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Part 2: Japanese-Thai Language Books


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*The best lower intermediate listening book out there*

タイ語レッスン 初級〈2〉 (publisher: スリーエーネットワーク)

Thai language Lesson Beginner 2

(publisher: 3a network)

This book's name(rather comically) is "Beginner Book 2". This displays the problem of rating diffculty levels since I think if you tried to follow it by listening only then this is obviously not Beginner level. What I do know is that any level above Beginner Level results in no book sales. So the cynic within me would suggest this book should be titled "Intermediate".

It is possible for a beginner (say someone with just 90 hours of learning) to make good use of this book. They would struggle through each vocab list for each chapter, but if they were determined enough it could be useful. Personally, I found it very useful despite already knowing 95% of the "new words" in the book list for two big reasons: the Grammar sections are beautifully laid out (I hope James Higson takes note for his upcoming revised edition grammar book) and all on audio, and the dialogues are beautifully crafted and integrated into the purpose of each chapter.

The book is obviously written by experts who know exactly what they are doing. There is a a summary in Thai and in Japanese on the purpose of each chapter. This can have interesting results. One chapter has a 9 page grammar section to make sure it gets all its points across.

Let's take a look:

Chapter 15 has the word กว่า as one of a number of new grammar points. Now obviously we all know that word already. But there are 8 sample audio dialogues to show various nuances in its uses. Simply magic.

Each chapter follows the same pattern:

--Initial conversation dialogue- slow speed

--Initial conversation dialogue- regular conversation speed ( I actually think it is read faster than regular conversation)

--Pictures to help with guessing the dialogue

--New words used in conversation (around 25)

--Related words used in the chapter (around 50 words-- you can imagine how hard this would be if you were literally a beginner)

--'Coffee Corner' {in Japanese} some interesting remarks on linguistic or cultural conventions in Thailand

--Grammar (all on audio)

--Test 1: Practice of set sentence patterns (all on audio)

--Test 2: Question and Answer (all on audio)

--Test 3: Roleplay (example conversation given on audio)

--Test 4: Final dialogue with test questions (slow speed then regular speed)

Here is the front cover:

post-60541-006747300 1283229738_thumb.jp

Here is a sample dialogue (first done slow and then fast):

01 Track 1.mp3


Useful either for an advanced beginner, or an intermediate learner wanting extensive listening practice.

The great selling point is the audio for everything, and the 'audio-isation' of the grammar section. Unique. :jap:

I did one chapter a day. So finished the book within about 2 weeks, but it was a great ride. I'll go back to it until I understand everything, everytime, without fail.


(note: I rate language proficiency levels in line with the Japanese- Thai language Exchange Organisation that rates by 5 levels for its annual exam)

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They're gonna get mighty confused in Kinokuniya when they notice there's a run on these by farang bookbuyers!!

Anyways, thank you. I'm gonna give these a try if there's any left by the time I get in.


Edited by dobadoy
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