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Viktor Bout Case Draws Thailand Into Middle Of Dispute Between US And Russia

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Geopolitics of Superpowers

Viktor Bout, who is being held by the Thai authority is wanted by both the United States and Russia.

As a result, Thailand finds itself in the middle of an international legal dispute and a power struggle between the two superpowers. Even though the government has been repeatedly denying such thing, most people who have been following the case for the last two years would have a hard time trying to believe this.

This is because the true identity of the man and his background have not yet been fully established whether Bout was a notorious international arm dealer or just an air transport businessman, or both.

The fact is that Bout has never traveled to the US but Washington has indicted him on violations against the US laws on many occasions. Based on an earlier ruling made by the Thai court, Bout must be extradited to the US within 90 days. However due to some legal technicality, the proceeding of the case was delayed and the indictment was later dropped. Many are hoping that the Thai Appeals Court's ruling will serve as the new guideline for the Thai government on the case.

Also Lak Nittiwattanawichan, who is Bout's attorney has claimed that the government has no right to extradite Bout to the US because his client has never been convicted for any crime and has been unfairly imprisoned for the last two years. Lak added that Bout was just an operator of an air transport business and the authority had no right to search his air freight containers and has threatened to lodge formal complaints with international organizations if his client is extradited.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has pointed out that Bout has not yet been extradited to the US because the legal proceeding is not yet completed, but insisted that the government has been strictly following due legal procedure. At the same time, the Foreign Ministry has been asking the Office of the Attorney General to drop the case. How long this will take depends on the prosecutor. Only once the impending case in the Thai court has been concluded, Bout could be extradited on the Appeals Court's order.

It remains unclear how the government will get itself out of the current predicament while maintaining diplomatic relationships with both superpowers.

Regrettably, the case will not be tried in the Supreme Court, therefore it depends on Bout's attorney to find a way to help his client. The Russian foreign minister has apparently expressed his discontent with the Thai government's referral to the earlier court's decision. This is not a normal criminal case because the international relations are at stake. Also, it must be decided whether the US laws are applicable in the Thai court.

No matter how this ends, Thailand will most likely suffer a big hit to its image in the eyes of the international community.

Taken from Editorial Section, Kom Chad Leuk Newspaper, Page 4, August 26, 2010.

Translated and Rewritten by Kongkrai Maksrivorawan

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2010-08-27


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Yes, whatever the decision, Thailand will get negative political results from the outcome of this case, either from the US, or Russia, or indeed from both should there be a mid-way decision and "Bout" is tried, sentenced, and imprisoned in Thailand.

In order to avoid this Thailand should (due the involvement of the US and Russia) regard this as an international case, and therefore declare that Thai courts are sovereign courts, not International courts, and as a result not authorized to deal with this.

Therefore the Thai authorities should request that the case be accepted and transfered to the "I.C.J". (The International Criminal Court of Justice) in "Den Haag" Netherlands) in order that the "I.C.J" deal with the case based on International law.


If Thailand extradite Bout, Russia should get back at Thailand by arresting Thaksin next time he visits Russia and send him back here.

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Here is the predicament

If Thailand extradites they will start to have problems not only with Russia but China also

If Thailand does not, it may find itself loosing all the financial aid and other support from USA and its allies

Perhaps freeing him could be the best solution out of the problem and let the "super powers" deal with it after.


If Thailand extradite Bout, Russia should get back at Thailand by arresting Thaksin next time he visits Russia and send him back here.

As the reports about the visits by MP Sirichoke to Bout in jail suggest there is maybe some hope in the Thai government they could arrange some trade somehow with somebody with Boit as pawn for Thaksin. But neither Russia or the USA nor Bout himself will be able or willing to do such a deal.


Therefore the Thai authorities should request that the case be accepted and transfered to the "I.C.J". (The International Criminal Court of Justice) in "Den Haag" Netherlands) in order that the "I.C.J" deal with the case based on International law.

Might be hard to do this with a straight face as the US isn't a signatory in giving authority to this court, hence would request the court to take up a case by a state that isn't recognizing the courts legitimacy.

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Therefore the Thai authorities should request that the case be accepted and transfered to the "I.C.J". (The International Criminal Court of Justice) in "Den Haag" Netherlands) in order that the "I.C.J" deal with the case based on International law.

Might be hard to do this with a straight face as the US isn't a signatory in giving authority to this court, hence would request the court to take up a case by a state that isn't recognizing the courts legitimacy.

The International Court of Justice in Den Haag/Netherlands will not intervene or judge about the Bout case.

The Court is there to settle upon legal disputes by and between states.

The International Criminal Court, also in Den Haag, is a different Court and could eventually prosecute Viktor Bout but I very much doubt that the ICC would follow up on this case, next to the fact that Russia as well as the US wouldn't like it, to put it mildly...

I don't see any legal evidence for the ICC as well, as Bout was arrested in Thailand on the US's request where it's secret services lured him in a set-up case on foreign soil..

Hardly something the ICC will follow up on.


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Extradition battle over Viktor Bout

By Alastair Leithead

A court in Thailand has ruled that the Russian Viktor Bout - suspected of being one of the world's most notorious arms dealers - be extradited to the US. But arguments involving the US and Russia mean he is still in Bangkok, as Thailand does its best not to upset two important allies.

The small private jet has been sitting on the tarmac at a Bangkok airport all week now - with the meter running.

It was hired by the US government and arrived on Monday to pick up valuable cargo, as did the 50 armed men sent to make sure the goods - Viktor Anatoliyevich Bout - made it safely from maximum security prison to American soil.

But there was a snag, a last-minute hitch, a technicality.

Viktor Bout knows quite a bit about aircraft and he also knows a lot about paperwork and bureaucracy.

He ran a logistics business, flying Soviet-era transport planes around the globe.

Those who accuse him of being the world's most notorious arms dealer say the cargo he delivered was UN-sanction-busting guns, his buyers were rebel armies: that he fuelled civil wars across Africa in the 1990s.

story continues: HERE


-- BBC 2010-08-28


Yes, whatever the decision, Thailand will get negative political results from the outcome of this case, either from the US, or Russia, or indeed from both should there be a mid-way decision and "Bout" is tried, sentenced, and imprisoned in Thailand.

In order to avoid this Thailand should (due the involvement of the US and Russia) regard this as an international case, and therefore declare that Thai courts are sovereign courts, not International courts, and as a result not authorized to deal with this.

Therefore the Thai authorities should request that the case be accepted and transfered to the "I.C.J". (The International Criminal Court of Justice) in "Den Haag" Netherlands) in order that the "I.C.J" deal with the case based on International law.

I agree with you 100% the only problem is that the U.S consider themselves the world police and believe that thier laws apply to everyone not just U.S citizens regardless of where you live or where you may comitt a crime. It is this mentality of Americans that makes people around the world resent and have a hatred of the U.S.

Reminds me of the story of American David Gabriel "Gabe" Watson who was sentenced to 12 months behind bars In Australia for manslaughter after killing Christina, his wife of only 11 days. She drowned on the Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia whilst on a diving trip. (It was thier Honeymoon in Australia)

He served his time and is living in Australia. The U.S authorities have been trying to have him extradicted to America to have him face trial again on exactly the same case simply because he is a yank and they do not recognise Australian law. They believe U.S law overides the laws of another country. In Alabama USA he could face the death penalty. Australia does believe that a person can face trial and punished for the same offence twice and refused to give into the Yanks.

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Therefore the Thai authorities should request that the case be accepted and transfered to the "I.C.J". (The International Criminal Court of Justice) in "Den Haag" Netherlands) in order that the "I.C.J" deal with the case based on International law.

Might be hard to do this with a straight face as the US isn't a signatory in giving authority to this court, hence would request the court to take up a case by a state that isn't recognizing the courts legitimacy.

The International Court of Justice in Den Haag/Netherlands will not intervene or judge about the Bout case.

The Court is there to settle upon legal disputes by and between states.

The International Criminal Court, also in Den Haag, is a different Court and could eventually prosecute Viktor Bout but I very much doubt that the ICC would follow up on this case, next to the fact that Russia as well as the US wouldn't like it, to put it mildly...

I don't see any legal evidence for the ICC as well, as Bout was arrested in Thailand on the US's request where it's secret services lured him in a set-up case on foreign soil..

Hardly something the ICC will follow up on.


Have an other look, there was no reference to "The lnternational Court of Justice" in Den Haag, as you pointed out, what was referred to was "The International Criminal Court of Justice" in Den Haag, (also known as The Haque) Netherlands.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding the above, outlining such a point is not significative, since the appropriate Thai authorities would know exactly what to do, and where to go, if ever it came to this.


Let him rot in Thai prison then. Same diff, probably worse for him personally. Those who let their rabid anti-Americanism blind them from seeing what this merchant of death is all about, well, you aren't fooling anyone.


The man is not an American he is Russian and he has commited no offence on American soil. What has it got to do with the Yanks they should bugger off and stop interfering in things outside of thier borders. They are not the bloody world police as they like to think. Hand him over to the Russians and tell the yanks to take a long jump Thailand.

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The man is not an American he is Russian and he has commited no offence on American soil.  What has it got to do with the Yanks they should bugger off and stop interfering in things outside of thier borders.  They are not the bloody world police as they like to think.  Hand him over to the Russians and tell the yanks to take a long jump Thailand.

+1 yes.


If he is a bad guy, and Russian, what don't Mark send him to the justice department of Moscow? Case end. Full stop. It is not our problem, why do we have to trial him?


If he is a bad guy, and Russian, what don't Mark send him to the justice department of Moscow? Case end. Full stop. It is not our problem, why do we have to trial him?

My dear, this seems beyong you. I think it time for you to go sleep and leave this discussion to others.

BTW since you posted in another topic

Without spending hours reading all the dross circling around the Bout mess, it appears that it's just one person; Sirichoke, who's throwing crap at the fan. Sirichoke has as much credibility as his guru, Mr. PM Mark. In other words: zero.
I suggest you change your signature "I love Mark. He is my Hero.". Things come to mind, but I'm to polite to make suggestions. ;)
  • Like 1

If he is a bad guy, and Russian, what don't Mark send him to the justice department of Moscow? Case end. Full stop. It is not our problem, why do we have to trial him?

My dear, this seems beyong you. I think it time for you to go sleep and leave this discussion to others.

BTW since you posted in another topic

Without spending hours reading all the dross circling around the Bout mess, it appears that it's just one person; Sirichoke, who's throwing crap at the fan. Sirichoke has as much credibility as his guru, Mr. PM Mark. In other words: zero.
I suggest you change your signature "I love Mark. He is my Hero.". Things come to mind, but I'm to polite to make suggestions. ;)

I'll think you'll find that it was Chantorn's other personality that posted your second quote. The English of her second personality is much better than that of her first personality.


The man is not an American he is Russian and he has commited no offence on American soil.  What has it got to do with the Yanks they should bugger off and stop interfering in things outside of thier borders.  They are not the bloody world police as they like to think.  Hand him over to the Russians and tell the yanks to take a long jump Thailand.

+1 yes.

Agree! If that's the way the US want the world to work I presume they would also be ok with, for example Saudi Arabia, having every American that's ever had alcohol being extradited there and lashed!?

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Perhaps a reminder of who this guy is:

From his base in Sharjah Bout ran his empire which also by 1995 included Africa. In1995 he founded Air Cess in Liberia, this would mean the beginning of his gripon weapons supplying in Africa. Bout didn't care who he supplied with weaponsor for what cause as long as people paid him his money. U.S. and U.N. officialssay Bout airlifted thousands upon thousands of assault rifles, grenade andmissile launchers and millions of ammunition rounds into Africa. Clients ofBout's companies include Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, DemocraticRepublic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Congo-Brazzaville,Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland and Uganda. You couldalmost say that without Bout there would be peace in Africa.

Most of the weapons that arrived in Africa came from Bulgaria where Bout had madefrequent trips between 1995 and 2000. In 2000 Bout was seen visiting sixweapons factories there. Between July 1997 and September 1998 Bout organized 38flights with weapons shipments worth an estimated $14 million dollars toAfrican nations. In the summer of 2000 four of Bout's planes landed in Liberiawith weapons on board. The shipments contained helicopters, armored vehicles,anti aircraft guns and automatic rifles.

By now of course law enforcement was beginning to understand Bout's place in the world of arms dealing and decided to take him down, something that would be more difficult than thought at first.

By the time the world took notice of Bout he was safely in his home in Sharjah in theUnited Arab Emirates. By now Bout had made the political connections and moneythat made him almost untouchable. And on top of that, the law enforcement units didn't even have any proof.

While investigating Bout's empire several of the law enforcement units went crazy.Bout's empire was a maze of people, companies, planes and routes. It wasimpossible to check where and when Bout's planes flew and which planes belongedto him. Bout kept moving himself and his companies around and had nothingregistrated in his own name. When they finally had the evidence to charge himBout was protected by high placed U.A.E. royalty and officials such as SultanHamad Said Nassir al Suwaidi, advisor to the ruler of Sharjah, who apparently alsoco-owns one of Bout's companies.

The world wanted him bad but when he seemed too far out of reach the interest to catch him died down as well as the intensity with which he was hunted. Then came September 11, 2001 which changed everyone's priorities.

By now the U.S. and Interpol were looking everywhere but couldn't find him, the UnitedArab Emirates were hesitant to cooperate but eventually caved in although onecan only guess if they really did. And even if they did Bout was always safe inhis homeland Russia where corrupt officials knew how to hide a man like Bout.Russia was asked by the U.S. and Interpol to deliver Bout and at the height ofthe tension Moscow decided to give a press conference in which they said thatBout wasn't in Russia. It turned out to be an enormous blunder because at exactthe same time as the Moscow press conference Bout was giving his own conferenceat Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy in a live interview in which he claimed his innocence and told that he "was just a businessman".

On March 6, 2008 Victor Bout was in a five star hotel in Bangkok, Thailand negotiating an arms deal worth millions. His buyers were members of theColombian FARC ..

-- from a website in the Netherlands

If he'sso innocent, then he shouldn't mind telling it to the court.


Shouldn't you arrest the owner of the weapon factory instead? The real maker of the weapon. Say a poor man buy fake CD from a Chinese CD manufacturer for resale. This guy just want to make a living, earning 5 Baht a copy, while the manufacturer made 65 Baht manufacturing it (current market price is 70 Baht a copy). The poor guy got arrested for selling fake CD, fine and put in jail. End of story. The Chinese manufacture just get another poor guy to sell his product. What I am saying is, so what if Khun Vik, say get executed? The arms factory will continue to sell his stuff through another agent (Khun Boris, Khun Mark, or whatever). Is is not better to shut down the arm factories, like Smith & Wesson, Colt Defense, etc?


Perhaps a reminder of who this guy is:

From his base in Sharjah Bout ran his empire which also by 1995 included Africa. In1995 he founded Air Cess in Liberia, this would mean the beginning of his grip on weapons supplying in Africa. Bout didn't care who he supplied with weapons or for what cause as long as people paid him his money. U.S. and U.N. officials say Bout airlifted thousands upon thousands of assault rifles, grenade and missile launchers and millions of ammunition rounds into Africa. Clients of Bout's companies include Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Congo-Brazzaville,Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland and Uganda. You could almost say that without Bout there would be peace in Africa.

Most of the weapons that arrived in Africa came from Bulgaria where Bout had made frequent trips between 1995 and 2000. In 2000 Bout was seen visiting six weapons factories there. Between July 1997 and September 1998 Bout organized 38flights with weapons shipments worth an estimated $14 million dollars to African nations. In the summer of 2000 four of Bout's planes landed in Liberia with weapons on board. The shipments contained helicopters, armored vehicles,anti aircraft guns and automatic rifles.

By now of course law enforcement was beginning to understand Bout's place in the world of arms dealing and decided to take him down, something that would be more difficult than thought at first.

By the time the world took notice of Bout he was safely in his home in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. By now Bout had made the political connections and money that made him almost untouchable. And on top of that, the law enforcement units didn't even have any proof.

While investigating Bout's empire several of the law enforcement units went crazy.Bout's empire was a maze of people, companies, planes and routes. It was impossible to check where and when Bout's planes flew and which planes belonged to him. Bout kept moving himself and his companies around and had nothing registered in his own name. When they finally had the evidence to charge him Bout was protected by high placed U.A.E. royalty and officials such as Sultan Hamad Said Nassir al Suwaidi, advisor to the ruler of Sharjah, who apparently also co-owns one of Bout's companies.

The world wanted him bad but when he seemed too far out of reach the interest to catch him died down as well as the intensity with which he was hunted. Then came September 11, 2001 which changed everyone's priorities.

By now the U.S. and Interpol were looking everywhere but couldn't find him, the United Arab Emirates were hesitant to cooperate but eventually caved in although one can only guess if they really did. And even if they did Bout was always safe in his homeland Russia where corrupt officials knew how to hide a man like Bout. Russia was asked by the U.S. and Interpol to deliver Bout and at the height of the tension Moscow decided to give a press conference in which they said that Bout wasn't in Russia. It turned out to be an enormous blunder because at exact the same time as the Moscow press conference Bout was giving his own conference at Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy in a live interview in which he claimed his innocence and told that he "was just a businessman".

On March 6, 2008 Victor Bout was in a five star hotel in Bangkok, Thailand negotiating an arms deal worth millions. His buyers were members of the Colombian FARC ..

-- from a website in the Netherlands

If he's so innocent, then he shouldn't mind telling it to the court.

Thousands of pre-teen and young teenage children were, and still are, being hooked on heroin and other drugs, simply because their deranged leaders needed compliant hands to hold weapons, that Bout likely supplied.

Look at that list of countries and then think of the TYPES of wars carried out there.

Clients of Bout's companies include

Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Congo-Brazzaville, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland and Uganda.

You could almost say that without Bout there would be peace in Africa.

This guy is believed to have supplied the most psychotic insurgent army leaders in recent history, with weapons to enslave hundreds of thousands of people.

Just think on Rwanda Hutu vs Tutsi.... half million slaughtered.

And don't think he wasn't active before '95 and his biggest shipments.

You don't get enough of a rep for HUGE deals without having previously

done many smaller ones.

If even ONE of these charges is legit that is more than a enough reason to remove this guy from action permanently. Lock him up and weld the door shut. But run a slide show of the atrocities committed with his weapons, 24/7 out side his cell window, his only view, with sound track. Especially the screams.

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Thousands of pre-teen and young teenage children were, and still are, being hooked on heroin and other drugs, simply because their deranged leaders needed compliant hands to hold weapons, that Bout likely supplied.

Pre-teens on Heroin???

Instead of telling some propaganda horror stories just look at the increase of the opium production since Afghanistan was liberated by the USA and allies. Does that concern you? I doubt.

You cannot blame Bout for everything because you might have seen a Hollywood movie.


Perhaps a reminder of who this guy is:


On March 6, 2008 Victor Bout was in a five star hotel in Bangkok, Thailand negotiating an arms deal worth millions. His buyers were members of theColombian FARC ..

He never met any FARC members in Bangkok. That alleged FARC member were some secret agents from the warrior nation USA.

Reminds me of the story of American David Gabriel "Gabe" Watson who was sentenced to 12 months behind bars In Australia for manslaughter after killing Christina, his wife of only 11 days. She drowned on the Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia whilst on a diving trip. (It was thier Honeymoon in Australia)

He served his time and is living in Australia. The U.S authorities have been trying to have him extradicted to America to have him face trial again on exactly the same case simply because he is a yank and they do not recognise Australian law. They believe U.S law overides the laws of another country. In Alabama USA he could face the death penalty. Australia does believe that a person can face trial and punished for the same offence twice and refused to give into the Yanks.

Oh, <deleted>.

Meanwhile some POS Aussie shoots an American in cold blood in Chiang Mai and gets out after two years. For murder! I love how Aussies think their law should be "recognized" but somehow the US should just take a back seat to whatever passes as law in that "country" even when dealing with one of its own citizens. Now, the POS Aussie is back in his "country" living the life and, because all the POS did was kill an American, the Aussies don't care. Lovely.

Story on the POS Aussie


He never met any FARC members in Bangkok. That alleged FARC member were some secret agents from the warrior nation USA.

Ya, right -- you are in the know on all the secret stuff going on the Bangkok. And posting it here .... what a secret agent!!!


He never met any FARC members in Bangkok. That alleged FARC member were some secret agents from the warrior nation USA.

Ya, right -- you are in the know on all the secret stuff going on the Bangkok. And posting it here .... what a secret agent!!!

No kidding, that is true.

How we would know that Bout allegedly made a deal with the FARC members in Bangkok? Was that a public meeting? Did you hear of any FARC members getting arrested too?

No, these supposed to be FARC members were undercover agents from the USA, claiming Bout was up to a weapon trade.

And don't believe everything what you can find on some dubious website somewhere in the internet.


I would like to point out to all readers that the 'merchant of death' film was made in hollywood, I know many like to base all their historical facts on such films,( e.g houdinis life, um world war 2, er vietnam flims,and bridge over the river kwai to name a few)

however, these are only films and they rarely resemble the truth in any way, thus those vilifiying the man when knowing nothing of the truth of the matter ought to find some real references to base their beliefs, I know those members particularly coming from the us tend to find their facts from movies but perhaps views should be broadened and minds opened, yes, I;m sorry to break it to you but tarantinos last film is not how ww2 ended.

I mean its not as if the us government have not been selling arms to all sorts of groups for many years under the umbrella organisations of cia, lol

yet this may be termed legal because.......................... oh well who cares eh

It would be an utter disgrace were this man to be extradited to us,

long live the Thai Judicial system and long live the King

and keep up the good work


Should the US not get their way in this I suspect there will be reprecussions for Thailand.

When they get annoyed they tend to come out with action against those who have peed them off.

A case in point was several years ago when NZ declared the country nuclear free.

The reaction of the US was to put sanctions in place against NZ.

Reason for this action was that US will not confirm or deny if its ships are nuclear armed.

Therefor if it took one of its warships to NZ it would be telling the world it was not carrying nuclear arms.

To my way of thinking these santions are completly unfair.

Even though NZ has sent troops to both the US current wars sanctions are still in place.


Should the US not get their way in this I suspect there will be reprecussions for Thailand.

When they get annoyed they tend to come out with action against those who have peed them off.

A case in point was several years ago when NZ declared the country nuclear free.

The reaction of the US was to put sanctions in place against NZ.

Reason for this action was that US will not confirm or deny if its ships are nuclear armed.

Therefor if it took one of its warships to NZ it would be telling the world it was not carrying nuclear arms.

To my way of thinking these santions are completly unfair.

Even though NZ has sent troops to both the US current wars sanctions are still in place.

Nah not much Thailand as whole have actually to worry. the USA will still want to pet their interests and stick and stink around here, and if not - who cares. Thailand sees in China a reputable partner.


Should the US not get their way in this I suspect there will be reprecussions for Thailand.

When they get annoyed they tend to come out with action against those who have peed them off.

A case in point was several years ago when NZ declared the country nuclear free.

The reaction of the US was to put sanctions in place against NZ.

Reason for this action was that US will not confirm or deny if its ships are nuclear armed.

Therefor if it took one of its warships to NZ it would be telling the world it was not carrying nuclear arms.

To my way of thinking these santions are completly unfair.

Even though NZ has sent troops to both the US current wars sanctions are still in place.

Nah not much Thailand as whole have actually to worry. the USA will still want to pet their interests and stick and stink around here, and if not - who cares. Thailand sees in China a reputable partner.

LOL, Thailand can see whatever it likes, it by no mean means that China is interested in being partners with Thailand.

LOL, Thailand can see whatever it likes, it by no mean means that China is interested in being partners with Thailand.

Well they want to build a high speed rail link with TL.

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