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American Commits Suicide Following Recent Death Of His 4y Old Son

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I hope there is something after. A next level, a next plain perhaps. Somewhere, where this man can go and find the spirit of his son and move on together.


Thank's for sharing that, and all I can say is that you are a much much stronger man than I. I have a three year old daughter and I posted on the other thread a few days ago, how I cried when I watched the video of the father trying to give resuscitation to his son. I knew at that point when I saw it, that had I been the father I would have taken exactly the same steps as he has so tragically done. I understand what all the Buddhists here are saying about 'no attachement', but I am just not ready for that in this life. It is such a sad human story. Naam, whatever you and your wife are doing, even though you intimate that it can be not good sometimes, please be aware that there are many who sympathise with your situation and you are doing something right! You have had the strength to cling on to the dearest thing of all, when others are not strong enough, me included.

What a tragedy.

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Deeply saddening.

To see the photos of the father trying to resuscitate his son a earlier this week were bad enough, now he has taken his own life.

What a tragegy, so sad.



Such a tragic matter there is no worse fate than the death of ones own children, as parents we always think we are the ones that are going to die first.

As the father of four boys indeed I cannot begin to imagine how I would feel and react in the event of a death of one of our children.

My wife has experienced the loss of younger siblings and she even now looks wistfully at their pictures and those siblings are remembered three times every year

Indeed we can only imagine what the poor mans mind was like and indeed the agonies he was suffering .

I am an agnostic, if we do go on elsewhere I indeed hope both the departed, father and son, will have a better existence .


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A tragic story. I'm lucky enough not to be able to imagine what it is to lose ones child, especially in such a tragic way. But I have seen people been devestated by it, couples breaking up over it because of the pain and stress.

I hope they both rest in peace, and I hope Naam and his wife will find their own peace with their tragic loss.


This is sad, but I believe he did the right thing for him. Like I said on the thread about his young boy falling, if it happened to my son I would do the same as I believe I would meet him on the other side.

I don't think I would have the strength to carry on.

In a strange way I am less sad about it all now because when reading about the father topping himself I thought straight away that they are now together.

The whole story is still a shocker though. RIP both of you and I really hope you were able to meet on the other side.


Repose en paix, Rest in Peace.

This story has been touching me deeply for some obvious reasons. We were of the same age, and my twins are 4 yo and I have lived in terror in Beijing for 2 years and a half because we had to live in a high rise apartment there. I hope whatever there is after, if there is, they are now together...

Naam, my sincere condolences to your wife and you for your loss. I know words don't mean much, but my thoughts are with you.


I cannot come close to conceiving the grief this poor man must have gone through after the death of his beloved son. That it was to lead to his death is doubly tragic. I am not a religious man, but I sincerely hope their souls are now reunited again.


I think there is value in allowing this type of thread on the TVForum even if simply for the benefit of the catharsis of its own members over such a tragedy.

Despite our occasional squabbling and pure fun (Bedlam?), there's a "family" aspect of the TVForum which I've always appreciated. It comes out in threads like this.

I have to concur with this.

Reluctant to intrude on a private grief, but if our sincerity can in any way support the survivors, then I offer my heartfelt condolences.


Beyond the door

There's peace I'm sure.

And I know there'll be no more...

Tears in heaven."

Eric Clapton lost his 4 y.o. son the same way. This is his beautiful tribute. Seems appropriate to this little guy as well.

May God supply all the peace and comfort this family needs during this difficult time. Bless and keep them and may they always remember that God is in complete Control. Unlike adults God takes care of babies and he is safely in the hands of Jesus. In Jesus name I pray Amen

so so sad, that tears are hard to stay.


Unbelievably tragic. I pray they are both at peace.

Certainly a time for us all to look at our own lives and be thankful, so so thankful, for what we have.


I find it sad, although not surprising in the land of ignoring anything inconvenient, that he should be discovered because the rent was due - not because a neighbour dropped by to comfort him in his grief.

Money number one.........


I find it sad, although not surprising in the land of ignoring anything inconvenient, that he should be discovered because the rent was due - not because a neighbour dropped by to comfort him in his grief.

Money number one.........

In one of the Pattaya papers it says he had checked into a hotel the day after his sons death and by all accounts took the overdose on the same day and wasnt found until a couple of days later.


I find it sad, although not surprising in the land of ignoring anything inconvenient, that he should be discovered because the rent was due - not because a neighbour dropped by to comfort him in his grief.


I find it sad, although not surprising in the land of ignoring anything inconvenient, that he should be discovered because the rent was due - not because a neighbour dropped by to comfort him in his grief.

He didn't commit suicide in the same place as he had lived, so not really a relevant comment to this case.

There is no greater tragedy than losing one of your children.

tell me about it! we lost our only child five years ago and do not see an end to our grieving. even though we try hard to hide from each other what goes on in our minds one can read the other ones mind.

So much tragedy in this life. I'm really sorry - for all who had this happen.


Really terrible and tragic. They say parents are never the same after something like this.

I ask myself how in the world can a parent sell their child(ren) to a pedophile and somehow believe the means justifies the ends???

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