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Found Money


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Last Saturday there was a message on the SIAM Paragon PA. Someone had handed in a lost wallet and the owner was asked to contact the information on ground floor.

I'm sure the owner of the wallet agreed with you :jerk:


hmmm my wife accidently paid a taxi driver 1100 baht for a 200 baht drive.. she mixed the bills up. She found out today.. taxi driver never mentioned it.

Im sure i can find something bad for everything you can find.

That's too bad for your wife. One of the biggest complaints I hear from people visiting the US is that all notes are the same size and mostly the same color. Since the 1000 baht note is much bigger and differently colored than the 100 baht note, I wonder how often this happens. I think in the US since all notes are the same size, you have to pay more attention to the numbers. Oddly enough, it also makes faking large notes a bit easier since some people paste the corners of several $20 notes to a $1 note. It's surprising how many people this fools.


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My remark about the honest and dishonest Thais, was in fact that I dont see anything dishonest about pocketing a note or coin one find on the street.

Of course, if one know who the owner is, that is an entire new ball game, but the thread was about finding the money (100-1000 Baht) on the street, and NOT wallets or bags with 100 000 Dollars.

Ehhh. no; you were very clear on pointing out that someone who handed in a 1000 baht note would be looked upon as kind but extremely stupid. One would have thought I made it comprehensive enough for you by referring to the exact quote. I think we all agree that I failed miserably on that task.

I find it amusing and a wee bit charming that you claim honesty to have a price tag. Under X thousands of baht its "stupid" to hand in the money and over a certain limit - or if the money is in a bag or a wallet - it's dishonest not to do it. According to your scale, at what level does the stupidity become honesty?

Finally Big boy.

Go through some of my posts, and I think you will find that I believe the absolute vast majority of Thais are honest decent people.

I urge you to take a few minutes to do that.

To be honest, I can't think of a more excruciating waste of time.
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Is that right “Grasshopper”

Of course you think your above being chewed up “Oh perfect enlightenment one”

Sorry thomo, but for all your “High brow” bull how do you manage to maintain the lotus position and be so full of it? It would seem your cultural knowledge of Thailand so far is all about how not to upset the Thais! I do wonder just how chapped your lips are from all that ass-kissing you must do. Maybe you could explain how to act, when being the victim to that lovely Thai custom of “fleece the farang” do you still go out of your way not to upset or allow loss of face to them?

I'm sorry that you've filled your life with so much negativity. Cultural ignorance can really have a massively damaging affect on one's life, especially when coupled with western arrogance.

You don't sound happy in your life Tonto... What happened?

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I find it amusing and a wee bit charming that you claim honesty to have a price tag. Under X thousands of baht its "stupid" to hand in the money and over a certain limit - or if the money is in a bag or a wallet - it's dishonest not to do it. According to your scale, at what level does the stupidity become honesty?

I believe you may have missed the point of what was being said.

It isn't about the amount of money, although a truly large amount of money may evoke different thought patterns, and that amount will vary from individual to individual.

The difference is whether the money was found in a faceless fashion. In other words, if you are a taxi driver and you know that one of your passengers left the money in your cab, an honest person returns it. Why? Because you know there was a person behind this, and there is likely a probability that the person can be found. If there is a wallet with the money, it is quite clear who it belongs to. Again, the owner can readily be identified. It is a personal issue.

A bunch of loose notes lying on the side of the road however? Heck, that could be anything. It is manna from heaven. Magic. How do you know anybody lost it? Maybe it simply materialized there because of your good karma. That money doesn't come from a person, it comes from the public domain, and as such there is a different set of rules.

I believe, Forethat, that you are applying unrealistic definitions of honesty. Nobody I know would feel bad about keeping found money where they could not identify an individual who lost it. And yes, I think the vast majority of Thais would consider you stupid to give it to the police, who will simply take it instead of you.

Found money with a face attached to it is not morally the same as found money without a face attached to it. You may not like the distinction, but it is real and practised by many people both in Thailand and the West.

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if you are a taxi driver and you know that one of your passengers left the money in your cab, an honest person returns it. Why? Because you know there was a person behind this, and there is likely a probability that the person can be found. If there is a wallet with the money, it is quite clear who it belongs to. Again, the owner can readily be identified. It is a personal issue.

It's lovely living in a country where the people are so honest.



From the newspaper that cannot be mentioned. :D

The Chaiyaphum native then searched for clues to the owner. Inside the bag, he found 25,320 baht, US$2,000 and 110 Bahrain dinars in notes, seven credit cards, three passports, a video camera and a digital camera.

"I also found an All Seasons Hotel keycard, so I telephoned the hotel and the staff confirmed that the three were guests," Mr Preeda said.

Also remember that taxi driver who returned 1/2 million baht left in his taxi by a Japanese business man about 2 years ago.

Go Thailand!

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Is that right "Grasshopper"

Of course you think your above being chewed up "Oh perfect enlightenment one"

Sorry thomo, but for all your "High brow" bull how do you manage to maintain the lotus position and be so full of it? It would seem your cultural knowledge of Thailand so far is all about how not to upset the Thais! I do wonder just how chapped your lips are from all that ass-kissing you must do. Maybe you could explain how to act, when being the victim to that lovely Thai custom of "fleece the farang" do you still go out of your way not to upset or allow loss of face to them?

I'm sorry that you've filled your life with so much negativity. Cultural ignorance can really have a massively damaging affect on one's life, especially when coupled with western arrogance.

You don't sound happy in your life Tonto... What happened?

Please thomo enough! It’s bad enough with yourself appointed position of TV cultural attaché too Thailand, now you want the position of head shrink as well. As for what happened? That’s my business; suffice to say I consider myself blessed, (by luck more than planning) god job and family! thomo, I don’t intend to post any further on this topic, (gone way of track) Please have the last word, make it good!

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I find it amusing and a wee bit charming that you claim honesty to have a price tag. Under X thousands of baht its "stupid" to hand in the money and over a certain limit - or if the money is in a bag or a wallet - it's dishonest not to do it. According to your scale, at what level does the stupidity become honesty?

I believe you may have missed the point of what was being said.

It isn't about the amount of money, although a truly large amount of money may evoke different thought patterns, and that amount will vary from individual to individual.

The difference is whether the money was found in a faceless fashion. In other words, if you are a taxi driver and you know that one of your passengers left the money in your cab, an honest person returns it. Why? Because you know there was a person behind this, and there is likely a probability that the person can be found. If there is a wallet with the money, it is quite clear who it belongs to. Again, the owner can readily be identified. It is a personal issue.

A bunch of loose notes lying on the side of the road however? Heck, that could be anything. It is manna from heaven. Magic. How do you know anybody lost it? Maybe it simply materialized there because of your good karma. That money doesn't come from a person, it comes from the public domain, and as such there is a different set of rules.

I believe, Forethat, that you are applying unrealistic definitions of honesty. Nobody I know would feel bad about keeping found money where they could not identify an individual who lost it. And yes, I think the vast majority of Thais would consider you stupid to give it to the police, who will simply take it instead of you.

Found money with a face attached to it is not morally the same as found money without a face attached to it. You may not like the distinction, but it is real and practised by many people both in Thailand and the West.

Ehhh..you either admit the money is not yours (honest) or you come up with some <deleted> excuse to keep it (dishonest). You tend to believe there's a grey area here. There isn't. You either return the money or you dont.

It is obvious that YOU are missing my point (or perhaps didn't read my post at all) Please note that I haven't passed any judgement. If you want to keep money you find in the street, be my guest. And for your information, I wouldn't hand it in to the police either, at least not in this country. What I'm questionning is whether the person who does is stupid. In my opinion he's just being honest.

Some posters here begin to sound like a couple of my mates back in the late 70's when we bragged about to actually have humped a girl. There was this one guy who said that he had "sort of" shagged a girl. There is no freakin' in between, you either <deleted>**ed her or you didn't. You begin to sound like him, and thats hilarious.

Edited by Forethat
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You tend to believe there's a grey area here. There isn't. You either return the money or you dont.

If you don't know where the money came from to return it, then gave half to charity, and kept half?

How would this be defined, in terms of a colour? :D

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You tend to believe there's a grey area here. There isn't. You either return the money or you dont.

If you don't know where the money came from to return it, then gave half to charity, and kept half?

How would this be defined, in terms of a colour? :D

Not entirely honest but fair?

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Very strange some of the stories I hear on this site.

Yes, many people come across, or should I say, ( try to come across ) as people totally too good to be true.

In the real world people are just people, except if they're members of this site or course, then apparently, a strange transformation happens, old men become attractive to rich educated well connected girls 30 years younger than themselves, members pour scorn on Bargirl/Farang relationships to such an extent that there appears to be no members that ever married a bargirl, etc etc.

It's the only reason I joined this site, I wondered if something magical and inexplicable happened after signing up. laugh.gif

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members pour scorn on Bargirl/Farang relationships to such an extent that there appears to be no members that ever married a bargirl

Who on Earth would do that?

Nearly every Farang that I know who is married or in a long term relationship with a Thai woman, that's who.

I have lived in Thailand since 1990 and I can count on one hand the Farangs who married outside of the scene.

By the way, most are happy.

This is why I'm surprised by the reactions on this site, it just doesn't make sense, how can such a select group of guys all be in the same place at the same time, have the same standards and belong to the same forum ?

It's not possible, people here tell lies.

Sad thing is, it's an anonymous forum, so they are lying to themselves really.

Then again, the worst lies a Farang will ever hear in Thailand are the ones he tells himself.

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i was walking behind a young lady one time when she suddenly ran on spotting her minivan bus approaching. in doing so, an envelope with about 40 - 50,000 baht in it fell out of a folder she was carrying - i didn't have time to count it as i quickly ran after her. i was shouting 'stop' in english, but she did not understand me as she continued running. she got into the front passenger seat, and i just managed to open the van door and hand her the envelope before the driver drove off. funnily enough, there was no reaction of any sort from her, and the van then drove off. i don't know what i would have done if i had not reach her time. Normally, i would hand it to the police, but in Thailand the BIB would just keep it for themselves, so i think i would have just given it to the wife and let her decide what to do with it.

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Nearly every Farang that I know who is married or in a long term relationship with a Thai woman, that's who.

That's a lot. Do you hang out a lot in bars and those who befriend prostitutes?

In 5 years here I only know two. But don't generally hang around bars, prostitutes or those that find them for building serious relationships with.

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Nearly every Farang that I know who is married or in a long term relationship with a Thai woman, that's who.

That's a lot. Do you hang out a lot in bars and those who befriend prostitutes?

In 5 years here I only know two. But don't generally hang around bars, prostitutes or those that find them for building serious relationships with.

That's a heck of a lot of people, then again I live in Pattaya, but even then I have been all over Thailand, I worked in a high paying profession, and these high paid O&G guys are in my figures too, including myself.

I just am amazed that so many posters here buck the trend.

And when I say that the guys were and are high earners, I mean they are earning really good money in anyones language, yet not one of them or I, married a hiso rich girl, yet ThaiVisa members of any age or income level seem to be the total opposite.

I can't believe it's true.

Hey ho, whatever floats your boat. jap.gif

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Nearly every Farang that I know who is married or in a long term relationship with a Thai woman, that's who.

That's a lot. Do you hang out a lot in bars and those who befriend prostitutes?

In 5 years here I only know two. But don't generally hang around bars, prostitutes or those that find them for building serious relationships with.

That's a heck of a lot of people, then again I live in Pattaya, but even then I have been all over Thailand, I worked in a high paying profession, and these high paid O&G guys are in my figures too, including myself.

I just am amazed that so many posters here buck the trend.

And when I say that the guys were and are high earners, I mean they are earning really good money in anyones language, yet not one of them or I, married a hiso rich girl, yet ThaiVisa members of any age or income level seem to be the total opposite.

I can't believe it's true.

Hey ho, whatever floats your boat. jap.gif

it's apples and oranges captain

the hiso rich girls that have farang partners are mostly with someone their own age, not their father's age, the blokes are usually fit and athletic.

students or not well employed, they did not have to choose someone for money,

they know what Thai men are like, so adventouress modern farang is a choice

a real trend for Hiso, especially chinese/Thai gals is to have farang girl friend, whiter the better.

they never walk on the streets so would not have to think about picking up lost money,

the chauffers maybe?

Edit; they all visited Pattaya at least once on a 'giggle' trip with their sorority and cameras

!more like comparing rambutan and durian!

mine is a tamarind

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I would just leave it where it was and walk on by.

Of course I most likely wouldn't notice it anyway as I generally look where I'm going rather than at the ground when I'm walking around in Bangkok. I have to keep my eyes open for approaching strangers, pick pockets, muggers, touts, policemen and the countless other criminals who are out to fleece me in some way.

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I would just leave it where it was and walk on by.

Of course I most likely wouldn't notice it anyway as I generally look where I'm going rather than at the ground when I'm walking around in Bangkok. I have to keep my eyes open for approaching strangers, pick pockets, muggers, touts, policemen and the countless other criminals who are out to fleece me in some way.

I think I would have noticed it. I don't worry about the muggers, chavs and touts because you hardly get hassled here. I'd be looking at the pavement for holes, puddles, sudden inclinations and dog <deleted> that could all cause serious embarrassments (made worse by the fact that no-one laughs with you).

In the UK I never would have noticed it as I'd be looking 100m ahead ready to avoid big issue sellers and charity hard-sellers.

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Some things never change. Like a bunch of bitter expats who have nothing else to do, so they argue on the internet. brilliant.

Amusing actually... I am just jetlaging!

Let's them have fun, as you mentioned it that is their only pleasure... bunch of <deleted>!!!

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