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Thai Catholic School Teacher Caught Caning Students


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I recall boys getting swats or licks as they called them from a specially shaped board when I was in public school as I was growing up in the US. They were administered by the principal or coach in their office but were loud enough to be overheard in nearby classrooms. Usually the the same boys got them so I don't think it prevented much bad behavior of those repeat offender boys but terrified the rest of the children. Times have changed and beating children is no longer tolerated.

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Horrible! Saw the picture of the kid who got canning with a golfclub...:blink:

May I ask you guys who are teachers here; why do you think they hit the kids is it because they have done something really bad or is this common practice when students haven't done their homework or such?

It's not an excuse, but I just wonder; are thai kids more playful in the classroom than their western counterpart or is it the same? One teacher I meet said that it's too many students per class so it gets rather noisy and hard to interact with the students.

Edited by Hawkup2000
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Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

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he was reasonable enough to administer only one swish each.

1. If you think this is reasonable, then I'd hate to see what you would consider unreasonable.

2. If you believe this damage occurred from "only one swish", might I suggest an optometrist?




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Horrible! Saw the picture of the kid who got canning with a golfclub...:blink:

May I ask you guys who are teachers here; why do you think they hit the kids is it because they have done something really bad or is this common practice when students haven't done their homework or such?

It's not an excuse, but I just wonder; are thai kids more playful in the classroom than their western counterpart or is it the same? One teacher I meet said that it's too many students per class so it gets rather noisy and hard to interact with the students.

The Thai students I've taught are much more respectful towards teachers than their European counterparts. Despite the current news, I've never seen a Thai teacher punish a student physically. More than 50 students in a class can become difficult to teach, but an experienced teacher can easily handle (although may be not enjoy) the situation. There's no excuse for violence.

The ideal scenario for a language class is twenty students (or less) three times per week. Impossible in most Thai schools.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of corporal punishment this was apparently a punishment for what can only be considered a relatively minor offence (dirty rooms); if this sort of punisment is acceptable for this sort of offence, then what sort of punishment would those condoning it consider appropriate for more serious offences such as cheating or bullying?

I can't help thinking it is a little strange that an "art teacher" rather than a house master or someone in a similar position is responsible for punishing pupils for the state of their dormitory.

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Is it me or have I not heard from any Americans with their caning experiences if any? If caning has anything to do with how men behave later in life like they do in the UK at football matches, maybe caning did have an effect. Want a better way to get children to behave? Get them to respect you, be their friend, show integrity. Anyone can beat an animal, and I have no respect for "teachers" treat children like animals. Everybody teaches something, you don't have to get paid for it; what are they teaching? :angry:

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Yep i got mine at school and helped no end i even got some at home and love my father for doing it ! Seriously we need this but not the performance as shown in my day "Australian way" the deputy principle or principle handed i out, in the confines of the sacred office !!!! Down south Queensland it was a wopping big 1 meter long really thick wood black board ruler "touch your toes and wham" up north in Rockhampton it was 6 of the best open hand smashed down on the finger tips ! worked well bring it back stop all this rubbish it works we are animals that learn from lessons not time out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, noticeable by the way you learnt to spell and construct sentences. You really benefited from your schooling I am sure.

Great stuff, but don't try and call it the 'Australian way'... I have known students that have had to be helped psychologically to recover from the bullying received at the hands of their school masters back home in Aussie. Fortunately there were a few good Aussie masters, including my own grandfather who stepped into the breach and prevented them from being tortured, and helped them to become decent citizens in the process, despite the dreadful odds stacked against them... like having 'loving' fathers who were in jail for incest and the like... I am NOT making this stuff up either. Some of the worst daily torturers should be followed up and gaoled for child abuse.

Sorry didnt think we were getting judged on grammer and punctuation in this test !

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Is it me or have I not heard from any Americans with their caning experiences if any? If caning has anything to do with how men behave later in life like they do in the UK at football matches, maybe caning did have an effect. Want a better way to get children to behave? Get them to respect you, be their friend, show integrity. Anyone can beat an animal, and I have no respect for "teachers" treat children like animals. Everybody teaches something, you don't have to get paid for it; what are they teaching? :angry:

I think you'll find most football hooligans are from the working classes and went to secobdary modern (state) school where caning was not part of the equation since the sixties. In Catholic and private schools caning continued up until the 90's when it was made illegal. How much football hooligans were there in the 60's and before? practically none. The demise of grammar schools (in cities at least) took away the chance for rank-and-file (lower classes) to attend schools with better educational standards and more severe discipline codes (and punishment) - only religious schools and private schools which were either too expensive or required church approval (the local Bishop signed a letter written by my priest for me to be accepted into my Catholic seconday school - it was a requirement as was church attendance). Caning did not create hooligans, lack of civil values and early discipline and pride did.

Do kids respect you if you try to be their friend? Not sure. However, having never smacked my kids, I do not see that caning has any place in modern society, but respect and discipline does. It is a fine balancing act, and many countries seems to have falled off that fence on to the other side (where the grass turned out to be sapling triffids and not greener at all). Having sixty or more kids in a class without aircon during summer on a friday afternoon must be impossible. I still blame the school for not putting a properly trained teacher in front of the class who (at least we hope) has been trained on how to instill the right kind of energy and behaviour.

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Is it me or have I not heard from any Americans with their caning experiences if any? If caning has anything to do with how men behave later in life like they do in the UK at football matches, maybe caning did have an effect. Want a better way to get children to behave? Get them to respect you, be their friend, show integrity. Anyone can beat an animal, and I have no respect for "teachers" treat children like animals. Everybody teaches something, you don't have to get paid for it; what are they teaching? :angry:

I think you'll find most football hooligans are from the working classes and went to secobdary modern (state) school where caning was not part of the equation since the sixties. In Catholic and private schools caning continued up until the 90's when it was made illegal. How much football hooligans were there in the 60's and before? practically none. The demise of grammar schools (in cities at least) took away the chance for rank-and-file (lower classes) to attend schools with better educational standards and more severe discipline codes (and punishment) - only religious schools and private schools which were either too expensive or required church approval (the local Bishop signed a letter written by my priest for me to be accepted into my Catholic seconday school - it was a requirement as was church attendance). Caning did not create hooligans, lack of civil values and early discipline and pride did.

Do kids respect you if you try to be their friend? Not sure. However, having never smacked my kids, I do not see that caning has any place in modern society, but respect and discipline does. It is a fine balancing act, and many countries seems to have falled off that fence on to the other side (where the grass turned out to be sapling triffids and not greener at all). Having sixty or more kids in a class without aircon during summer on a friday afternoon must be impossible. I still blame the school for not putting a properly trained teacher in front of the class who (at least we hope) has been trained on how to instill the right kind of energy and behaviour.

Working class? The majority, yes. Although nothing to do with caning.


"In 1885, the two teams were pelted with stones; attacked with sticks, punched, kicked and spat at. One Preston player was beaten so severely that he lost consciousness. Press reports of the time described the fans as "howling roughs". [/url]The following year, Preston fans fought fans in a railway station; the first recorded instance of football hooliganism away from a match. In 1905, several Preston fans were tried for hooliganism, including a "drunk and disorderly" 70 year old woman, following their match against Blackburn Rovers"

You're right about respect and discipline. There are too many lazy, ineffective, inept teachers out there who are secure in their (government!) jobs until retirement. Shame. The good teachers are swimming against a tide of complacent teachers and directors. I didn't even mention the inherent corruption...oops!

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At the age of 9, I was caned once by the headmaster of a private school I attended. Needless to say, I had done wrong. Maybe I should have, but holding the back of the chair at the time and awaiting the thwacks, I didn't learn any lesson in respect .... more a quiet seething contempt for those exercising their authoritarian power in that era. That same night, my elder brother and sister came to look at the deep purple whealts across my butt. Over the following weeks the whealts changed into a rainbow of different colours, but with no lasting scars

I have lived an honest life ever since, so some might argue that this incident kept me on the 'straight and narrow'. Personally, I would still quietly disagree. Caning kids doesn't teach them lessons in respect rather lessons in subjucation, humilliation, and the physical punishment that can be ascribed for their wrong doings.

At least my caning was done in private. I was repulsed by how it was handled in this thread's previous video posts.

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from that video you cant exactly see what the scenario was, for all we know it could have been some kind of game, it looks like they were lined up (lets see who can take the most shots etc) maybe the students were part of it aswell, who know right at this point, but either way he shouldnt have been doing it in the first place.

My second point, if only schools still did punishment like this the world will be a better place. I came from a school in South Africa where if you were talking in class or misbehaving when young, it was the ruler to hand, the older you got the more ruler hits it would be and finally was the cane when older.

Then i came to the UK, omg im not even going to tell you how disgusted in was in the lack of respect of teachers and pure carnage i saw in classes, im sorry but someone who has had first hand experience in both i say bring back classroom discipline. A simple little ruler hit on your hand was enough for you to be quiet in class, concentrate and not have hooligans disrupt an entire 1 hour classrooom where the teacher finally walks out and nothing gets learnt, due to some idiotic individual content on bringing havoc to classrooms. And be it known my school was a pretty decent standard, heck knows whats happening to the hundreds of other schools there.

I would in a heart beat send my children to schools if they still did classroom discipline, i agree in it.

Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Leslie1984
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Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

So you think teaching "good manners" through violence is acceptable? That sounds a bit ironic. Is it good manners to use violence to make people do what you want them to do? i.e. use violence to control people? Would you hit a maid if she didn't clean something properly?

Nobody has mentioned using a rewards based system to teach what's right and wrong. Would that be better?

Edited by hyperdimension
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This teacher needs to be caned, publicly.

Would something like this happen to my son, I'd pay somebody to let him know what real pain is. He wouldn't be back at school. How can you call him a teacher?

Okay, let's face it. some teachers at elementary schools are using bamboo sticks to hit the little kids. But it's over at high school level.

I hope the students in this movie will find him in the middle of the night.

Good to have cell phones in the classroom.........

Except I wouldn't pay anyone, I would rather inflict the damage myself. It would be swift and severe and people in Comas always have difficulty in pressing charges. :D

But they would find your white ass.....

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Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

So you think teaching "good manners" through violence is acceptable? That sounds a bit ironic. Is it good manners to use violence to make people do what you want them to do? i.e. use violence to control people? Would you hit a maid if she didn't clean something properly?

Nobody has mentioned using a rewards based system to teach what's right and wrong. Would that be better?

Pink Panther never said you'd be gay.

Edited by sirchai
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Pink Panther never said you'd be gay.

I'm not sure what you mean exactly... maybe you are drunk as it's quite late right now. Are you saying that it's homosexual behavior to abstain from inflicting violence upon children (or anyone)? That inflicting violence is heterosexual behavior?

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Please permit me to offer an alternative view to imposing physical pain agsinst kids that have done wrong. Punishment for sure, but please, not violence against them in physical, emotional, and/or psycological form. According to their age, there are so many non violent forms of punishment.... standing in the corner, mopping the classroom, clearing up the playground, writing laborious lines, missing out on the next football match, missing out on the next school party... the list is endless.

To Hyperdimension. You pose tough questions in your 1st para, and you'll know whrere I stand already on those points. To your last sentance, however. I pretty well knew what was right and wrong by the age of 5, as I suspect so did most of us. So when, as a kid, I misbehaved, I did it out of 'testing the system so to speak', attention seeking, stuborness, or just because I wanted something and thought I could get away with it. Point is my right/wrong compass was already well set, and I deserved, non violent, punishment when I knowingly deviated from doing whats right.

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After watching the vdo clip and seeing photos of the wounds inflicted I have come to the conclusion that this art "teacher' is a sadistic, cretinous buffoon of the first order who has brought the Thai education system into (more) disrepute. I also have witnessed canings in Thai schools but they were given reasonably, without any real force, only enough to smart for an hour or so and with the consent of the parents. I'm sure, teachers all over Thailand are cringing at what has been done by this fool of an art 'teacher'.

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Stuck in the last century.

I went to a catholic school in London, 20 years ago.

There was no canning there but I rember one teacher who beat the sh*t out of one pupil right in front of us.

Have to say though we did some bad s@*t to the teachers,

Our head teacher was stabbed to death.

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I am wondering -- just wondering -- if the apparent rise in crimes these days, and I am including every kind of crime, from the Aldhouse kind that we read about on another thread, to the Wall Street kind, to the jihadi kind, to the general mob violence kind, is a result of the ending of caning in schools.

It's a totally different society today - violent movies and swearing the norm, the internet, terrorism. Don't think you can blame the above on the cessation of corporal punishment in the West. But ponder this, perhaps the act of caning yesterday has given rise to todays' murderers and terrorists...

I'm undecided. Certainly kept me from crossing the line through the fear of getting the whack, but anybody condoning what this chump has done needs their head read.

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Horrible! Saw the picture of the kid who got canning with a golfclub...:blink:

May I ask you guys who are teachers here; why do you think they hit the kids is it because they have done something really bad or is this common practice when students haven't done their homework or such?

It's not an excuse, but I just wonder; are thai kids more playful in the classroom than their western counterpart or is it the same? One teacher I meet said that it's too many students per class so it gets rather noisy and hard to interact with the students.

Kids are kids, where ever they are from. They are not really that different, other than the religion and the usual brainwashing. But the expression from the teacher when he is canning, is scary. They do thoroughly enjoy it. When I leave my school, I will publish my little video. :rolleyes:

I would much rather prefer to see this:

post-53467-012680800 1283300104_thumb.jp

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