country once and its not anymore. Not for his own

citizens nor for the farang and tourist community.

Anyway, who knows the real story behind that? Bad behaviour because of less information? who knows. Thais are hot bloodes sometimes but normally they never

attack someone just for fun like usual in some other countries after some beers ^^


Hmmm interesting piont, I cant comment on the numbers of violent acts in Surfers, but I would be interested to know if these incidents are towards tourist, expats or locals?

Generally I'd say it's completely random, but if a tourist does get some bother it is soon highlighted by the media as tourists being trageted, same goes it is is an expat the media will sometimes take a racially motivated angle. Most of the time it is just a congregation of P*ssed up Druged Up people. Many football teams and sporting groups come to the town for drinking, "rooting" fighting fun. Don't know if you've heard of Blackpool in England, well Blackpool with sun sounds about right these days, at night anyway.


i know Blackpool well, i often refer to Pattaya as Blackpool with sex


I am completely lost reading some of the comments in this thread (read: SOME, not all!)

I am shocked at how many falangs post in here that they come here for sex, openly advocating paying bottom dollar for sex, yet complaining that Pattaya is like a toilet? Err...

It almost makes me feel embarrassed to live here. I am just thankful I am in my mid 20's and don't look like (and certainly don't need) to pay for sex.

Take it as you will. If you don't like the country, leave. If you want to continue taking advantage of this country and it's people, go right ahead, just stop your freakin' whinging.

LOL, another HIGHLIGHT, welcome to the Forum jampola. And CONGRATULATIONS as you are the only men in the world (not only Thailand) which doesnt pay for sex the one way or the other :lol: :lol: :lol:

But right, you found the perfect Thailady, doesnt want or need money, Goldallergie, No Family and the pockets full with money she worked for.....NOOOO not on a bar certanly. She just loves you because you are good looking handsome man, gratulations for that :jap:

anyway, I hope the shock after you wake up is not too hard :lol:

I can asure you not the only one who knows there are some people who would have nothing to do with the sex trade and gold diggers you mention



For those who think that Thailand is so safe. Its ranked 14 in the world murder wise.

But thats just the reported numbers of murder right? As we all know how things work in LoS, we can suspect the real numbers are a little bit higher.

No wonder, this world stinks, not only in Thailand. People get richer and wealthier year after year, while others die of hunger and dont know how to make

the next day. We will see crime statistics rising thats absolutely clear. Fact is, Thailand WAS a safe country once and its not anymore. Not for his own

citizens nor for the farang and tourist community.

Anyway, who knows the real story behind that? Bad behaviour because of less information? who knows. Thais are hot bloodes sometimes but normally they never

attack someone just for fun like usual in some other countries after some beers ^^

lol you think these values mean anything. Now find out how the us government define murder per capita? lol yes if you look you will find a large number of murders are not reported as such, also a lot of murders are not included depending on how the state that submitted wanted to define a murder

Nixon I believe said it the best


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Ok, so we'll assume that you have one vote for "cup half empty" ballot entry.

I'll balance that out with a vote for "cup half full" ballot entry, for all of the good clean safe fun and enjoyment that can be had in Pattaya and surrounding areas.


You seem to be in the minority!



Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Its always Pattaya that has problems or whatever.

Yep that is Pattaya. Why would any sensible person go within 100 kms of the place.

I'm sensible and I would never ever go there again.


Pattaya has it all, muggings, gangsters, pedophiles, criminals on the run, losers, drunks, bank scammers, robbers, ladyboy gangs, perverts and an assortment of other flotsam and jetsam.

Its always Pattaya that has problems or whatever.

Yep that is Pattaya. Why would any sensible person go within 100 kms of the place.

I'm sensible and I would never ever go there again.

Are you sure you are sensible? Every city has problem areas and some people just invite trouble.


I cannot believe this was a standard bashing and robbery in Soi 6 at 9pm. There are a few ladyboy bars there now on the main Soi and I'm guessing he may have seriously offended someone to get bashed like that.

I wonder why an Aussie is walking around with US cash?

Uhh, second that...and let's throw some racism in too....Aussie??? :whistling:

Is he really Australian? looks Indian or Pakastani to me and wandering around with US dollars? I guess he is one of the thousands who hold an Aussie passport from other countries who do not and will never call australia home.

How many more ignorant comments need we suffer regarding "is he really Australian". People from all over the planet of all races call Australia home. The only "real Australians" are Aboriginal Australians.

Anyone who holds and Aussie passport is Australian. Do you think they sell Aussie passports at the local corner store?


Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

Being an American it may be a 'Fanny bag' but as the guy is an aussie it is a 'Bum bag'. Fanny is our slang for pussy.

Everybody sing along now, "Looking for love, in all the wrong places...Didn't you see, he's wearin' it in front? Maybe that's why. Hugh 'n Firthy show traces...Lookin' for b*tt, while men prefer c*nt."

Bums in America don't work and hang out on skid row drinking wine, so the bag to which you refer must be the one containing their quart of MD 20- 20. Americans on the west coast, in Texas, in the upper mid-west, and in New Jersey call it a fanny pack. BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

So, for Colin and the Jack Man, and some other Aussie blokes, getting bummed out, or getting a bum deal, must mean a good night out, right?

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary says it is a "bumbag" (one word) in English and a "fanny pack" in American.

A "fanny bag" must be a cross-breed.

Never mind English ,American spelling,(talking)I am not from England ,but i speak English,the English language comes from,( guess where ) we all know the litte difference between the two( both sides stop bickering),and get back to the subject of this poor Austrailian,

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